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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Zaled Uchiha
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tanji Heiji
Satoru Nara
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 12:34 pm
27 SPRING, 419AV

A brilliant flash of light would appear before the gates of Hoshigakure, the two shinobi on guard suddenly alert and their hands near their weapon holsters. Valen would see the startled realization in their eyes before one of them began to turn to move. To which Valen would call out “Wait, let me give you a message to deliver first.” He would say, his tone civil, if barely held in check by an inner rage that he had never felt before. He had left Evelynn back at Sunagakure by accident, but that was alright, he should be back soon enough. Full body black leather armor and his trademark cloak marked his appearance as the gate guard nodded. Delivering a message from the gates to whoever led the village was something he could do. Either way the man would report Valen’s arrival, and that would hopefully bring the men who tortured Hikari out as well, where he could get to them without tearing the village done stone by stone. Which was preferred in his eyes, he’d need a tall building intact for what he was going to do to the men who brutally tortured her. Now though, he needed to be calm, and to deliver his message to any and all who might listen. The gate guards stood, both ready to attack, one listening closely to anything that Valen might say. “I come with an offer for any and all willing. A large portion of the civilian populace has never wanted us here. They’ve done everything short of civil war itself against the shinobi who only try to protect them. The shinobi gave them the wildlife reserve, which helps to grow their food, preserve animals that can be raised and protected. We’ve given them the Archives, which is one of the few great repositories of knowledge in the world. Even considering all of the information only shinobi can access. Yet we’ve been treated with scorn, and hatred. Well no more I say, I have found a new home for any and all willing to come. With a greater leader than I was. Any and all who are willing to fight for a new home, as well as accept an offense against the forces that might destroy us, may come with me back to Sunagakure.” He would say, beginning his message to the village, prompting the guard to nod. A village wide message like this could easily be spread through the messengers to get to all corners of the village in a deceptively short amount of time.

“I will be taking down any and all shinobi related institutes, everything in the archives will be coming with me, the villages money, the academy, even the wildlife reserve, which we brought to the ungrateful people in the first place. Any who would stand in my way will be killed. My offer stands to all willing, tradesmen, civilians, wanting a better home for their family rather than this cesspool of prejudice. Shinobi of any and all ranks who would be willing to follow the orders of another, who would be willing to die for a new home. One better protected, with a leader who’s not only willing to fight, but is ruthless in how he handles his enemies. I will wait here, before entering the village proper, but not for long. Those willing to come to a new home should pack what they can and come with me. Those wanting to stop me have this chance to keep any fighting out of the village proper. They should know though, that at the end of the day, I intend for this village to no longer remain a village for shinobi. I will remove Hoshigakure from the world as a training institute for them. The civilians who want nothing to do with us, will be left to eek out whatever life they can here. Except for the Inquisitor and any surviving Queensguard. They have dealt me a grievous hurt, and I will see them dead or dying before I leave here today. Now come, any who would fight against me, any who would come with me. Let us see what tale they will tell of us in the future.” He would say, the guard’s eyes widening at the meaning of the words the previous Hogokage was saying. The man would give a shaky nod before disappearing to distribute the speech, making sure it reached all corners of the village. Valen himself would wait, his senses open for surprise attack, hand on the hilt of his sword. Eyes golden in the midafternoon sunlight. One of two things would happen this day, either Hoshigakure would fall, or Valen Akari, Jinchuriki to the Gobi, previous Hogokage of the very village he intended to bring down, would die. The fresh images of Hikari’s state filled his mind, filling him with renewed rage as he waited for those who would come, to come. ‘What do you think?’ He’d ask his tenant to receive a snort in response. ‘I feel it was a bit over the top, but hey, it’s your show here. Some might come, I would assume a few would fight.’ The beast would say to which Valen would consider the words a moment. ‘I don't think they don’t have anyone left powerful enough to stand up, but some may try yes. I’ll try to make it quick for them.’ He would think as he waited, the conversation now over.

WC: 909

Last edited by Valen Akari on Sun May 12, 2019 7:11 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Putting date of thread creation)
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 1:43 pm
“Where exactly have I been for the past few months?” The question is raised suddenly and with uncertainty in regards to whether or not Satoru has actually been in a place capable of being called a “where”. Yet the answer is so evident that the question need not be asked in the first place. Satoru finds this answer not long after asking it and feels absent-minded for having ever posed the question to himself.

He stands in his room, gazing out the window next to his bed. The atmosphere out in the village has changed, becoming something other than that expected in Hoshigakure, the village hidden among the stars. Even Satoru can sense that his being is drawn to something new, a turning point in his journey and life-course. His story will take on a new setting and actively progress. The time for early nurturing of skills and abilities to make Satoru a fully-fledged main character in his own life, this time is coming to a close. While the Nara has not an inkling of what will replace it, he is driven to pursue it. Above all, he is eager, but cautious enough to know that this eagerness must not get the better of him.

“My time here draws to a close. This chapter is ending.” He thinks as his spirit gains a rush of adrenaline. “I stare into the eyes of my future at this moment. Should I put on a poker face? Or greet it with a confident smile?”


Satoru makes his way to an area near the gates of the village. This is where he has been driven in order to turn the page. He faces the royal palace within the village, its majesty more prominent than he has ever noted it to be. Maybe it is hindsight itself that amplifies the beauty of things compared to when they were in the present and at hand. He continues to be fixated on the sight of the village of Hoshigakure.

There is barely anything to say.

Yes, there is barely anything to say up until something unexpected happens. This is usually true for all circumstances, that there will be quiet until a notable event breaks that silence. How often is one able to enjoy quiet and calm when there is an entire world around them? Some would say a few hours, others less fortunate say no more than half an hour. Satoru is less than less fortunate, for he has rested upon this bench for fifteen minutes while contemplating his mysterious pull for a change. But, in this case, “less than less fortunate” is an inaccurate phrase.

“What?” The Nara thinks to himself as the light shines from beyond the gates. He sits upright, not wanting to be defenseless in the case that he is about to encounter an enemy. “...What?” It is rare that the Nara will think the same thing twice.

This is Valen Akari, a man whom Satoru has interacted with before. Though the Nara has little idea of what is going on, he hears the message that the Hogokage (or former Hogokage, Satoru knows not) is commanding the guard to convey throughout the village. Upon hearing this idea of a new home, a correlation is struck between this and his sudden feeling of the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

“I will follow you.” Satoru states as he approaches, careful to give off no intent to fight or run. “Simply put, there remains much for me to learn. After our spar, in which I was completely outmatched, you showed me what true strength is. If it means that I might grow, then I will follow you to this new home.”

The Nara has already taken with him everything that he will need. After all, when he left his home, he knew that something interesting would happen. He wears an olive green long-sleeved thin shirt underneath a gray sleeveless sweater. A darker shade of gray makes up his pants, similar in look to those chuunin would wear but not offering the same armor-like protection. His rectangular glasses are clean, his short dark hair has recently been shaved to about two millimeters tall. His large fan, weapon of choice, is strapped to his back.

There is the matter of what has happened to Hikari Namikaze, a name known also to the Nara. She is the woman who gifted him his Curse Mark of Heaven. If something terrible has happened to her, the Nara fails to feel the same pain as Valen. There simply isn’t enough between the two to connect them and, as such, Satoru’s only inclination is to leave the village under Valen’s recommendation.

Madrigal Kaguya
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 2:10 pm
The first addition, Satoru Nara if he recalled properly. He fought the young man before his last chunin exam fight. Sparred with him in an attempt to showcase the gap that lay between where the young man was now, and where he could one day be. It had been a lesson that needed teaching, that the road of genin can be harsh, and long at times. However as one grew, so too did their stature within the realm of their home. Valen would nod to Satoru, noting the lack of anything threatening in his demeanor and actions. A shinobi who arrived to leave, who wanted a new life for himself would be perfect for what he needed. Within a few minutes a few civilians, those more tolerant, or even liking of those that fought for their protection, came out of the gates. Obviously they lived nearby the entrance of the village. They came, they stood before him and wished to come to a new home. Valen would nod and motion toward the side. “I don’t want any unnecessary harm. Should someone try to stop me there will be battle. Step aside a good distance, Satoru, move with them. Give them what protection you can if things become violent. I’ll send any other shinobi that join with you to assist. Try to form orderly groups, we’ll have to bring any who wish to come to Sunagakure and that will mean traveling a good distance. We’ll take enough supplied for the journey when we leave.” He would say, giving orders as easily as if he had never left office. The necessity of them being followed was obvious however, as one could never be sure when things could become hectic.

“We shouldn’t be here overly long, so try to not be too active, you’ll need the energy and strength. You’ll be expected to work but I doubt anyone will begrudge you a few days to settle in when we arrive. Be prepared though, Sunagakure’s leader expects much of those who would be protected by him and his forces.” He would say, informing them of just what they were getting themselves into. They would nod, moving toward a spot farther off, some beginning to try to start organizing things but they didn’t have much in the way of items. They would be leaving their homes, all they knew, for the chance of a better life. “I won’t tell you to conserve energy Satoru, you’d a shinobi, you’d be expected to go for days at a time in a normal circumstance if necessary. See to them as best you can, like I said, I’ll send everyone would come over there.” He would say nodding toward the young man that he could go follow said directions now.

WC: 461
TWC: 1370

(I'll start an observation topic for you to enter into so that any combat that might occur here won't be janked up by a post order, anyone posting to join Valen should post here first with an exit to the observation topic included then they can post there at their leisure)
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 4:40 pm
Fate abhors a hypocrite.

In a frantic game of telephone, news of the former Hogokage's return rippled across the Village Hidden in the Stars—coworker whispered to coworker, friend to friend, and parent to child. And soon, the whole village knew something untoward had arrived on their doorstep, a specter of ill portent. The form this specter took, however, remained unclear to many; having passed through many mouths no single rumor matched reality perfectly. Some claimed that Valen Akari stood at the front of a faceless army intent on razing the village to the ground, some insisted that the boy had returned to rule Hoshigakure once more, and still others maintained that the rumors were just that, rumors.

In this fog of uncertainty, panic reigned supreme.

Throngs of people filled the street, but one man stood, quite literally, head and shoulders above the rest: Tanji Heiji, jounin of Hoshigakure. Having just apprehended a pair of miscreants who thought it proper to take advantage of the hysteria around them to enrich themselves, the mountain of a man wound his way through the streets of Hoshigakure and towards the village gates. Unlike a normal day, the crowd did not part to the armored jounin—they were too preoccupied with their own affairs—and so the man's progress was slow but steady. It was important progress nonetheless, for with the communication breakdown he could only trust his own eyes and ears.

Still wading through the growing tide of humanity, Tanji arrived at the front gate through which he spied the one the rumors had spoken of, the white-haired deserter. How strange it was, Tanji reflected as he approached, that villages would entrust a petulant child with leadership solely based on strength in battle alone. The whole thing seemed a bit backward, even to the self-proclaimed brawler who stopped under the arc of the busy gates fifteen meters from the Valen and the brown-skinned boy he was speaking to.

"Hey, kid,"
Tanji's deep voice boomed over the din of humanity around him. "What's the meaning of this?"

As if to punctuate the man's question, a child broke out in a shrill cry somewhere in the crowd.

The former panic now stood at the brink of mayhem
TWC: 370
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 6:30 pm
As he was speaking to Satoru, man’s voice would come from the gates not too far away. Fifteen or so meters the previous kage would guess. Valen wouldn’t feel insulted by the man referring to him as a kid. He might as well have been given their age difference. Even if the newcomer only stood about three inches taller than Valen himself. Piercing golden eyes would look the man up and down checking for hidden weapons as quickly and efficiently as he could. He was well muscled, and had solid posture. One could tell by looking at him that he had seen a great many things in life. Pale skin, a well maintained mustache, and long black hair made the man cut an imposing figure in his own way. He wasn’t sure how powerful in hand to hand combat the man was, but he could tell his chakra level was solid enough to let him throw around some high level techniques if he knew them. Valen didn’t get the impression this man would leave, but would rather fight. However that didn’t mean one acted an assumptions. He would play it out to the end. “What’s the meaning of this you ask?” He would say, an eyebrow raised as he spoke. “I suppose it’s likely the rumour mill got the story skewed in it’s journey. So allow me to assume nothing and tell you the entire thing, to make sure you have a firm grasp. It’s only fair after all.” The tan skinned teen would say, hand resting idly on the hilt on Seraphim as he spoke.

“I have returned to give any willing the chance at a new home. To leave the hypocrisy of the discriminatory civilians and religious nuts behind. To take a chance at a better life. Once those who join me wish to, I will take everything that had anything to do with shinobi away from this village. I’ll destroy the defenses, minus the walls and gate, I’ll demolish the academy, remove every scrap if information possible from the Archives, and even lay waste to the wildlife reserve. All of which were brought by shinobi, to make the lives of these people better. By providing good land to raise animals, crops, and preserve the safety of endangered species from across the world. By training protectors that could fight for them, even die for them if need be. By giving those same protectors the knowledge of their predecessors to create now techniques to fight for, and protect the village, and thus, the very civilians that did nothing but hate us for it all. I have come back to take any willing to Sunagakure, to a new leader, far better at the role than I ever was. I was not ready for that position, I have no qualms admitting that.  He however is far more suited to it than I was and intends to take the fight to our enemies themselves. So I ask you sir, will you join us? Or will you stand against me and fight? If the former, merely come join us and help organize efforts to travel. If the latter, then let us do battle here and let the victor reap the spoils.” He would say, his voice clear, and unbroken. It was the voice of someone adamant in what they were going to do. “Oh, and one more thing, I’m also here to find the men that tortured Lady Namikaze. I won’t be leaving here without having dealt with them.” He would say, his voice turning a shade darker as the intent coloured it.

The question now was, would the newcomer join, or fight?

WC: 610
TWC: 1980
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
Tatsuma (xuba) Uneo
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 7:02 pm
Ahhhh chaos such an surreal thing to observe. Xuba and his twin were busy eating an sandwich while they glanced about the city. It was an lazy afternoon and as noted the city was in disarray. With no true leader the shinobi lacked purpose.

It really was a sad sight to observe. As the civillians who were once warm now turned cold and distant
 Without an higher authority to hold their chin up, and if out of place this higher authority would out them in line.

It was an hard pill to swallow. Especially when your own authority lies behind a rank. Still the twins studied the faces and xabi was more convinced by the second.

"Xuba even out there there is some order. Right?"

The brother asked as he glanced at his own sandwich amid the empty square. The reply of the black armored man was simple. The  grey mane at rest neatly combed and groomed.

"Yes there is some order... but perfection does not exist xabi."

As it was to the twins it was unusual that suddenly the knights assembled and proceeded torush towards the front gates. The time was short as it meant there was a limited time. To simply leave or observe the comotion in question.

Then for some reason the brothers found themselves basically glancing down at the man that ran their test several months ago...  well child. The boy spoke of random radical  thoughts, and yet they were truth. The fact that as soon as the man left and the shinobi went from second to the third class became apparent. The little girl left in charge was beyond hope as an leader, but it became clear the results were mostly triggered on hormones.

Saying something about joining the man to afflict punishment however did not sit well with the twins. Even if wrong was the treatment. It did not warrent murder the most foul and such. Especially by a boy who hardly had an idea of competent leadership. All which proved to influence his decision.

"Well its time we merely head out then. Im not getting in your way. Now i will be going to observe for a bit."

Xuba stated as the twins merged and thus headed out they were their own entity as of this moment.

Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sat May 04, 2019 8:42 pm
"Right there on the side hal. The usual touch please."

The softer yet rough edge of a mans voice was in one of the few shinobi freindly barbee shops among the city. The barber held a pair of scissors and a smooth blade. With careful hands of an experienced barber the man worked with precise strokes and cuts on the hair of the man in his barber. These days the man only came by to chat a bit as one of the few people who had faith in the sbhinobi force was this barber.

The medals of servitude were lined on the wall given by the various rulers of the land. And the man was from a long line that spanned as noble knights. Still he was old enough and wise enough to throw aside diffrences. 

"Zaled, when we toured the caverns of the frozen country. Did you belive that the kingdom would've made contact with shinobi then?"

The barber asked as he took a towel and cleaned the blade of hair bits. While washing it over  with cool water. The man in the chair glanced over his shoulder and his half shaved head was partially revealed in the light.

"Perhaps hal. I travled my share of thoes lands and learned a bit.but it doesnt matter much. We serve the land our home. People are temporary. They are ungrateful, and in a body of flesh, bone, all supported by thoughts. They forget to adapt. Even the aged people forget they too had to learn... but i have not."

Zaled stated as the man returned and the trained eye of the  shinobi spotted the gleam of the blade flashing through the air. And he sighed. He and hal went way back. The two served'for years in the knights, and while hal remained conquering  the surrounding lands. zaled  took to understanding for several years. The meaning of honor in a world lacking true order. It was a difficult pill to swallow.

"Hal you should head to the earth country. A bit of fresh air will do you well. Dedication is well  worth many thanks, but you should also focus on yourself too old freind"

Zaled  spoke fondly hoping that the man would take a moment and consider the offer. It was well within his right. But a few moments of silence filled the room as the man worked completing his work.

"Just like old times zaled... But i cannot leave with you buddy. I have a family and three children. Perhaps you should slow down a bit. Take it easy."

Zaled admired the haircut in the mirror and smiled.

"I always told you the women here lack tastes hal, but we shall talk about this another day man. Here is'a bit more money. Take your girl out tonight and feast."

zaled stated leaving an decent bag of ryo on the table infront of him. But granted as nice as it was fate had it be his last haircut by hal. Upon exiting the barber shop zaled spotted the large movement of the knights heading towards the gates 

Who would draw such an gathering?

The man thought as he supressed his chakra and made way towards the gate along the wall. From the top of the wall zaled studied the boy that was talking up a storm. Youthful and spoke in a sense that there was more gained from detaching shinobi hood from the hoshi lands. An understandable quest.

Still several had responded another man around his 20's and the man whom was quiet a bit older. Plus the squeak of a boy that headed off a ways. But this was interesting as it would be nice, but perhaps a resermt of the civilians mood would suffice well. Zaled always belived that in their shoes he would feel the same. Glancing as he had many freinds in civilian. The man had a taste of mercy.

Well thats good.... although he would not serve a decent leader with such demands. Working things out work far better then the  forceful demands of a deliquient. In many cases this is more an organized tantrum.

Zaled thought to himself and he had about everything he needed anyways.

"Harming people will not help as much, but yes i too will let you do as you please right now. But im going for a walk."

Zaled stated as he proceeded down the wall via surface walking and off into the desert that lay ahead.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sun May 05, 2019 10:15 am
With orders given to him, Satoru moves to carry them out. In order to protect the civilians coming out of the village, having more than one body is favorable. Two shadow clones are created after Satoru steps out of Valen's way.

"Understood." They state in unison after Valen concludes his orders.


[Exit to Observation Thread, carrying over wordcount from this thread to make things neater]
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sun May 05, 2019 11:56 am
A pregnant pause followed Valen's reiteration of his intentions. Even the hustle and bustle of the panicked masses seemed to quiet for a moment as if considering the man's words. The mustached man would be the one to break the silence in the same booming voice as before save for the sharp edge of disappointment that laced each word.

"That's it?" Tanji frowned, he expected something, well, more. "You want people to uproot their lives and swear allegiance to a nameless leader, just like that?"

The whole concept baffled the jounin and, apparently, many of the civilians in earshot of the exchange as well. Indeed, many of Valen's would-be civilian converts wavered upon hearing the less-than-coherent plan. Some, of course, stood firmly by the white-haired youth, but no small number of those who had previously joined him began to edge back towards the only home they knew.

"You misled us before, left in the night like some kind of thief, and now, having put your own home at swordpoint, we should trust you?"

More civilians and a few shinobi broke ranks with Valen.

"You affirm everything that those who would revile shinobi say about us," the man shook his head in disappointment. "That, boy, is true hypocrisy. If you must slake your thirst for vengeance, then find who you must, but do not make an entire village suffer for the sins of a few."

Only a handful of stalwarts remained with the white-haired traitor now.

"When you are done, scamper back to your nameless leader and have them come here. Even you should know Hoshigakure does not bow to mere lapdogs," A pause as the man took a breath and gestured to the crowd around him. "If, however, you are dead set on laying waste to the home of thousands of innocents then I will gladly put you down, but not here."

Men, women, and children surrounded Tanji. Bloodshed here, Valen would surely find, would only galvanize the populace against him. All that remained to be seen was if the fallen lord of light had learned anything of tact in his time away from the village.

TWC: 730
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic) Empty Re: The Everlasting Cycle (Hoshi Destruction Topic)

Sun May 05, 2019 12:49 pm
The ashen haired man would raise an eyebrow at the slightly taller man’s words. “Hypocrisy? I won’t deny it probably does seem that way. But consider how many years we’ve put into the effort of trying to change their minds? Consider how many lives have been lost in trying to defend them and yet they still despise us? Yet enjoy the fruits of our labours? Bask in the safety we brought them from the bandit groups and raiders that for so long had their way with them? Sleep safely at night because of those of us willing to die to defend our home. Yet still spit on us in public? Yet you still want to stay here, doing what you’ve been doing so they can change? That’s true insanity. I didn’t come here to kill civilians, I’m not here claiming that I’ll destroy the entirety of the village. Merely remove the vestiges of shinobi occupation here. Did you assume I’d be cutting down buildings with the women and children inside to slake my vengeance?” He’d ask his tone one of confusion. "I won’t harm a single civilian, I’m here to bring any willing to a home that will last. I’m here to bring those who want safety for their families. I won’t be their leader, as a matter of fact, I’m not even officially a part of the village yet. I just believe it’s the best chance those willing to come have at surviving.”

A good number of the civilians around Tanji were looking conflicted now, some coming back to stand amongst the supporters of Valen. “I could waste this entire village, and no one here could stop me. I have no intention of doing that, and it isn’t a boast. I’m merely trying to say, that the man leading Sunagakure can stand up to the monsters of the world that might snuff out their existence. He can defend them, and while he would expect much for his protection. Expect people to work hard. Which is only fair if he’s willing to give the life of his shinobi, of himself. Would any of you ask any less?” He would ask, prompting more to return to his side of things. The raging anger that had taken him when he saw Hikari in her current state was subsiding now. He took a moment to consider all he’d said and frowned at one aspect. “I will say that perhaps robbing them of the wildlife reserve might be too much. So I will give the civilians that remain here the wildlife reserve however. I’ll refrain from torching it, and they can continue to thrive from it for as long as they can. I’m not here telling you to uproot your homes, I’m not here telling you that you don’t have an option. I’m here to give an option instead. You can stay here, or join up with those coming to Sunagakure. People move a few times in their lives. It isn’t like you couldn’t come back if you didn’t like it. No one is holding a knife to your throat.” He would say simply, prompting the majority of those standing with Tanji to return to his side.

“What say you?” He would ask, Tanji, since he didn’t have the man’s name. “You could join us, or simply stay. I doubt Hoshigakure will remain an official shinobi institute after this. Although that doesn’t real give much these days. You could also try to stop me, in which case we would come to blows. Which I do not wish to do, but I will if necessary. So, what is your choice sir?” He would ask, his hand still resting idly on Seraphim’s hilt and his golden eyes watching the man closely.

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