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Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:42 pm
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Monitoring mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:07 am
Odokuro hadn't expected that kind of answer from him. It left her expressionless. Such a useless man who claims to have roamed this land, sounding as though he was some old, wise wizard from a far away land. instead of being irritated by the answer that was given, Odokuro shrugged off the mans answer as if he had never said anything, and simply offered a smile in return. Odokuro now decided to find worthy ninjas to take on, during his journey. Though she didn't have an actual goal in mind. Nothing in the realms of attempting to achieve world peace, or annihilation. She didn't have a clear cut idea of what she wants in life. She's far too young to really decide on what she wants, so she decided not to dwell into the things she desires, and just look forward to opportunities she may come across in the future. 

"You say some rather interesting things, old man. It is rather silly to ask someone such a question, I'd say that I would like to wait awhile until I can give you an exact answer." Odokuro says in a straightforward manner. "I think we've talked for quite a while and would like to get going, but hopefully we'll cross paths again." Odokuro turned his back on the mysterious man, but before she takes her step in heading towards her path. "Say, can I have your name? My name is Odokuro from the Kaguya clan" Once the man would exchange his name, it was time for the girl to see her way out and hope the two would meet again. She didn't have any other business with him. 

Zaled Uchiha
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Monitoring mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:16 am
The girl response was not as surprising. The opitions of life were limited by both how far a person desires to go. And where plus why they want to go to  such measures. The sender was it didnt matter which way, but the journey inwhich one would take to fufill it. It was not tricky. But he figured the girl needed time. It was still an unfamiliar face, and as her knowledge on the current area was confirmed as little to none he would simply lift a hand in response to the girl.

"You can call me Z young lady. Be safe on your travles."

He would respond as the girl left the area. Once she was gone zaled let down the transformation technique as the coast was clear and pondered a bit.  As he continued further into the remains.

Chaos surly had it's means to make things count. Zaled only needed the necessary details. And yet it was as he thought. Perhaps the girl went through the country and as it was a possibility. But he needed results as well to ensure that that was certain. Perhaps a few more days for long range recon and surveying? Was nessceary?

It made sense as induvidual like that was more to hide away their steps and make as much haste they could to another area. But the question was to where? The underground had safe havens, and with its safe havens they could be anywhere? But that was too obvious as an collective effort would be made to simply wipe out the establishments. Zaled in the thought considered this as now if he could further observe the state of events. It would make more sense  to follow the trail. However his power was not that vast.

He knew his limits, and accepted them for years now. Still it was never too late to improve further.  The girl was enough to take another jouninn off gaurd. Despite the young boy's stupidity. But he never needed to belive too much preperation was unhealthy. After all an unready shinobi was a dead shinobi. In many ways this played the part well to zaled.

He understood the way's an induvidual worked, an in that he also understood why most did what they belived were right. To this new girl he figured that perhaps they would just need time to grow on their own. But dor his target for all he knew they could've grown more powerful by now. A murderer would go as they see fit.

time is of the esscence. Why do this get so complex. What if the girl was taken out? That will further complicate things. Still we must keep looking.

Zaled thought as it was clear the girl was not here. But he was burning time.  The man headed westward as he too an gander to guess his next action.


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Monitoring mountains - Page 2 Empty Re: Monitoring mountains

Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:24 am
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