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It's A Wonderful Day Empty It's A Wonderful Day

Tue May 12, 2020 6:50 am


  can you feel that? their crying
  cherry blossom

Suika had spent around a week getting to know each different spot of Sunagakure; learning the different shops, the village lay out – and of course this would be something that she would need to do on a regular basis for the next several months before she fully had mastered the layout of the village she figured she would permanently call home. However, at the same time she would keep to herself mostly, besides small outing where she would happen to run into another missing ninja, or a shinobi of the village. By this time, there was quite a few people who knew Suika, and she enjoyed the different types of company each would give, as she had acquired interesting sparring partners, people she could go and eat with, and then there was younger kids, people she would enjoy teaching some of the jutsu she herself had learned over the years. She was even being taught from time to time, she would bump into someone who knew the different elements she could use.

The only thing that Suika really had to teach herself was things to do with her ice release, as there was not any other Yuki’s around… She had figured that they were all dead, and she might be the only one left… Of course, she could not be sure of this, and kept up a hopeful demeanor regarding the situation—her parents had never spoke about any relatives that could still be out there… And Suika had never questioned or bothered to even find out. At the time she was just a content child, with her momma and papa and that was all she needed.

Suika had decided to not rent out a home, or even bother in an attempt to figure out how to get a home to live in, she had heard of different things that the man, who she ended up deciding wasn’t all that bad, had set up different types of housing for people… But people, although more comfortable now, she still was not okay with interacting with. She opted to go and stay in a place known as “The Grove”; which was a beautiful forest environment, she found herself a small enough clearing within the 100 meter long lush bush; as it was still a very small area considering other forests she had found herself camping and, but this was just as comfortable as the bigger ones she had once lived in for years at a time. Suika enjoyed the clean air, and quite and tranquility of the area around her.

She had acquired a small tent, with a sleeping bag to sleep in during the night, however most nights the past week she had stayed outside of the tent, starring up into the star lit sky… Sunagakure was not something she had originally pictured, or what people described at all.. She just wanted to suck everything in and take the little moments. Within the past week Suika had begin to feel again, first it was small things, emotions she did not notice, but things would happen, before she even knew that they were. A smile here, a blush there, and she did not feel as if she was acting, no; rather she felt as if these were real emotions that she was portraying, and she enjoyed every moment of them.

This particular morning started off with Suika waking up in the tent, the sun shining ever so brightly through the thin material, she had opted for the tent this night, as the stars seemed much more brighter than the previous nights and it was more difficult for her to sleep with that much light. She pulled herself out of the tent, the grass wet with morning dew against her feet would begin to frost almost as she walked over to a small log that she sat upon, pulling out a small metal cup, Suika would concentrate ever so carefully as she moved her hand over the dewy wet grass; as she listened to the small forested area around her, she could hear different animals scurrying about their morning routines. A small sigh would escape her lips as she reached into her pack once again to pull out a small match box – she figured at some point she would need to learn Katon eventually, as she was explained the different elemental properties from Shoji, and how each one worked; he used Katon, Raiton, and Doton.

She learned a lot of her Doton abilities from Shoji himself, he was surprised by her abilities to catch on to things like ninjutsu, and elemental factors. When she first ran into the group, she had only control of Suiton and Futon, later to be able to use her own elemental form of Hyoton, a mixture of Suiton and Futon; a release that only very select few could learn from her very own clan; Shoji would later explain to her. She also learned about something called a Dojutsu, it involved his two different eyes; he would later explain to her that his name was Shoji Uchiha, but his mother was something called a Hyuga, which is what his white eye was, it was called a Byakugan – another form of Dojutsu… He warned her that people with either type of eye, Byakugan or Sharingan were dangerous people for different reasons. She learned quickly that his red and black eye could make her fall into something she called a ‘sleep’, where he could torture her for what could feel like years.

His white eye, he was able to see something known as Chakra points, and he could shut them off with different abilities and moves he called “Taijutsu”. He taught her that there was ways to get out of the powers of ‘sleep’ that the Sharingan would cause, but if her chakra points were destroyed there was nothing she could really do herself at that point, and to mostly just avoid anyone with either set of eyes. And she would, and did quite successfully until the day she walked into that hospital and meant the man known as Kenshin Uzumaki… He had both eyes, just like Shoji had… But he was not like Shoji… She knew that much; his chakra was different… It made her ill, where Shoji’s chakra was dominant, but not sickening in anyway, something it was comfort to know Shoji was near by… This new type of Chakra she felt, was not comforting in any way, shape or form… She feared it. An emotion she had not felt in an exceptionally long time, fear. The fear of knowing what that man was capable of, and the fact she walked into his office… Although she was unsure if that is what you could call it… With open arms, hoping for an invitation into his village…

A small sigh of relief came when the sound of bubbling water hit her ears, her eyes would glance towards the small black pot that laid on top of the grill she place just above the fire, a small smile. “Food time…” She whispered, as she reached back into her pack and grabbed a small brown pouch and poured the contents inside of the cup she was holding after she had dipped the cup inside of the pot collecting some of the boiling water. She would quickly take a small metal spoon and stir it gently, the smell of brown sugar and maple syrup give quite the aroma around her small camp that she could hear some of the smaller forest critters creeping up to see what was happening.

Suika grinned widely as she took her first spoonful of oatmeal, the taste was perfect; she was glad she stopped by the small shop to grab a few supplies and have the little old lady convince her to try this new food. She paused, looking for the small amount of fruit that she decided to grab as well, wondering if mixing the two would make it taste any better… Of course this was a correct way of thinking as the blueberries and mixed assortment of nuts made it taste even better, while giving it more texture than just a sloppy mess.

After breakfast, Suika would decide to put her things back in pack after giving them a cleaning, and roll her tent back up, slipping the fabric back into the pack as well before going back on the trail heading towards town, she had been in the village for about a week now, and she figured it would be high time to go and see what she could find for work. It was not as if she was running low on ryo, or even if she wanted money at this point… She just wanted something to do and did not care much for pay. She had heard that the village now had his new Academy opening, and so many new shops were opening as well, she was sure that people would need errands done, or things built, and Suika could assist of course.

  • Total Word Count 1509
  • Health 50
  • Chakra 75
  • Stamina 50
  • Speed 50
  • Strength 50
  • A P 500/500
    Total WC 1509

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I will love you for all time

Last edited by Suika Yuki on Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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It's A Wonderful Day Empty Re: It's A Wonderful Day

Thu May 14, 2020 9:44 am


 can you feel that? their crying
 cherry blossom

The original plan of heading back into the village started of great, but halfway on her walk, Suika heard the cry of a small animal, that made her turn back, was it the fire? Had she forgot to put it out properly? With a quick shift in weight on her feet, Suika made a full dash back to the spot she was once camping in, only to see a small squirrel like creature standing on its hind legs, almost as if it was holding it’s right paw in pain, it was apparent to her that she did not wait long enough for the warm embers of the fire to go out, and put this poor creature at risk. She moved ever so quietly towards the small animal, and picked it up, of course she startled her, as it was not expecting to be picked up and assumed the human who was there had been long gone by then.

She took a small piece of fabric from her dress, tearing it to just the right size to wrap it around the creature’s tiny paw. “There we go, all better.” She muttered, sitting back down. The small, and rather fluffy white animal sat in her lap for a moment and inspected the wrapping; looking up at Suika a few times before scurrying away. She could not help but give a small chuckle, helpless creatures were at times, the cutest. She leaned back against the large tree behind her, as she watched the fires embers. Before long, the embers would go out and she would be on her way. She gave a small sigh and closed her eyes for just a moment.

It must have been a few hours past when Suika finally opened her eyes to a small warmth in her lap, she felt groggy and unsure of where she was for a few moments, but she could hear a small whimpering as she begun to come to. She first moved her right hand towards the spot on her lap where she felt the warmth, only to be greeted with a small lump, she froze and stiffened slightly, this small lump felt cold… Almost as cold as she nearly was all the time, which was okay for her, but certainly not for anyone or anything else. She shifted herself up, her eyes fully open to only look upon a small creature, the hair was brown and short, with large brown eyes and tears brimming in it’s eyes; and dark red stains on it’s face.

This caused Suika to hold her breath for just a slight moment, unsure of the situation at hand, she glanced around, but could not see anyone else around, who did this child belong to? Finally, Suika spoke, “Are you okay…?” Of course Suika knew the answer would be no, and it was some what redundant to pose such a question with the small child in this state, but she knew that child were simple creatures and required even the stupidest questions to be asked first, before divulging any real information; after all she herself was once a child, and required the same care and attention.

The small child stared into Suika’s eyes for a moment, sniffling and gasping for air to be able to talk as it was still in quite a mode of a fit and could only get small hiccups of words out to be pieced together, “I… I… I G…Got… Got… L..” A brief pause for a wail that could shatter any persons ears. Children were good at that, these Earth shattering sounds, making seem as if their being utterly beaten at any given time when in all reality they are totally fine, just upset. Suika was glad she herself did not have any crotch goblin, as she called them. “Looooooostttttttt.” the child finished before resuming back into a sobbing mess on Suika’s lap.

From there, she was able to piece together a small idea of what happened, as Suika was far from any normal trails that people would take in this bush, and again; this was something new that the Kage had made, so people didn’t know this area very well, however for the past week Suika had been taking a small portion of her day to learn this forest, and become well acquainted with it but she could understand the fear of getting lost, pulled away from your parents and unsure what to do or where to go all to well…

Suika gave a soft smile towards the child, and spoke once more, this time in a more calming voice, “Well, my name is Suika, but you can call me Suki, you don’t have to tell me your name, but I’m gonna take you home, alright kid?” The small child, now the forest ground, sitting crossed legged looked at Suika in wonder, “O..Okay…” The child gasped out, as they were still trying to get their breath about them, Suika figured this kid couldn’t be but four or five years old, of course for shinobi this was around the time that children would start to learn about the academy that they would be attending soon, every time she had watched other children at the academy, they appeared to be anywhere from eight to twelve years old, where this child, still in the more earlier years of life would begin to prepare for the academy. Suika took a medium sized piece of fabric out of her pack. As she hummed; the child would watch her work with the fabric.

Before long, Suika had adjusted the fabric just right to create a wrap, just big enough to fit the child in, normally she had seen this done with children of a much smaller size, such as infants and toddlers, but the kid before didn’t seem as if it was all that big, she removed the pack and sat it on the ground for a moment as she adjusted her footing, the child would crawl onto Suika’s back, as it did this, she would use the wrap to secure the kid, and tie a knot in the front near her stomach before standing up and grabbing the pack. “Alright kid, we’re about to go fast, so bear with me; alright?” Suika smiled, almost in a wicked sense at this point.

This wasn’t something she had ever tried before, but she knew this was going to be fun to say the least for the kid; a small breath in, and Suika took off, first getting up on the tree branches before taking off at full speed, jumping from one branch to the other; the small child giggling with glee and excitement as she hopped around, quickly they were outside of the forest, and she could hear a woman screaming a name, although Suika herself didn’t catch the name, the child perked up, “That’s my momma!” Suika nodded and following the sound of the yelling, which seemed to not be all that far from the forest line; it seems the kid currently attached to Suika’s back wandered off far. After about five more trees, Suika would drop down, approximately fifteen feet from a tall but slender woman, she had long brown hair, similar in color to the small child, however her eyes were a deep green color, almost like two large emeralds, tears Welling up from the sight of her child’s head just slightly poking out above Suika’s right shoulder, making quick work Suika would remove the fabric and release the child.

As she stood and watched, the small child ran towards its mother, “Oh thank heavens your alright!” The woman whined, grabbing her child up into her arms, “I don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to you!” Her eyes shot towards Suika, a look of relief washed over her face as she sauntered over, “Thank you miss, thank you so much for saving my daughter.” She gave a few more words of thanks, before offering Suika a home cooked meal to repay her for what she had done, as they didn’t have much money, but they did have a small farm with more than enough food to spare for one extra body that night. Of course, Suika agreed; a home cooked meal was something she had not had in a long time.

But Suika wasn’t going to let this family just give her food, sure she understood that she had saved their daughter, but she would work for her meal, and not just take something she didn’t feel as if she deserved by any means. As the three of them walked towards the small farm, Suika spoke up; “I get that I saved your daughter…” She paused, realizing that she never had bothered to learn the small one’s name. “Oh! My name is Amano,” The woman spoke and smiled towards her daughter, “and her name is Amari.” Another brief pause, “My husband, his name is Yamamoto.” Suika nodded, listening careful; she would need to remember these names, at least for the next few hours as she would be working on their farm, and having dinner with them. “My name is Suika.” She muttered, smiling back. Although Suika wasn’t sure if this was a real smile, or something she was use to faking, but for a small part of her, she felt the warmth of seeing a mother and daughter up close… Seeing the care that they had for each other…

It gave her small memories of her own mother, and how she missed her so… A small sigh, thinking about her parents would normally give her almost no emotions, but for some reason… She felt remorse; a small sense of pain, she knew that it was proper to miss them, but after all of these years to feel; even if it was the smallest amount of pain.  

Before long, Suika was greeted by a small farm in her sight, it wasn’t anything huge, a small enough garden to house a few different vegetables, a couple pigs, and a small chicken coup; it reminded her of the small home she once had on the top of the mountain, enough to be self sustaining, and rarely needing to take visits to the small village below, which she herself wasn’t ever allowed to attend. Her eyes crossed along the rows of vegetables, and the broken fence where the pigs were kept, the chicken coup needed some small repairs as well. Suika knew of a few places where she could get scraps of wood to fix the fence, and scraps of wire for the chicken coup, things she wouldn’t need to pay for, but something inside of her felt as if she needed to go all out for this family… It was something she knew her own father would do. Just from the kindness of his heart, as he had not entirely grown cold towards humanity, just from villages in general… She closed her eyes for a moment and gave a small sigh before returning her gaze towards the woman and child.

“How about this, I’ll go about and fix the fence and chicken coup… I’ll weed the garden as well, and by the time I’m finish with that, dinner should be ready, does this sound like an adequate plan?” Suika gave a half grin towards the woman. She could tell already the woman was going to say that it was all to much, and not needed at all, but Suika wouldn’t hear any of it, before the woman could even begin to protest, Suika turned heel and began to walk off, “I’ll be back before you know it! Can’t wait to see what you make for dinner!” And just like that, Suika would leave the line of sight from the woman, but little did she know, the small child would take off from her mother, and run after Suika, wanting to join her on her trip to the market for supplies to do the fixing. Seems like she had a new fan.

  • Total Word Count 1509
  • Health 50
  • Chakra 75
  • Stamina 50
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  • Strength 50
  • A P 500/500
    Total WC 1509

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I will love you for all time
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