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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:37 pm
The night air lapped at what little exposed skin she had, the village was quiet as Amateratsu escorted her through it. The soft crunch of dirt and pebbles of stone accompanying the near silence between the two women, which Mizuki preferred at this point. Her nerves were stretched thin as she focused her attention on everything around; the buildings all looked so similar in structure, the pathways intersecting and branching off like the veins on a leaf she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer size of the place. How long would it take her to find her way on her own without assistance? She scowled slightly at the thought and glanced at her companion feeling indebted to her for helping her as she knew for a fact she would have been hopeless in finding her way to the morgue. Mizuki hated owing anyone anything and was a fiercely independent person which made her dislike this arrangement more and more, ‘Maybe I should meet Kenshin alone then… present yourself in a better light, first impressions matter.’, she thought to herself weighing the possible outcomes in her head for a moment before deciding with certainty that she needed to proceed alone.

Turning to Amateratsu she would raise her eyebrows jeeringly, “You know… I think I want to do this on my own. I’m sure it would look better in the long run don’t you?”, her voice purred slightly at the end portraying how much she respected the young nin’s opinion. “So… if you could give me the quickest path to the morgue I will see you tomorrow for training.” She would wait as she was given the coordinates with general indifference watching her turn to leave without another word, waiting for her to be out of sight before walking in the direction given to her. Her violet eyes darted around the streets as she walked noting what she could about the place and putting the path she was taking to memory the village feeling more like a labyrinth the further she traveled. Laughing to herself she could see the genius in that it was its own form of protection and layer of secrecy that she had to admire - she was working with some thoughtful people and that excited her as she wondered what more she could uncover about them.

Finally reaching a building like any other she paused looking around in contemplation as she considered the instructions given to her, this was definitely the place as it had a discerning symbol high up on its front. Rolling her shoulders to loosen the tenseness that had been building she walked in, head held high and eyes alert. The halls were eerily quiet for a hospital, though considering the hour it made sense, following some of the signs she managed to find her way to the morgue with greater ease the doors ahead of her were closed and she took one last moment to gather herself. After months of chasing rumor mills she was about to meet the one they were all about, she had heard many others saying he had disappeared but she knew that wasn’t possible, someone like that didn’t just drop off the face of the earth and lucky for her she had managed to make her way here to this moment. Smirking to herself she pushed the door open and stepped inside her stride confident and cocky as if this was something she did on the daily; taking a quick glance around she would notice an assortment of bodies laying on slabs around the room, some of the spots still open for real estate. Taking a few more steps into the room she would let her guard down, her imagination running wild as she focused on a particular body laying directly in front of her, the cavity pulled open to reveal a brilliant red in contrast to the graying skin on either side. She found herself drawing closer to the body, reaching out in an entranced manner, her fingers lightly brushing the ice cold skin as gently as she would if it were a lover before whispering out loud to herself, "You must have been a real pleasure to get to this point...", sighing she would close her eyes as her mind wandered, wondering how many of these bodies had a worthwhile death...

[WC 725]
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:15 am
The first inkling that today would be a good day came when he felt the light flare of Amaterasu’s chakra, not enough that the brash girl was incinerating yet another traveller or even trying to signal that she required his assistance… but just enough to get his attention. Without the need for any concentration on his part his Byakugan would burst to life, the eye itself staying the dull and unassuming red of his now normal eyes but being revealed by the telltale veins that bulged around the right side of his face. The Hospital was just over 700m from the gates, so he needed to focus the eye itself to see what was happening, but when he did he would take note of the ease that his little apprentice was showing around this stranger. Hmm, the woman was certainly nothing impressive when it came to chakra, possessing only a fraction as much as the child that he was training… but unlike his protege, he found that this woman moved with a rare grace that he had only seen in a few individuals over the years. All of those people were among those that he considered to be threats… but it was obvious that this woman in particular was certainly anything but a threat to him. Not simply because of how weak she obviously was, but because she was heading straight for him alongside Amaterasu.

If the girl even suspected that this woman would be foolish enough to attempt anything then she would be little more than ashes in the wind, or perhaps a charred corpse if she had taken his words to heart and began to practice restraint when it came to killing others. He had watched as she incinerated the foolish woman that insulted her, and while he didn’t care about the woman's death he was a little displeased with the lack of restraint that The Heir of Ash had displayed. For all she knew that woman could have been the last holder of a rare and near extinct bloodline, yet she still chose to completely incinerate her… and that was what Kenshin had been sure to emphasise when he broached the subject with her. Well, that and extending the same offer he had given to Kutari… sufficient payment for any corpses that she produced and was willing to part with. Either way, back to the woman that had now parted ways with Amaterasu and continued on her way towards his position… she definitely walked with the grace and beauty that he had come to associate with skilled predators… those skilled few that truly knew how to dance with death and come out on top. It was how Valen walked, it was how Kutari walked… it was how HE walked… with an almost unnatural finesse that could easily be overlooked by most, but was easily recognisable to one such as he.

The unknown woman was certainly lacking when it came to strength… but the way that she carried herself as she strolled through the streets, laughing as she studied her surroundings, was more than enough to pique the interest of The Reaper. He would watch in curiosity as she came to a stop outside the hospital itself, lightly rolling her shoulders before continuing forth, her head held high and her eyes hyper focussed and she did so… her entire demeanor shifting in mere moments. Oh yes… this one would indeed be a dangerous foe… not in the physical sense, but the entire way that she moved and held herself screamed danger to anyone that truly knew what to look for. This one was certainly not going to be like Alice, The Spider that for some reason believed herself to be some form of master manipulator and puppet master to everyone around her… but in reality was little more than a spoilt child playing games with consequences that she truly didn’t understand. He knew full well that he was likely overestimating the skill that this mysterious woman actually possessed… but in a very short amount of time it seemed that she had managed to endear herself to Amaterasu, the vicious Little Wolf. That, if nothing else, told him all that he truly needed to know about this woman… he just found himself hoping that he would have some fun in this little game… after-all, a worthy adversary was always hard to come across.

As the woman approached the hospitals mortuary Kenshin would deactivate his Byakugan and simultaneously activate Mayfly, his body having merged completely with the floor mere moments before the door swung open. He would witness the woman walking towards the autopsy table that held one of many corpses he was currently examining through the unique form of ‘vision’ granted by Mayfly as he moved to merge with the table itself, allowing himself to partially emerge just enough for his face to be visible. He would activate his Byakugan again and use it to read the lips of the woman as she spoke, the words themselves causing a dark smirk to form on the face of the new form of The Immortal. He supposed he was in the mood for some dramatics, and besides, he was bored stiff of running these experiments and tests on the corpses of mere civilians… he needed something that could actually be fun.

“You would be incorrect. The man was nothing more than a drunken fool, dead after managing to tumble down the staircase of the apartment complex that he lived in. His corpse was lying there for hours before anyone actually found him, and he had no friends or family that cared enough to claim it… so here he lies, his corpse little more than a plaything for a creature that cares nothing for it. Truth be told I gain very little from examining it, it holds no use whatsoever to me and any tests that could be performed on it have already been done… I’m mostly doing this to alleviate the crippling boredom that I feel day in and day out in this pathetic husk of a village.” An almost unnaturally deep and silky smooth voice would ring out throughout the room, almost seeming to echo from multiple points throughout the room. Any who heard the voice would recognise it as the voice of Kenshin Uzumaki, the original, from before he performed his Advanced Transformation.

“You however… you intrigue me. You carry yourself with the finesse of a true blade in the dark, of someone that has danced with death for years and come out on top countless times… yet I can sense very little in the way of chakra from you, and that tells me that you still have much to learn. Two very different messages… so tell me… who exactly are you and why have you decided to come to this husk of a village?”

The fate of the mysterious woman depended solely on whatever answer that she gave… and while the likelihood of The Reaper simply taking her soul was high… he was very unlikely to simply end her life. After-all, it wasn’t good business to kill potential allies… and this woman certainly seemed to have what it took to become a formidable ally in the future.

WC: 1209
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:06 pm
It was like a chill ran up her spine, colder than the already frigid air she stood in, it was like ice water had slid down her back and stiffening her already tightly controlled shoulders. As the shock of not being as alone as she anticipated wore off, she began to feel her shoulders loosen and relax turning on her heel in a slow semi circle to watch the empty air around her, her ears picking up where that silken voice was coming from, which felt like it was surrounding her and nowhere in particular at the same time. This was the man who haunted the rumor mills of back alley pubs, this was the man who claimed life after life with no retribution paid… this was the man she had been dying to meet, and this so far was living up to everything she had hoped it would. Most people would feel suffocated in a room full of bodies in differing stages of decomposition, most people might even become sick at the mere thought of how lovingly she had stroked one but to Mizuki this was the product of so many years of watching lights leave eyes, this was her end goal and it only made enduring this interesting power play by the ragdoll himself that much more enjoyable.

The words sank into her subconscious like a heavy stone being thrown into a calm lake, silent and then tumultuous, feeling at least three different ways about what she was being told, the first being that she was already being chastised right out the gate and instead of being observant of his thoughts as most followers should be she was flaring up with argument, the second being that even though she was being contradicted she was intrigued by the way he viewed a body and life attached to it, but the last was the most troubling as she didn’t understand why - it pulled on a deep rooted emotion that she hadn’t felt in years - hunger. Her eyes widened as she processed everything, a few seconds in real time, before smiling in a thoughtfully and crossing her arms across her chest, tilting her head back in a defiant manner and beginning a slow walk along the perimeter of the room - taking notice of everything in her path as she began her retort, “I think you’re wrong there Ragdoll,”,her voice was strong, clear, and projected well in the still room, “,you missed the best part of the whole affair you missed the most enjoyable bit. Just imagine with me here, the look of utter shock as he began to lose balance, the fear in his eyes as gravity took hold… and the best part of the whole thing being the crack as he hit the ground.” She punched her hand into her open palm swiftly to imitate the noise as if she was recreating the fall for an audience. If she was being watched as she suspected she was then he would clearly notice her body reacting and becoming more animated as she explained her point, would clearly see the fierce love of the journey into deaths embrace.

Her eyebrows would raise in mock surprise upon hearing that The Ragdoll had already examined her in such a close manner, having never met her until this moment he had a firm grasp on who Mizuki was at her core - a dual nature of someone so able and so unable. No one had ever aptly assessed her and it was an alarming amount of information to already know and be able to wield against her. Mizuki resented that he knew this about her as she saw it as the most disgraceful part of herself - hating herself for being as weak as those she saw as prey while the same feeling began to creep up on her psyche, for Kenshin, she was easy prey in his eyes. You don’t mind, she hissed at herself in her head, get over it now. Almost as soon as she had the thought the feeling left her being banished from her body as easily as swatting an annoying fly, only things that strengthened her were allowed to dwell. 

A glass case containing some glass bottles containing an assortment of unimportant body parts floating in water dyed a multitude of colors caught her attention as she slowed to a halt in front of them - a low glow of the hues dancing in her eyes as she focused on each in turn. “Aptly discerned Ragdoll...,” pausing mid sentence, she hadn’t noticed how informal she was already speaking to him but it was almost as if they had already shared such deep insights into their personal psyche that it wouldn’t be a point of contention,though he was known for many cruel things... “I’m here for exactly that. I am a master at what I’m known for, but that is amateur hour compared to what I know I’m capable of. Great terrible things lie in untapped recesses that I know the tutelage of someone as notorious as you could bring about.” ,pausing again she narrowed her eyes, leaning closer to one of the jars trying to discern the label while feigning to lose interest in what she was saying, she too could be a bit dramatic, “I have decided to come here to become feared to become as notorious as you. It took me so long to find you here holed up in your husk of a village. Who though… is Mizuki Ohta other than an assassin craving a life with more purpose.” 

This was the first time she would admit out loud to herself or anyone else that she wanted anything as desperately as she wanted that. Her life leading to this moment had been a hollow version of what she needed… what was needed to feed a soul so hungry for control.

[WC 983]
[TWC 1708]
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:49 pm
The Reaper would watch in silent amusement as the still unnamed woman's shoulders tightened almost unconsciously for a few moments, but almost as soon as it happened she began to relax once more, her shock having vanished almost as soon as it had appeared. He would watch as her widened eyes slowly narrowed and a small, thoughtful smile began to split her face as her arms folded in front of her… oh yes, she was aware of just how telling her body language had been in those few moments. As she began to slowly walk around the room she would speak, and her words were a little more defiant than he had been expecting from a chameleon like her… but he supposed that at this time she was indeed more focused on catching his attention than avoiding notice. He was unable to hear the words themselves, but with his Byakugan he was able to read the lips of the woman as she continued to walk, explaining in detail how the death of the man would have indeed been a pleasure to anyone that witnessed . He did find himself agreeing with what she was saying… but if nobody was around to enjoy the spectacle that was his death, and if his corpse was completely devoid of use, then it was simply a waste. 

After he gave his assessment of her he would watch her face closely, and while he would indeed take note of the obviously faked raise of brows that was not what he was truly looking for… no, he was looking for some much more subtle tells. The tensing of her lower right eyelid told him that she felt some degree of anger, and her eyes had become a little harder as she focused on what was said… but more than that, the slight tilt that her smile gained told him that she was feeling at least a small degree of contempt. Still… she was indeed a talented actor, and he truly doubted that there would have been many that were able to read her as well as he had… in fact, there was every chance that she was purposely allowing those tells to show, but he doubted it. She would come to a stop near the shelves that he was using to store some of the organs that he was running tests on, and it was then that she would begin to talk, using the title that had become synonymous with him when referring to him. Informal but certainly not rude, not that he would have cared regardless… he had long since gotten over his qualms when it came to people being rude… in fact, if anything he had become quite the rude person himself over time. 

It was then that she would admit the reason that she had come here in the first place, power, or rather the desire for it… something that The Ragdoll was quite well known for, and something that he was known to be able to bestow upon others. She was certainly not modest, but if anything he found that to be rather refreshing… she knew that she was skilled and she made no effort to downplay it… but neither was she arrogant, as demonstrated by the admittance that she was nowhere near as strong as she knew she could be. Again, a breath of fresh air, most in their line of work were either arrogant or delusional… sometimes both, as demonstrated by Alice. When he heard both her name and her goal he decided to affirm both to his memory, focusing until he had her chakra signature completely memorised and was able to accurately track her with his Mayfly. It was almost a shame that she had arrived as late as she had… as The Ragdoll no longer held any greater plans, something that would no doubt disappoint the young woman that was still staring at the jars of organs, examining the contents with a desire that few could hope to match. With that he would fully merge with the table once more, making his way through the construct until he was exactly 1m behind her, and once there he would emerge from the ground silently and in a way that was impossible for her to detect. 

“Mizuki Ohta… that is a name I will be sure to remember.” The very same silky smooth voice from earlier would way in response as he took a single step forwards, putting him almost directly behind the admittedly attractive young woman that stood so fearlessly in his lair. This time the voice wasn’t being thrown, so it would be clear to Mizuki that The Monster feared by most of the nations was standing right behind her. She would hear the light ruffling of fabric as Kenshin reached into his jacket, as well as the sound of what sounded like a mixture of leather and metal running across the fabric… but the illusion would be shattered when she heard the sound of the flask being opened and some of its contents being downed. 

“It’s a shame that ya arrived a few weeks too late… if ya really wanna make a name for yourself, to be as notorious and as feared as I am… then there’s very little that I can do to actually help ya at this point. I’m out of the big bad villain game… slaughtering the weak and helpless gets very old very quick, and at this point there really aren’t many that could even hope to stand against me in a true fight, much less make it enjoyable.” Would be what came next, but this time the voice would be different, much less smooth and instead quite hoarse and somewhat gruff, and where while it was still decently deep it was nothing compared to what it was before.

“Now… that isn’t to say that I’m a changed man or anything, I still enjoy butchering people as much as any other psychopath with a more than healthy dose of sadism… but all of the plans that I made to destroy the village system are done… I really don’t care enough about them to even bother anymore.” The voice would then state in a clearly amused tone, and if at this point Mizuki still had yet to attempt to turn or face him she would hear the sound of a flask being thrown back and a healthy mouthful of the substance within being drained… and if she had turned or could somehow see him then she would see that happen. The Reaper would give a light chuckle and take a step back, and once she had turned around (or if she had done so already) he would extend his right hand, or more specifically the open flask held within.

“So… ya want some? It's Awamori... good Awamori at that.”

WC: 1144
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Medical
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Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:27 pm
The glass bottles were holding her attention now  stronger than it had before, being so deep in thought she hadn’t realized how blatant she was being about herself and upon her last sentence would have snapped back into reality where she was firmly upset about what she had let slip. Even if she had not been so deep into her own monologuing she wouldn’t have been able to sense the arrival of The Ragdoll in any way - no chakra signature and no sound would come to the aid and warn her. Her breathing was evening out after her sudden exclamation of her deepest desire to a stranger soon returning to a faster beat as she was caught off guard further. She could hear him right behind her, could sense another figure - one larger than she- coming up so stand so close she could feel his body heat and smell the sharp smell of… liquor?  Her ears caught up with her brain as she realized the sounds she had been hearing were the opening of a flask. She hadn’t turn around just yet as she got accustomed to the new voice she was hearing -and to hear it spoken so close to her she could feel the gruffness of it. It wasn’t unappealing either, sure it sounded like the man had been smoking and choking down battery acid for at least 20 years but it held more life in it than anyone she knew. He was but an old soul preferring living out it’s glory years in solitude, wrapped in memory of old like it were a straight jacket keeping him sane.Her anxiety released, she felt all the tension in her leave, it was like the greatest weight had lifted… she paused as a wicked grin split her face, which was still facing away from him. 

Deciding quickly she leaned her head back slightly to look up at the man standing, metal flask pressed tightly to his lips as if willing it to suck out all the old motivation he one was in moments like this that people could be counted on to give tells to the why of their drinking. Ashamed of something? No, Regretful? Hardly, how about lost? Doesn’t seem to fit into his lifestyle does it… Okay Mizuki’s eyes lit up as the thought slowly came into focus. This man just met his match and she had a feeling he knew it, thinking that a huge let down in the beginning would make her turn tail, she played the long game and she never took no for an answer. Gasoline meet match, match meet gasoline, she thought to herself as she stood up straight and turned to face him, strands of her black hair flying behind her as came to a halt facing him - eyes bright and critical. Roving over his entire body, from stance to clothing to facial hair. Turning her head slightly in a thinking manner she would smile, genuinely at him. “You are opening up pandora’s box there,” she took the flask from his outstretched hand and without a seconds thought threw it back, draining the remaining contents with ease before slamming the empty container down of the nearest autopsy table. “I began to fear this was going to be a sober event.” 

Taking a deep relaxing breath her eyes would meet his - deep violet and confident - as she leaned in closer to him to make her point more personal. “You’re wrong.” She held his gaze for a few moments, noting their difference in height though she wasn’t short to begin with. “You aren’t a changed man yes, but the only thing you are missing is a muse. So bored you must be. You find your life… stimulating anymore? So you don’t want to be the big bad anymore, that's not what I came for, I came for a teacher to help me be the big bad. Haven’t you felt like you are missing something?” She was leaving so many questions unanswered but her mind was set and she knew what she wanted, “We can roam the world, making a large market for all of your special bartering you do.” She seemed to be grasping at straws by this point but there was something unexplainable about this, the two seemed like two halves of the most fucked up coin, no room for stepping on toes and everyone gets what they want… with effort on his part at first.

Stepping closer to him, eyes never faltering from, willing him to give her a sign he was on the same page as her, especially at this point she felt as though she was appealing to a man who had been so detached that he was unwilling to even consider the idea. Don’t you feel it? She would think fiercely, willing her eyes to convey her message, Two predators that should have never met. Scoffing suddenly she would finally release his eyes from hers, choosing to look dismissively at the floor, “Of course.. You are probably too far into retirement to think about investing into your future.” She said flatly and matter of factly as if she was repeating it from a textbook. Shrugging her shoulders as if releasing the topic completely she strode back over to the flask, lift the container to examine it closer and address him one more time, “Either way we are going to need more alcohol.” She smirked at her underlying joke, thinking she was in on it alone, as she glanced over at The Ragdoll again,a smaller more genuine smile crossing her face that was growing flushed from the strong drink, “Grungy lowlife seems to match your history more than your old looks.”

[WC 955]

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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:21 pm
He could almost hear the increase in her heartbeat alongside the actual increase in her breathing once his presence was revealed to her, but that shock only lasted for a moment before she began to calm once more… honestly he would have missed it if he hadn’t been paying close attention. He had long since deactivated his Byakugan, but as the woman tilted her head back and looked up to him as he took his swig he would take note of the almost feral grin on her face… hmm, she was most certainly an interesting one. Her eyes were what truly interested him though, as he could tell that she was attempting to analyse him as deeply as he had been doing to her… but unfortunately she would find that he had long since mastered the ability to suppress and fake his own micro-expressions. However, he had not been attempting to hide the reason behind in change, in fact he had outright expressed it before she turned around… he was bored, plain and simple. Killing was still fun but he longed for a true challenge, to face an opponent that could truly get his blood flowing and his chakra pumping… without that, killing lost a lot of its pleasure. As it stood he got the same amount of pleasure out of killing civilians as he did rank and file shinobi… so why on earth would he go out of his way to make enemies of the villages when he could simply butcher the occasional small town. 

As the woman turned raven tresses would fly, almost smacking his chest as he took his step back to put that little bit of space between them, her sharp violet eyes meeting his own dull yet penetrating red. She would allow her eyes to trace his form without any shame, and he would do little more than smirk and lightly shake the outstretched flask, something that would in turn earn him a light tilt of her head and what appeared to be a genuine smile… something that made him wonder if she was perhaps more skilled than he had given her credit for. She gave him what almost appeared to be a warning as she snatched the flash from him, and with a light chuckle he would watch as she downed what remained of the Awamori in his flask… perhaps he needed to invest in some seals that made the flask a little bigger on the inside… or a lot bigger if she was going to around as much as he suspected she would be. His amusement would only increase as she slammed the metal flask down on the equally metal autopsy table to her right, something that only succeeded in turning the room into a virtual echo-chamber for a few seconds. She would make a comment about fearing this event would be something conducted whilst sober… an unfortunate reality for The Ragdoll since his inhuman anatomy made it quite hard to get truly drunk… but if nothing else the alcohol did take a lot of the edge off this little meeting of theirs. 

The woman would take a deep breath and allow her eyes to meet his once more, and as she began to speak she would lean in towards him, closing some of the short distance that he had managed to put back between them when he took that step back earlier. She would explain her analysis to him, and as expected she had picked up on the not so subtle hints that he had been dropping throughout his introductions… but it was when she gave her own thoughts on the matter that his eyes would seem to focus on hers. So… she wished to be the big bad wolf huh… the villain whose very name made nations tremble… she wished to become The Monster Reborn… something that he could definitely help with, and an idea that he certainly didn’t find to be boring. Hmm… was this to be his lot in life from here on out… simply watching and waiting from the shadows of the world as those he trained or allied himself with went on to become true terrors… he wasn’t averse to the idea… in fact, he could see a lot of profit in that line of thought. As the villages focused on them he would be free to travel and sell his bloody wares, in fact… he could very well sell them to the people that his students and allies were fighting against… they would certainly need as much power as they could get and there were very few that could actually provide it… and most shinobi were more than willing to dirty their hands for power. 

Hmm… this idea certainly had promise… and it seemed that this woman was indeed serious about it if the look in her eyes was anything to go by… almost as though she was trying to convey her thoughts to him through the power of her will alone. Oh yes, she was a dangerous one, but that is what made her all the more enticing… his life WAS quite boring after-all, and if nothing else her little idea could provide him with some entertainment in the short term… he only hoped that he wouldn’t have to kill her in the end. A small, confident smirk would form on his face as he took a step closer to the woman, trapping her between his body and the bench that housed all the organs she had been looking so deeply into before. 

“You’re certainly proving to be an interesting one aren’t you… well, you hit the nail on the head, not very hard considering I wasn’t even trying to keep that under wraps, but yeah… I’m bored, and that boredom is killing me. Your idea though… now that sounds like fun, and if nothing else it should provide me with some entertainment for the next few months… and I suppose we’ll see whether or not you prove to be worth the time and effort I invest.” The Reaper would state as he loomed almost ominously over the young woman, his head coming lower as he talked and his small smirk never so much as faltering as he continued to gaze deeply into her violet eyes… almost as though he were staring into her very soul. 

“Try not to disappoint… I’d hate to find out that you weren’t worth the effort.” The Immortal would then add, his right hand moving past her head and coming to rest on the wall… and as it did so he would channel a small amount of chakra into the barely visible storage seal. As it did so a small burst of smoke would reveal something quite shocking… two large bottles of Awamori, and it was then that he would chuckle and take a step back. Not many knew that he could also play these types of games… and even fewer were aware of just how skilled he could be when he wanted.

He only hoped that Mizuki would be able to keep up... she certainly seemed like she could be an interesting opponent.  

WC: 1194
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Survived 2021
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:34 pm
The moment the alcohol touched her lips it was like having all your worst fears melt away, in the case of Mizuki it made her more relaxed and loosened up for sure. She has been no stranger to alcohol for many years, clinging to it as her own comfort sometimes even choosing to drink to the point of black out since she never had been able to extinguish the raw craving and intensity of the first time - her first kill. Back then it was as black and white as things could be, Mizuki was the oldest of the three Ohta children, calm considerate and loyal to her village, but the woman standing in the same room as one of the notorious men in living history, trembling slightly in pure excitement, was not her anymore. She hadn’t noticed how hard she managed to slam the flask down but the reverberation went unnoticed by Mizuki as she had eyes for only the Ragdoll, dull penetrating red eyes, eyes that would sow fear into any child’s nightmare, and she was unrelentlessly drawn to them.

Taking care to not miss a detail of his reaction, though anything was hard to make out - no slight change in expression, no reaction outwardly at all to what she had to say- making her time with him even more interesting as everything was it’s own game, right down to how much information is readily given. Somehow she could almost feel him sway toward her idea, had noticed his step away from her and watched him notice her reclosing some of the space, these things were harder to control as spatial cues weren’t always something that we noticed in ourselves. How long have you been alone… how long has it been since someone gave you a run for your money. The thought was musing to her as everytime she found something this interesting it was usually moments from death but this was different - it was like playing verbal chess and it was his move now. She had been confident in her assumption that he was uncomfortable with being so close to her, making his very intentional step toward her, managing to get himself closer to her than even she had to him, leaving only a few inches of space between them. His right arm would suddenly rest to her left above her head slightly, seeming to put her in even more of a compromised position, to her surprise the two large bottle of drink could be seen clenched.

Body tensed, she didn’t move as he leaned in close to her face eyes locked in their own battle of wills, the smirk on his lips only giving his already intimidating position an extra dose of confidence he didn’t need. If this is the game you want to play then you better be ready to lose. A smirk matching his would settle itself on her lips, finally breaking eye contact she walked a few steps forward, closing the distance easily to stand on her tiptoes, her thin fingers gripping the front of his coat and leaning close to whisper into his ear, “How could I be a disappointment? I’m the most interesting thing that’s happened to you in years.” Her other hand reached for one of the bottles and she took it from him with ease, the shock of her boldness more than likely catching him off guard as she was sure no one has spoken so outwardly about their own importance in someone else's life, but unfortunately the drink had done its job and stripped her inhibitions.She released his coat front and smoothed it down, having made her point in her own way, turning her attention to the black bottle in her hand she unscrewed the top and dropped it at her feet to take a long swig, the liquid warming her down to her fingertips which now were tingling slightly. The drink was strong but it still had no effect on the control she still managed in her voice, “I think I'll be around for much longer than a few months. With you in charge…there aren’t limits to what I could do for us. Unless,” she raised both eyebrows as the thought came to her, “You prefer it the other around. Nevertheless I have no doubt you will have your own black market in no time.” As she finished her sentence she would have found an empty table amongst the many in the room and climbed up on it, sitting with her elbows on her knees and the bottle clasped protectively in her hands that hovered over the space between her knees. 

Rocking slightly in her seat her eyes roved over his scruffy face again, thinking how in comparison to her near flawless complexion he looked to have lived two lifetimes, the only thing telling of his thoughts were his eyes - they excited easily- dilated slightly against the dull red, he was focused on her. Good stay focused. It was its own form of power trip to get the attention of the Ragdoll, Kenshin Uzumaki, how many could say they held it without death looming soon after. Another bold question, “Anything excite you anymore?”, a swig from her bottle, “I know plenty of things that excite me but you seem to have a grey aura like the passion left you a long time ago.” her eyes piercing and steady, almost accusing as she stared for a few moments, “...or do you just bury all your emotions for the show.”, '' she waved one of her hands freely in the air between them to show that she meant the whole persona that was The Ragdoll. A few seconds ticked by before she spoke, unconsciously at this point under her breath, “What makes you tick Kenshin…”, she hadn’t intended for it to be said aloud but she had no way of avoiding him hearing it either, getting deep into the psyche of another was the only way to truly know them and understand them top to bottom and he had just become the most interesting mind she had the pleasure of figuring out.

[WC 1021]

[TWC 2959]
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:11 am
The Reaper wouldn’t even attempt to hide the feral grin that split his face as Mizuki allowed a smirk as confident as his own to grow on her face, and mere moments later the situation was seemingly reversed, the smaller woman gripping his coat tightly as she pulled herself closer to him. Her almost whispered words were not challenging as he had been anticipating from the seemingly dauntless woman, but they served to show that she was certainly not lacking in either willpower or confidence… a combination that The Raggedy Man found himself admiring more and more with each passing moment. As she moved to pull one of the two bottles from his grasp she would be surprised to find that his grasp remained firm, the message sent by this rather clear… he was the one that was in control of this situation, and he would not allow it to be wrested from him quite so easily. Not even a second later the woman would find that the situation had once again been reversed almost completely, as his free hand came to firmly grasp a handful of her raven locks and pull back lightly, just enough to force her head away from his ear. A husky chuckle would escape the mouth of The Immortal before he began to tut lightly, the lightly chiding action obviously not serious yet at the same time showing his refusal to relinquish control of the situation. 

“Naughty naughty… haven’t you heard the old saying… good things come to those who wait. Don’t get me wrong here, Awamori is nice on its own, but it’s so much better with ice, so just be patient while I grab us a couple of glasses.” Kenshin would say with an obvious glint in his oh so expressive eyes, releasing the dark and silky tresses of the young woman as he gave a light chuckle. It would be quite obvious to Mizuki that the infamous Uzumaki was toying with her, but it would also be quite obvious that he was enjoying this situation almost as much as she was… a rather terrifying thought actually… two sides of the same coin indeed. The Half-blood would waste no time in moving towards the sole desk in the room, and once there he would open the bottom left drawer, revealing roughly five glasses. He would grab two of said glasses with his free hand and slide the drawer closed, before moving in the direction of one of the many cold chambers in the room. He would slide it open to reveal not a corpse but a semi-large tub filled with ice, and with a small chuckle he would grasp it with one of the free fingers on his left hand alongside the glasses, his strength more than enough to hold the tub safely. He didn’t exactly have much in the way of space in this morgue, and he had definitely come to enjoy his Awamori… so he took to using one of the unused cold chambers to store some ice for his drinks. 

The sight of The Raggedy Man and The Monster Reborn sharing drinks on an autopsy table, surrounded by the partially dissected corpses of a multitude of people from all lots of life would certainly be an interesting one should anyone walk in on them… but most tended to avoid this wing of the hospital since he had begun haunting it… so their privacy was all but guaranteed. He would place the tub of ice down in the middle of the empty table, followed by the glasses and bottles of Awamori, and finally he would push himself up and allow himself to take a seat on the cold and sterile steel slab that was the autopsy table. The Ragdoll would extend the index and middle fingers of his right hand, before slamming the two fingers down into the tub of solidified water, damn near shattering most of it and reducing most of it to small chunks that were roughly the size of ice cubes. It was quite the nifty little trick that he had picked up a few years ago, a small burst of chakra as the blow struck and the force was intensified a thousand fold, but as he wasn’t a front line fighter he never really had the chance to use it. He would grab a handful of ice crunks and deposit around half in each glass, before grabbing one of the bottles and pouring for both himself and Mizuki. 

He knew damn well that the woman wanted to drink, but this was his way of ensuring that she both got what she wanted AND understood that in the end he would be the one that both set the pace and decided how this went… that HE was the one in charge of this situation. Of course, he fully expected her to try rebelling against this… in fact, he was outright hoping that she would… this was a game that he was looking forward to… it had been far too long since he had actually met his match in any way. Genevieve… he could not deny that at one point he had cared for her, perhaps not loved but certainly lusted after her… but in the end The Priestess had been far too meek to truly hold his interest after he got what he had been after. At first The Raggedy Man believed Genevieve to be a true dragoness, a fiery and spirited young woman that was both willing to stand up to him and challenge his views… but it had become quite apparent that she was anything but when he had placed his Genjutsu on her. She had experienced everything that he had ever done… and while he hadn’t been hoping for the woman to condemn him for his actions he had certainly not wanted for her to try justifying his actions… and to make matters worse she hadn’t tried to justify it for him… she had done so for herself.

The Priestess had lacked the spark that he had been looking for… but Mizuki? She certainly didn’t have the spark… but he could practically see the roaring inferno that burned within her violet gaze… and he could tell that if he wasn't careful the inferno would end up consuming him. But sometimes danger was what made life worth living... danger was what made life interesting, and for someone as bored as him? With that thought in mind The Immortal would take hold of the two now filled and chilled glasses, and extend the one in his left hand towards Mizuki as a small, smug smirk fixed itself on his face. As she took the glass he would raise his towards her in a silent toast, before bringing the glass up to his mouth and taking a light sip of the contents. 

He was both immensely powerful and unnaturally confident... but despite all of that he knew that the 'control' he had over this situation was little more than a well crafted illusion. The Reaper could tell that at this point he was little more than a moth being drawn into the flame of this intriguing young woman. 

And perhaps it was that simple fact that excited him more than anything else. 

WC: 1214
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Mon Oct 28, 2019 4:51 pm
It happened in an instant, that heart in the throat feeling giving the emotion of foreboding, had she overstepped or had too much confidence in herself to the point of being the deciding factor on her lifespan - no actually. Her hand still gripping the bottle neck just under his hand when his free hand and slid into her thick hair, taken hold and pulled her back from his ear. Her slim fingers slipped off the bottle leaving them still hanging in midair reaching for the bottle that had been refused to her in its entirety - a small frown would cross her face as her eyes glared at the bottle held just out of reach. She met his eyes as the tutting began, playful for sure but it put her back in her place momentarily, this was still his game. Her eyes softened slightly as they caught his, the glint of mischievous intent apparent in his eyes only made the action more enjoyable. Not break eye contact as he spoke, the gruff chuckle he had given still lingering in his tone of voice, “You’ve waited a long time for me… I guess I can wait a minute or two for some drinks.” Releasing her hair she felt a mixture of disappointment and relief - first from the distance he had put between them again and second because she didn’t feel as trapped under his thumb. Her eyes never left his figure as she watched him prepare their drinks, the silence of the room so deep that the clink of ice into glasses rang through the room barely louder than her pounding blood rushing through her ears at the moment. On the outside she would look calm and collected but her insides were on high alert and she was hyper focused on The Raggedy man - the first man to put her in her place and she craved it more than she knew. She would drift closer to him, her footsteps lightly echoing on the floor as she relaxed herself against one of the tables closer to where Kenshin was and crossing her arms while he finished pouring their drinks. She reached out her hand quietly and took the cold glass offered to her, her mind had been whirring quickly over the past minute, contemplating how to bring herself back into control of the situation. 

Finally she broke the eye contact and swirled her glass, the ice cubes he produced moments ago clinking quietly in her hand. The smirk he had given as he handed over the glass still etched in her memory, burning her with a desire to wipe it off his face and replace it with shock. She raised her eyes to his and her glass in turn, taking a deep drink, returning to his eyes with a sharp look - “intent to kill” if it had to be described in words. Kenshin would be sitting on the nearest table in front of her since she had positioned herself to be right across from him - always in his eyesight as she was priority number one at the moment. Lowering her glass to rest against her thigh, only gripping it on the rim with her fingertips she would tilt her head slightly to the side subconsciously biting her bottom lip a little her decision being made.

In a few strides she was across the room, directly in front of him, personal space given only by the few inches separating them. A second would pass as she would let her eyes slide from his torso up to his face but the second she met his blood red eyes again she would move in, the fingers on her free hand gripping his coat front again as the arm holding her drink would swing up around his neck and hook around it, making it easy to swing her small frame onto his lap - her legs resting on the table around him like a cage. As she was so close to him everything she said came as a hissed whisper, like she was telling secrets in a graveyard, “I know that I excite you… I know that this grey aura you wear is all for show -” at this point she would put her lips almost up against his ear, her breath soft as she spoke, “and I wanted you to know I see through it … Kenshin.Pulling back slightly she released his coat front and grabbing the glass that was dangling from the arm still hooked around his neck, raising it in another toast she took a proper sip this time, just as he had to show that now that she had him where SHE wanted him she would take his lead and slow the pace. With her in his lap and remaining so calm she truly felt she was in control, felt that she had a grip on the situation that he only thought she had lost. This man in a matter of moments had dragged her through to many emotions to count and while she was still holding her ground she was slipping, he had a power over her she was unprepared to deal with and it completely blindsided her into acting in such an aggressive manner- opting to take longer to hit ‘check-mate’.

The thing with Mizuki was simple she was deeply connected to her emotions, her instincts being infallible over the years, but in this instance she was desperate for control over them, she wasn’t used to having her own emotions jump around so fast. She would pride herself on doing the opposite to many of her past victims in fact - having played the cat so long it was a hard pill to swallow to know that there were still bigger cats and she was playing with one right now.

[WC 969]
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Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin) Empty Re: Morgue-ly Satisfying (P, Kenshin)

Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:18 am
It was quite hard to truly describe the thrill that The Reaper felt as Mizuki submitted herself to him, the wilful young woman not even attempting to fight back and simply going along with the pace that he was setting. He was not unaware of just how intently her eyes were focused on him as he moved throughout the room, gathering both the glasses and ice so that the two of them could truly enjoy the drinks that he was providing… and while he would never outwardly admit it he felt a special kind of powerful by just how captivated she seemed to be. He took note of her almost unconsciously moving herself to be closer to him as he continued to gather what he needed, and again the sense of power that he felt began to swell… and he began to wonder whether this was what the woman was planning, to build up this strange sense of power and then completely turn the tables on him. It was certainly an interesting line of thought, and if he were honest with himself he would be willing to admit that such a turn of events wasn’t something that he would be averse to… in fact, he would more than likely enjoy the turnabout in that scenario. 

As she took the offered drink she would meet his eyes, and as he raised his glass she would follow suit, but where he took a simple sip she decided to take a bit of a gulp, not quite draining the entire glass but certainly consuming a good deal of what was held within, all the while her eyes glinted dangerously and watched him as though he were simply prey. He could virtually see the gears turning within her head as she lightly gnawed on her lower lip, no doubt trying to figure out a way to turn the tables on him to make up for the earlier submission… but he knew that there were few moves left for his opponent to make, and none that he was not at least somewhat prepared for. In the end it seemed that she had both decided upon her plan and moved to initiate it as she crossed the relatively short distance between the two, breaking eye contact with him for a moment as she came to a stop and instead focusing on his jacket. She would waste no time in gripping it with her free hand and sliding her semi-filled glass over his shoulder and simply holding it there… and from there she would proceed to pull herself up onto his lap, escalating the situation even further than he had earlier.

He had to admit… this outcome was one that he hadn’t really expected the woman to take, instead he had assumed she would try to turn it more towards conversation and catch him off guard there… but it seemed that she was even more emotional and wilful than he had been giving her credit for. She had just unknowingly given him the game, and the smug smile that formed on his face as she began to softly speak into his ear simply confirmed that belief. He would place his glass down on the table, his hands instead finding their way onto the lower back of the woman… but they would not stay there for long. While his right hand simply began to glide down further, simply rubbing itself over her posterior and her thigh without much thought, his left would slowly begin to move more to the side, gliding up and over the curves of her body slowly and methodically, almost as though he were attempting to memorise the feel, until eventually coming to rest almost gently upon her cheek. She was certainly correct in her assumptions, and while he would normally be uncomfortable with the fact that he had been read so easily… he couldn't bring himself to care in this particular situation… whether that was due to the rather playful note in her voice or the fact that such a beautiful young woman was straddling him was anyone's guess. 

His thumb would stroke the soft skin of her cheek a few times, before moving to brush some of the silky raven tresses out of her face… but it was only as he tucked the hair behind her ear that his playful right hand would grasp the supple flesh of her behind, and at the same time he would allow his left to gently grip a handful of hair, pulling her head back just enough that their eyes could meet again. He would give another husky chuckle as he simply gazed at the woman that was straddling him, the intensity of his gaze both striking and penetrating as he began to lean down even closer, his lips parting to whisper a single word to the now completely trapped woman


With that said he would allow his head to descend even further, all the while using the gentle grip on her hair to pull her towards him, only stopping once their lips had met in the centre. The kiss was certainly not what anyone would consider to be gentle, but at the same time it wasn’t sloppy or rushed… it was filled with a potent mixture of raw passion and undiluted lust… and Kenshin was the one in control here, something that both he and Mizuki knew by this point. This was a game that he was playing for keeps, and he knew that with this move his victory had been cemented. There was nothing that she would be able to do that truly one upped this without him getting what he wanted, and that was something that he knew she would come to realise… but then again, he was already getting what he wanted right now, and if he was correct in even half of what he had read from her body language then so was she.

Just as he had been the one to initiate the kiss he would be the one to break it, and as he pulled away he would allow his small smirk to turn into a feral grin, something that to most would be positively threatening considering just who was giving the look. 

“I can only hope that you understand the consequences of this little game… you’re mine now, and I think you’ll find that I can be rather possessive…”

WC: 1071 
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