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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:45 pm
It was normal for people to get upset. He wasn't that socially crippled to realize the younger Genin was overly determined. When she had seen that the jutsu she had done wasn't exactly like his, she tried even harder. Of course, it would usually be impossible for someone to pick up on something perfectly the first time, especially someone clanless, or so Zyxis assumed she was.

But no, even after the first try Natsume didn't stop. Also when she was on the point of exhaustion, she continued. Zyxis felt horrible as he watched her keep. It would be disrespectful of him to interrupt her and stop her progress. He was aware that he shouldn't have shown her the full power of the jutsu, especially with his stronger, more abundant chakra. It set the standards way too high for her; he was starting to pick up on the mishaps of her great personality.

Before he knew it, she had driven herself to the point where she hurt herself. It would be hypocritical for him to say anything about it, as he had almost died to learn how to use the primary form of Chidori. He went to comfort her, but she was already under the belief that she was wrong and she mustn't go. Now, Zyxis was all about respecting her privacy, but he couldn't just leave her alone like that.

She was like a little sister to him, and he wanted to be there for her. He held his hands up in the form of the Body Flicker hand seal and flickered to her. He appeared right in front of her face. He would wrap his arms around her with one arm and pat her head with the other.

"Natsume, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I've done it before, wanting to learn stronger jutsu. You're younger and still developing your chakra. It's not your fault that this happened to you. I should've been a better teacher, and I'm sorry for that," Zyxis would finish hugging her as he finished what he needed to say.

He pulled up his sleeve; a ragged scar ran up his arm. It looked similar to a lightning bolt, "Our element might be the most dangerous, Natsu. So be proud of what you've done today. Just don't hurt yourself to the point of permanent damage as your dumb teacher has."

 The white-haired Genin looked her in the eyes as he spoke. He needed to make sure that she was okay. Zyxis wasn't the best with dealing with emotions. The most that he would do was get upset and throw those feelings deep inside. Confiding and reassuring others were hard things for Zyxis to do. His parents never usually got angry, and he didn't have lots of friends while younger, so this was a first time thing for him.

Hopefully, he made her feel better. He wasn't sure if he wanted to put her through any more training since she might be hurting and tired, but it would be up to her. He swore not to make any more stupid choices in how he taught.
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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:22 am
She startled as Zyxis appeared in a flicker in front of her. Before she could lash out or move around him, she was wrapped in a one armed embrace. She sniffled into his shoulder as he pat her head and shook her head as he insisted that it was not her fault that this had happened. "But—!" She bit her lip as he pulled away to reveal the ragged scar on his arm, her eyes tracing the lightning-shapped pattern.

"I failed to do the jutsu, though." Her brows furrowed together and her lips were taut with a frown. "How can I be proud of my mistake or proud of my failures?" She looked at her motionless hands, willing them to clench. Her fingers twitched momentarily before falling still again. She hissed and scrunched her eyes shut, trying to will her tears away. "I apologize, Zyxis. I..." She shook her head. "I did not want you to see me like this."

Despite his best attempts to comfort her, Natsume seemed only more shaky and teary-eyed than before. Her eyes darted from side to side, looking for an escape from this situation, as if she were prey and Zyxis were the predator. If only her hands worked, she could try to Body Flicker her way out of this mess. But they didn't. "May I go now?" She needed to hide, needed to go somewhere where nobody would see her weakness.

[ WC: 238 | TWC: 2035 ]
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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:08 pm
Failure was a normal thing among most everything. There was never a moment in time where someone hadn't failed. Hell, even Gods weren't perfect people. So, when Zyxis failed he didn't get upset, he knew that it was familiar. He probably would've felt strange if here were to get right the first time, it's just unnatural.

So how do you deal with a younger student who thinks that her mistakes destined how things were for her. Errors were something to be proud of when there was that moment you did it right. Not a thing to be upset about, but a regular part in anyone's journey. Natsume looked at her hands as if they weren't hardworking. 

He gently put his palm into hers, rubbing his thumb lightly against her own. The moment might have lost to the numbness in her hands. His actions of holding her hand had no romantic intention what so ever. It was a form of endearment, he wanted to comfort her.

"I know you must not see it, but in front of me is a smart, determined, and strong shinobi. Probably the toughest I have ever met. I'm glad I get to see you like this, it allows me the knowledge that the most excellent people are still human. You're human, Natsume," By now, the boy's voice would've changed to something more sincere, "You're great. You're beautiful. Anything but weak."

By that time, she would've asked if she could go. Zyxis didn't frown, but if she looked into his eyes, she could've seen that he was worried about her. "I don't want to let you go like this. But if that's what you want, then that's what you need. Unless you want me to teach you more stuff, you should go home and get some rest."

Zyxis' eyes never left her own as he spoke to her. He needed to be a hundred percent sure that she understood him and didn't take what he said in any negative connotation, or get the wrong idea.
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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:24 pm
She was motionless, her eyes focused intently on the ground even as he took her numb hand and kneaded it with his thumb. Was he rubbing in the fact that it was numb? That, were it not for the motion taunting her in the corner of her vision, she could not feel it because of her silly mistake? She clenched her teeth.

Her ears were ringing and her eyes were wet with tears, but she held the sobs at bay and listened as he spoke, opening his heart to her with words that sounded sincere. Or was it just pity?

She stayed silent as he confirmed that she was anything but weak. "Okay," she finally said after a rather long pause.

Though he tried to force their gazes to meet, Natsume stubbornly kept her gaze directed to the ground. She was being childish, and she knew it, but she was scared to look into his eyes and see anything negative in them. Scared to confirm the fears that taunted her in the back of her head. Much better to fear and live in doubt than to be certain, right?

She took back her hand. "Okay," she repeated. "I will go home and rest." She bowed at the waist and then, with her head still bowed and hair covering her face, turned and left. It was the only way to keep the tears that were rolling down her cheeks hidden from him, after all. "Thank you."

[ WC: 245 | TWC: 2280

I plan to exit on the next post, unless you have other plans? ]
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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:50 pm
Zyxis watched her in silence. He knew that there wasn't anything that could be said to change her mind. They would have to move on to another day for training. He wished that he could help her, he wanted it more than anything else. Seeing her cry - even seeing her look like she wanted to cry - made his heartache. It was as if someone grabbed his heart and twisted at it, stabbing it with toothpicks as they went on.

Right now he felt helpless. As a person, as a teacher, as a friend. The more that he would try, he knew the more it wouldn't work. He would have to let her go, let her take on her problems by herself. Why couldn't he help her? After killing, training, all the hard things he had to go through as a shinobi, something as simple as this he couldn't fix. Hell, there was no jutsu to fix this.

So he only nodded. Even when tears rolled down Natsume's cheek, and he wanted to cry with her, he just nodded. Stay strong for her, stay strong for yourself. Zyxis gave her another small hug, resting his head on her own for a few seconds and turned to leave.

He would head home unless stopped.


WC: 221

TWC: 2,600

- Lightning Clone Jutsu (2,600/4,000)
- 13 Stats
Stat Page : Smoke Warning
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:00 pm
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Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
She did not watch him as he left, determined to keep her crying face hidden from him and anybody else. It was only the sound of his footsteps fading that alerted her to him leaving, and the resulting silence that let her know she was well and truly alone.

Natsume sunk into a low squat, curling herself as small as she could. She buried her face into her hands and finally let out the sob that had been building up in her chest. Even now, her hands were numb. She sobbed harder. "I am truly pathetic," she said in a whimper. Not only had she failed to do the jutsu, she had broken down in front of one of peers, revealed the fragility of her soul without any prompting. She had well and truly come unravelled, and she could not believe how easily it had happened.

How long had she sat there, crying and hating herself? She could not tell. But eventually the feeling came back into her hands and eventually, she stood back up.

So many things had happened since becoming a Genin. She had buried it all. She had ignored the twinge in her heart when her father started to distance himself from her, she had ignored the fear when she thought she first saw death, she had stomped on the self hatred that came with freezing in a moment of true importance... And now it was all coming out. It felt good. If only she had done it when she was alone, instead of starting to crack in front of Zyxis, she might have been okay with the emotional breakdown.

Instead, she was furious with herself. Furious for her weakness. For her failure. For her lack of composure. "I can not go home yet." After all, the only way to absolve herself of weakness was to train it out of her.

She clapped her hands together, ignoring the twinge in her limbs, and went through the hand seals for Jibashi again. Without the pressure of being watched, it was easier to work through the kinks of her chakra, building it up and kneading it into the shape she needed. She thrust her hands, palms out, towards the ground. "Raiton: Jibashi!" Lightning crackled to life between her hands then shot out towards the ground, tearing it up much like Zyxis' had.

"Hah... Success." She smiled to herself, then collapsed on to the ground, and fell asleep. She would not notice the hairline-thin scars snaking along her left hand, looking very much like the fractal patterns of a lightning scar. At least... not yet.


It was late. Or early. Depends how you look at it, really. The sun was still under the horizon, but it would be rising soon. Natsume opened the door to her house and slipped in as silently as she could, avoiding that one creaky panel on the floor that used to always give her away.

"You didn't think you could actually sneak back in without me noticing, did you, Pumpkin?"

She jumped and looked at her father, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights. "Oh! Papa! Hi." She smiled weakly and waved at him.

His eyes darted to her hands and his brows furrowed. "You're back late." He looked sorely unimpressed with her.

She dodged his disapproving gaze. "I was training." Really, was that not justification enough?

His mouth opened and closed as he made irritated sounds, as if trying to decide how best to lecture his errant daughter. Finally, he sighed. "Take a shower before you go to bed, okay? The bath is drawn as well, if you'd like to relax." And that was that. He went off to bed.

She watched his disappearing back and then sighed as well. A bath sounded good. Really good.

[ WC: 637 | TWC: 2917



  • 14 Stats
  • Super Beast Imitating Drawing (Binding Snakes) (D) (1000/1000) | 776 + 224
  • Raiton: Jibashi (C) (1000/1000) Taught by Zyxis | 1000
  • Body Flicker (D) (500/500) Taught by Zyxis | 500
  • Flicker Movement (D) (500/500) Taught by Zyxis | 500
  • Paper Shuriken (C) (693/2000) | 693 ]

Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Lightning Strikes - Page 2 Empty Re: Lightning Strikes

Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:55 am
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