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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:45 pm
Even though the kid repeated his statement and even laughed a little Akabayashi wasn't convinced the message was recieved. Nothing was said to indicate as such, but body language was an obvious tell. He wouldn't bring the subject back up, you can tell people the directions, but it was up to them to get there. 

The Terumi would nod when asked if there was a queensguard. "It would be more appropriate to say there was. When Hoshi was overseen by the royalty the nobles had a group of warriors dedicated to their protection. Kyousuke Snow was a queensguard, the former kage, and possessor of the four tail. Then again it would be easier to say possessed by the four tail. He created the Nova, while he was kage. Giving the village their first real special operations division."

The name would be enough to find the files, the issue was if they were allowed to read the file because of the man's rank. "I hope that will be enough." He would say continuing forward.

When Sakuragi confirmed they were in fact the eyes he had seen. He would return to read the scroll as the Hyuuga asked his questions. "These are the sharingan possessed by the Uchiha clan. The doujutsu has many levels one, two, and three tomoe, then mangekyo, and eternal mangekyo. Overuse of the mangekyo eye produces blindness and it bestows three techniques, specific to the eyes. One technique in each eye and a third used between the two. The eternal state removes the blindness, but you need to exchange eyes with another person who has the eyes. It also allows copying of techniques through seeing handseals."

Setting down that scroll he would pick up another this time on the Hyuuga. "The byakaugan, is interesting. So, Sakuragi can you really see chakra points?" He would ask continuing his reading. While he had never said his last name, he had said his father's. The Hyuuga according to the scroll were wielder's of a unique eye and taijutsu based on the ability of the eyes. The gentle fist style forced chakra into a tenketsu and disrupted the chakra circulation system preventing the use of jutsu. The amazing three-hundred and sixty degree vision was impressive as was the amazing distance it could perceive things. "Incredible." He would remark putting that one down as well." 

He would pick up the next one it wasn't a medical scroll however, but something on Explosion Release according to the decode he had quickly done. "Interesting they have a scroll on explosion release." He would open up the scroll and begin to decode it. When he finished he would write down his findings on a piece of flash paper. The thing would light up with a quick motion and burn harmlessly into smoke, when no longer needed removing what was written from existence. "It requires earth and lightning release and makes a type of chakra detonating clay. Interesting, but I don't possess lightning release. Just Fire, earth, water, lava, and boil." He would say with a shrug due to not being able to learn the interesting technique. "Any chance you could use this jutsu? Its for chuunin, but anyone can learn it after its decoded."
WC: 535
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Sakuragi Yuki
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Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:51 am
There was no doubt that the hyuuga had gained much knowledge from this man in less than few hours. The man made  mention of Kysouke Snow, whoever that was , the young genin did not know. He never heard of that name before , but when the older man said the beast possessed snow rather than snow possessing the beast, that statement kind of intrigued the boy. “ Possessed by the four tails , huh? do you mean that literally, did he went on rampage on his village ?” the hyuuga would ask . He knew fully well that he was asking too many questions and too many questions may bother the man or maybe not. He hasn't known the man's personality enough to know if his questions were bothering him or not.  The hyuuga having learned that the man is a wanderer is not enough, maybe he could be a wanderer too. Sakuragi sure as hell wanted to be a wanderer too, he never want to be bounded by the shackles of this village. He can't travel anywhere without the express permission of Hogokage and right now , the kage is not in the village. A wanderer has free will, and just like Akabayashi, he could leave the village anytime if he was made a wanderer. Maybe there are criterias for being a wanderer, perhaps one of them is to be a member of the Nova Corps Organization. The Hyuuga would have to ask the terumi later on about this. 

After the terumi had finish explaining about the sharigan, the hyuuga would observe all the eye diagrams in the scroll as he moved closer to the man. They had different shape , one tomoe, two , three and the rest were all different in some way. It seems the eyes have increasing abilities, with the eternal mangekyo sharigan being the strongest according to the terumi's explanation of the eyes. He even said the eyes could copy techniques. Such immense power is rare, not even the byakugan could copy people's techniques. ” If you say these eyes can copy techniques, do you mean it can copy all kinds of techniques or just some sort? My clan specialize in the art of gentle style and as far as I know, only an hyuuga can learn and  use the gentle fist style.  Does it mean this dojutsu can copy our clan hidden techniques too?” Sakuragi asked this out of fear that some Uchiha could actually copy their clan’s hidden and secret technique with their scummy Sharigans. Their clan technique is to be protected at all times, never to leave the main branch house of the hyuuga family. Even though the hyuuga knew quite well that a non-hyuuga cannot learn the gentle fist style because of the way the style of taijutsu works, he still needed to confirm from the older man if the sharigan could copy his clan secret technique. Perhaps he would have to ask Clanlord Ayato too, that is if ayato knows about the sharigan. The hyuuga would await the man's response before he replied to his next question.

“ Yes , I can see chakra point , I can see chakra networks, I can see things to microscopic level, I can even read chakra networks with the byakugan, which makes me see the change in their chakra networks and  enable me to know when an opponent is about to use jutsu” he would reply the older man.  These eyes are powerful even if they can't copy jutsu like the sharigan

“ Explosion release huh ” he would exclaim, “ Luckily for me, the first element I learnt was the lightning release. I incorporate it into my gentle fist style to create stronger attacks, maybe I can do the same with explosion release , but I have no knowledge about earth release yet” he would say to the terumi. If he was truly gonna learn the explosion release then he would need to learn all the three basic elements that makes up the advance elements. ” Yeah, teach me the earth elements and how to combine it with the other basic elements to make explosion release. I  can incorporate the explosion release into the gentle fist style” he would remark. He would need to learn nature transformation if he is going to succeed in learning this. The realization of what he could do with the element and how much power it  could actually give him began to dawn on the young boy. He need every knowledge he can get about the earth element first, then knowledge on how to combine the three basic elements ; lightning, earth and fire into Explosion release. Luckily, the library is a great place to get all the knowledge he needs, and the terumi would make his learning easier being on his side.

TWC: 4949
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:21 pm
"Yes, the four tail was released in the middle of the village, beat Valen. Then it escaped." He would add not averting his eyes from the medical journal. He was just reading through the emotional triggers section for the second tomoe. The writer of this scroll was very detailed, it was odd to leave ones clan secrets in a library. Most clans would be adverse to such a practice, the Terumi wasn't opposed to storing and preserving the knowledge for future generations however.

The question on the sharingan was a good one, but the scroll answered the question. "The eyes can't copy things which a person can't do. Like the abilities of other kekkei genkei, such as my clans dual advanced elements lava and boil, or the doujutsu of your clan." He would read a little more into that section. "Or if the person uses an earth release jutsu, but the wielder of sharingan doesn't have earth." He would continue his reading as he spoke, still alert to his surroundings.

Akabayashi would look at Sakuragi as he spoke, one of the few times if any the man's eyes left his reading. "Wow, like a living microscope. I wish someone in my lab could do that. Then I wouldn't need to put test samples on slides or even take samples for that matter." He would refold the Hyuuga scroll and take the one on explosion. 

With a shrug of his shoulders, the Nova would put down the scroll on the Uzumaki he was about to read. "You want me to teach you Earth release. Okay." He would take some papers out of his pocket. "These papers are used to show chakra nature." One paper would burn, the next would get soggy, the third would crumble, the fourth would melt, and the last would corrode. Then he would list what happened from left to right. "Fire, water, earth, lava, boil. Each element causes something different to happen to the paper."

He would hand Sakuragi five papers. "To learn earth you have to learn what it feels like and its properties. Describe Earth in your own words, maybe even go outside and touch some dirt." The man would nod when or if Sakuragi defined earth and when he returned had he left to play with mud, the genin would find him decoding the scroll on the Uzumaki. When he finished he would begin to read the scroll making no comments. Longer than usual life spans, immense chakra reserves, ability to recover stamina quickly, and an innate talent for medical and fuinjutsu. A clan that wasn't as flashy as the previous two, but none the less useful.

Taking a paper from the table and a pen he would begin to detail the abilities of his clan's abilities. Including the details of their complex DNA and how a transplant only results in being able to use one of the clans advanced elements. The encryption was easy after deciphering many of these scrolls he had begun to remember the pattern. Akabayashi would answer any questions Sakuragi had and help him to the best of his ability while doing this, as long as aid didn't require him to get up.

WC: 529
TWC: 5038
Sakuragi Yuki
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:19 pm
Even though the hyuuga doesn't know much about tail beats, he has read a bit about their size and immense power. He could not help but to imagine the massive destruction that befell Hoshigakure at that time. A cursed beast, weapon of massive destruction released into a peaceful village like Hoshi. If Valen couldn't defeat the four tails, then the former Hogokage wasn't as strong as Sakuragi thought he was.

The hyuuga would listen to Akabayashi as he spoke on the sharigan’s abilities, gladness spreads on his face upon the realization that the sharigan can't copy his clan gentle fist style. The taijutsu style is to be hidden with the clan, and any attempt an outsider makes to  steal any of the clan’s ability would result in being marked for death.

The hyuuga's dojustu is famous for it's perfect vision. The dojustu helps them to use most of their clan hidden techniques. The hyuuga would give a warm smile as the terumi spoke about the Byakugan. He would watch as the man opens the scroll for explosion release. Surely the hyuuga would love to learn the advanced nature element, but he has to learn the earth element first, which is one of the three basic elements required to combine it. The terumi would bring out some strange papers, one that Sakuragi had never seen before. He watched as Akabayashi explained what they do and how they react according to their elemental nature. Akabayashi would hand over to him 5 of those papers. Sakuragi would define earth as a solid mass of anything.  He would walk out of the library, once he had collected the papers from the terumi. Once outside , he would sit on ground , just in front of the library. There isn't anyone walking down this route / road , so there is nothing to worry about. The hyuuga would feel the first  paper in his hand, and would attempt to do the same thing that Akabayashi did, but he would fail woefully. The hyuuga would try harder and harder, but the paper won't just crumble. Later, he realised he wasn't releasing enough chakra into the paper. At that moment of realizing his mistakes, he would immediately channel his chakra through the paper and the paper would instantly crumble. Sakuragi would run back into the library  to meet the terumi.  In  excitement, he would appear before the terumi who is now busy with something else. “I did it, the paper crumbled!” , he would say, showing the crumbled paper in his hand to the terumi. The white eyed would remain at his position , expecting the next instructions from Akabayashi. He wouldn't bother to test out the remaining four papers, he would either keep it or return it back to Akabayashi at the end of the day.

TWC: 5413
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:55 am
It seemed the Hyuuga would need no further instruction on how to use the Earth release as Sakuragi ran outside and then ran back in with a crumbled paper after. The Terumi didn't even have enough time to finish decoding the first scroll. He would put down the paper and pick up the scroll on explosion release. "According to this you have to find some clay or something similar and turn it into detonating clay. You infuse your earth and lighting chakra into the clay and the larger the explosion the more energy needs to be put into the clay." The scroll didn't list any jutsu that could be used with the release. "If you dig deep enough you should find some clay or..."

The man would make his way outside hoping that Sakuragi would follow. "Please watch over the scrolls I have out, I'll return in a minute." He would tell the librarian. Once outside and far enough away from the library to not cause damage he would channel chakra into his fist and punch the ground causing it to raise up. Revealing the different layers of the ground, dirt, clay, and rocks. "Should be enough there." He would say shrugging and helping the Hyuuga collect his materials. Once, done he would move the Earth back with a shovel in attempt to not get dirty. Somehow, his punch had not managed to send dirt in his direction, which was odd. 

When they were finished he would head back inside and continue his decoding of the Uzumaki, before moving onto writing out his own bloodline the Terumi Lineage. He would detail the clan's skill in ninjutsu and speed, along with the two advanced elements they could use in boil and lava. He would also note how a Terumi transplant would fail to give the full abilities of one born naturally within the clan. A drawback due to the complexity of the DNA, something almost unseen when compared to other bloodline transplants.

After finishing his writing he would move onto the Senju. This clan could use wood release a combination of both water and earth release. Akabayashi possessed both elements, yet doubted he would be able to harness another advanced element. This however didn't mean he wouldn't try if given the oppurtunity. The sage's body bloodline had an interesting name as well noting how ninja of the clan were better than normal ninja in ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu, though it may be a mere boast. He still had to wonder what they could mean by Sage. Did they have some connection to clergy men and were thought of as holy? 

"How is the detonation clay coming?" The Terumi would ask looking up from his research. He hoped the Hyuuga was smart enough not to detonate the clay within the library. The librarian got that what are these people doing in my library face, that asked are these dudes crazy? "Don't worry we won't use it here its just apart of learning the technique." He would say in an attempt to aleviate the woman's worry, it didn't seem to work fully but she returned to her work of sorting the books, albeit she would flash the pair an occasional glance.

WC: 536
TWC: 5574
Sakuragi Yuki
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Fri Dec 04, 2020 5:58 pm
While the terumi was teaching him about explosion release, the hyuuga would pay all attention to ensure that he doesn't miss out on anything. He would listen as the terumi told him about finding clay, then infusing the clay with earth and lightning chakra , turning it into a detonating clay. The principle sounds weird to Sakuragi, how can  clay cause explosion? , but regardless of his subconcious doubt , he would heed to the older man. He believed he has more experience and it'd be best to listen to one's senior. The hyuuga who had been standing all along would walk out of the library in a search for a clay that he can use along with the terumi.  Thankfully, the terumi would choose to help him make the job easier. Once they were far away from the library, the terumi would punch the ground, to raise it up and reveal the clay beneath. The older man would help the young lad to gather the clay materials. He would use a shovel to return the earth into the hole. 

The hyuuga would distant himself from the library so as not to damage the area. Once he was distant enough, he would begin to practice what Akabayashi told him, unfortunately, it was hard to detonate the clay. Perhaps the hyuuga would need further instructions from the older man, as he does not seems to be getting it.

TWC: 5647
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:22 am
Since the young Hyuuga hadn't the Terumi wondered how much trouble he was having with the technique. He would look over the scroll for explosion release once more, seeing if he had missed anything in his explanation. Being new to the earth element it may be too early for Sakuragi to pick up something advanced. Afterall with no earth jutsu to his name it would be difficult to apply the right amount of earth chakra to lightning and this stuff explodes. Akabayashi would step outside after returning everything he had read and handed the scroll for Terumi lineage to the library, to be added to the others. He would say with a wink, before opening  the door and stepping out into the sun.

He would still see the kid where he had left him still focusing on the clay in his hands. The Terumi would take the paper he had transcribed explosion release on and toss it to the air, causing it to ignite as intended. The paper turned to smoke and ash in seconds now useless to the world. "You may need more practice with Earth release, to use a more advanced element." The man would say leaning against a building and checking his watch to see how long he had been at it. "Earth release seems to be the foundation with the clay and the lightning causes the explosion. If the clay isn't exploding perhaps you need more work with Earth release." Akabayashi would wait for the genin to respond before moving to the next subject.

"Do you want to look over your dad's file?" He would ask in an attempt to draw him back inside to continue his studies. There were still a few scrolls left for the Nova to decode and study. When the Terumi walked back inside he would begin his decoding of the Kaguya scroll. 

This scroll was remarkable from a medical perspective. A member of the Kaguya could control their osteoclasts and osteoblasts to modify their bones and make weapons or modify their internal defenses by creating bone where none exists. More remarkable these things didn't cause bleeding or discomfort to the user, implying the skin played a role in the process as well. The clan was specialized in taijutsu not a huge surprise given their superbones, originally the Terumi assumed their focus was on taijutsu given the kekkei genkei's anatomical nature. 

The Terumi would stand and stretch making a small yawn as he did so. The group at the end of the library were beginning to speak loudly, excited by something one of them had said about a girl their friend hooked up with. The librarian would reprimand the culprits with a hush before returning to her sorting. "Would you like some fuinjutsu seals to help you out, they may aid you in some capacity? I know a seal that can store energy and one that can absorb jutsu."
WC: 485
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Sakuragi Yuki
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Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:10 pm
The hyuuga would continue the painful process of learning to combine the three basic elements (earth, fire and lightning) to form explosion release. It was indeed a painful process, as all the energy he devoted to the learning of the advanced element yielded no result. He couldn't infuse the clay with explosion release chakra, let alone detonate the  the earth material. Disappointment was clearly written all over his face and weariness was beginning to set in. The hyuuga had almost no knowledge of ninjutsu, he was a taijutsu expert, and having little or no ninjutsu abilities, it'd be hard to successfully combine these three basic elements. Despite putting all his efforts into it, it yielded no fruitful result. Learning explosion release was never his way to begin with, it would be better that he sticks with his gentle fist taijutsu style.

The terumi would come back to check on the mentally defeated hyuuga. His eyes did not fail him to quickly see how much difficulty the young genin was having with the elemental nature combination. Explosion release isn't for him, the hyuuga had thought. Seeing how much of a pain in the ass this was becoming, and knowing his weakness in elemental ninjutsu skills, he knew he would really really have a difficult time learning this. The hyuuga doesn't have time to waste however, he thought he could learn something else, instead of spending so much time trying to learn something he would never be able to eventually learn. He was definitely sure that there would be something else he could learn from the library or some sort of jutsu or skill that Akabayashi could teach him. At the time the terumi came to check on him, he was already giving up on learning the elemental nature combination. Even those who are skilled in elemental ninjutsu still have difficulties with combining elemental chakra, how much more Sakuragi who is a taijutsu expert?

The hyuuga would notice the paper tossed in the air by the terumi. The tossed paper would ignite and would fade out of existence. Akabayashi would inform Sakuragi what he felt he should to do to be able to successfully combine these basic elemental chakra, but the white eyed genin had long given up on this. Seeing how much difficulty he is having at the moment, he thought it would be a good idea to focus his energy on something else. “I am not sure I still want to learn this elemental combination. I specialize in taijutsu and I have poor ninjutsu skills, which makes it extremely difficulty for me to learn this elemental transformation. I really think it would be better if I focus my energy on something else or if you could just teach me something else,” he would say in a soft tone, facing the older man. He never planned to waste all the time terumi had spent on teaching him how to combine the elemental chakra, he just feel he couldn't learn it, and there was no pointing in wasting further time of either of them.

Akabayashi would bring back his attention to his father's case. The hyuuga still have a lot of findings to do, he would simply nod yes at the terumi's question about his continuing with his father's file. Time isn't on his side, he was opportune to enter the library this time because of the high ranking terumi ninja, he may not get this kind of opportunity again. So the hyuuga thought it was a good idea to learn as many things as he could .  This was one of the reasons why he felt he should abandon the learning of explosion release as it was consuming time, although, the major reason was because of his poor ninjutsu abilities. The hyuuga would return to the library with the scar faced man, each sitting on their respective seats. The spiky haired genin would continue studying his father's file, comparing and contrasting every possible details in the file. Extensive studies are needed if he is to have even the slightest clue about the whole mystery.

A fuinjutsu that can help ? A bright smile would radiate on the boy's face as the words rang through air , “Of course I want a fuinjutsu seal that can help me do that” he would say joyfully.   A feeling of possession, and great strength would begin to dawn on him, the hyuuga knew that he has to keep possessing every possible powers that he can possess. It is without doubt that his is currently the strongest member of team summer. Kuniko Hyuuga is no match for him nor his new teammate, Kiryu. Even Takeshi Hyuuga was no match for Sakuragi’s  powers while he was alive. The hyuuga would gladly receive the seal on the part of his body that isn't expose, that means, he wouldn't receive the seal on any part of his body where it can be easily seen.

TWC: 6472

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:25 pm
After the Hyuuga's explanation on his jutsu abilities he would see what the issue was. Without at least a little training in ninjutsu and elemental manipulation, he would never understand how to combine two elements. "I can try to show you something else." The man would say trying to think of what would be useful to the guy two techniques came to mind that could be useful. Fuinjutsu breaking and the basic medical ninjutsu.
"I will show you how to heal and temporarily mend bones." Akabayashi would form the appropriate seals and apply his chakra creating a blue aura around his hands. "Now you need to place your hands over the injury you want to heal. This jutsu won't fix any organs, but can heal shallow cuts to prevent infection. The second level of the jutsu will med bones for a short time, so that you can continue fighting." He would place his hands over his leg and the blue aura would begin to dissipate. 

"The second jutsu is fuinjutsu breaking, some seals can be used to track you and are sometimes easy to break like a mark seal. This technique will allow you to break the seal." Akabayashi's middle and index finger tips would begin to glow blue he would then touch a part of his skin. "The chakra must be maintained while physical contact with the seal you want to break is touched directly. It takes some time to remove the seal, but it will eventually undo the seal if its weak enough."

After going inside and his stretch, Sakuragi would say yes to the man's offer on fuinjutsu seals. Making some hand seals the man would place his hand on the Hyuuga's forearm, he would then flood energy into the seal. Where the man touched would be a small dot. "You can release the energy I stored with the snake seal."

He would then make seals for the seal of absorption and place his hands on the ninja's other forearm. A black tattoo of a diamond wrapped in chains would be imprinted upon his arm. "This jutsu can absorb or even weaken jutsu shot at you a useful defense." After he was done the ninja would peruse the shelf for technique's he may have missed. 

Picking up one he would begin to decode it. After finishing he could tell it was a space/time jutsu much to advanced for himself. "Any chance you are good with space/time jutsu?" If Sakuragi answered in the affirmative he would pass the decoded paper he was writing on to the other ninja. He would then move on to decoding the scrolls on the Hozuki and Yuki. Once done he would read over both. A clan that used ice and one that could liquify their entire bodies, what was note worthy were they were both clans from the mist village just like his own clan. 

"I'm getting tired want to pack it up for the day?" The Terumi would ask after checking if Sakuragi had concluded his own research. Otherwise, Akabayashi would stay until the Hyuuga was finished. 
WC: 513
TWC: 6572
Giving Sakuragi a chakra storage seal containing 60AP and a Seal of Absorption power 75
Using 5,000 WC to claim Boil Release: The Lazarus Pit. 1572 toward Chakra Enhanced Strength and 65 stats
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 2 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:55 pm
Approved - please list seals on stat page.
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