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Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

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Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:23 pm

The Nova Exams had been behind him by a day and the time for celebration had long been over. While many had been talking about the events and the champions that came from it, one such champion had resumed his work within his business. Since the Exams he had seen an influx of business but the young male had at some point started the habit of forcing some of his clients to his father, Mercurio. The elder smith was flattered by the generosity but Morio called it paying him back for dealing with his rashness in his youth. Although he had recently turned twenty in body and his mind being of that age at least to some statement, he would always be the young asshole of a son to the old and best blacksmith of the village. At the current moment he had been working on a new project for himself to commemorate his rise to Nova. He didn't think it would be something that would be obtained by him and honestly the title was just flashy. To other likes Tsuna or Enishi maybe it was a dream come true, but for The Dragon however it was...fleeting at best. None the less he sighed from behind his counter as he pushed the rectangular framed glasses back onto the brim of his nose and drew out designs while he heard clanging coming from a room not too far from him. In the back Ryouma had been hard at work starting on some of their orders, while Reimei had taken a liking to accounting and making sure any orders or requests were well documented. The two were definitely a blessing to the business and to his life as he seemed to enjoy being around people more.

Not too far from him though he could see the brooding eyes of his patron, the Elderwyrm Nidhogg, silently judging each stroke of the smiths pencil. He spoke occasionally much like Cassian but they judged a lot more. His mind had been...clear as of late as he didn't hear Cassian, but he definitely saw more of them. Looking over his shoulder just a bit he could see the wisp like form of the entity, two auburn like eyes watching the male as if he or as he had came to find out, she, had been contemplating something but keeping watch over him nonetheless. After taking on his true surname things between the two had somewhat developed into a fruitful connection. It didn't feel forced and for the first time it almost felt like something was actually right within him. Not paying any attention to the ebbing that had been going on within his arms due to his Grafted Weapon, he had heard the door open as Reimei greeted them as she usually did," Welcome to the Dragon's Hour where our steel is forged within the flames of the Dragon itself and proven to last for lifetimes, how may we assist," she made it sound like a catchy jingle. A small chuckle came across his face as he began to conduct her business, knowing that if something had happened to him these two would be able to handle this place well.

535 WC
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

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Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:00 pm
The sun was shining right above the Uchiha raven's hair as he was striding along the sidewalks of Hoshigakure. His eyes dead set on where he believed Morio to be at the moment, which was at his own little shop called the dragon's hour. Toran had believed that Morio simply had opened up the shop with some other family members. He could see the slight flicker of multiple chakra’s present within the shop itself. He didn’t know why, but he felt this sudden surge within him that he didn’t even  know why he had it. He felt this urge to smack his fist against a wall until his own knuckles started to bleed. He was so weak now, he could see it in everyone else. The weakness that he now held within him, the way his own eyes had evolved, yet he didn’t even know what to do with them. What they even were, or why exactly they had awakened besides the stress of the invasion. Toran could only think about that as he walked through the doors of Dragon’s Hour, being greeted by someone at the door with a chipper tone to their own voice. Toran would be at least recognizable from how he looked, the same thirteen year old boy that had passion in him, was now seen mostly disappointed inj what he had not accomplished unlike his other contemporaries.

Yet why he was here now was a different matter entirely, it was more or less that he wanted to give Morio a gift for his own rank up within the system, from a Genin to above being a Jonin was an impressive feat for such a man his age. Something that Toran could not relate much as he hadn’t even participated within the tournament. He had watched on the sidelines, unable to even participate or copy anything off of the opponents. Only to watch as his teammate surpassed all of them, including their own sensei! It was preposterous for such growth within someone, yet Morio had managed it all in such an instant.

“Uhhh Heya? Have you seen Morio anywhere? I want to give him something.” He said, the gift wrapped up rather nicely inside of a red and black baggy that he had hid inside of his pocket. It was a simple stone, one that he thought a forgemaster like Morio would appreciate given his background as a Hoshimura. Toran had never met this Reimei before, as such he could only give a small bow before greeting her properly.

“Sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Toran, Toran Uchiha.”

Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 95850

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Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:19 pm
Monochromatic lucent light broke through the sky, allowing itself to reflect upon the shimmering dew of the Hoshigakure noon. It was the middle of the day in the Village Blessed by the Stars and even after the Nova Exams concluded with a resounding finale, it showed no signs of rest. But it was probably better that way; the exams took a lot of effort to organize and then celebrate so the village needed to get back to work in order to regain any sort of lost time. Enishi Kurosawa knew such an obvious fact, but he couldn't help but dislike it. Despite being a champion of the Nova Exams, it seemed that his first day after becoming a champion wasn't exactly what he expected to be doing when he was finished. The injuries the understudy sustained after facing Fu, Morio, and Tsuna in succession with little to no time of pause caused his body to quite literally - overheat. Grand Chariot's side-effect completely ravaged his chakra system and blood cells, adding on to the fact that he was skewered by close to a thousand spirit soldiers that Tsuna possessed... it was a miracle that the Sage mustered enough willpower to stand during the ceremony. While all of the exterior and "physical" injuries were patched up in a few minutes by the expertise of Natsuki Hyuuga, the more peculiar injuries such as chakra system damage, exhaustion, and Grand Chariot's necrosis side effect - Enishi needed at least a week or two to get better. This meant no training, no strenuous physical activities, and utilizing chakra was a death wish for his recovery. 

His cells needed to repair, which meant that he'd be in a wheelchair for a while

Well, just because he was enduring cellular restoration, it didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy himself. The Sage decided to take a stroll down the lively Hoshigakure afternoon, using his wheelchair to travel through the streets. The doctors and nurses approved of this decision, so he'd wear some casual baggy clothing consisting of a black hoodie and navy blue sweatpants. Enishi also desired to wear a black beanie around his head to cover his hair so he wouldn't attract much attention, but since he was already famous for being a champion... didn't really help much. To citizens, he'd look like your typical disabled teenager but to people who actually know him - it would be quite amusing to see the Sage of Pleiades dressed as a bum and swiveling around in a wheelchair. As he strolled through the streets, he'd feel a familiar sensation of chakra picked up by his Chakra Sensory; it was dense, draconic, yet pristine. ...Morio?  He pondered for a moment as he looked around his area, before realizing that he was right in front of the Dragon's Hour, a notable Hoshigakure smithing shop. He heard rumors of Morio working around here, so seeing as he and the Dragon had gained a type of mutual respect for each other, it was probably best to stop by.

Entering the store, he'd see another person asking at the front desk whether Morio was here or not. The person in question was a boy he hadn't seen before, and rather young; the boy looked to be about a few years younger than Enishi. He'd introduce himself as Toran Uchiha, an interesting clan he hailed from - he had to admit. The Wraith thought that considering both boys' similar ages, they might be teammates or friends. Nevertheless, he'd swivel up to the front desk on his wheelchair, approaching the boy and the woman who worked there.

"Same here as this guy, I'd like to pay Morio a visit as well." His usual serene smile appeared, dancing across his lips.

WC: 621
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

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Tue Oct 04, 2022 10:49 pm
The female at the front would continue her greetings until someone had came in. Looking down to the black haired male she would giggle, covering her mouth just slightly as she glanced behind her. She wouldn't look directly at Morio yet she would look within the general direction as she finally spoke to Toran first," Well hello there. The master of the forge will be with you shortly. May I ask why you are looking for hi- Wait...Toran...Toran...Oh wait!," she would exclaim, bringing both of her hands together," You are Morio's teammate! He spoke good things about you," her smile would not fade as she moved to allow Toran full view of the forge now. The second male to arrive she would notice immediately as she smiled to him as well," And you are Enishi...You gave my father quite the fight in the exams. Shouldn't you be resting after your fight with Tsunayoshi?," he would inquire as she placed a finger upon her lips. All the while Morio would have been basically cackling within his mind. Even the spirit of Cassian wouldn't be able to resist laughing, but remaining composed on the outside, the young heir of the Ametsuchi would spare them the trouble. Stepping from behind the counter wearing his Nidhogg armor, the mask would remain on the counter as he stepped out and looked to the two. He thought about playing the biggest of pranks on them, but he didn't feel like it today. Instead he would cross his arms and smile," Well if it isn't my teammate and...Rival. Shouldn't you still be in the hospital after your bout with Tsuna? Or did you run off for some reason?," he'd let it settle in their minds and if they still didn't get the hint, Morio would slowly stretch out his hand. Within the space, a sword would form originally looking like a needle of sorts before its previous form would show. A blade spade with a red pulsing energy within its center. Placing the blade in front of him, he would rest both hands onto the hilt of it as he leaned onto his hands gently and smiled," So what can I do for the two of you? And don't stare..please," the icy blue eyes of the dragon would rest upon them.

As soon as the sword appeared it would disappear as he moved closer to the two and looked them over more. The eyes that likened to a dragon would look from Toran to Enishi as he chuckled," I get why Toran would be here, but what about you Enishi. I guess you're bored or something if you came to look for me of all people. Or do you need something made or repaired," even if he was a friend, business was business. For the moment though he would see what the two would need of him, maybe even strike up a conversation in the meantime.

489 WC
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

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Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:17 pm
Toran’s eyebrow rose up at the small giggle. What exactly was she even giggling for? The small glance behind her did not go unnoticed as he could only stand there with the gift neatly wrapped inside of a blue and gold bag. Having asked his parents about potentially getting a gift for the forge master, he had remembered that one of the many rewards way back in the winter had been a very rare stone… One that perhaps Morio could use in the future. The girl in front of him asked why exactly the black haired uchiha was here before recognizing who he was fully. His eyebrow still raised in slight confusion as to who this lady even was to begin with. Yet he could only help but give a small smile at both being referred to as Morio’s teammate and having something positive said about him. Toran was about to ask where the heir was when the second male had shown up, being none other than Enishi Kurosawa, he had now met two out of the three champions of the Nova Tournament, to which Toran could only give a small bow in response to Enishi’s sudden presence. But the words leaving Reimei’s mouth had Toran almost fall to the floor in response to what she had said.

“F-FATHER?!!?” Toran shouted suddenly, his face contorting into a misshapen mess of confusion and dumbfoundedness of the news that Morio had, in the span of a few weeks at MOST already had a child…. Not only that but a fully grown child at that. He could only save himself the embarrassment with a small chuckle until someone had seemingly come out of the back room wearing Morio’s armor… The small flicker of the sharingan from Toran allowed him to see that the chakra was almost, no it was entirely identical to that of Morio Hoshimura. The small showing of the sword that he held was confirmation that Morio was indeed in front of him, yet at simply being called his teammate and not rival was slightly… comforting. He didn’t want a rival, at least in that sense…

“H-How? How did you? You said that you wouldn’t get married?! How did you? W-what….” He had completely blanked out as to why he was here in the first place. Only standing there in utter shock at the sight of the now fully grown Morio Hoshimura. Toran brain not being able to process what the hell was even going on. Allowing Enishi the floor for the moment, the small jingle of the Omnistone in his breast pocket could be noticed as well, as the small golden strings holding the bag together were visible to the naked eye.

Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 95850

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Fri Oct 07, 2022 4:10 pm
After Enishi spoke, he could see in the corner of his eye that the black-haired Uchiha named Toran would bow his head in deference to him. Crap...his disguise wasn't good enough, well, it was a pretty half-assed one he had to admit. He couldn't use Reverse Sage Transformation to change his appearance to whatever he desired since he was banned from using chakra by the doctors, so a beanie was the next best choice in his mind. But alas, the understudy didn't "study" enough on disguises it seemed. With a small sigh of defeat, he'd quickly reply to Toran's action with an outstretched hand - motioning him to stop. "No need, kiddo. We're all the same ranks here," A wink and a small smile was now the expression he took on for a few moments before turning towards the woman. She'd speak to Toran first as her words proved Enishi's initial hypothesis about Toran Uchiha - he was Morio's teammate indeed which made the wheelchair-bound young man smirk a little in satisfaction. Raimei pivoted to him next, discussing the battle that they partook in the Nova Exams, but not before calling Morio...





Enishi didn't actually understand what he was hearing. It took Toran screaming from the top of his lungs to knock him out of his stupor. Then it hit him; Morio somehow...had some girl who looked older than him from the last time the Sage saw him addressing him as father... A weary expression would grow on Enishi as he looked up to Raimei without his beanie blocking his vision, "Dear lord... I know Morio must be an important guy to you...but you can't go around calling him your daddy! it gives other guys the wrong impression-huh?" An audible gasp escaped from the understudy as his vision switched to another person entering the fray, stopping right in his tracks. This man was older, appearing to be entering his early twenties. His body was tall, fit, embellished by years of arduous training to attain a perfect state of being. All of that plus an armor that emanated dynamic strength. That couldn't possibly be Morio - there was simply no way. But it was, his words striking Enishi like a bullet every interval a vowel escaped his maw. Reality superseded logic; it was simply the truth that this man was somehow Morio... Toran spoke first as the Sage was entering some sort of blue screen of death, blurting out the multiple questions that arose in these few minutes. But after he spoke, the Wraith's expression became unreadable...

...Only for depression to be etched in his face.

"I'm done with life. Living is suffering. First Tsuna, and now fucking I destined to be a midget for the rest of my life? I want to commit unalive." Yes, out of all of the things to be concerned about - this was what Enishi Kurosawa thought first. "Yes Morio, I should have simply rested at the hospital today. Today was a mistake - a very big one. You can grow like six inches in a day but I barely grow an inch in a year yo I'm done you Hoshimuras are cracked...I ADMIT DEFEAT!!!" Eventually, the Sage would stop with his depressing ramblings for now and get into what really mattered, his expression reverting to his usually calm expression while clearing his throat in the process. "Looking at white walls every day is torture. I wanted to sneak out to see how everyone was doing...and it seems like you're doing just fine, huh? I won't ask what happened to you to cause a change in appearance as that's your own business, but your chakra has grown denser and far more potent. I fear that the conclusion of our previous duel likely won't happen again at this rate." The Wraith smirked, his sense of battle-hungry excitement coursing through his veins. "Ah, but I don't need anything to get repaired at this moment; I'm still deciding whether I should rebuild my old armor or simply make a new one, but I'm on chakra probation for a while until I fully recover, so reparations will have to wait until then. I guess that's the cost of pushing myself to fight you and Tsuna." A slightly saddened expression appeared on Enishi's face, not because of the result of his battle with Tsuna but rather because he had to wait for weeks to get back into action again.

Glancing at Raimei for a beat, he would get back to the most pressing question. "That girl who's manning the register...she's calling you 'father', unironically." He paused to gauge Morio's reaction. 

"Is this true? If so...I didn't know you could pull, Morio."

WC: 784
TWC: 1405
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Last Tower

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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

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Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:51 pm
There had been silence from the male as he watched the interaction between both Enishi and Toran with his daughter Reimei. The urge to bust loud laughing was immense as he just watched the visible confusion on her face. Morio waited to see what the female would do as he tapped her chin for a moment trying to figure out the socially acceptable way to deal with this. Instead she decided to shrug and accept their confusion," I do not understand. When someone is your father you are....supposed to call them your dad no? Or is this a custom which I have seen many of the children of this village do with their parental figures. The exclamations and ways of you all are still a mystery to me," her brows furrowed slightly, out of confusion more than actual frustration or anger. Morio allowed the two to have their moments as he chuckled and shook his head, both hands moving to gesture the men to take a seat. At this moment most if not all of the patrons would have been ushered out by Reimei as the Forgemaster had guests, and once the doors had been closed along with the "We'll be back" sign going up, the three would be able to speak more freely. Addressing Toran first he would chuckle at the males words, remembering their time on the beach as he nodded," Yes I indeed did say that, but you have to imagine it would be very difficult and impossible for me to have a child that looks as old Reimei here does in a matter of what? Weeks? There shall be no woman that takes the name Ametsuchi none too soon my friend," the words were earnest though he felt as if this wouldn't quell his confusion. In fact it may have exacerbated it. Turning his head toward Enishi who seemed to be having a mid-life crisis, Morio would move over to pat him on the shoulder as he shook his head.

"I wouldn't say you are a midget unless we are going off of your current condition...then yes you are definitely a midget. Plus side, you'll likely grow taller than me since this is as tall as i will get. And for the record, Tsuna is the only Hoshimura within these walls my friend. I have taken my fathers, my true father's last name actually," there would be a short pause for a moment as he chuckled and patted the male on the shoulder once more," We won't know that outcome until we fight once more now will we? I'm sure you will find someway to weasel out of what I throw at you, though I have been working on some things that will...knock your socks off let us leave it at that," he wouldn't spoil his surprises, but he was definitely of the mindset that his new skill set would Enishi and Tsuna a run for their money. As the trio continued to talk, Reimei would disappear into the back to start her mid-day counts, and Morio could feel two sets of red eyes peering from the darkness, but he wouldn't bother them at the moment. It made sense for him to want to be out of the hospital, they were dreadfully boring and you couldn't do anything. With that regard he would motion for the two to join him in one of the rooms to the right where they could talk and relax. Motioning around to the forge, he would tap his right index finger on the table lightly as he began to speak," Old or new if you want it done, just come see me. I'll do it on the house to congratulate your...recent promotion," though when he brought up Reimei again he would lean back into the chair he had been sitting in and shrugged.

"There are many things you can do when you meddle with the fabric of Space and Time. Creating life is no different in that regard. I can "pull" as you so...brazenly put it, but her and...her brother are not what you would call birthed, yet they are my kin and children all the same. Though I wouldn't speak ill of them around the little ankle biter in the forge...he'll literally bite your ankles off," A small chuckle would escape his lips as he sat back up and shrugged," So enough about that. What shall it be? Wine? Mead? Water? Can't have guests not having anything to drink while we converse."

755 WC
TWC: 1,779
Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

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Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:21 pm
This could not be happening right now, not with how everything else was within his own life coasting by the by. It was first to see that Isemori and Youta had come way farther than him then when he had first met either ninja. Then to see that their own sensei Yamato had lost in sword combat against Tsuna Bittersteel…. Now seeing the two who had become Nova’s, one of which was in a wheelchair, and the other one was someone who he had once admired for being a child-like prodigy… He now stands dumbfounded at the results of some kind of weird substance Morio must have taken, or perhaps this was nothing but a genjutsu given to him by someone he didn’t know of. Yet when he had bowed before the one who had gotten second place inside of the Nova exams, he had been told to stop dead in his tracks. Toran adjusted his head to stare into the eyes of the other boy that wasn’t much older than he. A small wink and smile had been formed on Enishi’s own lips. Returning the gesture with a small nod, his focus had returned again and now they were in the situation of seeing Morio now, a far cry from how he was when the last time he had seen the young boy… But now Morio was his senior in every sense of the word, both age, experience, and power.

The simple shell shock of learning that Morio had gotten so tall as well was frightening. Toran stood at a modest 5 '7 when he had turned 13 years old. Not the tallest, but certainly a fair bit taller now then when he was turning twelve. Yet Enishi’s crude words about how the girl shouldn't be calling his teammate daddy left a visual imprint , a small reddened tint appeared on Toran’s face… Worried that he had heard his mother call his father on a few occasions in the past, his mind lingering for a moment before snapping back into attention when low and behold, the person who was now Morio had stepped up to the glance of both of the astounded customers. Toran’s eyebrow raised at why Morio would think that he would be here, maybe he thought that his own teammate would congratulate him.

Enishi’s own look was rather hilarious in all honesty, he was complaining about being a midget for the rest of his life. Toran had heard that he had quite a small spectator cheer for him during the finals between Tsuna and Enishi. Hearing that the newly made Nova wanted to commit suicide over it was a shell shock that Toran desperately needed, suddenly a small chuckle escaped his lips until Enishi decided to twist the knife further in his own regard, a hospital bed might not be what can contain Enishi, but a couple of insults about his height seemingly would in that regard. Even if so it allowed Toran to suddenly burst into laughter at the fact that Enishi seemed to be crushed from having no longer being taller than the Hoshimura before him.

“Sheesh, hopefully I don’t get that tall so that way we don’t lose a Nova like Enishi… Yet what he said is also true, your chakra is far more potent then what I saw back then as well. It’s…. Great! To see that my teammate is doing so well. I just wish everyone else on our team could see you now!”

A little jab of jealousy tore through him again, he had to stop being so tempered by his own flames of ambition. He was an Uchiha dammit, someone that committed themselves to honor. He could not hold it against his own teammate that he had gotten stronger, yet he just wished he was seen as someone slightly important too…

“W-well actually! I-I was here to give you something? A gift of sorts? One of the many rewards we got back inside of the winter season…. If you remember those? And also for you Enishi Kurosawa! I wished to give you a gift as well for your promotion to Nova!” He asked, the blue and gold bag tucked neatly away inside of his pocket sprung from its hiding place and inside of Toran’s hand. To which the young boy, who had no idea about the qualities of the stone, attempted to give his teammate the stone as a gift. While also taking out the other slightly bigger bag of purple and blue, resembling the colors of their chakra that he could see. Immediately he’d remove the string of one of the bags, revealing to both of them the rainbow shining stone that was right before them. Toran attempted to give Morio the stone in the process.

Yet it wouldn’t even leave his hand… Toran's eyes widened as he didn’t know this could happen… The item before him wouldn’t leave his hand, he began to panic, trying to see if he could place it down for someone to pick it up. But no matter what now it wouldn’t leave his hand with the intentions it did know that now it was going to be given away.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Uhh this isn’t a joke I promise! Why won’t this thing get off of me?!” He’d only be able to stash it back into his pocket now. In which he’d try and give Enishi his own gift, being the Item demagnetizer… In which the same fucking thing happened again. Toran head twitching slightly in annoyance, his teeth clenched as now he had truly made a fool of himself in front of the two of them.

“I-I… I’m truly sorry…. I thought that I could give you guys these gifts but it seems that they won’t leave my person… One of them is the Omnistone, and the other is the material demagnetizer…”

He hoped one of them knew what to do with both of those things, as he was slightly shaking in embarrassment, his cheeks a rosy red from the fact that he had not thought through these gifts.

Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 95850

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Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:51 pm
A humorous expression appeared on the Understudy's face, seeing how Morio and the boy he now knew as Toran converse with each other and reply to his - while valid - partially exaggerated existential crisis. It wasn't that Enishi wasn't worried about his height. He really, really, REALLY was. However, he was joking around a little bit about committing suicide just because Morio and Tsuna were just a few inches taller than him. After all, he was still spirit. What particularly intrigued the Sage of Pleiades however was Morio noting that he had taken his father's name, so he was no longer a Hoshimura. Enishi felt like he wanted to question what he truly meant by that, but he didn't want to be intrusive so early in their newly forged friendship. Toran also seemed amused by the idea of a newly promoted Nova Corps member committing suicide over something as superficial as height, laughing that he hoped he wouldn't be tall enough where the Nova would jump off a bridge in the future. this rate, it could perhaps be a reality. Life was a fickle beast. Morio also made it completely clear that this girl - whoever she was - wasn't her daughter, and that no woman would take the name of "Ametsuchi" so soon. Well, that also cleared up the mystery of Morio's true surname - being Ametsuchi. Jesus, it seemed like everyone Enishi knew had petty grand heritages. He wasn't jealous nor envious per se, but it did make the adolescent wonder how special people in Hoshigakure were.

Before Morio finished requesting what drinks the two would like, Toran seemed rather excited to give the two gifts. Enishi wasn't used to receiving gifts, but he tried to act as naturally as possible - merely raising his brow in intrigue as the Uchiha attempted to unveil his gifts...except that they didn't leave his person at all. ...The fuck? Enishi hadn't seen anything like it before; it was as if the materials Toran wanted to give to the Nova members were tethered to his body, no, his very soul. Cursing himself and apologizing for letting their hopes up, the Sage would quickly try to salvage the mood. "Ah... no worries. It seems as though the materials you have there are very special. The fact that you would even give one of them to someone like me is an act of goodwill I will not forget. I appreciate you, Toran. So keep your head up. Make sure to use those things wisely, they appear to have a lot of value." The Sage's serene smile danced with his lips, fully forming as he accepted Toran's sentiment wholeheartedly. 


He was trying to keep it together but seeing someone give him a gift...seeing another person reward him for losing a duel...

This feeling of inadequacy...

He couldn't shake it off.

"Morio." His voice was steel. The wind billowed under the Wraith aura. His eyes were dead serious, looking at his aged comrade. The Wraith finally spoke, "When I lost against Tsuna...he told me that we both serve fundamentally different roles for protecting Hoshigakure. He said that he was nothing more than an executioner - one someone commissions to execute champions and heroes that go against the decree of Hoshigakure. Understandable, he's strong - I get that. But he then entrusted me to serve this village in the become this village's champion..." 

"I don't understand. I don't know why I would be a good fit for the job. But he entrusted me nevertheless; even if I can't understand why I would be a Champion of Hoshigakure, I guess I need to become someone worthy of that title. This sounds weird and pathetically desperate, but I don't want to be weak like this anymore. It's evident that you held back in our fight, and Tsuna moped the floor against me in our fight. I got to the finals out of pure luck...and I can't rely on that anymore." His words were distant, but powerful as well - speaking as if he wanted to reach out for a greater purpose.

"Please Morio. Do you know any way to become stronger? I want to become a Champion of Justice, but my hands are too weak to hold all of that weight. Until I can become powerful enough to hold the light of the people in my hands, I can never raise my sword again in good conscience. I need power."

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Insert Interesting Name Here (Inv) Empty Re: Insert Interesting Name Here (Inv)

Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:02 pm
In silence Morio watched as Toran tried to present to him a present, at first he had worn a stern look on his face until he had caught wind of what had been truly going on. His Icy blue eyes would glow with an amber hue before he chuckled and rustled his teammates head," Worry not. I know your intention was to present this to me as a gift, and i appreciate the gesture and sentiment. It would simply seem as this item is bonded to your very being so take care of it until a time where you need to personally use it," he wasn't worried about not getting the gift, the sentiment was enough to bring a smile to the Ametsuchi's face. As the three moved to the table and spoke more in depth a looking of perplexity came across Morio's face as he crossed his legs slightly and leaned back into his chair. Enishi was taking his loss more to the heart than he would have originally thought, but its to be expected when one was seen as a champion for the village. It wasn't a hard puzzle to piece together but for someone who had lost that light that they had once carried, he saw the form of doubt building within his now brother in the Nova. A small sigh escaped his lips as he waited for Enishi to finish and once he did Morio would begin to speak.

"You take your loss to Tsuna far too seriously Enishi. I get that in certain lights you, the Hawk of Hoshigakure, would be the people's champion. Who would fit the bill other than you? Losing is just a fundamental way of learning and Tsuna has a very good point. Neither he nor I would ever be seen as Champions of this village. The blood that now runs through him and its shared ancestry with mine have a stain on this village that can never truly be washed away. I am sure you know of the Rebellion that happened in this village and the Hoshimura fought for the losing side. In their defeat they also left a scar on the name Hoshimura that will never go away no matter what we do. An Executioner sounds apt for us because even in the shadows we bring glory, but in the light...only someone that can garner that love and trust of the village can be its champion," he would pause for a moment as he sipped from his cup and sat it down only to continue," You say you got into the finals out of pure luck. Had I been more resilient in my training i would have won, but your endurance and ability to adapt won you the day. I personally do not believe in luck, only fate. You were meant to get to the finals, but a lesson was also given which i see you have taken into consideration albeit in the wrong sense," he would allow his words to sit upon the room for a moment before picking up the cup and drinking once more.

He never once thought of the man in front of him to be so feeble, but loss can affect people in a variety of ways. Luckily for him, Morio could help in his endeavors. Although his eyes were still an icy blue, he would look over his own shoulder for just a moment as the visage of his Kenseigan took over and just three meters behind him a rift would open that would blow in what looked to be cherry blossoms," You said you would not raise your sword until you were stronger and if I could help? Then I will give you the answer you deserve. Cast your sword into my hands and step into the Forge behind me. Temper your resolve anew and return to this world a blade made whole. You have lost your light, and I cannot say I have not been there," a pause as he looked down to his arms which slowly began to glow green before dissipating," but even the strongest of blades must be tempered to weather any storm. Inside of this rift lies the home of my ancestors, the Ametsuchi, and the forge given to me by my Patron, Kagutsuchi. Once you step into this rift there is no going back and you will be there until you are made whole. I would advise you to follow the instructions of the Shrine Maidens that exist in the outer world...and if you want a challenge step into the Forest of Lost Souls," he would of course wait for Enishi to accept this help and the conditions that came with it.

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