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Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Reflection (Training) Empty Reflection (Training)

Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:34 am
Zeo stood at his usual training spot. He loved the water gardens. A natural and beautified area close to Hoshigakure that had plenty of water. Not only did he learn he was attuned to the chakra of water, but he just liked it. The river, or lake-- reminded him much of his homeland in River Country and the village he came from.

And the family he lost. While he was no closer to discovering the truth and while he couldn't' do that just yet-- he had to grow stronger.

So once more, he stood before the lake. It was now evening, the sky clear and the water grounds alit with lanterns for night-time visitors. Certain areas were naturally lit by the moonlight, others lit by floating lanterns near the larger training areas. Still, Zeo wanted to come here so he could see the scenery, be at peace and practice. Chakra control was one thing in the academy he excelled at. While not perfect, he caught on far faster than his peers. It required a strong mind and concentration far more than just chakra alone.

Once again, he stood at the water's edge and stepped out. He felt the surface of the water-- and this time he didn't waver. HIs balance didn't falter as he stepped forward again. The worst part was it was just slippery-- like ice, but the surface didn't give. The most the water did was ripple with each step he took. He was getting better at it-- either that or his affinity for water made water-walking a bit easier.

However, as he focused, he sensed something else. Another chakra-- another person coming this way. Another Hoshigakure shinobi perhaps...?

WC: 281
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:44 am
It was the end of a productive day, and Masashi wanted to spend some time outdoors. Since the Water Gardens were located right beside his family’s property, he would spend some time walking around them. It was a clear night, the sun had just gone down, and the stars were out in full force. Every constellation was in full and beautiful view. It was really quite picturesque. Masashi always enjoyed the Water Gardens, and for good reason; they were a testament to the beauty of the village. Everyone did their best to keep them in a very pristine condition. It was a major point of pride that something so lush and green could be sustained here, in a country that is much less hospitable.

While there was still the odd person walking around at this time of night, the Water Gardens was mainly deserted. Masashi didn’t mind though, this was one of the times where he normally preferred solitude. That wasn’t to say company would be unwelcome right now, but the night time was a time the Uzumaki noble preferred to catalogue his thoughts and actions of the day, reflect on what had happened.

As he walked around, he noticed that there was someone walking along the water’s surface. It had to be a shinobi, as only shinobi would really have the chakra control to even attempt what was being done currently. The Chuunin was intrigued to say the least, so he found a bench nearby, and observed the young shinobi in his training. He could see that there was a little work that needed to be done; there was some slight wobbling here and there, as if they didn’t quite have their balance. There could be several reasons why, and while Masashi could certainly provide pointers, he would not be doing so shouting over the water. This moment would be marred be excessive noise. As he was fairly close to the shore, he would elect to wait until the shinobi was back on solid ground before even asking to assist. Not everyone liked receiving pointers when it wasn’t looked for, and Masashi wouldn’t assume this person was any different.

WC: 360
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:33 pm
Zeo continued to focus on his chakra control. The longer he did it, the deeper his breathing and the more his focus. It had become much easier since he started walking on water exercise. While tiring in long amounts, his chakra control was growing better and better each time he practices it. Still, he could sense the presence of someone in the back of his mind. He knew if he broke his concentration too much, he would fall into the water.  Still, he wasn't afraid to try and start keeping himself centered and address problems. If other shinobi could multi-task while walking on water, so could he. The instructors did say at some point, it would become second nature to use chakra control to walk on water or on solid surfaces.

With a breath, he turned around, lowering his hands to remove the hand sign. Though his focus now clear, and his legs wobbling little-- he was able to face the shadows of the night towards the bench where the stranger sat.

"Hello? Is someone there?" Zeo called out to the shore. It was more polite to say before he went 'I know you're back there-- show yourself!'. It wasn't like he had any right to hog a spot to himself. He had seen others train out here himself. Still, there were plenty of ninjas and unwanted enemies that could sneak this far into their territory. It was unlikely this person was such an enemy. His chakra felt too... tranquil to suspect it was of an enemy.

His eyes focused on the place, and soon saw a person sitting casually on the shore of the lake. Despite this focus and his own sensory powers at work, his concentration on the water didn't falter. Even more, it calmed and barely a ripple echoed over the surface.

WC: 305
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:36 pm
It would appear that the other person did not seem to share Masashi’s opinion of the current mood of the area, shattering the stillness with his question, for the voice was definitely masculine in tone. Masashi sighed and simply sat there, watching the shinobi with idle curiosity. He did not deign to respond, even when they looked his way. He was not a villain or skulker, he simply sat here and watched, making mental observations that he could share should the shinobi come his way.

Masashi was more than content to simply sit here. It was a beautiful night after all. The water was still, the moon was out and provided decent illumination. Were Masashi much of an artist he may have considered drawing or painting the scene before him. Alas, any artwork of his was more technical and done by necessity rather than driven by some artistic need.

Masashi stretched out his legs in front of him, and leaned back, putting his hands behind his head as he relaxed a little more, simply enjoying his surroundings.

WC: 177
TWC: 537
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:45 am
The person at the water's edge didn't move or respond. Zeo was not a self-conscious person but it was hard for him to focus all the same with someone nearby. It seemed they thought of that person was starting to affect his concentration a bit as the water began to wobble a bit more. He continued to practice, trying to keep afloat on the water. He didn't like the idea of someone just watching him, and that presence was starting to hinder his focus. He couldn't let it but it was a nag that was eating at him.

Water style was difficult enough and he could only go so far. His squad still had not been found so he was still practicing on his own. His interests were not just ninjutsu, but Genjutsu and other types of techniques he needed help with. He couldn't keep doing the same self-teaching methods he had been doing. He started practicing the water signs for the Jutsu he knew, and the water began to move. First as a mist, then as a blob coming out of the water. It was starting to become difficult to focus on manipulating water chakra-- and keep his footing on the water's surface as well!

WC: 207
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:21 pm
The longer he sat there, the more problems the boy on the water seemed to be having. Masashi could attribute that to one of two things; either the boy was losing focus, or he was running low on chakra. It was very possible that his presence here could be causing the boy to become distracted. It was the middle of the night, some random stranger was sitting nearby, it would definitely be enough to unnerve most people. ‘People need to learn how to not lose focus while in potentially stressful situations’ Masashi thought to himself as he continued to watch the struggling shinobi. Not that Masashi didn’t care, he just wasn’t the sort to provide unsolicited advice. The only time that would be different is with his own team, as they were his responsibility.

That being said, he could probably leave some information here for the boy to follow up on should he choose to. If not, it was no time lost on Masashi. From his vantage point, and from his personal experience, he surmised that the issue being had was a problem with chakra control, especially with the boy’s attempt at a water-style ninjutsu seeming to backfire.

Chakra control in itself took some time to master and was not easy. Masashi pulled out a notebook and proceeded to write down three things on a piece of paper. They were the titles of three different books that were at the Kozai Yuki National Archives and would doubtlessly be within sections that this shinobi would be able to access. The first one was a volume on basic medical ninjutsu, as it required supreme chakra control at all times. The second title was for basic and intermediate exercises which could help improve chakra control. The last book was a book on meditation, a way to help clear the mind and avoid distractions.

Satisfied with his pointers, he signed the note with his clan crest, pinned it on the back of the bench where the boy could see it from his current position, and quietly made his leave. He had things that needed to be taken care of and it was time to get some rest.


WC: 363
TWC: 900

9 stats (Vigour)
645WC towards Basic Medical Ninjutsu (1000/1000) (Proof of progres:
255WC towards Ressurection (3103/4000) (Proof of progress:
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:56 am
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
Stat Page : Zeo Kamigawa's Stat & Jutsu List

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Clan Specialty : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:50 pm
The presence of the guy was a weight on Zeo's mind. Not that he didn't know how to focus, but he could sense the guy's chakra. The presence of it was like a nagging through in the back of his mind. However, the sensation soon began to fade. Curious, he turned around and he was gone. The presence left faded and Zeo was able to continue his training in peace.

By the time he finished, he soon walked over to the shoreline and saw the note there. He picked it up and read it a few times. He felt a bit put off by the letter. He felt judged and upset by it. Though he knew to take the advice, he put it reluctantly into his pocket when he rather of crumbled it up. Still, Zeo knew he had much he had to aspire to, to do better and rise higher. As the moon illuminated the lake before him, he took the advice from the mysterious shinobi to heart-- and went back to the water to practice his chakra control.

The more he practiced it, he also began to work with the water on the surface. He would cause it to rise up and slowly grow into new shapes and form.

WC: 211
TWC: 1004


STats: +10 to Strength
Jutsu Learned: Upgrade from D to B Hidden Mist Jutsu (+1000 WC from the previous version)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Reflection (Training) Empty Re: Reflection (Training)

Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:50 pm
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