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Lightning Strikes Empty Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 07, 2018 4:47 pm
Zyxis had sent a note, telling her to come to the training grounds. He was proud of her for becoming a Genin, and he wanted to teach her some stuff as some sort of way of congratulating her. He pulled out one of his kunai and started to mess with the blade. He wondered when she would get here.
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:42 pm
Natsume arrived at the training grounds, her hair in a mess and the bags under her eyes as deep as ever. "I came... as soon as I... got the note, Zyxis-senpai!" Her breath came in fast pants as she tried to get enough air into her lungs. His note had been vary vague. 'Come to the training grounds.' Well, here she was; she had sprinted the whole way from her home to the training grounds. "What... did you... want?"

She groaned slightly and straightened up, offering a slight, confused smile.

[ WC: 90 | TWC: 90 ]
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:51 pm
Zyxis looked at her tired form. Okay, he felt slightly sorry. "I apologize," he said bowing, "I didn't mean to make you come so urgently. Thanks for your dedication though." He would let her take a breath before he walks over to her and pats her head. Hopefully, she would accept his apology.

"I just wanted to teach you a few things. You know, since you've just become a Genin. I'd love to make you grow even stronger than you already are. It just depends on what you want to learn," He took a breath before he spilled out his heart.

"I know lots of D-Rank Taijutsu as I used to specialize in Taijutsu, but now I concentrate in Ninjutsu. I know a C-Rank lightning jutsu by the name of Raiton: Jibashi. I know Body Flicker, Flicker Movement, and a C-Rank Genjutsu. There's also Soul Expulsion, that electric-yellow aura that I exude off of me."

He took another breath and then looked at her. "So, what will it be, Natsu? Can I call you that?"
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:12 pm
She frowned (because it was most certainly not a pout) up at him, but eventually decided to accept his apology, mutely taking the head pats. He was lucky it had been about teaching her new things. He might not have gotten away with being so vague in his notes had it been anything less.

As he talked about what techniques he knew, Natsume grew more and more excited. She was so lucky to know such capable shinobi! She shifted with a slight impatience, waiting for him to finish listing what he knew—and he knew quite a bit—so that she could answer him. "Teach me everything." Her eyes seemed to glimmer with a predatory hint. She leaned closer. "Jibashi. Body flicker. Flicker movement. Soul expulsion. Genjutsu. Taijutsu." She grinned up at him, though her smile seemed sharper than usual. "I want to know it all."

If Zyxis did nothing to stop her, Natsume would eventually blink and shake herself out of it, her hands half-way to grabbing him by the collar. "Ah." She blinked a few more times, and then quietly, almost shyly, would add: "Please."

[ WC: 185 | TWC: 275 ]
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:16 pm
Yep, he definitely felt regretful about the note. Zyxis seeing her frown was horrible, like someone had kicked a puppy. Good thing he knew some jutsu and could make it up to her. Her emotions did a complete flip. Her enthusiasm to learn was adorable, it made him want to teach her all the jutsu he could. When Natsume got closer, he opened his arms and wrapped them around her, giving her a quick hug to knock her out of it.

That was also a form of an apology, right? He let go of her and gave her a smile, "Of course I will teach you all of it. Let's start off slow. I don't want to deter you or overwork you. We can start with the lower leveled techniques."

He scratched the bottom of his chin, "Aren't you favoring Ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu? Wouldn't it be a waste of time to learn Taijutsu? I mean, you still can, but I just want to make sure first. It's not good to learn stuff that you won't use later."

"Well, I'll try to teach you Flicker Movement. It's hard to explain, but once you get it, it will stick," Zyxis would seem to move faster than normal as he threw a couple of punches, "It increases your reaction time an speed. The way to learn it is forget about everything else and think about the pocket of space around you. Use your chakra to mold the space around you, and ta-da."

Zyxis smiled at her, "Give it a try."
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:11 pm
Though she did not exactly like to admit it, Natsume supposed that Zyxis had a point when he mentioned Taijutsu, and the learning of techniques in that field, being a possible waste of time for somebody of her skillset. She did not have the strength for most Taijutsu techniques. It'd be about as intimidating as a baby kitten trying to roar. Still... "While I might not be able to do the more advanced techniques, or even be proficient at the basics, knowing and understanding the basics of something makes it, thus after, possible to properly combat something relating to it, even if you do not know that precise jutsu." She leaned back slightly as she tried to put her thoughts into words—they sometimes went too fast, slipping out of reach before she could verbalize them. "If you know any basic taijutsu moves... it'd be nice if you could teach them to me sometime. Maybe now, maybe later."

Her lips smacked shut together, putting an end to her rambling, as he began to demonstrate one of the techniques: Flicker Movement. To the untrained eye, or to one less curious and observant than Natsume, it would seem they were simply moving faster—but she knew better than that. From before he had brought his hands together into those seals—Rat and then Boar—to his faster than usual punches, she had noticed a visible increase in the speed of everything he did. The usual rhythm of his breathing, slightly faster. The twitches of his eyes, lightning quick. It wasn't just that he moved faster, it was that everything was faster for him.

She managed to catch his explanation, one that was faster and slightly higher in sound, but it was not very... informative. She furrowed her brows and concentrated on the space around her, as he had explained. "When you say the space around me, you mean the wind?" She closed her eyes and slowly lifted her hands, feeling gravity pushing down on her and her general existence. She did the seals. Rat, then boar. "The forces at play?" Mould her chakra and the space around her. Make it hers.

She tried to go beyond what he had described, tried to take the space around her and speed it up. That was what was happening, after all, something was speeding up.

Her eyes flicked open. She did not feel any marked change even after a minute of concentrating; perhaps it was not something you would notice if you did not try moving?

She tried throwing a punch. It seemed to be normal speed. She did not feel any sudden increase to her body's movements, did not feel like she was physically faster or able to react any quicker than before. She frowned and looked up to tell him exactly that.

She felt normal. But when she looked up, looked around her, she realized that the rest of the world... didn't. A leaf in the distance fell, excruciatingly slow, to the ground. The slight rustle of the breeze seemed to play in slow motion, as if fighting against the world to make its natural movement. "You were not speeding yourself up," she gasped in realization. "but slowing the world down."

She grinned at him. "What will be next, Zyxis-senpai?"

[ WC: 544 | TWC: 819

-15 AP
148/163 AP]
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:21 pm
Natsume wasn't stupid by any means. In all honesty, she was probably one of the smarter shinobi he knew. She was able to realize that Taijutsu might not be the best fit for her instead of getting upset and angsty like some others her age would've. It wasn't just that she was intelligent, she was mature for her age. There was Hoshi that acted like a complete idiot. He wasn't aware if Natsu liked Hoshi or not. Natsume was a better fit for the title of "polar opposite" of Hoshi than he was. Just thinking about the boy irritated him.

Anyway, he wouldn't mind teaching her the stuff he knew. He just needed to make sure that they got the important stuff out of the way so that when he started to show her close-up fighting, she could say no at any time and they would be able to go home. He didn't think Natsu was a quitter though, so there was a lesser chance of that happening. 

"Don't worry. I'll teach you the Taijutsu," Zyxis said to reassure her. Wow, Natsume was really great. So, he explained it to her, and she began to go to work. It seemed that he didn't give her the right information at first, but before he could even correct himself, she had already begun to learn it. The way to do the jutsu was to take the matter around you and slow it down, so to other's it might look like you're going faster.

That's what he should've said. But Natsume was fast and got it by herself. The next jutsu he showed her, he would make sure that he explained it right and well enough. "Great job," Zyxis said as she finished the jutsu, "The next one we call the Body Flicker Technique, although we just refer to it simply as Body Flicker."

He cleared his throat, continuing to talk, "The Body Flicker Technique is a jutsu that allows you to vitalize and enhance your speed by using your chakra. It's an instantaneous burst. You saw me use it during my little bout with Hoshi. Well, you probably didn't because I was moving faster than ever, but I most likely disappeared from your view. You can only use it to travel in a straight line. If not, then your bones might shatter, and skin might tear. Your chakra needs to stay in one place. Even if you tried to turn, it probably wouldn't work."

He held his hand out forward and made the Ram-hand seal. "This is the only one you need to channel the chakra throughout your body. Give it a try."
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:58 pm
She felt as if she were vibrating, what with her excitement. If she had been any faster, her vibrations might even make noise.

She had to calm down. Centre herself. She focused on breathing slowly through her nose, then breathing out with her mouth. It was hard to keep her excitement contained, however, as he demonstrated the famous Body Flicker—she had spent so much time envying the ultra fast movements of the shinobi that would flash by as nothing more than a blur. Now it was her turn to learn it!

Thankfully, Zyxis explained it in its entirety before showing Natsume the seals, or she would have most certainly shattered born or torn skin in her haste to try the jutsu. Due to his warning, however, Natsume approached the technique with a newfound caution. She had never known that there was such a limitation to the Body Flicker. "Has that ever happened to you?" she asked absent-mindedly. "Shattering your bones, or tearing your skin, that is." Her morbid mind was curious about what such injuries might look like or feel like. It would probably be best if she did not try to find out for herself.

She brought her hands together into a textbook perfect Ram sign. Her chakra swirled inside of her, drawn to her seal, and coiled into a tight ball at her core. "An instantaneous burst? Maybe like... this?" She tried various things. She tried releasing that ball from her core, and it simply dissipated back into its natural flow, lacking the shebang of a burst. Then, she tried coiling the chakra as tight as possible, then forcing it to burst by mentally popping it like a balloon—she had felt a rush, but had not moved anywhere.

"I'm going about it wrong. How would I move myself with chakra?" It was as if a lightbulb went off above her head. "Aha!" She imagined the ball of chakra bursting out from her back, as if propelling her forward.

Propel forward she did—a solid 50 meters straight into one of the many trees surrounding them. "Ow." Still wrapped around the tree, Natsume slowly slid down until her bottom touched the ground, and then let her torso fall backwards with a flop. It was quite the comical sight. "That was... not what I was expecting," she said with a groan as she looked over at Zyxis. From her position, he was upside down. "Do I always go that fast?" She rubbed her face. "And that far?"

If Zyxis told her how to finetune those two factors, she would spend the next half hour practicing the body flicker. She would try short distances and longer distances, try it mid-jump and on the ground. She would try bursting the ball with it facing in the other direction, launching herself in various directions. She would even try it while standing atop water—she would learn quickly how to instantaneously start and stop the water walking technique to make sure she did not get whiplash upon trying to move while stuck or fall into the water upon arrival.

[ WC: 513 | TWC: 1332

-10 AP
-90 AP (only if the last para happens)
48/163 AP ]
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:51 pm
Zyxis shook his head, "No that has never happened to me. When I try to use a jutsu, I'm always careful. I'm not ready to die just yet, and there's no reason for me to get harmed either." The white-haired Genin looked her dead in the eyes as he spoke, "but there always has to be some logical explanation in this life. There's always an opposite and negative reaction for everything. Remember that."

His eyes softened after he spoke, and he watched her perform the jutsu. Zyxis didn't try to help when she failed; she seemed to be getting it by the way she got back up and worked even harder. "If you need any help from me, just ask," the Genin said, "I'm here to assist." The boy would continue to watch her unless she asked for advice. 

It seemed as if she got it. She wanted to continue using it, but Zyxis still had more to teach her. If she were to keep it up, she would end up passing out like she did the last session. He didn't want that. "Natsu, why don't you take a break with the Body Flicker so we can move on to more stuff. I don't want you to tire out too much."

He would say that before she went on the water. She would be resting at around 100 AP, enough to finish today's lesson. He was itching for some training himself. Maybe a spar would suffice between the two, but he was aware of the fact that she was weaker than him, and he didn't want to hurt her.

"I'll teach you Jibashi next. It's basically like Raiton: Sparks, but a stronger, more powerful version of it. What I do to make the jutsu is to use the basis of the E-Rank technique, add more power to it and refine the bolts. Sharpen the electricity with my chakra, I should say. It's as if you're churning milk or sharpening a blade, to the point where it's useful, but not to the point where it's too far ahead of where you currently need it to be. Hopefully, that makes sense."

"I'll show you," The boy said as he begun to do the hand seals. Boar, Ram, Snake, Horse, and Dragon. He would do it at a speed where she would be able to see it and understand them. The wave of lightning would exit from between his hands, rushing towards the ground. He made sure to solidify it and use it at full power, unlike he did in spars.

The thunder tore at the ground, ripping up the dirt and taking it from the Earth. It flew into the air as it was like a shovel, tearing at everything in its way. It wasn't fair to the ground, as this jutsu was able to rip straight through solid rock. The Earth never had a chance. As soon as it had started, it had ended.

He turned towards Natsume, "Try it out." Zyxis waited to see how she would do. He wouldn't mind helping her out with this one, but it was a pretty simple concept. She was smart, and he was confident that she would get it without much help from her superior.
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Lightning Strikes Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:05 am
She had not realized just how much energy it took to perform body flickers one after the other until Zyxis told her to take a break. It was good that he had been looking out for her—she felt slightly drained but still capable of learning a few more jutsu.

She watched carefully as he went through the five hand seals and then released a powerful wave of electricity from his hands. She threw her arms up to protect her face from the torn bits of dirt flying everywhere. "Amazing..." After he gestured for her to try her hand at it, Natsume would bring her hands together into the first seal. Boar. Ram. Snake. Horse. Dragon. She felt her chakra gathering to her palms, remembered the feeling of Sparks and tried to intensify it.

She thrust her hands, palms out, to the ground, as Zyxis had. The lightning sparked violently and shot straight into the ground, but did not travel like Zyxis' web had.

She frowned and went through the hand seals again, slowing down slightly to really focus on the chakra she was gathering. She tried once more, but this time, it fizzled out before her, not even striking the ground. She tried again, but it did not have the destructive power that Zyxis' had. She was doing it wrong. She was failing.

She clapped her hands together aggressively and rapidly went through the seals. She needed to do this right. She needed... More power. More chakra! Everything she had, it would go in to this. She snarled as she landed on the last seal: Dragon, then threw her hands out. The lightning exploded between her hands, bursting like a finicky grenade while she still held it. She turned her head away and closed her eyes to protect them, but that did little to help her hands that had been exposed directly to the lightning.

Her hands fell to either side of her, numb and covered in thin, fractal patterned scarring. She swallowed, red with shame. Had he not just warned her about being careful with jutsu, to avoid getting harmed? "Zyxis, I..." She chewed on her lip and tried to clench her hands, but she could not feel them. They did nothing but hang uselessly on either side of her.

She avoided his eyes. "I must go."

Surely, there was nothing wrong with making a mistake. Knowing that did nothing to ease the pressure in her chest, the tears forming in her eyes. She had made another mistake. Messed up. She should have been more careful, taken it a bit more slowly. But she had been so eager. So certain. "See you." She took a step back, then another, and then turned on her heel and sprinted back the way she had come from.

[ WC: 465 | TWC: 1797

-80 AP (Jibashi four times)
20/163 AP ]

Last edited by Natsume on Sun Oct 14, 2018 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : formatting)
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