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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:24 pm
"Bah this is boring," the female raged out as she threw a lamp at a wall in frustration. She had been...reluctant to ask her foster parents for help. At the same time she was too stubborn to go and seek the help. The crashing of the lamp caused a small notice from the people she had been staying with to peek into her room. As soon as the door opened, amber eyes slowly turned to it staring them down before her expression softened and she froze," I'm fine...Just angry is all. Nothing new. I'll go out and do something I guess," the one that had came up, the female foster mother only smiled and assured her that it was fine and that she would clean up the mess. A soft smile stretched on her face as she hugged the woman, pulling her face into the others cleavage and then leaving. She had already been dressed minus her signature jacket and hat, but when she threw the both of them on? The young Uzumkai made her way out of the house and into the light of the world.

Kagura hadn't been in the village long and in fact didn't....expect much from it. To her it would have been a temporary home until something had of course changed that. As the lone female walked through the village streets, her hands slowly pushed into her pockets, hat tilted downward so that the sun was no longer in her eyes. One of the good things about this village she could admit was despite being taken over by a foreign village they were doing good for themselves. Her walk brought her to one of the training grounds as she could see other genin and ninja both training and conversing with one another. The open fields and many trees gave a variety of options and yet she chose to go deeper into the training grounds until it was either clear or there weren't that many people. With that in mind she stopped and began her stretching for the training to come.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:57 pm
It was another training day for Tokiatsu. He had made a little progress with Chidori and trying to use it one-handed the other day. He had far from perfected either technique though, so he would need to continue working at them in order to achieve the proficiency that he expected of himself. It would do no one good to have half-way learned something before going into the field. He had brought Bossk with him again. His serpentine ally was someone he could always rely on to provide feedback and insight into improving how he performed a technique.

He had left his clan's compound a little later than usual, and came across the village in full daily bustle as a result. It's funny how a slight difference in time can affect how many people are out and about. The Watchman weaved through the crowds easily as he made his way to the training grounds again. While the village itself was relatively busy, the training grounds themselves were sparsely populated. That in itself was a mixed blessing. He enjoyed solitude, however there was something to be said about observing others while they trained. It sometimes provided competition, someone to strive against to better oneself.

One of the training areas was a little busier than the other, shinobi training in pairs or groups. Others were simply standing idle in conversation. There was one girl off to one side that was in the process of limbering up. Tokiatsu would do the same nearby. Bossk would climb down and stay off to one side while Tokiatsu would stretch and mentally go over his plan for the day. He wanted to improve his usage of Lightning Release techniques, specifically the Chidori and its variations. It would take a lot of chakra, but the end results would be worth it.

WC: 303
Gale Uchiha
Gale Uchiha
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An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:11 am
Gale yawned and stretched, waving goodbye to his parents as he headed out of the house for another training session, it was another sunny day and a nice walk through the green and vibrant forest of Konoha until he reached the village. He had been making some steady progress recently in his basics, almost having them mastered to a degree even, at least for a genin. But he still had a long way to go if he ever hoped to graduate and become a Chunin. The last few times he was at the training grounds there weren't too many people but enough to make it an interesting day with some useful information learnt, he hoped today he'd have more people to learn from like before.

Gale had been practising a new technique that his parents both knew, they said it was a staple for any wind style user, or at least in their opinion. It was a jutsu that allowed a wind style shinobi the ability to jump off the very air itself which they assured him had many uses and was difficult to fully master. Gale couldn't really think of many applications for a jutsu like that but perhaps he'd learn about it as he gained some more combat experience, something he was severely lacking.

Gale stepped into the field and took a look around, it seemed there were already a few people getting warmed up for their own exercises. One of the faces looked familiar, though he couldn't remember his name, and the other was a face he hadn't seen before. In any case, they were both much older than him and probably much stronger. He smiled and waved at the older man that he had recognised and began some light stretching, almost imitating the other two that were here before him.

WC: 304

(Not in the title but I was invited over discord )
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Thu Nov 01, 2018 7:08 pm
The female continued to stretch as her joints popped and ached from the stiffness of sleep until she had felt completely limber, but she didn't start punching anything or even moving to grab anything. She sat down and pulled out a single sketchbook and began to draw. Within these pages laid numerous formulas for her most preferred fighting style. The arrays and formulas were something she thought of in her dreams, and even some influenced by her foster parents but the further you got through the pages, the more you would find that they became more of her own. What she didn't know however was that two others had joined her in this most secluded of areas. Tipping her hat down more almost out of reflex she continued to draw until she heard the sound of grass crushing under someone's feet and she immediately stopped drawing and closed the mini sketchbook and looked just from under her hat.

It was someone she definitely had not seen before, and this was simply on the basis that she had never seen most of the shinobi of this village yet. As the book was slid into the depths of her jacket she stood up and looked onto the male some more. His robes looked sort of....raggedly like he had been traveling a lot,but that was mostly attributed to his choice of color for them. She continued to observe the male and if he had came closer she would decide on what to do. Almost instantly she had caught the hand of someone waving to said male which he would look at him and then sigh. So much for being alone and doing her own training. Since this was the issue now she would cross her arms under her bust and wait to see what would happen.
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:14 am
It would seem that the girl nearby wasn't training. After she had finished limbering up, she sat on the ground and started writing in a small notebook. When she had actually noticed that he was there, the book disappeared rather quickly. 'A journal perhaps?' Tokiatsu thought to himself as he completed his own stretches. The Watchman took a different approach today as opposed to his last training day. Instead of starting straight away with trying to use Chidori one-handed, he used both hands to make the hand seals. He was rewarded with the sound reminiscent of birds chirping and what amounted to lighting chakra in his right hand. "Ssssignificant improvement." Bossk said to him from a few meters away. Tokiatsu would look back at him with a chuckle. "You have that right, my friend." As he'd released the technique, someone else had decided to make their way to this particular training ground. Not someone that Tokiatsu recognized, but the boy waved at him. It was only polite to wave back. He would then proceed to go through the motions to use Chidori a second time, receiving equal success to the last time.

"I think I'll try it again one-handed again after a little break from ninjutsu." Tokiatsu would say to Bossk, loudly enough for the others to hear, before unclipping the two halves of Watchman's Rebuke from his belt and connecting them together with a twist. He then allowed his chakra to flow into his weapon, causing two blades to grow out of the rod, one at each end. They were each 4 feet long and were yellow in colour. Since he was not planning on hurting anyone with the weapon, he had altered the flow of his chakra so that the blades would be blunted. Without another word, Tokiatsu would begin a series of katas that seemed to blend a traditional blade kata with that of the bo staff. It almost looked like they had been tailed specifically with this weapon. As far as he could tell, the girl that had been writing earlier was simply sitting there with her arms crossed. The boy was in the process of stretching, apparently limbering up as well. Tokiatsu would continue his bladesmanship for a good fifteen minutes unless he was interrupted.

WC: 380
TWC: 683
Gale Uchiha
Gale Uchiha
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An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:55 pm
Gale observed the two interact, how the girl would write in her notebook, and how the man would proceed to practice his jutsu just as he had before. The woman seemed bothered by his presence so out of respect he decided to get on with his training. First was something to get his heart rate going, bare knuckle push ups, squats, sit ups, then a sprint. Compared to most other ninja, Gale was weak and slow, this was something that had to change if he ever wanted to become a chunin and start being of use t the hidden leaf village. His parents were confused as to why he was so adamant about being a leaf ninja, short answer? Gale was rather optimistic and being so young he was also naive. Once Gale had warmed up he would then begin some basic chakra control exercises, practising some new jutsu for the first time in a while.

WC: 156
TWC: 450

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:57 pm
So the other two had either not have wanted to talk or they were just muddled in their own affairs and did not want to speak any further. This presented a rather....bothersome problem since she wasn't really that much of a talker and a simple thing could probably set her off. There was a distinct disdain in her posture as she tapped her elbow almost impatiently. The more she did it the more she happened to take in her surroundings as the elder man spoke. From what she could see he had been talking to something, so she looked for it. The red eyes slowly locked onto a snake considerable size but nothing that alarmed her. Maybe it was a summon by the way it had been talking though that would have been the more...logical choice.

Instead on focusing on what the male had been doing she instead pointed at the snake and spoke," Is that your summon? Obviously it is but what is its name.," the statement was made rather rough as if she had not thought of if it would offend him or not, but when she wanted to know something she was going to know. As far as the other guy she paid him no mind until they had entered the conversation.

(sorry kinda had nothing to go off on for this on xD)
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:43 pm
The newcomer, after stretching and limbering up had moved on to practicing basic jutsu in order to improve his chakra control. Tokiatsu could appreciate that. Having a better chakra control was important for sure. He wasn't really paying attention to what techniques were being used, he was more focused on the ebb and flow of his swordsmanship. As such, he had almost missed when the girl on the other side of him had spoken. "Is that your summon? Obviously it is but what is its name." Her tone was rougher, almost like she either didn't know or didn't care how to socialise with people. Before Tokiatsu could respond though, Bossk decided to answer. "I am hisss friend, not a possssesssion. My name is Bosssssk. I am from the Ryũchi Cavesss." Tokiatsu would stop his display and follow up his friend's comment. "Indeed. While I have Bossk's permission to summon him to me if needed, he is my friend, not a servant or possession." The rebuke was said gently, Tokiatsu was not one to chide people overly as he was not one to stir up the hornet's nest. The Watchman would deactivate the blades on Watchman's Rebuke, twist it apart and clip the two halves back onto his belt. "I am the Watchman." He would say to the girl. "A Chuunin of this village." He would look at her with curiosity. "And what is your name, young one." Tokiatsu would ask her. She was not as young-looking as the boy that was training beside them, but she still appeared to be younger than he was, and that was the form of address he took to anyone younger than him whose name he did not know.

WC: 284
TWC: 967
Gale Uchiha
Gale Uchiha
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An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:19 pm
Gale was practising wind style jutsu of different variations and thought about how it could be used to enhance kunai and shuriken speed. While taking the shuriken in his hand and shutting one eye as he pretended to throw the shuriken in slow motion, watching how it cut gently through the air, he listened in on the others conversation. It seemed that the other man was a Chunin, he could probably learn a lot from him but he didn't want to interrupt them. Chewing his lip and thinking on it for a moment he decided something like that might be too advanced for him to deal with at the moment, he had only just learnt how to do the wind release slash. Speaking of, he decided to give himself a refresher on the jutsu, making the hand seals he began to see how many he could fire within a certain amount of time, as fast as he could. The blades of wind cut through the air one after another, some merging and some splitting. He managed to get out about eight wind slashes a minute, he definitely needed to work on his speed. "One more time then." Gale continued ramping up his speed but gradually started losing focus and control on his aim which caused one of the blades of wind to come flying towards the man and the woman who were talking to each other nearby.

WC: 235

TWO: 685
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only) Empty Re: An Interesting Time (Lan,Tokiatsu)(Invite Only)

Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:14 am
There was a small quirk of her brow as she looked at the snake and tilted his head for a moment, which was something she wasn't to hear for an answer," I've just seen others treat summons like pets or servants. Hard to assume someone else won't be like the previous person until you see it for yourself. So you are...Wait," and she stops her train of thought for a moment to remember something she had heard or rather read about some of the past ninja of this village which made that summons homeland that much familiar at least in a literary sense," You're from the caves that a ninja here long ago had summons for correct? I cannot remember his name exactly as there were too many things going on in that book and I was only reading it to past the time, but you've had some rather interesting people in your time haven't you?," she had completely bypassed the fact that she was reprimanded by both the snake and guy, but then continued to ask another question.

In fact, once the male had given his name her brow twitched a bit that she couldn't help but chuckle," Are you trying to pull my leg? That's a title. Not a name. If you're going to joke with me at least have a little more tact that giving me a nickname or title. Nice to meet you however Bossk? Was it?," though her eyes had just went back to the other male. As if on cue when she had been looking at him, he would have been practicing whatever wind jutsu it was rather recklessly and around people at that. For some reason he had decided that was a good idea and when he lost control of it, one of the blades came flying at them....Great. While it had not been moving that fast, it was going to be an issue if it had hit either her or "The Watchmen" Given the area the blade would have to cross to get to them, she slide her right foot back and was prepared to do something about it, but there was a chuunin here....

If or rather when the Chuunin did something about the wind blade, she would point at the younger man quite angry with the turn of events," Do you even know what the hell you are doing? Why would you use a freaking jutsu like that around people? What if you had actually hit one of us huh?," her anger was apparent.
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