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Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:53 pm
Snowy hair flowed behind a petite figure as she aimlessly strolled down the crowded streets of Konohagakure, unsure of her destination or the path she was going to take. She just knew she wanted to be out and about, meeting new people and learning even more about the different villages while they were still present in the leaf village. Soon they would all be traveling back to their respective homes, leaving the place to become barren again, full of people unsure of their safety and shinobi unsure of their purpose. A dark cloud would hang overhead once again, striking fear into their hearts.

The woman, whose eyes held hints of lilac in them, didn’t care what happened to the village, her loyalty and faith no longer remained true to a place that didn’t deserve it. Salzem had been the most important thing to her, since he was gone so was she. The Leaf betrayed them both when they took part in his murder, and she could never forgive such monsters.

Which, she pondered as she entered the training fields and scanned the area for prospective new informants, was why she kept seeking out shinobi from the other great villages, wishing to learn more about places besides her own. Of course the charade she played was beginning to grow old, everyone always asked her about her ‘home’ and she could do was pretend she loved the rotten place. Faking it was easier than telling the whole world about her quest for vengeance and the weakness that came along with it.

Sighing to distract her wandering thoughts, the kunoichi walked further into the area when her attempt to find anyone worthwhile was futile, her sights set on a nearby river. If she couldn’t find anyone to pass the day with, nature would have to do. Thus, Hikari sat down on a rock by the coursing water, taking in the only aspect of the village that she cared for: its natural beauty.

(WC: 329)
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:21 pm
Another day in paradise, Minato was thinking while strolling around the streets of Konohagakure no Sato. He couldn't help himself chuckling as he tried to repeat those words out loud. His home village was far from paradise in its current state. With Kinzoku appointed as the new Hokage, Minato was hoping that better times would arrive soon. It wouldn't hurt having a vast piece of structure in the person of the Nazar. 

Now that he thought about it, the Chuunin Exams had reached their conclusion. Just like they conquered Konoha, Kiri was the ultimate victor over all, claiming first and second place. It was all the more proove of how much further Kirigakure no Sato was in comparison with Konoha. News had reached that the Mizukage had planned for two people of Konoha to join him in his journey back to his village, as he was planning on leaving now that the Chuunin Exams were over. 

Complaining about the current situation wouldn't help Minato nor his village, and as the saying goes: if you want change to happen, you have to start with yourself. Keeping those words in mind he figured that the only way he could help his village for now, was to become stronger. So the young Uchiha decided to change his destination to the Training Grounds, where he would try and improve his skills. Having come in to contact before with people he never expected to meet, Minato wondered if he would meet someone today as well. Since he was a bit of a loner it wouldn't hurt getting to know some people after all.

As he was making his arrival at the Training Grounds, he decided to take a deep breath and to enjoy his beautiful surroundings. No matter what happened to Konoha, nobody could take away its beauty. Now that he had stepped foot on the Training Grounds, he remembered his previous training sessions that had taken place here. Minato started to look around just in case he could see a familiar face, but so far the only thing he noticed was how peaceful Mother Nature could be. 

Making his way further into the fields, Minato would notice a river. It was the same river where he had met Higuto Aburame and where the former had helped Minato to improve his skills with his katana. The young Uchiha felt a bit nostalgic which resulted in him going over to the river to make it his training spot for today. Trying to come up with something new he started to infuse Lightning chakra into his katana. Surges of electricity went through his blade, giving it a sharper edge. 
"Now what?"
It pained him to admit that he had no clue as to what he should be doing next. Trying to bring something to mind, he remembered something his friend Higuto used, it was some sort of water wall being able to push objects away with force. "That's right, water works as a conductor for electricity", he thought to himself while figuring out he should try and learn Water Release.

Easier said than done since he had no idea where to begin. Just as he was about to start, he could feel the presence of someone else close by. Looking over he could see a rather petite woman sitting down on a rock while being distracted. He didn't really seem to recognize her and the only thing he could see from this distance was that she was dressed almost fully in pink. 
Minato had a feeling that her thoughts were somewhere else, so he decided not to bother for now and to focus on trying to understand how to learn Water Release. 

(WC: 615)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:53 pm
A sharp, crackling noise drew her attention away from the river and her Byakugan became activated, allowing her to see the area surrounding her without alerting anyone that she was aware of their presence since her eyes remained looking at the forest behind the river. Since she had been able to master her doujutsu she could now see both 360 degrees and a mile in every direction at once if she so desired, although it saddened her that this had been the first time she actually used her new abilities.

Hikari could clearly see a young man a bit away from her, lightning engulfing his katana as he focused his element and infused it with the blade. For a second, with the way he was eyeing the water, she thought he was going to plunge the weapon into the coursing water, shocking anything or anyone down connected to the river. Thankfully he wasn’t so careless with his chakra, and for that the snowy kunoichi rose from her perch on the rock and deactivated her Byakugan, having noticed his leaf headband while she had been observing him. Despite having accepted the Mizukage’s offer to become a shinobi of Kirigakure, she didn’t intend to attract a lot of attention until the day they left, so she still had her own Konoha headband holding up her hair. That way if anyone knew who she was they wouldn’t give her a headache with all of their questions.

Rising from the rock and moving closer to the raven haired shinobi, it was easier to see that her outfit was not pink but a purple ombre hue. She had decided to keep her dress the same, at least until she became a shinobi of Kiri, then perhaps she would find a more suitable attire for the colder village. She also kept the deep purple cardigan on, not because she was chilly but because it looked quite nice with her dress, and her silencing boots were still in the form of high heeled ninja boots and masked her footsteps as she stopped a few feet in front of him.

“It looks like you could use some assistance?” Her monotone voice broke through the quiet morning, the only other sound in the area being the chirping birds that weren’t afraid of the lightning moments earlier. “If you want to learn more about water and if it’s the right affinity for you, I do happen to know it.”

Normally she wouldn’t have been as kind, but the Hyuuga figured that her last remaining days spent in Konoha might as well be used to help further the younger generation of shinobi, especially if they were decided to rise up against Kiri and she was forced to fight against them. Hikari hated many people from this village, but the new ninja only knew of the war in the history classes, and she hoped they’d never have to use the things she taught them in one.

(WC: 825)
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:27 pm
"Damm it, again"
Minato was getting frustrated at the many failed attempts so far, none of them even coming close to look like Water Release.
He had been practising for a while now but not even one of them turned out successfully. As much as it pained him to admit, even the proud Uchiha was starting to lose hope.
Trying to figure out what he had been doing wrong all this time, he decided to get a little closer towards the river. Maybe it would help if he got closer to the large amount of water.
Calming down while simultaneously controlling his breathing Minato tried to clear his mind, only focussing on what he wanted to happen. Envisioning the image he tried to achieve Minato continued molding his chakra, hoping this time would turn out successful.
For a moment, even if it was just a second, he thought he saw the water moving around him. But to his disappointment he would soon notice it was just the river flow. 

With a deep sigh, Minato was getting close to giving up while someone appeared out of the blue.
"It looks like you could use some assistance?", a question suddenly asked on a monotonous way by this person who appeared in front of him. Now that he took a closer look, Minato would notice it was the young woman he spotted sitting on a rock just a few moments ago.
He had mistaken her to be dressed in pink, but now that she was standing so close to him he would see it was purple. One thing he got right was the fact that the young woman was rather petite, but it would suit her. Looking carefully at the person standing in front of him he would notice that she was using her headband to hold up her long snowy hair.
Not paying attention before he would now become aware of the fact that she was also rocking a Konohagakure headband. Now that he thought about it, it was the first time he had seen her around. Not that much of a surprise since Konohagakure no Sato was quite the populated village and that Minato wasn't really the type to go out and meet people.
He realised he couldn't just let her stand there without saying a word so he decided to react to her question she had asked a couple of minutes ago.

"Is it that obvious?" he smiled awkwardly. 
"As you can see things aren't going so well for me at the moment." Shortly after, the young woman informed if Minato was trying to learn the Water Element and if so, she was willing to help him out. He figured that she must have witnessed him failing miserably at trying to perform the Water Release.
"I take it you possess the Water Element which grants you the ability to perform Water Release jutsu?" Now it was his time to ask the questions, hoping she would confirm and offer to overlook his training.

"Oh, and for what it's worth: I'm Uchiha Minato, delighted to make your acquintance."

(WC: 516, TWC 1131)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:16 pm
At her initial question, he sheepishly replied asking if it was that obvious he needed help, an awkward smile upon his lips. Hikari softly smiled back at him to reassure the young man that it was okay to need help. After all it seemed like he was only a genin, so he couldn’t expect everything to come without aid from others, and it was part of her job as a Jounin to help shinobi like him get their footing in the shinobi world.

“Yes I do, which is why I’ll help you obtain it as well.” Hikari felt the inquire wasn’t quite necessary, given that she had offered to help him with learning the water element, but she bit her tongue to avoid saying that aloud. He was young and didn’t know better, she reasoned. Fortunately he didn’t seem to dwell on his question long, already opening his mouth to speak once more.

Minato was not the first Uchiha she had ever met, and she couldn’t say she was too surprised to find out he was from that clan for it seemed that they all enjoyed wearing dark clothing since, if memory served her correctly, every single Uchiha she had ever met wore very shadowy colors.“I’m Hikari Hyuuga and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance too. Now since the formalities are out of the way, how about we get started?”

If he didn’t want to start just yet she would patiently wait and answer any more questions he had, trying to be as kind to him as she could be.

If he nodded or agreed in any way, she would nod and turn her attention to the river, moving her body to sit down beside it, hoping he would follow suit but not waiting to before she began to explain the beginning exercise, “Alright, so the first thing you need to do is close your eyes and focus on the water beside you. Listen to the soft rocking of the waves, feel the water between your fingertips.” Once he sat down and closed his eyes she would wait a minute or two before speaking again, giving him time to adjust his senses to the river. “Good, now open your eyes and place your hand into the water. Being able to imagine it is one thing, feeling the actual river flow across your palm is another.” She placed her right hand in the river to demonstrate what she meant, the water instantly cooling off her hand. Ever since she had embraced the freezing water of the waterfall, cold temperature’s didn’t affect her as much as they used to.

Once he followed her instructions again and had enough time to become familiarized with the water running across his hand, the snowy kunoichi continued her teaching, lifting her hand up out of the water and resting it a couple inches above the river’s surface, “Now I’ll show you how to focus your chakra into your hand and into the water, allowing you to gain control of the natural element.” Her voice was calm and steady as her eyes watched her hand. “First just focus your chakra to your hand, the raw chakra energy that you would use to walk along the surface of this water.”

It didn’t take long for her to do it herself, a warm blue color lightly enveloped her palm to signify that was what he needed to replicate. If he knew the surface walking jutsu, then being able to focus chakra to his hand instead of his feet shouldn’t be a problem, but getting it to be his palm might require him to use less chakra, thus becoming a bit more precise with his chakra control. Something a shinobi utilizing the water element would need to be able to perfect, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to efficiently use flowing water techniques since their chakra needed to be as fine and free as water.

“With the chakra on your palm it should be easier for you to expel it into the water below. Try to pull the top layer of water from the river towards you. Be gentle and fluid with your movements, firm yet not rough enough to disrupt the flow.” Hikari guided after he had accomplished her first task with or without her aid, confident he would be able to master the water element in no time. She also showed him how to practice what she asked, water coming up in a straight line to her palm as her chakra swirled around it. Before a person could make water out of nothing, they needed to become one with the element, it needed to be an extension of their body not just something found in nature. “After you are able to do this, being able to learn water release jutsu shouldn’t be difficult. At first it may not be easy to get the water to bend at your will, but I know you can do it. You have the determination and passion.” A soft smile danced on her lips as she encouraged him, not that he probably needed it given the fire burning in his eyes to learn and grow stronger.

Before she could move on to teach him any water techniques, a carrier hawk swooped down and landed beside her, a note on its right leg. The note in question informed her that the Hokage wanted to see her about something pertaining to the hospital, something that couldn’t even be written down. Looking up from the piece of paper, her voice was apologetic, “I’m sorry, Minato, it seems I’ll have to cut this lesson short for I am needed elsewhere. Good luck learning a lot of water style techniques.” Hikari waved as she ran off, a final goodbye before she disappeared from sight.

(TWC: 1,792)
(Will make claims later)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:26 pm
all 1,792 words towards Great Fireball Shower, putting it at 1792/3000
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:29 pm
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Wed Jan 30, 2019 11:20 pm
To his relief the young woman agreed to help Minato obtain the Water Element he so eagerly wanted to attain. She looked far more experienced than him so he didn't find any trouble in trusting her to aid the young Uchiha in his training. When Minato was getting ready to ask another question he was suddenly interrupted by the girl as she introduced herself as Hikari Hyuuga. Making herself known as a member of the Hyuuga, one of the oldest and strongest clans taking place in the village. "Interesting, an Uchiha and a Hyuuga working together, who would've thought that would happen?" he smiled, hoping she wouldn't take offense by his small remark.

Now that the formalities were out of the way she suggested they should get started. "Sounds like a plan to me" Minato agreed while paying close attention when Hikari turned to the river, moving her petite body to take place next to it. He assumed he needed to follow her example but before he even could sit down she had already started with a part of her explanation. The female Hyuuga would begin with explaining the first step to him. She told him to close his eyes and focus on the water beside him while listening to the soft rocking of the waves, continued by feeling the water between his fingertips. Minato listened carefully as he sat down and continued to listen while he was closing his eyes. Directing his focus on the water around him he then listened to the waves rocking softly, as he would try to feel the water move between his fingertips. 

Once he sat down it would turn silent for a couple of minutes, allowing Minato to focus on all the different things he needed to do. As he was concentrating it was almost like he could enjoy the soothing effect of the waves as he was able to calm down in an instant. Feeling the small breezes of wind going through his air it would allow Minato to be completely at ease. It was almost as if Hikari had noticed it since she began explaining further. For the next step she told him to open his eyes again, which he had to follow up with putting his hand in the cold water. She would note that imagining it is one thing, feeling the actual river flow across your palm is another. Hikari placed her right hand in the river to demonstrate what she meant, the water instantly cooling off her hand. Now it was Minato's turn to put his hand in the water, following her example. As he gently placed his hand into the water he could feel the water flowing around him, causing a smile on Minato's face since it felt like he was getting somewhere. Once he followed her instructions again and had enough time to become familiarized with the water running across his hand, the snowy kunoichi continued her teaching, lifting her hand up out of the water and resting it a couple of inches above the river’s surface.

Now she was about to show him how to focus his chakra into his hand and the water, allowing him to gain control of the natural element. As it befits a good teacher the young Hyuuga would go first, showing him how he should proceed. It wouldn't take long for her to do it as a warm blue color lightly enveloped her palm to signify that was what he needed to replicate. As of now it was clear to Minato how he needed to handle this. He would try to focus all of his chakra into his palm as he placed his hand onto the water. With Hikari guiding him he would then expel his chakra into the water below. It was important to try to pull the top layer of water from the river towards himself. He would make sure to listen closely to her advice as he was carefully pulling the water from the river in his direction. Only using gentle and fluid movements since he wanted to avoid disrupting the flow. Slow but steady it seemed that he succeeded in this step as the top layer of the river was getting pulled in towards Minato. Not being able to hide his smile he made sure not to lose focus now that he made it this far. Hikari complimented him for getting this right, telling him that now that he was able to do this, being able to learn water release jutsu shouldn’t be difficult, as long as he kept up his passion and determination.

Before they could move on to any techniques they were interrupted by a hawk carrying some kind of message for Hikari. When she finished the note it was with deep regret that she informed Minato that she would need to cut the lesson short since it seemed that she was needed somewhere else. 

"I understand, I hope I didn't take too much of your time. Who knows we can meet again someday, as for now the only thing I can do is thanking you for helping me with the Water Element."

Waving at each other it was time for Hikari to take off, leaving Minato behind who would make sure to get better in performing Water techniques.

(TWC: 2016)
(Claims: Water Element 2000/2000 as taught by Hikari, 10 stats)
Stat Page : The Child
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A Brief Encounter (Minato) Empty Re: A Brief Encounter (Minato)

Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:03 am
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