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Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:17 pm
Before hiroshi could land to the ground. With his byakugan activated, he would see some kind of weapon heading straight for his direction. It was aimed for hiroshi stomach? With his left wrist, he would shoot out a dagger that'll knock the senbon clean to the ground. Once both of those weapons hit each other, they would both fall to the ground....... Once hiroshi landed to the ground, he would then prepare for his attacks...
 Hiroshi wasn't gonna try to use his C2 anymore, due to the fact the boy just kept pulling something out his sleeve. With a smirk on hiroshi face, he wasn't gonna play with this boy anymore.  With a kneel to the ground he would make some clay, after eating it he would spit what was sand now clay out! kneading it, he would make three nice size spiders. Once hiroshi release them, they all charge forward at the unknown boy. Ready to explode once hiroshi said katsu.

Once they was actually about 2 meters to the boy. Hiroshi would laugh. " SAY YOUR SWEET DREAMS KIDDO!" hiroshi would then yell "KATSU" and the first spider that was by him and the other spider and also the other spider that was by him. They will all explode seding the boy flying back with burn's on his body, as for the bugs, they would be killed hopefully from the explosion....As if everything was going to go well...

Last edited by Hiroshi Bakuton on Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:28 pm
What I said (Emphasis added):
The senbon, were the genin not to dodge, would hit him in the stomach just before he landed his backwards jump of five meters
What you said:
Hiroshi would land on the ground.
The logic follows that you would have a senbon in your stomach at this point as I detailed that the senbon would hit you just before you landed from your backwards jump and you made no effort to dodge. However, you may edit your post if you wish.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:08 am
OOC: I edited that idk wtf o.o
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:36 am
Before hiroshi could land to the ground. With his byakugan activated, he would see some kind of weapon heading straight for his direction. It was aimed for hiroshi stomach? with fast leap to the right moving at 100 speed.
You would still be hit with the senbon seeing as you claim to leap while in the air, which, without a jutsu or skill that allows you to do that, is impossible due to the nature of physics. Jump in one direction and try to leap in a completely different one while still in the air from your first jump. Doesn't work, right? Yet again you may edit your post as you see fit.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:40 pm
OOc: okay how if I just land on the ground? your senbon is coming at me with 45 speed. my speed is 135, i am wayyy faster than that senbon. So I can dodge... even if I do land on the ground... still have enough time to dodge...but aye.... imma edit for that last time hirako -.-
edited xD now that post was simple it was a easy dodge haha now you post
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:43 pm
The other man was able to skillfully deflect the senbon that was shot his way, but it mattered not to the Aburame, who had already seen it coming. Luckily Hirako was prepared and had started forming hand seals just as his senbon and the man's kunai knife hit each other. Thus, he would complete them just as his opponent released three of what seemed to be insects. Hirako's string if hand seals had ended with him bringing his right index finger just below his mouth and him exhaling. The bugs had already vacated the space in front of Hirako's mouth, so he performed this jutsu without fear of harming his hive. As he exhaled a line of six fireballs flew from his mouth each expanding to have a radius of one meter that were exactly one meter off the flat sandy ground. The fireballs flew in a straight line directly towards Hirako's opponent. The leading fireball would in fact pass right over the bug like creatures the lollipop toting man had created once the leading fireball was ten meters from Hiroshi. Thus, the last fireball in line, in accordance with Hirako's will, would slam downward into the ground right on top of the group of clay bugs. The fireball would, if it hit, destroy the clay like creatures (note speed of fireballs is 40 and your spiders is 30.). The remaining fireballs would  still be in a line, but upon the lead fireball being five meters away from Hiroshi, Hirako would act as he dropped all control of the fireballs. They would simply fly straight towards their target. Were Hiroshi not to move then he would be fried by the fireballs and have to get a new set of skin due to the massive burns he would sustain. Hirako could have easily manipulated the last five fireballs, but he chose not to as he was done with this whole spar. It was boring. Thus, if Hiroshi did indeed escape the fireballs the Aburame would speak, "I surrender." Hopefully the other shinobi had some sense of honor and would allow Hirako to leave without complaint. If he did not? Well, Hirako knew he was wide open for attack and he would see what would happen.
Hiroshi Bakuton
Hiroshi Bakuton
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:24 pm
Hiroshi would laugh  once he landed to the ground. yet the boy would use another attack on hiroshi? fireballs? laughing, hiroshi would see the fireballs as they destroyed his clay minions. With a flash backwards. hiroshi would run back full speed, with a leap to the left. The fireballs would fly by hiroshi no knowing what they would hit. Standing up from the hard sand. Hiroshi would look at the male. Walking up to him. Hiroshi jutsus was done. Ready to do another attack, he heard the boy say he surrender? "well kiddo. sucks for you! but everything you had didn't work on me, but I gotta say. You got me, hahaha you stood back and ya didn't let me touch ya. You a good kid! hiroshi would then pull out one senbon. With a smirk on hiroshi face, he would throw the senbon at the boy upper right shoulder, this attack would do little damage but it would hurt ! until he gets medical attention maybe some throat surgery will do him well. As if he didn't dodge...

 After the senbon left hiroshi hand, he would dash forward and pick up his dagger placing it back in his hidden dagger weapon holder. He would leap forward and run away full speed leaving the desert. He was happy to spar with the kid and to win. Hiroshi was very happy. but although, he would hate to run into the boy once again...

+5 stats
Hirako Aburame
Hirako Aburame
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:32 pm
Hirako was not surprised when the boy easily dodged the fireball column. Luckily it did not seem as if the other genin planned on attacking as he spoke in a rather condescending tone that really irked Hirako. Unfortunately there was nothing that he could do about what happened next. He would watch as the man threw a senbon at him using speed that the Aburame could not yet hope to follow. The next thing he knew there was a needle sized hole in his shoulder. Cleary the man had thrown some kind of weapon at Hirako. He did not know what kind, but he instantly clutched his shoulder and bit back the instinct to scream instead he simply turned around and walked back to the village. It was lucky that the senbon had missed major muscles-it was merely a flesh wound.

Upon returning to the village he went straight to the hospital. He still had his snake puppet draped over his shoulders so he was rather intimidating to some. A single thought filled the genin's mind: revenge. He would, without a doubt, bring that cheap shoting genin. He did not need to know the man's name, no, he would find him and he would make him pay for the flesh wound, but more importantly this encounter would rekindle Hirako's fighting spirit that, as of late, had been rather lacking. He know had a goal and with that goal he would propel himself to become the best shinobi he could be and in doing so bring honor to Sunagakure.

{Exit, TWC: 1507, +7 stats & 15JP}
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Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the tiger strikes again! (p;nk)

Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:36 pm
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