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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:02 pm
The current three months for Muk was pretty quiet. He got used to the idea of Amane being pregnant for a while now. He respected it and helped her all those times. It wasn't very easy. He had to endure pain at times too. He woke up at 11 AM. He was sleeping in their master bedroom in their mansion, it was a big big mansion. He woke up as he put his glasses on and got out of bed, starting to dress for work. Muk went downstairs as he made breakfast for him, his love and his little love.
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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:29 pm
Amane woke up to see her lover getting out of bed. "No..." She mumbled, grabbing for his arm and trying to pull him back into bed. "Stay..." She said, her eyes still closed. She knew he couldn't stay, but that didn't stop her wanting him to. She held tightly onto his arm, pulling him towards her. She eventually let go and faceplanted into the pillow. Amane was quite tired, so she just lay there until she fell asleep again.

Odin licked at his paws, watching Mukoro as he got ready for work. He nuzzled his leg, hoping for a scratch behind the ear. His summer coat had started to show through, the silver flecks appearing vibrant under the grey of his winter coat. He put his paws up to the window and took in the scenery. This was where Amane and Muk had moved to, a large, spacious mansion on a gorgeous island. Odin enjoyed being here, there was water and sand, and lots of shade in the trees. The mansion was huge too, good for exploring. Odin was however growing weary of that bump on Amane's stomach, which seemed to get larger every week.

His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:43 pm
Muk turned around and patted Amane's head and whispered snuggingly, "Sleep, Amane, you'll need it, love." He stroked her cheek as he gave her a short kiss on the lips. He gently stroked her hair and then walked away from her and smiled, feeling Odin nuzzling his leg. "Good morning, Mr. Wolf." He said teasingly as he put up a bowl of food and water for him. He knew that Odin liked this island. It was better for him then the warm air in Sunagakure. Muk made around 6 sandwiches, 2 for him, 2 for Amane and 2 for his baby. Which he thought by, he never got to discuss a name with her yet. Maybe he should bring that up soon.
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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:25 pm
Amane woke up after a short while and rubbed her eyes. She stood up, but soon realized standing up too fast wasn't very good for her. She fell back down onto the bed, and closed her eyes again. Today seemed to be a tired day for Amane, but when Muk came back up to see her he would probably end up being dragged back to bed with her. She wanted someone to cuddle today, just to lay there in his arms the entire day, without a care. She listened to the distant sound of the waves on the beach, the smooth sound soothing her as she began to drift off slightly.

His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:38 am
As Muk was making the sandwiches in the kitchen he was thinking of going back soon, to huggle the hell out of Amane and hand her, her sandwiches and their baby's. He smiled as he innocently blushed. He had his crazy idea's. The mailman delivered the morning paper as Muk thanked her. He started to read it with a cup off coffee, and after 10 minutes was doing reading. When he had done this he left his cup of coffee and the newspaper on the counter. He took the sandwiches on an plate and walked up stairs. He sat on the bed as he kissed Amane's cheek. "I have made our breakfast, love." He said softly, not wanting to wake her up.
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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:22 am
Amane's eyelashes fluttered a bit as she looked up at her lover. She smiled slightly and reached a hand up to stroke his hair. He had made sandwiches, so Amane sat up and yawned whilst stretching her arms. "Excuse me for a minute please.." she stood up and walked through to the bathroom. Amane washed her hands and face, using a fragrant apricot lotion. She tied her hair back and brushed her teeth. After she had finished, she felt much more refreshed and awake. She was about to go back through to the bedroom when she caught sight of herself in a full length mirror. Her bump was pretty big. She stroked it, asking it how her little angel was doing. It was fairly warm, so Amane kept her hair tied back. She sighed and walked back through, sitting on the bed next to Mukoro. "Sorry about that..." she said quietly, resting her head on his shoulder. "Breakfast looks nice.." she smiled.

His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:45 am
Muk smiled brightly seeing her wake up, he hugged her waist and nodded as he put the plate on the shelve next to their bed. He nodded hating to see her leave him for a moment, he grabbed a book as he put on his glasses, starting to read it from page to page. After a few minutes, his lover came back as he smiled. He smelled her nice hands as he was close to her. He nodded. "Yep, I know I'm not that good a cook, but at least I can make you food, love." He smiled as he said so. He pulled his glasses off and grabbed a sandwich, starting to nibble on it then bite it, slowly chewing it. Life was so good.
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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:02 am
Amane nibbled her sandwich. It was really good. "This is really nice." she smiled. She continued to eat her sandwich, but dropped it as a sharp pain suddenly striked at the left side of her stomach. She clutched her side and curled up, moaning in pain. She took in short breaths and her eyes began to water. She didn't have to think too hard about it to know what it was. Amane looked up and Mukoro and quickly grabbed his hand, his sandwich landing softly on the bed. She held it to the place she had just felt the pain, and pressed her hand firmly on his. The pain came again, but this time it felt lighter, less painful. Amane felt Muk's hand move slightly, and smiled, her eyes still watering from the sharp pain. "Mukoro... Your baby is beating you up..." she said between happy gasps of air. The baby had started kicking.

His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:23 am
(Could we just say that we already went to a doctor and said it's gonna be a boy, or do that later?)

Muk smiled as his lover approved. "Yippie." He silently celebrated. He took another bite as he saw Amane suddenly move he gotten worried. He stroked her hips as he saw her tear up. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know it tasted that bad.." Looks down and feels slightly guilty. His hand was then taking and put on her bump, he felt something there. "Wh-wha.." He then felt it again, it was a small kick. "T-The baby!" His eyes got all sparkly. "The baby is beating me up?" He was slightly confused about her wording. "Oh yeah.. we still don't have a name for the baby... do you have an idea, love?"
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His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed) Empty Re: His Love and his little Love (Private;Closed)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:41 am
(I dunno, it's up to you, I think we should leave it as a surprise until its born, but if you want to know now I dont mind. - well I called it a 'he' in here anyway, might as well )

Amane calmed herself a bit, not knowing whether she was happy or scared. "He's kicking you already..." she smiled, giving reason for her comment earlier about his baby beating him up. Amane's insides fluttered a bit when she saw how happy Muk looked when he felt his child. He then asked her about names. Amane didn't know, though she had pondered on a few. She would ask him if he had any ideas first though, maybe his would be better than hers. The baby kicked her again as she spoke. "Well...what do you think?" she asked, stroking her bump. "hehe, that's your daddy your kicking honey..." she laughed quietly. "Mommy loves you..."
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