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Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:57 pm
" Cleaning the boarders as I wouldn't mind. But you must return as soon possible and may take a chuunin or anyone suitable with you. I will also send my fellow guard keeper who will be right behind you to support you." He said in a calm tone, Yasaki had a lot to do for this village. "Know of your surrounding, be cautious with everything and if you notice something immediately return. A lot of bad boys out there as I cannot lose a man who's intelligent as our forefathers." Yasaki would touch his liver as Akaybashi mentioned that his operation took less than 15 minutes. He was a doctor who served his village by nurturing them as best as he can. He continued to look at him wondering maybe if it was time to change as he would wait upon him watching his watch. " It seems am getting old and tired, juice cannot continue supply with what you can Akaybayshi."
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:40 pm
The way the man touched his own liver and asked to supply what he could was an odd way to ask for a transplant and the doctor had the necessary parts to do it. ”This one is pretty fresh pulled it out only fifteen minutes ago. When it comes to this stuff, it can get a little bloody we should probably do it at the hospital in my exam room.”  He would say heading for the door and hold it open for the kage to step through. ”I can’t say how fast the new DNA will bond to you, but these things aren’t cheap.  I will offer you a discount though, since you did the right thing stepping up for the village 3,000 ryo and your new liver will have you spitting fireballs and lasers like never before.”

If the kage followed the doctor to his office they would be greeted by the nurse who was handling patients while he was gone. “Please prep for surgery, I don’t wish to keep our kage waiting.”[/b] With one look at Yasaki the girl’s heart would stop momentarily as she never expected a kage to just show up to her place of work. With a quick greeting she would rush off to prepare everything needed. Scalpel, anesthetic, sterile gloves among other things. While waiting Akabayashi would look over the Uchiha’s medical records. ”Everything on your chart looks normal, we can proceed with the surgery.” There would be no patients dying on the Terumi’s table and if they did he would bring them back before anyone found out. ”Go ahead in and hop up onto the table.”

Once, the kage did as asked the doctor would pick up the needle of anesthetic checking it for air bubbles after ensuring it was safe he would move it towards the man’s arm. ”Slight pinch, hope you don’t hate needles.” After the fluid was in the man’s body would feel numb  and Akabayashi would proceed. The area the Terumi was cutting would be obscured from the Uchiha by a thin blue paper, unless he wished to see what was going on. Once the Uchiha’s liver was removed. The doctor would take the jar with his own liver and surgically attach it using mystical palm.  With the wound closed the doctor would remove the screen. ”It’s all done now you just have to let your body get used to the foreign DNA.”

Akabayashi and the nurse helping him would clean up all the tools. She asked a lot of questions about the kage, most of which the Terumi didn’t answer aside from an I don’t know. She wished to know how a douche like himself met the leader of the ninja in the area, to which his only response was I’m pretty well connected I guess. Once, everything was clean the Terumi would look at the Uchiha. ”How do you feel?”

Claims: Implanting a Terumi liver with mystical palm into Yasaki. Taking Yasaki's liver as he no longer needs it.
TWC: 2665
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:28 pm
Flipping for the transplant.
1 success, 2 for failure, Best of luck!

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Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:28 pm
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:23 pm
As they processed him of getting a new liver, it felt an amazing moment for him. He was about to feel himself moving to the next level. As an uchiha he was proud of how far he has came. But to be recognized as someone who will take care of his village, he was surely blissful.  Yasaki produced a smile it wasn't only a smile. It was a smile of happiness and gratefulness. He surrendered himself with winners who pushed himself to the next level. He felt everything at that moment whilst the lady was speaking he nodded his head.

It happened as quick as he thought. With himself lying on the table, he would open his eyes looking at the terumi. He stared him down for two seconds letting out a small chuckle. " It feels great.. just wished my father was around so he can see how far I've come." He would touch the face of terumi using his right hand, smiling. "Thank for your being a kind gentleman as you was born and supposed to be.  You just saved my life.. and thankful for it." He would sit up, hugging Akaybayshi with all his strength.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Tue Sep 10, 2019 8:51 pm
First the man would stare at the wanderer then laugh randomly as he had been doing earlier. He would then say an odd statement once more. You want your dad to see you getting a DNA transplant as a career milestone? The man would then see a hand reach for his face and caress it as he then complimented the doctor once more. I definitely already told this guy I wasn’t gay. He would then move in for a hug yet again the Terumi would need to remind the kage of his position as a straight male, while the sentiment of the kage being attracted to the male was kind it was unwanted. I saved his life? Looking at the liver he had just removed there was nothing abnormal about the organ.

While still being hugged and inspecting the removed body part he caught the eyes of his yaoi obsessed nurse, whose eyes twinkled as she drooled looking at the hugging men. Look if I’m going to be the star of today's fanfic at least do me the courtesy of not reading it to me this time. Her head bobbed north and south as she left the room to go about her other business. Once, she was out of the room he would look down at the kage who was still seated.Please, stop hugging me, you just sent my nurses brain into overdrive .

Once the man stopped hugging him he would become more serious about their business. ”About your liver is there anything wrong with it, I didn’t note any issue with the organ itself. “ I can’t go about selling diseased parts I have a reputation to uphold. ”The cost of your new liver is three-thousand ryo, as a transplant it will take some time to get used to for some people the effects take minutes others days. If you start feeling unwell let me know immediately I can take a look to see what the issue is, probably something unrelated to the surgery but I’ll handle it anyway. Do you have any questions before I head out?”

WC: 365
TWC: 3,030
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:27 pm
He paid him 2500ryo and would disappear in a flash. 


Total WC:2007
20ap - 2kw

Last edited by Yasaki on Sun Sep 15, 2019 12:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:53 pm
Without a word the kage would toss the Terumi a bag of money and his form would gather rapidly into his left eye before disappearing entirely. A space time jutsu using the eye as a conduit to drag himself inside.  Interesting, it may find use later for him. Tossing the bag the Terumi noted the sack felt a little on the light side. Opening the bag he would count the money inside and find it to be short by five-hundred ryo. So, he rips me off and doesn’t tell me if his liver was compromised by disease.  I should have slapped him in the balls when he was  going inside his eye. Their closeness being that they were hugging meant it could have been achieved.

The Terumi would right out a medical bill for his owed services the deficit the kage still owed him . He would then seal the bill in an envelope and have it mailed to the kages office, marking it with a  stamp indicating the information was for the patient's eyes  only. In this case the patient was the kage. Akabayashi would store the money within his own coin purse hoping to line it further in the days to come. Looking at the jar containing the kage’s liver the doctor would open the jar and biopsy a tiny piece of the organ to observe under a microscope.

Looking at the organ he could see all the cells and  bacteria covering the small piece of liver. Yet none of the cells or bacteria were abnormal. In fact for a man who appeared to be in his nineties the tissue was quite healthy. How did I save his life? The doctor would wonder while scratching his head. The kage was a very strange man perhaps he was just saying odd things when he said what he had, at least from the doctor’s perspective , he would monitor the liver for a few days to see if anything abnormal appears. Otherwise he saw it as a perfectly good organ to sell to someone who wished to add the powers of the Uchiha to their gene pool. Akabayashi would take his organ jars home as he had with Genki’s.

WC: 373
TWC: 3403
Claiming: Uchiha Genetics (+25 chakra, +25 fire nin power) with 2k wc, 17 stats, 1030 wc to complete Shadow clone, 250 wc for genjutsu release mastery, 2500 ryo, the liver of Yasiki (Uchiha)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Laughing Dreamer (Akabayshi,P,IO,NK)

Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:56 pm
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