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Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:38 am
A raven brow raised upon the pale face of Azumi Uchiha as her dark onyx eyes continued to scan the parchment paper that she held softly in her hands. It seemed to be some kind of letter reaching out to her. Truthfully, she found it to be quite a strange phenomenon. It was rare that she got mail from anyone, much less from someone who wanted to speak in person. The most that was directed her way was audits of her missions and miscellaneous reports and feedback from those who she had been hired by. However, the letter that she received this time was much more personal. It was hard for her to figure out who it may have been. After all, she had become closed off from most people since she had wavered from the path of Shinobi and even more so after the tragic death of her parents. It felt like she was barely checking in with herself much less with others and keeping up with their lives.

Regardless, it seemed that someone had been thinking of her despite her social exile. Azumi’s mind continued to race with potential candidates that the letter could have been sent from. Her self imposed isolation had not left many possibilities that fit. Still, the curiosity was enough to get her out of the house. Heading towards her door, Azumi left her home and onto the streets of the Uchiha district. Azumi sucked her teeth at the looks of sympathy that she got. At first she somewhat appreciated them but now they were simply annoying. There was no nuance to them, it simply became people shamelessly staring at her and projecting their thoughts onto her. It was not hard to guess what they were thinking. They likely were curious as to how she was holding up since the very public demise of her parents. The answer to their question was: not well. In fact, the reason why she had been so open to this meeting with a stranger was because of how much she yearned to have any kind of distraction. Anything to avoid the looks and stares that she currently had to endure. 

It was not long before Azumi had finally reached the Konoha training ground. This was the destination that was included in the letter that she received. The setting was eerie to say the least. This was mostly due to the nature of the meeting that she was having. For all she knew the letter could have been an enemy trying to lore her out of the safety of the guarded portion of the village. Yet recently, she had become more confident in her ability to defend herself against any assailants. This is what allowed her to remain calm as she waited for whoever it was that had been trying to communicate with her. If they were willing to go to such lengths to speak to her then she had to assume their intentions were at least safe enough for her to meet with them. Azumi walked slowly towards the middle of the field, looking around at her surroundings to see if she would be able to make out the appearance of her new penpal.

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:47 pm
Finally the sun was up and shinning. He has been laying in this tree since about three o clock a.m. Which is something he usually do. But to say the least today was going to be a good day. As he knows he is not alone in this fight anymore. He knows that those who share his eyes his blood line. Knows how important it is to be one with reality. But to be frank most of who share his last name. Have left the village or was not even born in it. Thr cowards fled woth the power to control reality and in doing so have left the name of the Uchiha in dishonorable fashion. His parents were part of that fleeing crowd but at last they are in his pass. As he look towards his future. This is moment in time will be a very good one. As he and his cousin will reunite in such a long time and she is still hopeful as ever. Could her eyes be even better then his? He wanted to know he truly did. Thinking all of this as he waited on her to come to the training field in deed.

It was no secret to him why she was coming here. He had to know for himself. He wanted to know everything and hopefully. The two of them would come to ak understanding of sort. Ad it will take more then one Uchiha to bring back the name that made people fear them. Now of days when people hear that name it means free eyes. Flow would look on as he saw her walking towards the field. He would shake his head in a disapproval way. This was freaking bad. " Why is she just walking out in about all willy nilly like that? What if the letter was a set up? Or what if my cousin is a lot stronger then she looks. She has the pride of the Uchiha but let's see of she haves the heart of one." Soon Flow would make himself known as well. As he was at least thirty meters away from her. He would wave at her from across the way to come and meet him by the tree. A tree that was around twenty feet in height. As it was a big oak tree it was one of many that was starting to grow back. As most of the others were no more. 

The moment she would have made it to him he would start to talk to her. " It has been ages since we last seen each other. Do you remember me or do my name and face not bring up memories of the past?" He would say this with a warm smile on his face. It was a way to start off what could go down as a historical moment in the history of the leaf and the name of the Great Uchiha. " Let me make it clear my last name is Uchiha as well."

Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
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Ryo : 9100

To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:55 pm
Azumi had the clear sensation that she was being watched. After all it was to be expected considering that someone had summoned her to this place. Naturally, they probably would have gotten there a bit earlier in order to observe her actions as she arrived. Azumi was aware of this and was very much on guard as she approached the field. It was a strange sensation to be arriving at the scene just off the request of a stranger. However, she knew that whoever it had been was likely someone who knew her to some extent. Considering she really did not know many people, she figured that whoever it was likely knew her personally and thus likely did not wish her any true harm. This was the most logical deduction but still, she remained on guard. The last thing she wanted to do was be caught by surprise due to lack of preparation. So, Azumi would begin searching through the landscape to find anyone that remotely looked like they were waiting for her. Mostly so she could finally get to the bottom of why someone seemed to be requesting her presence in such a strange way. Curiosity had been the entire reason in which she had been present and despite it getting the better of her, she would still stay careful. 

It did not take her long to see the figure of another within the trees. It seemed like he was--waving? Perhaps this was the author of the letter that she had received. However, upon further analysis, she was sure that she had known him. He had one of those faces that brought her back to her childhood. It made her recall memories of hot summers playing in the fields and fantasizing about what it would be like to be a full fledged shinobi. His face made her think of her cousin. He was someone who she often competed with due to him not only being another Uchiha but being a direct member of her family. It was never an unhealthy competition and the two of them supported one another most of the time. However that had just been during games of tag and the like but now the two of them were grown shinobi and even had the headbands to prove it. Azumi quickly made her way to his position, stopping just under the tree to hear him speak. He had confirmed what she had already been deducing in her head. The girl could not help the smirk that formed upon her face as he made it clear that he was exactly who she thought he was. Truthfully, happiness rushed through the girl upon realizing his identity. After all, she did not know that he had returned and being without family was a sensation that she would not wish on her worst enemy. After he finished speaking, the girl took a deep breath. 


Azumi said softly upon taking in all his features. His name slipped off her tongue effortlessly as she continued to try and hide her excitement from reuniting with her. It was somewhat of a strange sensation because she had attempted to train herself to cope with having no family anymore and yet here he was, a long lost kin that contradicted this attitude. 

“So...don’t tell me you called me all the way over here to lose another game of tag…”

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:02 am
Looking on at her he would see that same smile she always tired to hide. But boy was he glad to see one of his kin after so long. Now that he knows for sure he is not along and on top of that. A fellow Uchiha at that was a blessing. Looking on at her he would smile after hearing what she said. This would make him smile himself. As tag was a very fun game him and her and the others use to play all the time. However he was one of the fastest runners the clan had as a kid." Please to play tag with me is like a dog trying to catch it's tail. I could never be caught. I was that good Azumi. I see you are still as polite as ever. I am glad to see you are doing very much ok. Tell me howa have you been since that, well you know." Although he did not want to bring that up he had no choice. As he have something big to ask her. But he needed to know if she still was sadden about her mother and father. As his is no more of this world as well. 

Looking to her he would lean back on the tree. As ot was just hitting noon and as always. Flow always wanted to make sure people are doing fine the best way they could. Looking on at her. He could only way as he knows she will be needed at her best and that means mentality and emotionally as well." You see we are most likely the only few remaining Uchiha around. You see when I say that I mean true breeds. Hidden leaf born you know. Now a days when people hear our name. They think it is a fear organ day. So on top of what I ask you I must get right to the point. Seeing as you were always in your books. How far along is your eyes? Could your Sharingan cast genjustu yet? Knowing you I bet you could cast some pretty nasty genjustu?" Flow would look on as he truly wanted to know these things. As to be frank the leaf was still weak and if they was to get attacked o ly the six path knows what would happen and he would be damn to lose someone again. 

Especially since his parents and master were killed. He only wanted the best for the ones he would hold close to his heart and right now Azumi would be all he got. He only hopes he could build bonds. Ones that would last even in death if need be. Looking at her he would wait for her answer to see what she would say. As he knows even of she did not she was a very quick leaner to say the least. Better then him that was for sure. As he never really wanted this life but damn he got it. 


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Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:58 pm
Hearing Flow talk in combination with seeing his nostalgic face was enough to bring a wider smile to Azumi’s face. It reminded her of a time in which she did not have as much to worry about as she did now. A time when the only thing she had to worry about was how to get faster to beat Flow at their games of tag or aspiring to become a full fledged kunoichi. However, she could not have imagined the path that she would have taken to reach her goals. Back then, her idea of this ninja world was much more idealized. The girl failed to realize how much pain that there would be on her path towards becoming strong. Back then, the only reasons she wanted to become stronger were because of superficial and immature reasons. Now she wanted to become stronger in order to protect her village and prove that she could become a ninja worthy of her clan’s name. 

His first question caused her smile to fade. Instead of reminiscing on their time together in their youth, she was brought back to the harsh reality of the present. Azumi was not sure how to exactly respond to the question he posed. The look he had upon his face was familiar. After all, she had gotten used to the looks of sympathy and pity that people had since the death of his parents. His was not as obvious but it was still somewhat visible to her sharpened eyes. The frustration she had was visible on her face through the furrowing of her brows and contortion of her face. It took a significant amount of effort for her not to burst into tears at the very thought of disclosing everything that she had been feeling. Considering the fact that he was her cousin, Azumi felt more comfortable expressing herself had she let herself do so. Either way, Flow saw more of her true personality than anyone else could claim to have. 

His next question was somehow even more complex to answer. It was hard for her to decipher how her eyes had been coming along when she had barely used them at all. It was unlike her to have such a dismissive attitude towards something that had directly affected her but that technique had become associated with the grief of that day and due to that, she could not bring herself to manifest the technique at will. Thinking of that day in question just caused more grief to pour into her mind, recalling everything that had transpired that changed her fundamentally. It seemed so bizarre to her that he had mentioned it so casually. After all, she knew for a fact that whatever he had gone through to awaken the ability had been an experience that he likely did not recall fondly. 

“You think I want to move these eyes along…WHEN THE ONLY REASON I HAVE THEM IS BECAUSE OF THAT DAY??

Azumi shouted in agony before looking up to the other boy angrily. He would have seen two vermillion Sharingan housed in her sockets, glassy and blurred from the tears that covered them. Azumi figured that this would have answered his question about their progress more than she cared to explain. Or more than she could explain rather. In her eyes two tomoe floated in each crimson orb that stared directly at him. Despite her anger, she was still relieved that she could be this vulnerable with anyone. Most of her comfortability was due to the fact that he seemed to share her same thoughts when it came to the Uchiha’s current place in the world and the state of the Hidden Leaf Village.

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:20 am
He looked at her as she froze over what he said. He would give off a soft smile as he point her on her forehead." You know as life goes we will lose people and gain some. It is a part of this thing called life. We must hold our heads up high as we continue to go through it. You see my cousin we need to not let the way of pity get to us. I bet you ask why people look at you with pity and that is ok? But if you want for them to change how they look at you then you need to change how you want them to look at you. I say this because as a leaf breed Uchiha. We are not many in might. But with love and hope we are as strong as any other clan. Now then I will cut to the chase. I want to know how far along with your eyes are you? If you need help amd any thing I am here. As you know we are two people with the eyes to see nearly anything and the gate way to more power. That means we are two reason why someone would attack the leaf."

Flow would say this as he activated his eyes. The Sharingan of Flow Uchiha. Were shaping up to be a pair of eyes like none other. " Listen up me being a Uchiha not many would know. You are one of a fee who do. Most people think I am from the Sarutobi clan. Do not ask why it is a long story. But to be clear I am nit a shamed of my eyes but need time to get them to full power. Now then with that being said. Show me how far along do you have your eyes."

Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:53 pm
Azumi tried her hardest to understand where the other boy was coming from in terms of accepting the life that they had been given. To some extent she understood because time went by she realized that she could either cope with her predicament or let it consume her. Azumi had most days opted for the former but it was still difficult for her to have as laidback an attitude as Flow seemed to have regarding the situation. The girl knew that if he too had awakened the feared dojutsu of their clan that he too had gone through his own fair share of traumas and hardships. When he disclosed that his parents had also reached an untimely demise her face fell a bit. If anyone could understand what she was going through it seemed to be him. 

However, some of his words were concerning. Particularly the ones that involved explaining how the Uchiha were seen in society at the moment and the risk posed by wielding their kekkei genkai. Azumi understood where he came from. It sickened her that so many used their clan’s strength without proper respect and homage to the once proud clan. Azumi always believed that her worth came from pride in herself and not just her clan but she could still admit that she was somewhat disturbed with how things seemed to be shifting in relation to the Uchiha’s place in the shinobi world. 

It was then when she took notice of the other boy’s eyes. His Sharingan seemed to be fully mastered with all three tomoe present in his orbs. This only confirmed her notion that he must have experienced tremendous pain to get to this point. In attempts to answer his question, Azumi would turn to face him, Sharingan to Sharingan so his triangular patterned dojutsu could look into her partially formed version. Truthfully, the girl did not know how to explain her growth in words. Her Sharingan was tied to so much emotions that truly did not have words. 

“I can only see vague chakra forms and track movements as of right now…..” the girl finally said softly.

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:26 am
As His eyes grazed upon hers. A fall of the snow would come about. The way the snow fell down upon them. It remained Flow of his past life. As he slowly looked at her he would point to his eyes and then to hers. Slowly but surely a tear would fall from his right eye. " To be born into a clan where only hate reigns king is a curse fate indeed. Every time you look up someone wants our eyes or even have them and you can not do a thing about it. I could only wonder what poor family member of ours met thier end and how did it even after? Ny mother and father we left this village for a better life. We a met a certain man on the road he befriend us and we treated him like family. But how did he repay us. By poisoning my parents and forming a mob to kill them. The closet is where she hide me and guess what little cousin. I watched as my parents eyes were being pucked out of thier corpses. All the bounty hunters could say is I bet these eyes will fetch us a good price."

Looking on it would not take a brainy person to understand his eyes open up that day. " We need to stay strong and we need to pride glory back in to the name of UCHIHA. Those who wrongfully wield the eyes of our keen. Will meet a very sad end. I will teach you have to use your eyes to it's fullest. I will even teach you have to use our Genjustu. Azumi we will not end up on the flee market. We will end that market in to which our people eyes ate being harvested. But even If I shall die. I will make your eyes see better then even mines. You say you can only see the chakra of people right. Very well I will change that very notion. Right here right now." Soon Flow eyes would glow up as he jumped back five meters. As Azumi could tell the moment she looked behind her. She would see her motber and father. As to make it blunt Flow would say to her. " My little cousin in order to make your eyes great in order to put you on the path of a the Sharingan Princess. I will need to fix your broken heart. But in oder to do that I need to break it again. Now give your parents a hug." Flow would look on as he cast the infamous Sharingan Genjustu on her. Believe it or not the justu will have her walking down her hall way. As she is will now be in her home. Back to when her parents were alive and well. 

As Flow would dissappear. It was now time for her to sink or swim. She could not hear Flow unless he wants her two and he would say to him self. " only your heart could see dreams but the eyes we have they could see reality. Your test here is simple. Take the outside world as a dream and stay here. Or unlock the power you have inside and face reality." Although he said this she will not be able to hear him. This was Flow Genjustu the power to read the heart wishes of others amd grant that very wish. He would look on as he sat down. Only she could hemp herself but only she would know if she needed to. After all she was still in her night clothes. Could all the bad things that happen to her be a dream?

Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:55 pm
“N-No way..”

Without further hesitation, as soon as she saw the appearance of her parents, the green natured aura upon her hands would move towards their chests. In truth, healing two wounds with such extensive damage was going to be something that the girl would have to allocate her undivided attention towards. And yet, she could not bring herself to simply ignore the sounds of conflict that she could clearly hear through the thin branches. The unmistakable sound of blade thrashing into flesh as well as the wails of her parents' comrades began to flood her own consciousness, stripping away more and more of the girl’s consciousness. This was what she had imagined when she first discovered their bodies. However it was a very vivid memory. More than she could imagine, it was as if it was appearing right before her very ices. 


Said one of her parents below her, essentially sacrificing themself for the sake of her safety. However, it had been very taboo for a medical nin to abandon their post in order to support the offensive. In fact, they were to take any remaining shinobi and retreat, leaving the offensive line to fight for themselves. Such cold and heartless actions were characteristic of the shinobi and as an agent of the Leaf, she was to comply. However, death in any scope was something she simply could not accept. Especially when it had been the fate of her own parents.

However, it seemed that soon her imagination would be taken hold by another. Rather than seeing her parents in their last form, she was returned to the hallway of her home, instantly bringing her to her knees. This was even more painful than seeing them mutilated. Azumi was met by the cheery face of her mother and the stoic yet heartfelt expression of her father. It had been so long since she had experienced this that she immediately burst into sobs. Azumi could not remember the last time in which she had felt the safety and comfort of her parents gazes. For all this time she had gotten accustomed to her loneliness. So much so that she was beginning to forget what companionship even felt like. Their appearance shattered the facade that she had carefully crafted in order to cope with her unique situation. This was something that she could not imagine for herself.  It was a strange phenomenon to say the least. However, with her Sharingan active she realized there was something not all right with what she saw. As if she saw the cracks forming...

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To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost] Empty Re: To Whom It May Concern: A Kindred Reunion[P/Ghost]

Tue Dec 15, 2020 12:11 am
Flow would cast his justu on his cousin. As he would do this a ringing like noise. Would come to his ears. It was crazy but it was for the better. As he kept using his Sharingan. He figure it would only get stronger and stronger. As this not only helped his cousin but also helped him in thr long run. As Flow would look on his eyes were starting to get all watery for a moment. As they filled up both would start to let out tears. Just what was going on with him? As he looked on he would place his right hand over his right eye. As he fell to the ground but not on his back or butt. More like he caught his fall by kneeling. Flow would look on as he smiled he could tell it was almost time for that to take place. " Alright I could feel my eyes getting ready to take a vow to itself. I could feel them reaching for knew heights. Thus is always what I wanted and now I will have it. I will continue to help Azumi as well. It seems my Ge justu is the key here."

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