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Taichi Uchiha
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Relaxation Empty Re: Relaxation

Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:38 pm
Taichi had not seen a beach like this before. The black sand, the river of lava leading directly into the water. It was certainly a place like no other, and for the first time in a long time he had the ability to relax. He wasn't too concerned about having bandits attack him, village shinobi look for his head as a "Criminal Missing Ninja". I swear you kill a handful of people and your branded a "murderer", the injustice! Taichi found a woman with her flak jacket the beach... "What an odd choice of attire to lounge out at the beach with." Taichi thought to himself as he approached the waters, feeling the warm sand radiate up to his shins for he still had his footwear on. 

He would still be wearing his everyday combat close, not particularly interested in entering the waters, and he sat down in a lounge chair next to the woman. While he wasn't completely sure what he should say to the woman, he did let out a generic greeting to her to try and ease any tension that may arise from his presence. "Hello." Taichi said, realizing that she is a village nin, she most likely didn't have to be concerned with everybody that come close to her. Out on the borders, you can trust no one. You never know who is out to kill you, who has no clue who you are, they all get sorted together in the stranger category and therefore, cannot be trusted. 

He would lean back slightly in the chair, with his hand still holding onto the kunai that he had in his weapon pouch, unable to truly relax while there were strangers near him. He could just go farther down the beach, he was sure there were more chairs. But his legs were tired after training in the pit, so he didn't truly feel like it. He would take in a deep breath and remember that he is within a village, villages are far different than wandering the borders. So he loosened his shoulders and let go of his kunai. He allowed himself to ease up on his body a bit, still ready to leap into combat at any moment.

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Taichi Uchiha
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Relaxation Empty Re: Relaxation

Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:37 pm
Taichi allowed his shoulders to relax, even just a little. The woman then turned over to him, but was in a most comprimised position, so he was more at ease at the idea of her actually springing towards him to fight. Taichi saw her head moving up and down as she looked his body up and down, but being careful not to look at his face. "Must have already run into an Uchiha, eh? Or maybe..." Taichi thought to himself for just a moment. "Maybe this woman is an Uchiha herself." Taichi knew that it was a long shot, especially when he didn't want to chance looking at her eyes either. The woman spoke to him, asking if he was new to the village. "Is it that obvious?" Taichi uttered, attempting to have some humor, something still quite new to him. 

"Yes I am new to the village, have only been here a few days. I was allowed in by Zaled, the leader of the village. My name is Taichi. What's yours?" Taichi would pause, allowing the woman to speak. He would keep his three tomoe sharingan fixed on her waist, waiting to see if she would try to pull any weapons out, or try to form hand seals. He was sure to be ready for any type of combat situation that may arise from the woman sitting beside him. 

Nature Stacks: 2/6

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Taichi Uchiha
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Relaxation Empty Re: Relaxation

Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:28 pm
Taichi listened to the woman speak, mentioning her surname, bringing to light the fact that she was from the clan Uchiha. Taichi was surprised, but also concerned. Not for himself, he knew he could handle himself, but for her sake. He remembered the time he met Kenshin Uzumaki, the Ragdoll King of Suna. The mere mention of his surname to Kenshin brought a puzzled and annoyed look across his face, telling him to be more careful with his last name. Ever since then, he had taken such advice to heart, only mentioning his last name once since that very time he spoke with Kenshin. He told his last name to the bandit leader that he had befriended after going to war with him, he felt if he could trust anyone, it would have been him. 

But even he, the friend of Taichi, had attempted to kill him that very night that he had given the bandit leader his surname. He was sure to be more careful from then on. To never truly relax, to never truly trust anyone that would come close to him. Taichi looked at the woman's flak jacket, seeing the Uchiha crest blindingly obvious, being practically plastered all over the jacket itself. 

"You seem to be one that is sure of them self in battle to be so open with your last name. Well either that, or the life within villages are different than that of the borders. But you said that you came to this village from the borders also. So tell me, Hinata Uchiha. Are you one capable in battle?" Taichi's tone would shift, he would not be relaxed, he would be steadfast and ready for the battle that may come. "You do know your eyes are worth quite the amount of coin in my home, Suna." 

Taichi realized the words he was speaking were not of his own, the nature energy was building in his head again. He shook his head and stood from his chair, apologizing to Hinata. "My apologies. The words I spoke were those of another and not of my own. I want no battle here. Please give me one moment." Taichi would hold up one finger before focusing inward, channeling the Natural energy to protrude two more limbs from his torso. 

The arms that would protrude out of his body and his entire body would shift to make himself much larger than he was before. His height would stay the same, but his muscle mass would increase significantly. The skin of his entire body would go from the slightly tan, to a deep grey color. Even the sclera in his eyes would turn grey to match his skin, but the red tomoe pattern in his eyes would remain red. The pressure building up within his head from the excess natural energy would begin to subside, and he would let out a relieved sigh. 

His voice would change to be a bit deeper, even deeper than his voice already was, but he would still be able to be understood. "There we go..." He would hold the last note of his sentence, feeling the pain subside and the power build. He would turn back to Hinata. "My apologies once again, my body naturally gathers the energy that fills the world around us, if I do not keep up with it, then I have a tendency to....snap." Taichi would stand before the woman and he would ask one final question to her, "How much have you unlocked with those eyes?"

Nature Stacks: 2/6 Added/Used 1

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Taichi Uchiha
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Relaxation Empty Re: Relaxation

Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:27 pm
Taichi, in his transformed state looked at the fellow Uchiha. He listened to the woman find a hard time to describe just what Taichi was at this time. Taichi started with a chuckle, then a light laugh, working its way up to a full cackle. "What do you mean??? Oh- you mean a FREAK!" Taichi would continue to cackle. Taichi knew that he looked like a freak when he was in this mode, but for the power that it granted, it was worth it. 

"The clan I come from is the same as yours. The Uchiha." Taichi looked to the woman, growing his body taller, now being eight feet tall by extending his legs using Sage Transformation. All of his arms would extend out to almost touch the ground, Taichi would let out a loud groan as he stretched his body outwards. "As for the Mangekyo, you're not the only one!" Taichi would yell out. He could feel the nature energy going to his head. Suddenly, a wood clone of Taichi's would sprint toward the transformed Taichi. "You dumb bastard!" The normal looking Taichi would run directly for the transformed one, and plant a knee directly into his sternum. 

The blow would allow Taichi to think clearly for a moment, undoing his Transformed state and dropping down to one knee. "Sorry for that miss, he is still getting used to the side effects of the nature chakra." Taichi's wood clone would speak to the woman in a reassuring tone. "I'm okay. I got it now, thank you, friend." Taichi would stand back up, in his normal form. "Ahem. Excuse me. Anyways. Yes I am an Uchiha, the same as you. I have resulted to having wood clones follow me around so they can snap me out of my trances that I get into when the nature energy begins to overwhelm myself." Taichi would state as he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan. "But yes, as you can see, I have unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan as well. I have heard stories of there being an even higher level. Stories of powerful Uchihas that have unlocked a far more powerful version of even this eye, but I have yet to actually witness it for myself."
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Relaxation Empty Re: Relaxation

Tue Mar 31, 2020 7:54 pm
Prim was walking around Volcano Village, she had a lot of things she was trying to do at one time. Training and such, as her father requested of her! Of course she did as he had asked not just because he was the Kazankage but because he was her father! She liked to get away when things seemed hectic. She headed out to just walk around and found an area with a pond and two people talking, one of which she recognized! Taichi Uchiha! Prim walked over to the two.
“Hello Taichi, and who might you be dear?” Prim said as she spoke to Taichi then looked over at the girl. She had never seen her before but she seemed to be friendly at first sight. She wasn’t sure about her yet Since she had never met her. She could have been a resident who left for a while then came back, or a new person, since so many people had been joining there village recently.
“I don’t believe I have ever seen you before, of course so many people are around here now, unlike when we rebuilt this place!” Prim said to them trying to make casual conversation. It wasn’t impossible for the irrational Prim to actually try to make friendly with the people of the village! This was an area she had never seen, it was a rather beautiful scenario! Maybe this girl lived in this area.

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