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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice Empty Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:31 pm
Winds were normal. They were blowing in the Southwestern direction. This was beneficial to the air currents in which Royalty had been soaring high on. About 25 meters into the air, Royalty was flying. He figured it would be faster if the two just ran separately. The weight of another body was holding him back from full speed.

Making a halt, Royalty looked over his shoulder to Kyson. He wondered what went through his friend's head as he had been on Royalty's back. He was sure that Kyson had never experienced anything like this before. After the halt, Royalty descended slowly until his feet were on the ground. He then spoke to his friend.

"Hey, I think it would be better to just run. We're faster separately. I only wanted to fly once we were through the gates because I wanted to go over guards or anyone of the sort. Now, shall we go?"

Royalty waited until Kyson would get off of his back. Once he had done that, Royalty would proceed on foot. He started off not at his top speed but accelerating to it as the time went by.

{Exit to Rain Country Borders. 1000 Words + 100 Speed = 0 Words for Travel}
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Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice Empty Re: Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:41 pm
As Kyson was feeling the breeze and the wind slightly hitting his face. Kyson was amazed that he was high up in the air and looking down at the ground. The view from this high up was just amazing to Kyson. As the two shinobi were flying in the sky, Royalty suddenly stopped. As they started getting closer and closer to the ground, Royalty requested that the two of them would be faster on foot. Which was a good idea because Royalty would not have to carry Kyson.

"Yeah your right, that would be a lot faster. Lets go." Kyson said.

Kyson got off of Royalty's back and they began to run on foot. As the two were running, they were accelerating faster and faster to get to their top speed.

{Exit to Rain Country Borders. 1000 Words + 100 Speed = 0 Words for Travel}
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice Empty Re: Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:14 pm

Approved <3

Also guys please put quick reference stats in your signatures and I'll love you forever <3
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