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Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:03 am
The day was bright and sunny as the gleams of light cut through the gaps in the shack house to awake Hoshi.

It would be a good day today. Hoshi had previously kept a small eye on the genin exams as he expected a certain someone to become a genin and sure enough he discovered that Natsume is now a fully fledged Genin! She did good work to become a genin at this rapid pace that Hoshi even feels proud for her achievement. 

So Hoshi decided to hit the public training grounds today to see if Natsume would be there. But first he decided to pack a drink and some cold curry he's not eaten yet and get a move on to possibly meet Natsume back where they first met to congratulate her and perhaps even see what she can do in terms of combat? Who knows, and so with a skip and a hop Hoshi arrived at the village.

Whilst he was on the way too the training grounds he saw a small kid around the age of 7 getting bullied by fully fledged adults? Why do people never learn. Hoshi looked around to see if their was anything he could do just to end things quickly... No one was watching, meaning Hoshi could technically do that.

With a strong heave Hoshi ripped out a baseball sized piece of stone via tearing at some of the ground with his hand, Ripped it in two And threw both at the back of the heads at both the aggressive adults. Ending up in two unconscious people on the ground and the kid running for his life. Definitely a good day.

He arrived at the training grounds with no Natsume in sight. Well it was 6:30 A.M so perhaps that maybe why she isn't here yet. So Hoshi got a move on with some laps around the training grounds and even using his seven heavens breathing technique to it's fullest potential. Managing to make several laps of 200 metre's in less than 10 seconds. Definitely fast enough. By the time he finished his sprint training it had become 10:00 A.M in a flash. So Hoshi decided yet again to look for Natsume.

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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:57 pm
Natsume had spent the evening after her graduation celebrating the event with her father and brother, delighting in the chance to stuff herself with barbeque and telling them all about the exam. Her brother had, as she had kind of expected, been excited for her but did not really care about the whole 'ninja' thing in and of itself. His lack of understanding was understandable. He had never shown interest in the life of a ninja like she had. What had surprised her was her father. He had done all the right things: splurged on a feast of a dinner, grinned and ruffled her hair, congratulated her... but something had felt off the whole night, as if he had not wanted this outcome. "Does he not want me to become a ninja? Why...?"

While her nights would often be consumed by unbearable nightmares, this time, she could not get to sleep at all. She had twisted and turned, trying to interpret the odd look in her father's eyes. Had it been disappointment? Fear? Natsume was just following in his footsteps, and could not comprehend why there would be anything negative in that. When the sun rose the next day, the bag under her eyes were even deeper than they usually were. She sighed at her reflection in the mirror and rubbed wearily at the bags, wondering if it would be vain to learn genjutsu simply to hide the unsightly things. "Probably." For now, she'd live with them and hope nobody would ask about them.

She left the house later than she usually would, at 09:00, if she read the sun correctly. She jogged towards the training grounds with only a scroll in one hand and an apple in the other. As she jogged, she would periodically take bites out of the apple, devouring it in its entirety—core and seeds and all.

Right now, Natsume needed, more than anything else, a distraction. She'd already distracted herself plenty this morning, organizing books and supplies into piles and then sealing them into scrolls, then taking a step further and sealing those scrolls into one ultimate storage scroll. It was organized, yes, but it had been done with the intention of wasting time, trying to keep her head and hands busy so she wouldn't think about the odd look in her father's eyes. Eventually, however, she could hear her father and brother waking up and realized she would need to escape the house to avoid confrontation or, even worse, maddening silence as her doubts and fears consumed her. So here she was, rushing off to the training grounds.

Imagine her surprise when she spotted Hoshi, slightly off in the distance, looking for something. "Should I say hello?" She didn't want to interrupt him if he was busy, but he was also the kind of guy that could easily train her into the ground, keeping her occupied with improving herself rather than all her other fears. She swallowed down the doubt that told her to walk away and called out. "Hoshi-senpai!" She waved at him. "Remember me? Notice something different?" She forced a bright smile and planted her hands on her hips, waiting for him to point out the noticeable addition of the ninja headband around her thigh. Even if she would be using him as a distraction, she wouldn't let him know that. She had to pretend to be okay; he didn't need to know about her problems.

[ WC: 574 | TWC: 574 ]
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:39 am
As Hoshi finished his extra training he decided to once again look for Natsume. She had to be around somewhere surely? And if by on cue he heard Natsume call out his name out of the blue. She even had a shiny new ninja waist band? No one wore these things on their head do they. "Hey Natsume. I was wondering if ya would visit the training grounds after graduation and such. Congratulations by the way on becoming a genin."Hoshi wanted to get that off his chest. It still felt nice to see Natsume become a genin from her simple academy student position and if she's here it means she's here to get even stronger. 

"It has been a little bit so I wanna know what you've been up to these past few days. Since you do seem alot stronger than when we first met and such." It wasn't flattery she indeed looked much stronger than she used to ,though definitely nothing out the ordinary yet, she maybe strong enough to train with him. "Hey what would ya thought's be on using your jutsu against me, Could be cool seeing how much you can try to do against me." The technique's one can use are vital in one's success ,So even if you become stronger than anyone else, if you only have one jutsu you would never be successful. 

As Hoshi was preparing himself he also wanted to know what her next steps were to be "Even iv ya know nothing it maybe nice just ta hear whatcha planning to become at a later stage. Then I might be helpful just trying to help you out learning these new techniques." Hoshi after saying that gave a serious look towards Natsume all of a sudden. His mind has switched into a defensive combat mode to see just what Natsume can do.
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:31 pm
She bowed her head bashfully as he congratulated her on the exams. It felt like the first time somebody had said that and was genuinely glad for it. He didn't focus on that for very long, though. "I seem stronger to you?" she repeated. She looked down at her hands and flexed them, wondering what strength he was seeing. "Fighting you, huh? I mean, I could try...? I haven't really learned any techniques that are specifically offensive though."

She scratched her cheeks as she contemplated how to answer his questions. "What I'm planning...?" She glanced at the scroll holding her sealed study material. "I know I'll never be a front-line combatant, not like you, Hoshi-senpai. What I'm good at is Ninjutsu. It's in my blood. But I've been reading up a bit, now that I have access to the shinobi-section of the library, and have you heard of fuinjutsu before?" She held up the scroll she'd been working with in the morning—no seal could be seen, as it was rolled up, but that wasn't the point. "It's fascinating, Hoshi-senpai, the things that can be done. I want to learn more. I want to learn everything. Ninjutsu. Fuinjutsu. Genjutsu. Medical Jutsu." She licked her lips. At some point during her rambling, Natsume had started to inch closer to Hoshi, her eyes lit with a burning, fiery passion. It was like looking into a volcano moments before it erupted. Beautiful. Dangerous. Thrilling.

"Say, Hoshi-senpai. Even if it won't be my specialty... I should still learn some taijutsu, don't you think? Could you teach me something?" At some point, without realizing, Natsume had subconsciously started using puppy eyes, almost as if daring Hoshi to say no.

[ WC: 283 | TWC: 574 ]
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:40 pm
She seemed pretty glad when congratulated on her exam. Perhaps in Hoshi's eye's she hasn't been getting enough praise at home. She could be an orphan but that's unlikely, More than likely she just doesn't get any support from being a ninja. Though this thought didn't linger on for long as she seemed genuinely please he thought she looked stronger. Though as she flexed she probably though physical strength, Yet Hoshi could tell she's become faster simply from how her movements seem more... Trained than ever before.

"Huh. So you don't have any offensive jutsu yet? That's just not a good thing ya know. Without any offensive Jutsu one wouldn't be able to become a chuunin at all." What Hoshi was stating was the truth. Without the offensive jutsu's he has learned he wouldn't be able to even touch or get close to reaching Ryuka and Zyxis ,Even though by this point his physical strength clearly has reached them.

So... Natsume is one with chakra in her blood? Why did everyone Hoshi meet have something wacky with their blood. First Ryuka (probably), Now Natsume. Next thing you know Zyxis is just going to pull out his own bloodline all of a sudden going "Whoops my bad I'm actually a noble." Just what kinda crown was Hoshi getting himself into. "Somethin in ya blood? What are you a clan member or somethin? And yeah i've read about Fuinjutsu. Not much though really, just the fact one can seal objects and people with ease or the likes right?" Hoshi was begging that he was right about this statement.

"Your alot more ambitious than I though you were aren't you Natsume." Hoshi managed to get a small chuckle out of himself. Natsume really does want to learn all the kinds of tricks and trades... Hopefully taijutsu is within there... PLEASE let their be Taijutsu to teach her...

As if on cue she asked Hoshi to teach her Taijutsu. Finally something he could do. Yet the puppy dog eye's that she was using clearly weren't working as he just wanted to teach something he knew not have someone beg. He hates begging. "Sure i'll teach ya taijutsu. Only if you stop begging right now though!" 

With that said and done Hoshi decided to teach Natsume the first basic Taijutsu he ever learned. "This technique I'm about to show you is called the iron claw. Unlike jutsu it focuses on your strength. This requires you to Grip your opponents face hard. Like so." Hoshi reached out for Natsume's face in an instant. Gripping it well with the Iron claw technique. At max speeds [40+10 jutsu] yet holding back it's strength for obvious reasons. "I think this move could be useful when trying to keep a foe close enough for you to grab. So now you try that on me." Hoshi began to lean forward a bit to prepare for Natsume's Iron claw attack though not even trying to protect himself.

[WC-495] [TWC-1177]
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:09 pm
She stared at the ground as he pointed out the error in her ways. "I've learned that one lightning technique from Zyxis, but, aside from that..." A part of her wanted to shout at him and say it was unfair of him to be so rough on her, she'd only just become Genin, after all! But the part that held herself to intense standards could only agree with his critique, could only demand more from her, and she was a slave to that little voice in her head in the end. She was brought back to reality by his questioning. "Ah, I guess it's not a big clan... but I'm a Koutaishi." She shrugged as if that explained everything. "Paper jutsu users, but aside from my family, I've not met any others yet." She smiled as he defined fuinjutsu for her. "Yes, that's about right. Sealing things, people, but also elements and chakra. It's like jutsu... but written, I suppose, is the best way to describe it."

Her lips smacked tightly together as he demanded that she stop her begging. Had she been begging? She hadn't realized, but now that he'd pointed it out, she did her best to keep a still face. It was, however, hard to keep a still expression when he reached out to grip her face in his hand and squeezed. Hard. Even when holding back, she could feel the immense power of his grip. She tried to stop the wince from showing, but it was hard to tell if she'd managed with her face contorted and squished.

Then it was her turn to demonstrate. He even leaned forward, not bothering to defend himself. Her pride was slightly hurt. She snapped her hand out and dug her fingers into his cheeks [Iron Claw]. Her slightly smaller hand meant she couldn't cover as much of the face, but she made up for it in nails that dug into flesh as she squeezed. She held it there for a moment and then, just as fast as she'd done the technique, tore her hand away from him as if stung. Not because her hand had started to cramp up, but more out of disbelief that she'd done such a thing to her superior. "A-Ah... I..." Should she apologize? But she'd done what he had wanted, hadn't she?

She tentatively held her hand to her chest. "How was it?" She doubted that she had even managed to hurt him, but just the idea of disrespecting her superior made her sick. She needed some reassurance that she was doing the right thing.

[ Iron Claw: 20 STR(10+10), 40 SPD(20+10+10)

WC: 431 | TWC: 1288 ]
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:46 am
As she begun to use the iron claw a mild discomfort seemed to be seen in her eye's as she tried it and just as rapidly stopped using it on Hoshi. "I guess it was ok if you don't want to hold it long that's fine but just right now you sounded panic'd. As if ya would've started apologising straight afterwards. Here's what i'll say, Ya don't need to treat me like a superior or somethin, Both of us are genin so neither are higher ranking than the other." Of course he said this it was in terms of rank. He just wanted them to pretty much act how they normally do in front of each other instead of all this pent up emotion hidden in her. "So chill out abit ok?"

Though Hoshi just taught her the iron claw he knew it was only a stepping stone in terms of a technique. What Natsume truly needed at that moment was to learn some combat experience since sooner or later she would have to be thrust into combat. "Natsume what would you say to a small spar against me. Don't worry I'll hold back it's just so you start learning how to fight and all." Hoshi after stating that he would hold back put both of his arms behind his back, Since he wanted to get Natsume fighting whilst also holding himself back so he can't accidentally hurt her too bad. 

After stating this Hoshi backed off around 10 metre's if Natsume aloud him. It was a pretty open arena with some cracks here or there within the floor. Near nothing to hide with and the sun behind Natsume's back to which Hoshi had to look at slightly too see Natsume.

[WC-291] [TWC-1468]
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:59 pm
She frowned as she was instructed to, as Hoshi put it, 'chill out'. It was a direct order, so of course she would follow it, but she personally disagreed with his viewpoint. He had become a genin before her, was obviously more powerful that her, and should be shown respect for that. It was simply the way she was brought up, and the idea of not doing that... "It's against my nature." She refused to complain about it aloud though.

Instead of continuing to mull over her discomfort, Natsume focused on the offer Hoshi proposed. "A spar?" Even as he put both arms behind his back, a demonstration of how he would be going easy on her, she was uncertain. "I suppose that would be vital experience for me." As she said that, she watched him hop a good 10 meters away from her, even taking the disadvantageous side facing the sun. She frowned. She knew it was only with the best intentions that he did so, but the competitive part of herself hated to be belittled like this. That same competitive streak is what lead to her lowering her stance, rocking on the balls of her feet.

With little to hide behind or distract with, Natsume would have to make do with what resources she had at her disposal: herself and her tools. After a moment of composing herself, Natsume launched herself at Hoshi, her hands coming together to form multiple seals: Bird, Snake, Dragon, Horse, and then Ox. Her hands crackled as she neared Hoshi. She swept a hand at his torso, hoping to catch him with the electric charge in her palms [25 Power, 40 Speed].

[ WC: 275 | TWC: 1563

Raiton: Keirin Jutsu 25 Power ]
Hoshi Kyouken
Hoshi Kyouken
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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:43 am
As Hoshi prepared himself mentally for a strike, Natsume began the spar by immediately using unfamiliar hand signs to produce a lightning aura around her palms. With her electrified hands she approached Hoshi and ,Other than the new jutsu, her approach was standard as she closed in the 10 metre gap between the two by simply dashing towards him. This kind of offensive play did help her close the distance, But it also made her attack telegraphed as she went for the chest in a singular strike. 

Hoshi simply strafed to the left of the predicted blow [Natsumes right] and did a small attempt to sweap her legs with the Leaf Gale jutsu [20 strength 40 speed held back] to see how she would attempt to counter and less to actually cause physical harm. 

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up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk] Empty Re: up close encounter of Fuinjutsu [nk]

Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:04 pm
Natsume spotted the sweep, but couldn't move out of the way. Instead of resisting the force of the sweep, she allowed her legs to buckle, taking the hit and moving with the motion. She tucked her chin in and rolled forwards. Mid roll, she did the Snake seal, and as she finished her roll, thrust her hand backwards without looking, sending a cone of sparks in Hoshi's direction [10 Power, 10 Speed].

She did not watch to see the results, instead using the opportunity to put a distance of 10 meters between them.

[ WC: 93 | TWC: 1656 

Raiton: Sparks on Cooldown (2)
Keiren Jutsu on Cooldown (1)

-5 AP

143/158 AP]
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