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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Thunder Strikes Empty Thunder Strikes

Fri May 17, 2024 3:56 pm
Thunderclouds gathered, lightning struck. Under the watchful eye of Raijin and Fujin, the two Gods of Kumogakure, one man stood proud. With his imposing figure of six feet eight inches and boasting three hundred pounds of pure muscle, the Raikage looked up at the sky as raindrops fell down. "Bless me as you have done many times before, grant this humble follower the power to continue his endeavor in your name". Taking a couple of minutes, Ichigo allowed a moment of silence to fall over the scenery, his eyes closed as rain touched his skin. A deep breath, in and out, his lungs filled with air, the Kage stared in front of him peering in the distance.

Perfectly in tune with himself, the Raikage took one deep breath, a calm motion followed by removing the white cloak in order to avoid dirtying Kumogakure's symbol as he was about to put his body through intense exercise. Doing so, Ichigo firmly grabbed his trusted sword, Dainsleif, a weapon recently used by the Drunken Storm to slay an enemy during his conquest of Volcano Country. The black swordsman, one of the many monikers he went by, wore his famous armor that protected him from harm more than once. Even though blessed with a body capable of withstanding almost anything, the Darkened Skies II helped in keeping the Kage safe.

(WC: 226)

+ 1 Nature Stack

Nature Stacks: 1/6
Hibiki Sato
Hibiki Sato
Stat Page : Nightmare Circus

Mission Record : Mission Records
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Puppetry Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Clanless
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10925

Thunder Strikes Empty Re: Thunder Strikes

Fri May 17, 2024 4:54 pm
The rain pattered softly on the roads and paths of Kumogakure creating a rippling pattern as Hibiki walked through the village towards the training grounds. He had still yet to make much headway into his weapons training due to his latest lessons with old man Amaya. Hibiki had studied the final lessons with meticulous care and had become engrossed with the nature of living puppets. He understood the value in such a skill but it also frightened him a little. He was confident he could now create one, and he understood why Amaya had insisted so strongly on his medical nin studies yet Hibiki did not like the idea of making himself into a puppet.

The rumble of the protective genjutsu around the village calmed him as he approached the training grounds, he understood in part it was a creation of the village and not divine in origin but he believed that Raijin and Fukin would not allow it to stand if they did not approve and the thought drove him onwards. As he approached he noticed another figure in the distance, obscured by the rain in a white cloak that the figure removed as Hibiki approached. Hibiki did not bother to try and hide his approach but was careful not to disturb whatever training the other individual might be undertaking. It was not uncommon for several people to be training at any ungiven time.

As Hibiki approached he realised the figure was very large and had a kind of familiarity in shape that the young genin could not quite fully place. Hibiki had certainly never seen this person training here before, the armour and silhouette was far to distinctive to be forgotten. Hibiki looked again to the white cloak and the armoured figure and froze realising why the figure seemed familiar, a silhouette he had seen many times at villages festivals or gatherings of great importance but only ever from afar. He was certain it was a person no one in the village would dare imitate. “The Lord Raikage….” He spoke the words aloud in shock and surprise that he had failed to contain. Hibiki had hoped to meet him one day as all ninja of the village should strive to be recognised by the Raikage for their deeds and strength yet it had never occurred to Hibiki he might stumble into the most important and powerful ninja in the village, if not one of the strongest and most influential ninja in the world.

Hibiki knew the stories and legends of his village leaders strength but their was a slight strange sense of disconnection from the myths and stories with the figure standing quietly in the rain preparing to train. Hibiki was unsure precisely how he should react but realised it would be rude not to announce himself. He stood a little straighter and spoke a little too loudly in his nervousness. “Apologies for disturbing your training Lord Raikage, may I train here today or would you prefer to train in private? I would never wish to interrupt you and had I known you were training here I would not have presumed to come train alongside you. But I guess I could learn a lot just by watching, if that is okay?”

Hibiki paused and realised he had not introduced himself and quickly bowed deeply to the Raikage. “Sorry, my name is Hibiki Sato, I am a genin and would like to formally request you allow me to watch you train….if that’s allowed. I don't really know if it is alowed or not” Hibiki tried valiantly to keep his nerves from being communicate through his voice but it would be plain to hear despite his effort. Hibiki did not feel too ashamed, who wouldn’t feel nervous in front of their villages Kage after all?

WC: 625
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Last Tower

Genjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

Thunder Strikes Empty Re: Thunder Strikes

Mon May 27, 2024 4:39 pm
Mist began to roll over the quiet mountains draping them in a veil that obscured vision but gave it such an awe inspiring wonder that made the male continue to stand in silence to observe it. To his left and right sat some of the mountains more local wildlife as they wondered just what the Warden of the Mountains would do. To him, this had been a morning routine to sit in silence and observe the life of nature and what it meant to him.. He had been told something had or would be going on in the training grounds in a bit by his own brother, Kiseragi, although he had wondered why his brother had imparted that piece of information. The former Kage had his hands in all kinds of things, but more than anything he was always keeping tabs on the growth of his own brother. Whatever had been happening in the training grounds must have been important for his growth or maybe something would push his drive to continue his shinobi path. Either way he would set on his path momentarily. A soft nudging against his hand pulled him from his concentration as he looked down to see one of the wolves trying to get his attention. Looking down at the younger pup he would smile and gently pick them up to his level in which it would lick his check and yip at him. Chuckling he would rub between its ears and sat it back down gently. Something like this meant that it was finally near time for his usual departure. Turning to the west of the mountains he would see the sun's rays slowly coming over to him as he nodded and began to head back inside of his cavern home.

Drenched thick with the watery vapors of the mist, he would begin to change into his normal attire and move to grab his headband as the last item of his wardrobe. Making sure he was set for the day, Kiseragi made his way out of his own and down toward the village. Following him had been his pack up to a certain point, where they would stop at the entrance of the mountain road and howl as he disappeared into the mist. It would not take him long, but he would walk through the village and finally arrive at the training grounds where he would see two forms. One was unfamiliar to him, but the other was all too familiar to him. A smile appeared on his face as he walked up to the hulk of a man and brought his right arm to his chest and bowed," Lord Raikage. It seems my brother was correct. There would be something or someone interesting in the training grounds. To what do we owe this pleasure Lord of Lightning?," he'd ask in his low, but booming voice.
Asuka Hyuuga
Asuka Hyuuga
Stat Page : Recipe Book
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Thunder Strikes Empty Re: Thunder Strikes

Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:36 pm
As usual, it was a rather cloudy day over the bustling village of Kumogakure, thunder could be heard booming from above as lightning occasionally kissed the ground. Asuka rose from bed before and slowly began her morning routine as normal. Her life had grown rather monotonous as of late since most of her time had been consumed by working at her parent's bakery and the hospital. She knew she had been severely slacking on her shinobi training, but it had been hard to squeeze it into her already busy schedule. Thankfully today she was able to get a day off from the hospital, so she decided to get in some training after her shift at the bakery.

She’d make a quick breakfast before getting dressed and prepared for the day. Soon she’d leave her home, and make her way to work. For the next few hours, Asuka would spend her time baking various breads, muffins, and snacks. Due to her relaxed and friendly personality, her parents often had her interact with customers, though as she moved through the day her mind would wander to the training grounds. Thankfully due to the downpour, most people stayed home and the bakery was relatively empty so her parents allowed her to take off earlier than expected.

Briefly, she’d return to her home to get changed into her training attire. Before leaving, she’d pull a small glass out from a cupboard, along with a bottle of amber-colored liquid. Admittedly she felt a bit of anxiety about training alone, she had hoped that Akira or Zansu would’ve helped her along but she seemingly was going to have to do it alone. After a drink or two, Asuka would return the bottle back to the cupboard before then heading out from her home. It wouldn’t be long before she reached the training grounds, though she was unsure of where to go from there. She’d wander around the grounds for a few minutes, hoping to find a familiar face.

To any who observed her, Asuka looked to be a relatively healthy young lady with long, snow-white hair that was partially pulled up into a loose ponytail. A few stray strands could be seen framing her face as they dangled loosely from her head. She stood roughly 5’6 with a lean body type, similar to a runner. Her pale, grey eyes immediately gave away the fact that she hailed from the Hyuuga clan. A pristine white dress wrapped around her body and snuggly held her bust and waist, though the bottom of it had become slightly dirty from the various puddles of water. It looked to be multi-layered, though it had long slits up each side in order to allow her to move unimpeded. Over that, a black corset had been secured around her midriff, ensuring the fabric would remain where she intended it to. Her headband was tied loosely around her neck and rested gently on her chest. She looked to be wearing socks that stopped about halfway down her thigh and on her feet she wore white boots with gold embellishment on them.

Eventually, her eyes would fall on a young man she had met previously, Hibiki Sato. Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to notice her as his attention was turned to something else. As he moved closer, Asuka trailed behind him since she now felt herself a bit interested in whatever had drawn his attention. She’d stop as he seemingly approached a familiar, imposing figure that she instantly recognized as the Raikage. Only a few months ago she had briefly met the man while she was tending a stall during one of the festivals though she was sure he had forgotten about her.

While she hesitated to approach, she watched another man join the two of them who also seemed familiar. She had recently done a job with him, along with Akira and Lucien, but admittedly knew little about him. As the three of them began speaking, Asuka was unsure if she should interrupt them. If it had been one of her close friends, she would have had no issue approaching the group, though she could feel the anxiety surrounding the social situation rising in her mind. For a moment she thought about turning around and finding somewhere else to train so she wouldn’t be a bother. However, she was unsure of when her next opportunity to speak with the Raikage would be, so she steeled her mind and began walking towards the group.

Admittedly she felt bad for the Raikage, presumably he was here to train like everyone else and here she was attempting to gain his attention. As she walked, her thighs could be seen slightly through the slits in her dress since the fabric was clinging to her slightly from the rain. She looked a bit sheepish as she approached but had a soft, inviting expression across her face. Waiting for a good place to jump into the conversation, Asuka would attempt to join the three of them. She’d offer the Raikage a graceful curtsy before looking towards the others and flashing them a sweet smile. Asuka then spoke, her voice was soft and melodic as she looked up to Ichigo.

”Lord Raikage, I know you’re probably in the middle of something, but I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is Asuka Hyuuga, we met briefly once at one of the festivals. I heard Hibiki request to watch you train, and if it’s not too much I’d like to join him. My normal partner had other plans for today, so I’m a bit lost on what to do at the moment.”

She’d clasp her hands gently behind her back an embarrassed expression crossed her face. Asuka hated to admit it, but she had never been formally trained so she felt unsure of her direction.

WC: 978
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