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Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:16 pm
Hiroshi would stand on the desert sandy grounds. With a cherry lollipop is was chewing on, he would wait around, for someone to show up. On this lovely day in sunagakure. Hiroshi, really didn't mind for some training. With his hidden dagger connected to his left wrist. It was loaded and ready. His Earth boots was covered by the sand. His byakugan eye was already stronger, he was able to learn it very well. 

With everything ready to go, hiroshi was ready for a nice training day! But only if someone show up.....
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:44 pm
What a boring, dry, dull and droll day. Hirako had spent the day working at his parents flower shop all day. Sure, it was busy, but all Hirako ever did was end up arranging flower after flower in a visually appealing ways. However, after work the young Aburame decided to take some time to go off and train. So, he gathered all his gear and, after checking out at the village gates, went out into the vast wastes of the Wind country desert. In his right hand was a scroll that contained his first puppet: pit viper. He figured he could just work on the manipulation of his puppet as he often did. However, as he walked across the dunes he saw a figure-odd, right? All the same Hirako figured he would go see who it was. Once he was five meters behind the boy he would start talking, "Hey, what are ya doing out here?" The voice may come as a surprise, because as a force of habit, Hirako had been using his silent steps from when he first left the village, which masked the sound of his steps. Though the lollipop wielding figure may have been alerted by the shadow that stretched far in front of Hirako as the sun shone on his back.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:55 pm
Hiroshi would here a voice from behind. But he didn't remember hearing nobody walking threw the desert.Especially behind him, with a smirk on hiroshi face. He would turn around slowly, and he looked at a boy figure...the unknown kid ask him what was he doing out here? Of course someone would ask something like that. They are in the middle of the desert, and it's hot as hell! of course a ninja would like to check upon other people when they out here..." I'm actually out here for some training. But if you don't mind me asking, what you doing out here sir?" hiroshi asked, hopefully the male would be a ninja and was willing to train like hiroshi...
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:16 pm
A was always a freaking ninja, no matter. Figuring he might as well training with the odd boy, Hirako replied, "Sure I suppose we can train. I wish you luck." At that Hirako gave a shallow bow and as he was bowing a slight buzzing noise could be heard as a cloud of bugs quickly flew around Hirako in a defensive cloud. The number of these bugs? 67. These bugs made a small cloud all the way around Hirako that extended about a foot off of the Aburame. Granted these bugs were not too numerous and thus the cloud not too dense, but the way they aligned themselves one would be hard pressed to physically touch Hirako without getting dangerously close to the bugs and their chakra sapping bite. Also, as the bugs swarmed out, Hirako dropped the scroll he had been carrying. In a slight poof od smoke a puppet emerged, but it quickly disappeared as Hirako commanded the snake puppet to burrow into the ground with naught, but a twitch of his finger. The snake would thus be buried just six inches below the sand to the right of Hirako. With his left hand the Aburame drew a single kunai. Now, all that remained was to wait. And wait he would
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:02 pm
Hiroshi would just hear the boy shout out he would train with him? hiroshi didn't even ask the boy yet.." well than okay bro, we can train, also before I destroy you. I want ya to know my name haha. I go by the name of hiroshi!" the teen would say as he go ready to end this fight very fast! kneeling down to the ground, he would eat some sand, spitting it out. He would make some clay, kneading it. he would sigh as he made a nice size bird. He would hop on the back of it, laughing. Hiroshi would simply release the bird, he went up 45 meters high. Looking down, hiroshi would be ready to send a single missile at the boy area. 
" kiddo, you is not on my level yet hahahahaha!"
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:28 pm
People, sadly, tended to mince words and Hirako, frankly, did not care for it. All these people claimed to be shinobi yet they always enjoyed introducing themselves in a long winded way that left so much time. Thus, just as the strange boy said the word 'name' Hirako released the Kunai that was formerly in his left hand- the wind up for the throw had been while Hiroshi was talking for the first little bit. The kunai moved with a speed of 25 and would hit none of the bugs that still swarmed around the Aburame. It was a cheap trick, but it was one that Hirako was willing to use. He was a ninja after all. Were the odd lollipop boy to not dodge the kunai then it would hit him squarely in the chest. Also, the second the kunai left Hirako's hand he reached for another one with the same hand he just threw the kunai with and moved his right index finger upwards, which brought the snake puppet up onto Hirako such that it was draped around his neck. Furthermore, as the snake was coming up around his shoulders, a small senbon locked into place in the tail of the snake puppet. Hirako did not know what to expect from the odd boy.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:05 pm
Hiroshi would stand back before he could do any of his attacks, he saw a kunai coming straight for his chest. What kind of childish attack this dude was thinking of? with body flicker to the left. " How easy?" hiroshi said as he hop back 5 meters. Doing his clay attack once again. Kneeling down to the ground, he would attempt to make his clay. Eating some of the sand, he would spit it out, and it was clay. He was gonna try C2 once again. Placing his hands on the clay he would begin to knead it, once he made his bird. Hiroshi would release it and he took off on it. While he was on the back of the bird. He go 45 meters high. Looking at the boy. He be ready to blow him up once again. But in the mean time, hiroshi would pull out two kunai's of his won, and he flew forward. He was at least 20 meters lower. Throwing one kunai at the male chest and the other one would be heading straight for his upper left shoulder. If these attacks was to go, the boy would need medical attention for the kunai to the chest. But the kunai to the shoulder wouldn't do as much damage....

OOC: simple post.....

Last edited by Hiroshi Bakuton on Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:15 pm
Hiroshi would stand back before he could do any of his attacks, he saw a kunai coming straight for his chest. What kind of childish attack this dude was thinking of? with body flicker forward, he would see yet another one coming for him. With a katana he would pull out, he would knock the kunai to the ground.
Ok, just a few things you are going to have to edit....
1. You body flicker forward...well this would kind get you hit by the kunai as you would be body flickering right into it. Seeing as this would kill you in a no kill topic I'd edit it.
2. I never threw a second kunai. I merely mentioned that after throwing the 1st one that Hirako would reach for another one.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:31 pm
OOC: you gonna edit that out right o.o?
and also I dodged your first kunai hahah, that's why I body flickered to DODGE the kunai :D 

Now on the second kunai part I shall edit that out<_< miss understood you there haha
awww damn i see what you talking about if i flicker forward imma kill myself lol. kkkk man I fix that.
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:51 pm
The genin had some skill as he was able to dodge the kunai and, honestly, Hirako would have had no idea where the bugger had gone to due to his opponent's speed until his opponent foolishly mentioned that it was too easy out loud. This instantly keyed Hirako in on where exactly he needed to aim as his eyes zeroed in on the other genin. With a slight twitch of his right index finger the puppeteer fired a single senbon from the tail of his snake puppet with a speed of 45. The senbon would be aimed for the man's neck, but as he had jumped while the senbon was in the air, it would be more so aimed at his stomach. The senbon, were the genin not to dodge, would hit him in the stomach just before he landed his backwards jump of five meters. Also, by that time,  Hirako would have dropped the connection with his puppet, so it lay limply around his shoulders and would have just started weaving hand signs as he had aborted his decision to grab another kunai and chosen to prepare a jutsu. Now all that remained to be seen was what the other genin would do. Hirako was still surrounded by his small swarm of bugs so he felt moderately safe. It was odd how bugs made one feel safe.
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