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Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Monitoring mountains Empty Monitoring mountains

Fri Aug 30, 2019 7:05 pm
The earth country had an diffrent air to it. No longer was the air as dry as the desert which housed hoshi. It was vast large, and an maze of mountains far as the eye could see. The man had been here years ago. Surveyimg the same cliff top and in that time. Doning an silver breastplate armor and the leader based gold and silver seal of the royal family.

In that time the lovely area posessed many things. The vegitation was a bit more avalible and appealing, but from what he heard. The land was now ran by the underworld. An shinobi system had fallen here several years back. The lack therefore of even miscreaten order was apparent. The give away was the various carts tossed in the raviens , and by the looks of it as he passed by as he moved through the mountains. Various scavenging induviduals with shifty eyes.

His travel had gone on for about half the day without incident. The man made sure to keep himsekf scarce with his chakra supressed and as such minding his ability to make tracks. The observation of the man in the time was more disheartening. The wandering families were much more and scattered homes of the shinobi unwilling to stand in order was obvious. As in betrayal was apparent in their duty. The scars ran deep in this country as the people would treat the unknown with contempt. A hostility he observed for many years over the conqured territories from the desert kingdom.

The signs of trouble loomed like a mist however. The man's gaze by mid day scanned quietly over the ruins of the shinobi system that was. Standing high on the top of a cliff with chakra flowing through his feet. Zaled silently surveyed the wreckage of a fight that perhaps happend several years ago. Roughly 5 by his calculations. The man was more keen to observe it further if he got closer. Perhaps the girl was there.
Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:25 pm
Traversing through the desert plains, wasn't an easy task for Odokuro. Let alone trying to get here. Suna, according to her resources. Were filled with missing ninjas. She had to keep herself out of trouble as she traveled half of the country from where she originally came from, in order to get here. Odokuro didn't quite count how many days it took her to get to where she needed to go. For sure it didn't take her a few hours, it would be good for traveling from one point to the next, if it only took that short amount of time. 

She needed to ask questions and sneak by, in order to get some information about the place that she is seeking. She hadn't thought that she would have a rough time being in a country filled with sand. At least the weather felt decent. The soft texture of the brown sand, left little sounds as she walked with a pair of her ninja sandals. It would be bad if she hadn't come prepared, the feeling of sand beneath her feet would've been a bothersome if she hadn't worn socks. Imagining that she would have to stop each time to brush the sand off of her feet.

The deadly wind smacked her across the face, as she pressed forward to where she needed to go. The hot air, pressing against her face as she took each step. Felt like someone was close to her face, laying waste of their terrible breathe, as if they've eaten onions. Wherever she was going, she needed to exert herself so she can find somewhere to take a small break before, going on. For what reason she had to come to suna, was to know about the place. Try to scavenger hunt for details, and maybe make a living as a thief. If anyone had that sort of knowledge in thieving, it should be these bandits. However, she has her doubts.

 As she continued her travel, she came across a wreckage. It wasn't like the type of wreckage, like a car accident of some sort. It was as though a big fight that took place here. As she looked around, a flashing light appeared. It had came from the ground, as the sun was reflecting light off of a broken piece of material. Made out of silver, looked like a piece of a blade was chipped off. Didn't look like it was in peak condition. Odokuro took a glance of it, and her eyes gaped at the condition that the material was in. Appearing to her as though it had been here, longer than a few years. It didn't take too long before the material she held in her pale hands, to break. 
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:35 pm
The gaze of the man shifted over the marvel of the ruined area. It was a true shame. How far do people allow homes, and allies fall before they are willing to lift them back up? Perhaps there was an true limit that people possess till they are unwilling to assist the trodden.

The question spoke volumes to zaled. As it surly was somewhere in the backs of the minds of people. Even if it was a tiny thought of pitty, disdane, or disgust. The filth was perhaps the unmaking of the village system itself. An implosion of greed and heartless ambition, or the snuffing of driven induvidual's drive to a future for the masses.

yet this alone happening in hoshi. One man cannot bring peace, and a few generations cannot save the world. We house both our brightest angles, and darkest demons. That alone speaks the truth of our iorny as humans.... it is the thought and induvidual that plays their role. Hence why in religious segments it emphasised the self and the maker. Not the masses and the maker... so i wonder where these people that orchestrated this stand? Did they really balence the lives of others? Or did they not care?

Zaled thought as he carefully decended from his position. His chakra as per usual surpressed. But in the eccense he  kept himself aware. Even more so  to the dangers around. The prime spot for looters and theives of all means and walks of darkness. Therefore he was not keen on dealing with the mess at hand.

The sound of someone picking something up alterted zaled that the area was not vacant. The only way he would spot this was his movements were silent and careful. Still his eyes only gleaned the unmistakeable shadow of the induvidual. In that instant his sharingan activated as it was unknown territory.   An simple quiet handseal  later zaleds appearance was changed. Due to the transformation technique. The smoke was obscured within the lining of the trees behind said induvidual.

His attire was more like an wandering adventuer now. His greying hair now a mousey brown. And his mustach more thin, and well kept. He kept a small streak of grey in the middle of his hair to show his age. The lining of his face a bit less stressed. And his sharingan eyes hidden within the technique behind a pair of piercing blue eyes that hid the 3 tomo perfectly. His skin complexion darker to a moca brown. His clothing shifted from his dark green under garments. Covered by his jouninn flak jacket. And black cargo pants. To a more flowy garment, lined with a white jacket as a top. As foreign as an individual that never set foot in the land. (Transformation tec)

It all took a spit second as he when done  zzaled stepped out from the treeline quietly with a slight intention to determin who was there. He immediately spotted the girl merely a 8 meters away, and he tensed up mentally.

it doesn't feel like that girl. But one never knows... still

zaled thought as he cleared his throat audibly enough to get the girl's attention. Speaking in a soft, but with an unusual slight drawl to spike an moderate accent. He picked up form a foreigner from several years back.

"Miss would you mind telling me what site this is? As it is truly a mess. what happened here? Unfortunate, and crudely kept."

The man surveyed the area behind the girl should she turn to face him, but if not then his eye's were on the girl's back. His senses on high. If it was that girl that killed the jouninn in hoshi. He would have to apprehend them, and bring them in for trial. The test of his mission as his sharingan would assure him the truth as best it could. Now keen behind his disguise. Zaled would observe the woman within his act. If it was the girl. We would just have to see.


-5 sharin
-5 transformation tec
Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:52 pm
The area that she's in, looked craggy in appearance. She faced the sandy coloured mountains, and looked around to see trees in her way. She stood in the middle of a war zone, or what was left of it. War creeps throughout every piece of land. Even if a village, for the rest of their lives saw peace. Peace would eventually be shaken up by violence, and war that intended to go on for hundreds of years. No matter what type of conflict it may present. Whether it was something minor, like war amongst siblings who war amongst clans. People bring about any type of conflict for petty reasons. Odokuro sees no type of interest in war, even if her country were to be in some sort of predicament. She couldn't lend them any sort of aid.

 She'd rather keep needless conflict out of her way and mind her own business. Odokuro had been tired of staring at this specific piece of land for awhile, and decided that she should press forward to the village. She was surprised that she hadn't come across any wild animals. Then again, what sort of animal would survive such an area that the sun's harsh rays burned the very ground. However, before her foot could leave the ground, for her to proceed forward. Her attention had focused on a voice that's been spotted amongst the trees. Was he there the entire time, or had he just got here? He asked Odokuro what became of this place. It was an odd question to ask, as she had recently came here. She wasn't someone who comes here every so often, but she was obliged to answer it nonetheless. "War happened of course, their are some visible footprints and pieces of broken up equipment that looked as though it had seen better days --" Odokuro explained. Odokuro turned to face the origin of the voice, before continuing on to speak. 

"By the way….. I feel as though I've been watched since I got here. I'm not one hundred percent certain, though--but have you been there the entire time?" Odokuro asked curiously, she wouldn't have known if he was spying on her, or just coincidentally surrounding himself behind trees as if he was hiding from someone. As if he was trying to get the drop on someone. 
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:26 pm
The girl adressed and turned towards him and he by the instant could tell this girl was not what he was seeking. Within the disguised transformation technique his sharingan reverted to his normal hazle eyes. Although this would not be noted by this gril as he with precaution maintained the transformation technique.

Her addressing of war was apparent. A rather leighway awnser as she was a wanderer of sorts. But given the time frame she odds are never met the target he was tracking. It would be like ants running head first into each other. Unlikely.

The girl's question quiped the simple response from zaled.

"The roads are dangerous as are the thickets. However, I merely just arrived. A humble travler seeking both an induvidual of great importance, and of course what has changed in this land. Unfortunatly nothing. The order of people have drastically fallen since my day. An unfortunate fate for organized induviduals fall here. "

Zaled mused for a moment in his assumed drawl. But for a second he paused it to let his sords sink in and the desgised man smiled sadly.

"Ironic that it is the fate of all organized settlements. The inate primal instincts even when burried under intelligence. Only showsvin harboring ill will towards others. An vicious cycle. Of rebuilding and destruction."

Zaled stated with an sad sigh, and walked a few feet over to an area of burned charred wood. The wood was all but burned. Crumbling from the looks by touch. A porch was once there, and by looks of it the pit being a house.

"What brings you to such a place young lady?"

Zaled would ask curious a bout such an young lady running around

(Sharingan deactivated)

-5 for transformation tec.

AP: 785/800
Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:11 pm
Odokuro is both a wanderer and a ninja running from her own sins, as she felt no need to stay in a village where her sins came into fruition. Her actions on taking one's life to achieve her father's wish, was something she was forced to recognize. The way this man talked as if he was a wise guy. Surely he hasn't experienced a lot of hardship in his upbringing to be sounding like this. She was quick to judge his character, despite only just now meeting him. She wanted to get this over with, but she had to listen to what the man is trying to say before she should interject. Odokuro wasn't interested in the things he was saying, other than him mentioning about him finding someone of importance. Could this mean that he was merely spying on Odokuro, to see if she was the person he was looking for? If so why was he looking? Is it to catch her and throw her in jail? If that's the case, he would've done it a long time ago.

 She isn't in great fighting condition, due to little knowledge she has in the field of combat. She is merely a child for now, but if someone were to ask her of her own capabilities. She'd be the one to hold herself high on a pedestal. Not even acknowledging the fact that she is incapable of killing even a shinobi of her rank, which is why she is traveling. To find someone who can be of use to her, and allowing her to hone her skills so that she can be a true force to be reckoned with. Her goals were straight and simple. She wants to be a famed thief, and steal from the rich and give to the poor. If it meant running from the law, and binding others to her favor. It was something she was willing to do. Unsure whether this man meets her requirements, she would wait and tell him what she seeks. Once his ramblings came to an end, she was ready to answer his question.

"I came so I can seek some knowledge in becoming a thief, or mercenary. Which ever helps me survive in this world, not that surviving isn't all that difficult." Odokuro answered. Her eyes shifted away to meet the gaze of the sun, not minding if it were to give her any eye strain at some point. 

"When you said someone important… Were you perhaps looking for someone to turn in?" She asked out of curiosity. Unsure of the mans nature, whether he is someone of the same village as her. Under the konoha police force, or just a missing ninja like her. 
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:15 pm
The seeker of knowledge of underhand work and the job of cut throats and various other crooks in the works. An aspiring mercenary. For the right price, bht not afraid to cut a persons purse too? Although as zaled saw it. They merely embraced the nature that honest folks only dispised. Except theivery and the hired blade only gains noctoriousity. As opposed to enjoying the finer points in life.

He was never a theif, but assisted others on their journey. Still zaled glanced at the girl as he spoke. He decidedly figured the nature of his own task was not necessary for the girl to know for the moment.

"Tge induvidual i am seeking. Is more for infomation. Besides Most do not make it far down that road. It is not about how hard you work. But wether or not you survive with blades pointed at you ready to skewer you. You may travel alot, but that means nothing if an induvidual like me is hunting you. It means nothing to survive to eat another day if a knife enters your back. And your hard earned money is taken from your grip."

Zaled went silent as he looked at the girl. Considering her. Although the blue eyes of the disguise would betray no judgement. Finally speaking up after a momement.

"The shinobi, and unaligned induviduals both do the same, and results are the same. Both like your aspirations require one thing. Resolve behind your craft. If you wish to become an mercenary for hire. Your actions must be of impression on induvidualswhom can easily pick over you. Sometimes it is just nesscerry to go into harms way. For your chance. But you. Must be adapt at gathering intel."

Zaled lifted a finger and gestered for the girl to follow him.

"I can help you, but you will have to earn your way to the point i am."
Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:17 am
Odokuro's curiosity peaked more and more as he talked about someone he is trying to find, or rather the information he seeks. Her ego made it impossible for her to back down a worthy challenge that the world set up for her. She didn't care about the risks, so long as it's rewarding. She won't throw herself in the pit of danger if it meant that she would get a high reward for it. Only an idiot would think to risk their lives if there's nothing to gain out of it. She was smarter than that and was taught better. She knew how to prioritize her needs before others, but she wouldn't mind going out of her way to do other things if it meant something to her. If the man needed some work done, in exchange for some kind of knowledge about the things she seeks. She wouldn't mind.

 Even if it was something stupid, like going out of her way to help a random stranger he probably knew from way back when. Before Odokuro decided to look deep into the future, where she would like to be in life. She needed to figure out how to acquire strength, at least enough so that she could have the possibilities of going up against more frightening opponents, and dodging any leaf ninja who cared enough to bring her in. She wasn't the top most wanted on the list, so she should be safe for now. She'd have to use this man towards her advantage if she were to have some hope in surviving. 

"I've been meaning to ask. Have you met any missing ninjas in your life? If so, I'd like to know where some of them are--if I ever want to get strong and be recognized, I would need connections and worthy foe to challenge. Since missing ninjas aren't under a ranking system, I'd need to search for people if I were to gather attention upon myself so that people will know the name of the woman that beaten them" 
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:46 am
"Years ago. Before you were even considered a fore thought. They long since retired, died, or are beyond the reach of individuals of few vices. You are young. Now you must develop, grow, and experience both hardship and great triumph. Before you are worthy in their eyes. Moreless they run the money of many benificors nowadays."

Zaled awnsered the girl with a shrug. Ambition for greatness, and the act and applicance of acheivement were two diffrent worlds. Tjis alone was the basic lesson behind his words. The girl may be a hands on person, but she was not vetted and tested yet. Just like himself when he was but a wee squire many years back. Knighthood was thought of as a dream in hoshi. But all celings that are seen can be hit with effort and heart. But if one does not push the boundaries. They only become an example. Not the example and the "go to" induvidual. Still zaled's eyes scanned over the girl for a moment in thought.

"If you had a choice. Would you rather keep wandering for an awnser to your questions? Or be the Pioneer to your own future? Many individuals of this world have learned that following either path your results may differ. But in the end there is greatness. If you want to reach the other shinobi of missing status. You must think like one. Which is what I'm doing"
Kyoki Shokukou
Kyoki Shokukou
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Monitoring mountains Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:36 am
1000/1000 for  Phoenix flower Jutsu
641/1000 for  Parry Jutsu
1600 WC for 8 stat points towards health
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