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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:30 pm
The two Hoshigakure figures would still be in the library, studying and learning about various kind of things. Not that the hyuuga doesn't want to learn the explosion release, he just doesn't have the talent to. The nature transformation that is required to learn the explosion release is a high level skill that Sakuragi obviously doesn't possess. The hyuuga would explain the issue he was encountering in learning the art  to Akabayashi, the older man who is pretty more experienced than him understood the problem immediately. He would try to teach Sakuragi a basic medical ninjutsu, but he was unaware that Sakuragi knew the technique. Just as the man completed his series of handseal in a bid to show him how to use it, the hyuuga would immediately begin to form the handseals for basic medical ninjutsu, the same blue aura that appeared on the terumi's hand would be formed on the hyuuga's hand. “I actually know the technique, I learnt it earlier this year, though I've never used it in actual combat,” he would say to the terumi.

The scar faced man would made mention of fuinjutsu. Obviously, he would bless him with series of gifts today. The hyuuga had little or no knowledge about fuinjutsu. A dullard like him who is eager for knowledge and power could not help but to listen attentively about what  fuinjutsu does. He never knew that fuinjutsu could be used to track a person, this definitely means that the seal the deputy hokage , Yasaki , placed on his back can be used to track him.  At first, the idea of asking the terumi to break the seal would strike him like a lightning bolt, a tracking agent on his back is like bitter leaf in his mouth, it is to be spitted out. This same seal was used to teleport him back to hoshigakure when he encountered an Uchiha on his journey to find his father's grave. Although the man showed no sign of hostility, except that he indulged himself into hiding underground. Even when he was partially emerged, he distanced himself from the hyuuga for reasons best known to him. Just at the blink of having a deep conversation with the Uchiha, Yasaki moved him through space and time into the village. He gave the hyuuga boy a deadline to return to the village and the boy seems to have exceeded the date. On a second thought, the hyuuga felt the same seal that can be used to track him  can also be used to save him from a deadly situation, so it'd be better to keep the seal. 

Once the hyuuga agreed to have a seal placed on him, the terumi would place a seal on his forearm and would tell him that he can release the release with the snake handseal. That was an important information to keep in mind. This seal  stores energy, in other words, chakra that can be used in combat in  future. The terumi would place another seal on his other forearm , a seal that  act as a defense and can absorb jutsu. Even though the seal may not be able to absorb strong attacks, it will surely come in handy later in the future. The hyuuga boy would thank the older man once both seals have been placed on him.

The terumi seems to be a scholar in the eyes of Sakuragi, being able to decode a lot of techniques in such little time. He decoded another jutsu, a space time jutsu to be precise. Fortunately, the spiky head has some knowledge about space time, it was a gift from Akaboshi after their spar at the vilage training ground. Back in those days were the time the white eyed genin was still inexperienced, he has improved considerably now. The hyuuga would nod yes to Akabayashi to show that he has knowledge about space and time. The scar faced man would then pass a decoded paper that contain the said jutsu to him. The hyuuga would begin studying the technique as the older man would continue with his own business of decoding, he seems pretty good at it. Turns out the name of the space time jutsu that the hyuuga would learn was Cavum Nigrum. Akabayashi had made the details so simple that it would be very easy for the hyuuga to learn it, though it seems as if the terumi does not have much knowledge about space time jutsu himself, decoding is his forte. The hyuuga would begin to study every detail, learning this jutsu would add to his jutsu arsenal, the technique itself is about forming a rift in the hand and throwing it in a particular direction, and as the rift travels, it sucks in everything that is within ten meters range of itself. The hyuuga would attempt to form the rift in his hand, he was well aware that he was in the library and using such jutsu here could damage the building structure and even get people killed. If the rift would form, he would choose not to throw it but to simply disperse it. Unfortunately, the rift would not form. The hyuuga’s face would radiate disappointment, is this going to be another i- can't -learn this- jutsu moment ? Seeing how powerful this Cavum Nigrum is , the hyuuga would make up his mind that he must learn the jutsu at all cost. 

He would hold his right hand in front of him to attempt to form the rift, the rift would form but the size would be too small , as compared to what was written in the decoded paper. The hyuuga's eyes would occasionally look at Akabayashi, hoping that the man would not think he is crazy for trying to learn and use  such devastating jutsu in the library. The small sized rift would disperse after threw seconds of forming. This means the hyuuga still need to perfect the technique. He would attempt to form the rift in his hand again, this time the rift would form in his hand just as what was written in the paper. The one meter rift would be spinning in his hand and after some seconds , the hyuuga would disperse the rift. He would not throw or they'd all be dead, the building would simply collapse on them at the hug of such mass of chakra.

The terumi would tell the hyuuga he is tired. Of course , he ought to be tired after doing so much of decoding and talking today. All work without play makes jack a dull boy, the terumi surely needs rest and so does the hyuuga.  “Please bare with me, I want to check out something on my father's file,” he would say to the tired man. Obviously, Sakuragi is tired too but unraveling the mystery behind his father's death was his motivation and the pressure pushing him beyond his limit. If the terumi would choose to wait a little bit more, he would continue studying for a little bit more.

TWC : 7641
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:11 pm
He already knows the technique well then no point in continuing this jutsu demonstration. The Terumi would think moving onto the next. At least he wasn't stopped this time, hopefully that meant the demonstration would be something unknown to the Hyuuga. Once, finished the Terumi would dive back into his research.

When Sakuragi formed a rift in the library it attracted papers, books, and anything small into the hole. The Nova was able to catch the stuff he had on the table by placing his body over it. The books on the shelves were pulled and hit both ninja in the head. "Not a good place to open a rift in space." He would say looking at the other ninja. The people at the table behind them were looking and the librarian looked ready to murder the duo. "We'll clean this up." He would stand and put his hand on the table. "Keep studying no more indoor space distortions." 

The Nova would begin replacing everything on the shelves. The library used a simple enough system to figure out where everything went. Luckily, the rift Sauragi had formed was incomplete otherwise he would have sucked things like people inside. That would have been great to explain in a report and a great headline in the newspaper. Nova operative assists genin in absorbing Kozai archives into a black hole. Once, all of the books and papers were returned, Akabayashi would give the librarian a smile and return the things he was reading as well.

After, announcing his intent to wrap things up it seemed Sakuragi wasn't quite finished with his father's file. The Terumi wondered why the Hyuuga hadn't read the thing yet, that was the original reason for coming. If he were a psycholigist he would assume the ninja didn't want to find out what happened. Maybe, it was easier to blame the world than a specific real individual for his father's death. "You know you don't have to read it right now if you don't want to. The file will still be here." He would shut the file just in case the Hyuuga wasn't ready to read it. 

Once, Sakuragi either took the file or didn't Akabayashi would peruse the shelves for any jutsu he could learn. There were plenty available spanning the elements. Which would he pick, there were some water jutsu that seemed useful like Rain Tiger and Five Feeding Sharks. That one caught his eye the most he would pick up the scroll and begin to make the seals. With no water around the jutsu wouldn't work, which was the idea. It seemed relatively simple when he got near a body of water he would have to give it a try. There was usually more to a jutsu than just hand movements. There was a needed amount of chakra in the specified element. All jutsu needed to have that right balance to be used and that couldn't be discovered unless he felt like wrecking the place.
WC: 497
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:02 am
Truly the hyuuga had learn so much from being in the library and being around Akabayashi. Iron sharpeneth iron, they say. Who would have thought that his day would go from super boring at the training grounds to knowledge-packed at the library. Even though the young genin wished he could stay here for a little more while, he couldn't because he was really getting tired, and so was the terumi. It was time to leave but the terumi still gave him a bit of time. The hyuuga figured that he had to utilize the best of this opportunity, as he may not get another chance to enter the library anytime sooner, his entry into the library this time was only due to Akabayashi, the Nova medical guy. The hyuuga would begin to study the file, comparing and contrasting every information, he would note every important details. These informations would be really helpful in unravelling the mystery behind his father's death. After studying the entire file, the hyuuga would then walk up to the terumi and hand over his father’s file to him, “ Here, I'm done. Sorry I kept you waiting, we both need to rest, so I think we can leave now,” he would say to the tired face man. If the terumi agrees, they would leave the library together but if there's probably anything that the old man still wants to do, the young genin would wait till he is ready. 

TWC: 7884
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Mon Dec 14, 2020 8:30 pm
Akabayshi would be still practicing his hands repeating the motions for the jutsu over and over when finally it seemed Sakuragi was ready to leave. He thrusts the file before the Terumi and apologized for the wait, then immediately jumped into how tired he was and that they should go. "Tired, I'm going to head out for a drink. Its the best sleeping medication." The file would be picked up and he would look to make sure each page was there once through he would head to where he received it and return it.

Going back to Sakuragi he would look to him. "Hope, you got what you needed to know today. I will see you again some other time." The man would then walk over to the librarian and wink. "So, I'm about to head out for a drink what time are you done today I'll get you something whatever you like." Removing her glasses her lips would stretch into a smile as she began to state in a confident voice. "I wouldn't take a drink from a sly fox like you if you were the last guy in the village." Akabayashi would shrug his shoulders. "Well you could have turned me down easier." He would say with a quick goodbye salute with his fingers before exiting. Even though the woman had said know her eyes followed the Terumi out of the door her cheeks blushing.

Outside in the open it seemed the day had escaped, it wasn't yet dark but the sun was setting over the horizon. Shrinking by the moment just like the people on the streets, which had gone from many to few. The Terumi would take a right the path to the nearest bar, he was ready for a round of drinks after all of that studying he had hoped to have a companion for the night perhaps he would find one at the bar.
WC: 318
TWC: 815
Claiming: Knowledge of the Uchiha 1 tomoe to EMS, Uzumaki, Senju, Kaguya, Yuki, Hozuki, and Hyuuga bloodlines. Adding the Terumi BL to the list of bloodlines that can be discovered in the library. 8 stats using the 815 wc for Chakra Enhanced Strength pushing it to 2387/2500.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:45 pm
approved Akabayashi
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:19 am
Having learned so much from the wanderer ninja , it is time to go home. He bid the terumi goodbye as he watched him would exit the library through the front door. Few seconds later, Sakuragi would exit the library also. He hope he would get to meet the terumi another day, as he figured out that there is still a lot to learn from him. The hyuuga would hurriedly walk back home. Today was quite interesting, he met Akabayashi , a name he would forever remember. He also gained more knowledge about the sharigan and many other things. It would be hard for Sakuragi to forget this day.

TWC: 7991


Already learned A rank version of heavenly rotation palm before max stat. Now I'm using max stat to learn the WC for  S rank, 25% off 2350 = 1762. Therefore, adding 1762 WC to Heavenly rotation palm to learn the  S rank.

Akabayashi taught me Fuinjutsu breaking . 1500/2 =  750 WC. Using Max stat discount, using 562 WC to learn it.

already had 1958/ 2212 wc for Revolving Needle Shield , using the remaining 254 WC to learn it.

Using 2062 WC to completely learn  Canvum Nigrum
3000wc to genjutsu spec
351 to TOF ( 351/ 1875)

Giving Sakuragi a chakra storage seal containing 60AP and a Seal of Absorption power 75 , Got this from Akabayashi.
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Natural - Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals - Page 3 Empty Re: Natural Remedies, Mystical Cures, and Seals

Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:38 pm
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