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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:15 pm
"Bloody hell, I need a drink." Wise words from a man in desperate need of something refreshing. All day long he had been running back and forth, dividing his time between helping out at his father's shop and getting groceries for his mother. Ever since his father fell ill he had to step up in order to keep their household functioning properly. His old man, a blacksmith with his own shop couldn't take care of it any longer due to his weakened health. And of course he couldn't just leave his mother alone to take care of everything. It would be his new found form of motivation, to take responsibilty for his parents.

Ichigo had finally found some free time inbetween and what better way to celebrate than to go pay a visit to his favorite bar? He was a strong man, so it would only make sense for him to go with an equally powerful drink. He tried to say no to alcohol but it just didn't listen. People told him to watch his drinking, so he tried to find a bar with a mirror. But alas, there were none to be found. In his defense, he had done some pretty dumb shit while being sober too. He was quite the reckless fellow, his three scars being the prime example of that. Reminiscing about the past had made him even more thirsty than he already was, so he was more than happy when he arrived at the bar.

As he entered he quickly made his way to the same old spot he'd always sit in. Ichigo would nod to his favorite bartender as he was about to place his order. "The usual please." While he waited for his drink to arrive he noticed things around the village were more lively than they used to be. Some changes had been made, some new faces had arrived. Some others had been lost. He wasn't one to get involved in these matters but he felt that these things might change sooner or later. If it was going to be for the better or worse was something that would be decided on its own eventually.

He didn't have to wait too long before his beverage would arrive. "Just leave the bottle, cheers." A single glass wouldn't suffice to quench his thirst. Always buy a bigger bottle than you think you'll need. Better to be safe than sober. He wasn't really an alcoholic, he just liked to think of himself as an advanced drinker. A drinking problem? It's not a problem if you're the best at it. Ichigo would put the glass to his lips as the sake entered his mouth and made its way down his troath. "Ah, that hits the spot." His thoughts wandering over to the state of Kumogakure once more as he started thinking about what was up ahead.

Taking another sip he figured it might not be a bad idea to take a look at the upcoming Chunin Exams once they would take place. Figuring it might be a good way to find out just how promising the new generation was. And to witness how his fellow shinobi would fare in their fights, maybe even see how big the gap would be between them and Ichigo himself. And who knew, maybe they would discover one or two prodigies who would prove themselves worthy of playing a part in Kumogakure's future. Someone who would guide them to the glorious path of success. But for now he would empty his glass as he already had begun to fill the second one.

(WC: 600)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:06 am
What a shitty day this had been.

The starlight bathed the city in the most ephemeral glow it could muster, barely enough to make out the contours of the buildings that sided the road. The stink of booze and cigars could likely be felt from wall to wall as Kaito lumbered his way down the street, in search of nothing more than what his office had no more to offer: the sweet, savory fire liquid known for drowning logic, reason, and hurtful memories.

His flak jacket was nowhere to be seen, and his jacket was ajar and the shirt underneath pulled off from the pants where they would usually be tucked into. He had no weapons of any sort on him, as he was technically on his “day off”; although he had made the wise decision of locking that stuff away in his storage space-time displacement back when he was still sober. The headband of the Kumogakure rested on his neck, dangling loosely as a scarf might. The inner pocket of his jacket held on to the last cigar imported from Fang Country; he had wished to share these with his team, but that might not be a possibility anymore.

Around twenty hours earlier, he had received the news of the death of another team member. Rayul Tenuchi had been found dead in the coops of the slaughterhouse. Multiple perforations, a hole blasted into his abdomen, no murder weapon found. The body had been taken into the morgue, his family notified, a closed casket funeral would be held within two days. The information almost broke Kaito. The image of his team mate laying on the floor dead managed to crack his psyche and break his heart. Much as he felt himself in free flight down a pit of misery, Kaito couldn't bring himself to shed a single tear.

After the events of the previous night, with that on top, Kaito was dismissed from active duty to enjoy a day off. He hadn’t enjoyed it at all. He tried to sleep, but he couldn’t get anything better other than restless tossing and turning in between spurs of unconsciousness. He tried alcohol, but that just made it worse. For the past few hours, he had knocked down the last of his bottles, ran through a pack of cigarettes, and was now on the prowl for more alcohol.

He made it to the entrance of the bar, and took a second to take in the light as it blinded him momentarily. He pushed forward, the blurry images all around swinging and swerving harshly with each step. He made it to the counter, and signalled to the bartender. He tried to talk but could only let out a long winding burp before the words actually came out. “One bottle of your best sake, good sir, for yesterday.” He leaned against the counter, and took out his last cigar, tapping it lightly against the counter as he waited, his eyes lazily trailing the bartender as he approached with a clear bottle of golden honey sake.

WC: 510
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Sun Mar 01, 2020 2:36 pm
Having already made his way through half of his bottle, Ichigo noticed something was missing. Hanging around in the bar was a certain feel of depression, often brought in by those looking to drink away their sorrows, hoping the alcohol would take those troubles away. It was a situation he could relate to. More often than not had he found himself at the same place he was right now, with a glass or bottle in his hand trying to forget his problems knowing all too well they would return once he had sobered up. If only he had brought his guitar with him, Ichigo figured. The atmopshere could use some music. 

As he started to feel the effects of alcohol certain lyrics came to his mind. "The whole world’s a bottle. A life’s but a dram. When the bottle gets empty. It sure ain’t worth a damn." For a moment he imagined himself as a participant on The Voice Kumo as he started singing with an angelic voice, but in reality he was producing the sound of an angel being tortured. No chairs turned, only the nasty looks of others in the bar who couldn't appreciate Ichigo's singing. "Their loss" he mumbled as he quickly returned to his bottle of sake. At least his drink wouldn't judge him. "Bloody idiots" he swore once more before emptying his glass.

At the same time Ichigo noticed how a man with a build similar to his had entered the bar. It took the redhead some time before he realised where he was before he would finally make his way to the counter. While he was keeping an eye on the man he wasn't able to recognize his face, which caused Ichigo to think the redhead wasn't a regular customer. Rubbing his chin while watching the other man's behavior, the scarred man got the feeling that he might already be in a state of intoxication. Well, at least he came to the right place if his aim was to get even more drunk. 

Ichigo witnessed how the stranger placed his order, took out a sigar while he waited for his beverage to arrive. He wasn't sure who this new face was, but what he did know was that he definitely seemed to know his liquor. Well under the influence of the sake Ichigo decided to stand up as he started to walk over to the counter where the stranger was sitting. "I see you're a man of culture as well." With the bottle in his hand he would sit down next to the stranger whose order of sake had just arrived. Placing his own bottle on the counter he noticed the Kumogakure headband around the stranger's neck, showing that he wasn't just any drunk but a fellow shinobi of the village. 

His own headband firmly placed around his left bicep as a proof of being a Kumogakure shinobi. The three scars straight over his right eye that led down his cheek and the number "69" tattooed on his left cheek as well as a blue-striped tattoo running across his left cheek and over the bridge of his nose were more than enough accessories on his face. Which is why he decided to keep the headband simply around his arm. Ichigo would direct his attention towards the redhead once more as he tried to find out what brought him there. "Something troubling you good sir?" 

(WC: 570, TWC: 1170)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:23 am
As the bartender approached with the bottle of liquid gold, Kaito spied the encroaching figure by his left side, then settling in the bench next to him at the counter, commenting on how they seemed to share an affinity for good alcohol. Kaito's eyes never left the bottle that the bartender carried and settled in front of him, alongside a short but wide glass, a gesture the redhead returned by placing a single bill in front of him, which was deftly lifted off the counter to disappear into the man's pocket. The exchange done and the sake now belonging to Kaito, he proceeded to glance lightly at the man who had approached as he eyes his headband hanging on his neck, and the jounin's eyes drooped for a moment to notice the man's own headband around his bicep. An armband, then. Lifting his left hand to the golden bottle of sake, uncorking it with his right hand carefully so as to not damage the cigar it held, a characteristic pop announcing a well deserved relief to the interior pressure of the bottle which had not been touched in a long while, maybe since it was filled and corked. The sound was pleasant to the redhead, and he would pour himself one shot of the room temperature liquid, the way it was meant to be drunk.

A low swishing sound could be heard to the two sitting by the counter as the golden liquid poured into the glass, and once close to being full, Kaito dropped the cork on the counter, took the glass in his fingers and knocked the contents of it into his open mouth, filling it up and taking one big gulp to swallowing it all, resting the glass once again onto the counter with a loud glass clank. He eyed the figure next to him when he inquired about Kaito's troubles, and Kaito didn't want to think of them. He reached into his pocket, took a magazine of matches, ripped one and struck it on the red patch, igniting it. He put the cigar to his lips, and let the flame lick the tip of his cigar, the heat consuming the leaves and clinging to them in a slow burn. The alcohol awakened Kaito's sense of smell and the Fang Country cigar scent played with it, rich notes sticking to his lip and nostrils as he took quick drags into his mouth to allow the cinder to snuggle into the tip of the cigar. With the tip finally ablaze in an orange and red embracing glow, the red head took a final drag, letting it play along his wet tongue before exhaling it through his nose, burning softly at the top of his nasal cavity, planting its cinnamon, cedar, and nutmeg scents deep into the imaginative senses of the jounin, the smoke tumbling down softly and moving slowly around the tired face of the man.

"Much as I would like to share", he started, "if I told you what bothers me, I'd have to kill you." Considering the top-to-bottom need-to-know basis of the information Kaito held, it wasn't untrue. He just left out that informing the man would also make Kaito a traitor to the Kumogakure and her secrets. He held his cigar between his index and middle finger, away from himself, while grabbing the bottle and pouring another shot of the delicious spirit drink. "What's with the tattoos?" As he asked, he grabbed the glass and brought it up to meet the newcomer.

(WC: 587, TWC: 1097)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:32 pm
Ichigo would wait for a response while he kept an eye on the red haired Kumogakure shinobi who was about to knock back his well needed glass of sake. He would watch the redhead as the liquor was being poured from the bottle into the glass before he would bring it to his lips. In one go the drink would be emptied inside, the sound of the process causing Ichigo to follow the man's example as he grabbed his own bottle to fill his empty glass with sake. In a single, swift action the alcohol would find its way into his mouth followed by a loud sigh of relief indicating the amount of pleasure he received by the tast of the liquor he so enjoyed. 

Next, the red haired shinobi reached into his pockets to grab some matches as he would then use one of them to light up his cigar. The smoke and smell would start to engulf the two men as it surrounded and covered the area the both of them were sitting in. Ichigo wasn't much of a smoker himself but he knew how well it goes with a strong drink. Together, the combination of those two would be able to bring satisfaction to whoever was in need of some enjoyment. The Drunk would wait until the smoke had cleared up a bit before he would reply to the redhead. "That serious, huh?" It seemed that whatever was troubling him had to be kept secret.

The stranger then asked more about Ichigo's tattoos, to which he would reply. "Oh, these things? The number is a remembrance of an old friend." Usually when people would notice the 69 tattooed on his face they would immediately think about something else. The tattoo had a far more deeper meaning than that, but it's not something a child could ask a parent about. "And the blue stripe is just something I had added during one of my less sober moments, of which there have been plenty." Once he had answered the question he would meet the stranger's glass with his own. "Cheers." He would then empty the liquid after he had it refilled not too long ago. 

Ichigo would respect the man's decision of not sharing whatever was troubling him, but he figured another question wouldn't hurt. "So, what's your story? Who's the man I'm sharing my drink with?" He wasn't looking for the red haired shinobi's life story but a name would be nice. 

(WC: 414, TWC: 1584)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:13 pm
The story wasn’t very interesting, but then again Kaito had asked a boring question. If the man had wondered about Kaito’s tattoos along his chest, neck and forehead, he wouldn’t have been able to give a good answer on those either. “Cheers,” and he mimicked the stranger’s toast, knocking back the shot, smacking his lips in satisfaction and taking a short breath with alcohol into his lungs before putting down the glass and signaling the barkeep for an ashtray by showing him the lit cigar. As the barkeep brought the ashtray, Kaito gave his own little bit of trivia. “Yeah, I got these because they were really fashionable back in the day.” He motioned to his chest, neck and forehead. “I mostly hide them under the headband and clothes though. They're personal.” He still chuckled at the thought of tattooing a 69 on your face. He pointed at it and chuckled out loud. “I hope she was worthy of it. Or him. I don’t judge.” He smacked his cigar with his index finger, before bringing it back to his lips for another drag. After having exhaled the alcohol breathe through his nose previously, the flavors of the sake and cigar danced in his mouth, before waltzing through his throat and up his nose, decorating his sense of smell with tastes of the sake’s honey embracing the spices of the cigar, the alcohol and wood notes traversing the nasal cavity hand in hand, at the price of a slight burning sensation within his skull. As a cook, cigar wasn’t an ideal passtime, but he hadn’t cooked anything in a long time, instead stressing over his work, and he decided a cigar would be less detrimental than his cigarettes. He had to ponder when to smoke the cigar since he imported them, unlike the cigarettes that he could buy on any street corner.

The second question from Ichigo wasn’t one he would’ve liked to answer either, but he did so anyway. “I’m what you get when you skip fundamental stages of your evolution. I should’ve learned how to walk before I started running, and now, here I am. Name’s Noboru Kaito. Jounin of the Kumogakure.” It was still true at the time. His challenge with Zento wouldn’t happen for another twelve hours or so. “And who am I sharing my drinking time with?”
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:06 pm
Ichigo was relieved when the man met his glass of sake with his own. For a moment he was afraid his questions had caused the stranger to become annoyed with the Drunk. It wouldn't have been the first time he got on someone else's nerves by talking too much. Whenever he had too much to drink the words just kept flowing out of his mouth. Ichigo would empty his glass, the liquor running down his troath before his gaze was directed towards the redhead's tattoos. This time the man sitting next to him would tell more about how he got his back in the day, claiming them to have personal value. Usually people would go with these kind of decorations either because they liked how they look, or because there's a meaning behind them. Anyway, Ichigo would have asked about them but he wasn't too sure how he'd feel looking at another man's chest.

Grabbing the bottle on the counter to pour him, as a certain DJ would say, another one. By now his mind and thoughts had started to become blurry, not remembering why he came to the bar in the first place. Was he in need of a way to escape from the struggles he was battling with lately, or was he just looking to spend some time which was how he ended up in this fine establishment? All of it wouldn't matter as he had found himself a new best friend in .. He had trouble coming up with the stranger's name until he realized he was yet to receive it. "Ah, nice to meet you Noboru Kaito." The man sitting next to him introduced himself as a Jounin of Kumogakure. "I guess it's too late now to start with the formalities" he would say to the man higher in rank than him. 

Ichigo, twenty-seven years old and his biggest accomplishment as a shinobi was graduating from the Academy. "I'm still learning how to walk, and it isn't the alcohol speaking." He would of course be referring to the fact that he was still trying to find his way amongst the far more talented people in Kumogakure. "Ichigo Sato, Genin of Kumogakure, impressive right?" he would reply in a sarcastic tone as he was holding out his glass towards the man who was no longer a stranger. "A toast, to learn how to walk again!" The Drunk was about to say he'd drink to that, but honestly he would drink to just about anything. 

(WC: 416, TWC: 2000)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:19 pm
Formalities had never been Kaito’s style, to be sure. His eyebrows rose quickly and descended back to their natural resting place, furrowing into his resting asshole face, a common clinical condition from which there was no certified treatment, except the green stuff his former student Rayul Tenuchi would smoke from time to time. If not for his own prejudices against the miracle plant, he might’ve had time to bond with his student over a spiked cigarette, get to know him and his motives, develop a connection with him and maybe the team that would’ve allowed them to be alive today, or at the very least have words he could say at their funerals that weren’t a complete fart in the wind, a bundle of cliches braided into a monotonous excuse for his grand failures.

A toast indeed. “Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” The reply was directed at the genin’s latest comment, regarding learning how to walk again. However, what had resonated with Kaito was how he downplayed the part about being a genin. “Hey, I was a genin until a few months ago. I was upjumped by our Raikage… or the Raikage’s representative, as he so eloquently put it just before he disappeared from the village to get the actual Raikage.” Thinking on it, Kaito wasn’t sure he knew the name of the young conqueror because he was drunk, or because he was never given one. “I met people who were genin their whole lives and were assholes, and people who were genin but were too kind.” He continued his little rant without giving a second thought to the Raikage’s name dilemma. “But, what is important is that you grow at your own pace. I know I had to grow at mine own, and I always resented myself for trying to grow at the pace of the fucking child prodigies. It’s not healthy, lad.”

That being said, Kaito stood from his seat at the counter, took a couple of steps towards the empty middle of the bar, and turned back to Ichigo, cigar still at hand as he smoked it. “Come on. I’ll teach you a thing or two. First hit is on the house.” He brought the cigar to his lips, drew a long drag, and let it play in his mouth before parting his lips and expelling the hot smoke out.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:06 am
Emptying both his glass and mind Ichigo listened attentively to the words of his superior. Everything Kaito said was holding truth. Life wasn't a sprint but a marathon, a long and arduous ordeal so he would need to pace himself. The Drunk wasn't one to compare himself to others but he couldn't help but feel a certain uneasiness whenever he thought about those far more talented than him. "What you say is true but part of me is afraid that I won't be much use to Kumogakure in my current state." His gaze at the empty glass in front of him Ichigo hoped he would be able to protect everyone when the time came.

Life is about growth. People are not perfect when they're 21 years old. Granted, he was already twenty-seven but you're never too old to learn. Only after he decided to step outside his comfort zone would it be that he would begin to change, grow, and transform into the man he wanted to be. The only way that he could grow is if he changed and he could only change if he learned. The process of learning is more important than the often intangible result. But it was just as the red haired Jounin said, the process had to be taken at your own pace. Kaito was right, there was no use in trying to keep up with those of extraordinary talent.

Ichigo then witnessed how his superior stood up, claiming to teach him a thing or two. A bit confused the tattooed Drunk put away his glass as he followed the redhead's example of standing up. The effect of alcohol was taking its toll on his body as his legs weren't as steady as they should be. Shaking and wobbling from side to side he was moving unsteadily before he would smack his face with both hands, leaving a red color on his cheeks in an attempt to sober up at least a bit. He wasn't sure if it was due to the slap to his face or if he heard him correctly but it seemed that Kaito told him to hit him. 

Maybe it was one of those drinking games he had heard of so he decided to go along with the request. "Here goes nothing." Ichigo, now standing around one meter in front of Kaito, would prepare before throwing a punch. Placing his left leg up front he would stretch out his left arm to gauge the distance between the two of them. Once he was done estimating he would place his feet so they were shoulder-width apart, left foot forward and slightly to the left, his right foot back and slightly to the right. His knees slightly bent, his left shoulder facing Kaito. The Drunk's elbows would be resting on his pectoral muscles, hands right in front of his mouth and clenched both into fists. His chin tucked down into his chest but not too much to sacrifice his field of vision.

Once he had the stance down he would use the rotational momentum to drive his fist forward at a right angle to his body, sending his fist into Kaito's jaw. The punch would explode from his legs and through his core to his hand before connecting with the redhead's face.

(WC: 550, TWC: 2550)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
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Bottoms up! (Kaito) Empty Re: Bottoms up! (Kaito)

Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:14 am
Kaito shrugged off Ichigo’s comment. “Nonsense. Of course you’re useful. If anything, you can take one for the team.” A rather grim comment, especially for a superior to be telling to a lower ranked compatriot. “What you need is a vision of what you want to become, and a plan to get there. After that, blood, sweat, and tears will get you there.”

The Genin had accepted his invitation, and a guaranteed free strike on the house. Kaito observed as the drunk doctor took his stance after wobbling and slapping himself around, stretching out his left arm to measure the distance between the two before falling into a rookie fighting position, but a fighting position nonetheless: the stance itself appeared to be rigid though, the feet completely on the ground would require additional shove to get them off the ground, and would make torque require more area and thus provide with less spin. For the uninitiated though, it would look dangerous. As he prepared his punch though, Kaito allowed the grogginess of the sake to spread through his muscles, a relaxed state that made him almost fall asleep. As the punch came in, he almost stumbled, and his chin met the knuckle of the drunk doctor, shaking Kaito’s head but not doing much after that. “My turn?”, Kaito asked, barely aware of the trickle of pain on his chin.

Swaggering around as someone who lost all sense of balance or how to respect gravity, Kaito casually swung his arm at high speed towards the forehead of the genin; counterbalancing on his left food he brought his right foot to the back of the left leg of the genin, hoping knock the balance from under his feet. Simultaneously, he would flow back with his left hand into a single finger and strike the soft muscles around the neckbone. All these strikes were performed under the elusive Drunken Fist Martial Art, which caused Kaito to be faster and stronger, but the random nature of the motions and the sheer wobbling around would delay the response time of any opponent due to the wobbling nature of the performance. No attacks by Kaito bore the full brunt of the technique, instead all of it being performed to cause mild discomfort and a tinge of pain that would likely be forgotten in minutes.

Whether the strikes hit their mark or not, Kaito would take a step back and interject. “You see, for ages warriors have fought and drunk, but drinking can ruin your day if someone tries to fight you while you’re drunk. That’s why the olden masters figured they should know how to fight drunk… and they did… and now so do we! Hic!” The hiccup came up unceremoniously, and Kaito did nothing to stop it. “You see, when you’re drunk, you can still fight, so long as you’re a good fighter. The thing is, your body already knows the motions, you just need to let it fight for you. It’s not easy! But. If you master the art of being drunk, you’ll master the art of being drunk while you fight! I think. Come on, another one!”

-150AP for Drunken Fist, if that matters
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