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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:43 pm
Troublesome Tree
Passing on the Torch
Disinformation Campaign

It was a wonderful day to do some missions!

Dana practically leaped out of bed, had a quick shower, got dressed, dried and brushed her hair, all that standard morning routine stuff in under ten minutes; a new record for her. She snuck down into the kitchen underneath her room and swiped a few half-eaten wraps from some of the plates that had just been taken from the tables and were about to be put in the rubbish. It was quite a find and Dana was very happy with her breakfast for the day. She'd usually only get a slice of toast and some diluted orange juice, so it was a nice change of pace.

With more of a pep in her step than usual, the young Senju made her way through the streets of Kirigakure. In accordance with her excellent mood she was garbed in very bright colours for once: a tye-dye T-Shirt, a pair of trousers with paint artfully splattered along their length, and a set of expensive-looking cowboy boots that she definitely did not steal. Her eclectic outfit made quite a few onlookers do a double-take, and Dana swore that one old man nearly fainted at the vibrant display of colours that she was wearing. That may have been an exaggeration but you get the idea.

She arrived at the mission building and entered through the front door. Hopefully, there'd be someone she knew in, or around, there so she wouldn't have to do all the missions alone. She didn't quite know what she wanted to do yet but hopefully whatever she ended up doing was entertaining at the very least.

WC: 292
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:20 pm
It really was a beautiful day, Ai thought to herself completely umprompted by the narration of someone else whose turn was directly before hers because that would suggest a sentience outside of the natural world, and were that realized everything would literally implode. What was I saying listeners? AH right. The everything is beautiful trope for our newest spinoff to the tales of Sayatria. Ai had woken early, slipping from her bed and out of the house as quietly as possible. On the table she'd set breakfast for her little sister, and then it was off to the missions directory. She had decided she enjoyed her first day doing missions and the small training spree with that delightful vampire boy so much that she just had to have a repeat.

She'd been glancing through the options for the day, hand set on a scroll that said something about a tree, when she heard someone enter. Ah. It was dana! This could either be really good or really bad. She hadn't actually seen Dana since she was.... well... alive. PuppAit had seen her once or twice, of course, but while Saya was out and about she generally had other tasks to take care of, so this would be an interesting first for their friend.

"Just in time! Seems theres some interesting missions that need to be done, would you like to accompany?" Her tone suggested the situation was completely normal, though she hid a mischievous smile at the idea that this could definitely come off as strange. How could the puppet always seen with dana's senju buddy be doing missions by herself?!

(twc 271)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:32 pm
As Dana came through the front entrance, her green eyes would instantly settle on none other than her friend Ai! She jumped, did a little clapping motion, and ran across the building to get closer to her pal. While running, she scanned the area and found that the usual group - Saya, Pinochio, Frejya, and Coach.- were nowhere to be found. That was odd and it struck Dana as a new, unique occurrence. Then again. Dana had only met Ai and her friends on two separate occasions, so she didn't exactly have a large sample size to extrapolate data from. This could easily just be a common thing for Ai to do and Dana could be overthinking it. Regardless, once close enough, Dana would attempt to give Ai a quick hug as a greeting. Not the kind Saya would do (A flying hug, probably) but a gentle one, the kind that was appropriate for two friends to greet each other with.

"Of course oi would like yer company!" Dana said with a wide grin, breaking away from the hug should it have happened without any complications. She then proceeded to look over Ai's shoulder at the various posters littered across the surface of the mission board. The one that Ai had been previously looking at caught her eye and she stepped around the black-haired girl to take it off and get a closer look. "A large tree is apparently causing problems for some people, shouldn't be an issue fer us though!" She declared proudly, and put the poster into her pocket.

"Any more strike ye fancy?"

WC: 267
TWC: 559
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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Ryo : 58600

A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:41 pm
"Ah. good. " She would accept the hug, a soft smile gracing her lips as her worry of the oddity of her sudden existence was eased. There were a handful of mission open to be picked up. It wasn't quite as pleasant of a list as her first set, but she was taking on more dificult missions. It was to be expected.

"Hm. I think this will be much easier with you here. Without the ability to cast wood style jutsu I honestly wasn't sure how i'd get this one taken care of. I was just about to message Saya to see if she could give aid, but I know she's a bit busy. " She took several more scrolls from the list. SHe figured they could work through missions until they felt tired, and just return the rest, or take on more if they were really feeling it.

"So I have a handful of jutsu, but they're all water style. I did have one I was interested in trying out.... Bit it's rather large. I wonder if you could just like turn the entire tree into chairs or something? I know you two have that one jutsu, but I'm a bit fuzzy on what exactly it works on." As she spoke, she would slip out the doorway, motioning for her firne dto follow. They needed to head to the tree so they could actually get this taken care of. Otherwise they would just talk for hours and nothing would actually get done.

(TWC 522)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Ryo : 12020

A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:25 pm
Dana shrugged to show that she too had absolutely no idea how Humble Carpenter worked. She hadn't really experimented much - at all, really - since Saya had shown her how to do that, so it was completely her fault. She just had so many Jutsu now that it was starting to get really difficult keeping track of everything she had at her disposal, which was a pretty good problem to be having truth be told. Having too much Jutsu was vastly better than not having any, after all. "To the tree!" She declared, only to notice that Ai had already left and was motioning towards the door. She was left pointing in the air for a couple of seconds until her brain caught up to her and she hurried after her black-haired friend.

"How come Saya's busy?" Dana asked whilst they walked up to the tree. Every time Dana had come across Saya (Which was only a grand total of two times, to be fair) the girl had been doing something completely wacky and unique. Dana was actually curious what hijinks the younger Senju had gotten into, if any.

Upon arriving at the tree, Dana cracked her knuckles on the side of her head and rubbed her face in thought. She normally got an innate sense of what she could and could not manipulate with Humble Carpenter, and that vibe wasn't present with that tree. "Oi can't turn it into a chair, but oi can smash it too a pulp. Any other ideas before oi go ahead with plan B?" She asked Ai, hoping that the girl had enough experience helping out Saya to do the same here.

WC: 280
TWC: 839
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:03 pm
"Oh right. She's been in mandatory training with Ragnar since she technically learned the sage arts, but cannot actually do them herself. She struggles with sitting still and thats pretty important for drawing in nature energy so she's been having daily practice sessions between her own stuff with the hopes that she'll eventually figure it out. Otherwise she'll need the otterbrook clan to be around any time she needs to use any sage art jutsu. They can technically draw the chakra for her. he's not too keen on the idea. " She'd look the tree up and down. Heck it was huge. WIth a motion, she'd allow Dana the first chance at beating it to a pulpy pulp before she used her newest technique. Keeping an eye on the situation, she'd try to remove sections that were destroyed as Dana succeeded in removing them, Dragging large portions into a pile that was out of her way before she helped finish things up.

"Ok. Stand back. " THe area was conveniently exactly thirty meters wide, and so she would ensure both herself and her teammate were out of that range before forming the hand seals. Unsure if she could simply whisper the activation phrase or it needed to be said with vigor, she would yell out 'whirling waters of wowness' as she molded chakra. A torrent of water poured from her lips, rushing foward in a giant wave that crashed against the bits of tree that were left. Two spheres began rotating, and in the center between them, All traces of the tree were ground down to nothingness.

(TWC 787 500/500 towarsd first mission, onto the next! )
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:59 pm
"That sounds like Saya." Dana chuckled delicately. Dana wasn't half as excitable as the younger Senju and even she would struggle to sit still for any length of time unless she was drawing or something. These 'sage arts' sounded interesting though, so Dana added them to her extensive mental list of 'things that would need to be researched', which was starting to become rather long after all her run-ins with Saya. However, such deliberations were going to have to be put on hold, as it was time to smash some shit up. With a small glint in her green eyes Dana turned to face the large tree.

At once, she called upon the strength of her lineage, and her chakra strengthened at the same time as the air around her seemed to get denser. One hand did the seals to the Ninjutsu Amplifier - Tiger, Boar, Dog, Dragon, and a hand clap - while the other did the seals to the World of Trees - Tiger, Dragon, Rabbit, Monkey, and Snake. As soon as she completed the seals, several roots sprung from the earth around the pair at a speed of 160 and over the top of the tree. They tightened, wood straining against Wood until the began to crack and splinter under the immense force. It eventually got to the point where the only thing keeping the tree standing were Dana's roots.

Ai proved that the destructive tendencies displayed by Saya were actually a family trait by letting loose a huge torrent of water and grinding what was left of the tree into nothing. The mission brief had said to do it by causing as little damage as possible, but did that really matter? Dana nodded appreciatively, always happy to witness such destruction. "Noice." She hummed and then did a few handseals to summon her notebook from the Storage Displacement dimension. If Ai wasn't still busy with destroying everything, Dana would try to hand her the notebook. "The next mission was to teach someone some stuff, soo... Oi keep a list of everything oi've learned in the first page so feel free to let me know if there's anything ye would like me to teach ye in there."

WC: 369
TWC: 1208
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:18 pm
"....I'm realizing that the mission details may have mentioned not doing large volume damage. I should not have used my little sister's new jutsu in hindsight. Theres no mess to clean up though. I feel like thats good. Saya uh. Created a neat new suiton technique that well. " As she took the notebook from Dana, She motioned to the still rotating spheres of water. She looked through the list. There was a bit of doton that she knew her sister had learned weeks ago. That would be great if she were able to hold more techniques of that power, but already she felt like her mind was too low ranked to learn anything else at A rank. There were a few others she recognized though.

"Hm. Well. I plan to learn doton at some point. It is, of course the second half of our clan element--assuming I have the strength to learn to manipulate mokuton. I'm pretty stacked on high ranked techniques at current though. " She looked the list up and down. Why was it so familiar? Oh right. Saya had taught her. "Lets see. I do see a couple things I should probably learn. Storage displacement is incredibly helpful. Then I could have an interdimensional storage to hold more of my little sister's stuff. Also mark seal is great for bringing things she might need directly to us, and for extra puppets. I don't think i'll be keeping my puppets following me all the time like Aya. OH! and genjutsu release. Heck thats an important one."

(TWC 1044 125/1k)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:29 pm
Saya had made another new Jutsu? That was incredible! Dana wished that she had the capability to start to make her own techniques but, alas, she was being held back by some arbitrary restrictions that totally made sense within the context of the universe in which they were inhabiting. She put that thought on the backburner and returned back to dealing with reality since she felt that dwelling on it any further would lead to the destruction of the universe as we know it. Dana seemed to get into a lot of situations like this, she noticed. Maybe it was just hanging out with Saya and her friends that did it.

She nodded and attempted to retrieve the notebook back from Ai after the girl had finished reading through it. She hid it well, but Dana was a little hurried to get back the notebook because she was a little embarrassed of the contents on the rest of the pages of the notebook. For some reason, Dana felt incredibly self-conscious about her artwork and it was likely something she'd never willingly show other people. She didn't understand why this was the case considering how little modesty she had, but there were a lot of things that didn't make sense in Dana's life.

"Roight, so, let's start with the easiest: Genjutsu Release. All ye have to do is do the Tiger handseal and just start... Moving yer chakra around really fast. It sounds simple but that's all there is to it, really. If ye spend some more time learning it ye can even learn to do it without the handseal, which is definitely worth it! The next one is the Mark Seal. It's pretty useless on its own since Oi never learned how to properly track it, but ye can place it on people and it will let ye know whenever they are within 100m of ye! Just do the Dog handseal and place yer hands on their skin somewhere."

Dana paused to take a breath, having said all that in very little breaths. "Finally there's Storage Displacement which is probably the most complicated of the bunch. Oi'm not sure how it works, exactly, but after doing the handseals Rat and Dog, you can just send whatever item ye want to a dimension, where ye can then retrieve it whenver by doing the same handseals." She demonstrated by doing the handseals and then sending her notebook back into the Storage Dimension, "Pretty cool, roight?"

WC: 415
TWC: 1623
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo] Empty Re: A wonderful extravaganza [Missions/Nomo]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 9:35 pm
"RIGHT! I just form the seal and move my chakra really fast. That sounds super easy." The ceiling around them began to colapse as a black hole surged forward, threatening to envelop all life as they knew it. They'd broken the fourth wall for the last time, and existence was soon to be a thing of the past. The great pull of gravity would rip the--im just joshin with ya. Thankfully their thoughts, or even the general suggestions of the powers that be looking down on these lovely people and making determinations about their lives had no actual effect on the world. That would be crazy though right? OH sorry, I was so busy being entertaining I've failed once again in my job.

Ai focused her chakra, pouring energy into her body as she formed the seal and mentally shaking her insides like an etch-a-sketch. The result was a small mouth full of water spraying a few inches onto the ground. That wasn't exactly it. Refocusing, She would try the second technique. She formed the ram hand seal, completely missing the part that rams are not actually dogs, though they are cute. Nothing happend. Then she tried the armadillo seal, but that isn't a thing and also she doesn't know that ram the familiar is an armadillo so it would be a pretty strange decision to make. That one isn't quite right either.

Onto the third, she'd form the rat, and dog at the same time and.... Nothing would happen cuz we don't know if we can do that yet.

(TWc 1304 MWC 517(last post wc was super wrong fixed here)
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