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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Hospital Hand Empty Hospital Hand

Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:12 pm

It was midnight in the village Hidden in the Sand and Satoru had falling into the deepest depths of a dream…

The experiments conducted on Satoru went on for two years. During which time, the Jugo were deprived of human contact and everything that they knew. They did not realise it, but they were trophies to the very scientists that had been torturing and experimenting on them, travelling through the night on a jet black ship.

The ship was rocked by a mighty sea-gale as it made its way from the coast to the open ocean. The doctor on board told his research assistants that there was a need for some fresh sea-fresher’s blood. They had been out for almost a month sailing to open sea when they lost control of the ship. Satoru was near the bow of the ship when the hull began to tear apart.

The Jugo that were still alive, were drenched in sea-water and drowned. For Satoru, he was thrown up onto the deck and saw the hull starting to sink. As he watched, Satoru’s mother came to the rescue and pulled him from the water.

Satoru's mother explained the circumstances of his birth, the poor treatment and conditioning she endured throughout her childhood. She was prepared to make a sacrifice to ensure that she would at least see her child grow to adulthood. Satoru’s mother gave Satoru her mother’s knife that she had used when she was a captive slave. She explained that it was the knife that had been passed down for generations and it was Satoru’s destiny to go forth and find the “Chosen One”, the soldier destined to deliver the blood of the Jugo back into the hands of the Kureiji.

The crazed Jugo began to gabble at her “I don’t know what you’re talking about, my mother gave me this knife” The old slave woman grabbed Satoru’s hand and pulled him towards her. She placed the dagger to his chest and pushed the blade deep. The child looked down and cried tears of blood. Satoru’s mother fell to her knees in grief. Satoru did not realise that his mother was still alive, even as he began to die from shock. His mother died shortly after Satoru’s last breaths.

After this event, Satoru’s parents were laid to rest on the deck. As the ship sunk into the deep ocean, Satoru found a piece of driftwood on which to write his name on it. He was eight. Years passed and Satoru travelled around the land searching for the mysterious vessel that brought him here. He never found it and the path became unclear. This was the beginning of Satoru's solo trek.

The lost boy wondered aimlessly and began to forget who he was. He found himself doing things that were out of character for him. He left the wilds and the people who lived in the canyons. He decided to take shelter in a temple to the Lady, goddess of justice, he still held to his memory of her. He felt that his life depended on it. Through his journey to her temple, Satoru never recognised his ability to heal and to heal people. He wasn’t even aware of the full extent of his powers until he met a beautiful girl named, Yori.

As Yori was being held in a soldiers for assaulting a young woman, Satoru heard her screams. He attempted to help her, but was dragged off by the same soldiers .Satoru found himself bound and left to die. Satoru fought back and managed to escape his bonds. He grabbed the woman and ran away from the camp. He jumped off the roof and landed into a bunch of recently uprooted oak trees. He fell, but landed gently and was unharmed.

Satoru heard the sounds of screaming again, he ran towards them, and stopped dead in his tracks. The girl that he was trying to help was being held captive by a terrifying sight. It was the Jugo that he had seen as a child, now twisted and evil. Satoru jumped out and broke the woman’s neck. He then walked up to the Jugo and chopped off his head with the old katana that had been given to him as a gift from his mother. He then threw the head into the wilderness.

As he walked into the forest, a young man in a black kimono came out of the shadows and handed Satoru a small documents. Satoru looked at the papers and saw that they were the birth certificates of his parents, just before he dived for the ground. He felt a burning sensation on his back and then the burning sensation stopped.

When he stood up again, the young man was gone. Satoru ran into the forest, searching for the young man who had given him the documents. He found the man in a small clearing. The man was holding a dagger to the throat of the beautiful girl. He smiled, Satoru could see through the depths of his evil soul, but Satoru had never been scared of death before.

Satoru put his katana to the man’s throat and said to him.“If you kill her, I will kill you. If you don’t kill her I will kill you. You do it first and I will do it.”The man gulped and said.“You can have her, but you must leave me my beautiful love.”Satoru looked at him, he didn’t have to look too hard to know that the man was lying.“You’re lying. Tell me where she is and I’ll let you keep her.”The man glared at him, he had to hurt him, he had to.The man smiled.“That’s a chance I don’t want to take.”Satoru drew his sword.“Don’t hurt her.”The man stared at him.“I was going to let you keep her.”Satoru put the sword to the man’s neck.“Then don’t do it, don’t give me the pleasure.”Satoru yanked the sword from the man’s throat. He sat there stunned. The man calmly walked over to Yori, picked her up and said to her.“You’re mine now.”Then he grabbed Yori and jumped onto a space time portal.

Satoru ran up to him.“Wait!”The man turned to face him.“No, I’m going to get what I want. You are going to take me to the girl, we’re going to be together forever.”Satoru looked at the space time portal.“Not going to happen.”The man grabbed Satoru and threw him into the space time portal.“Take him for me,” he said to the woman.She reached into her bag and handed Satoru his katana, it wasn’t his, but he still needed to have it.They were now in the void. The darkness surrounded them, but Satoru didn’t need to see. He moved on instinct and swung his katana at the darkness, cutting a line through it. He was flying through the void, spinning and cutting, slicing and killing. Finally, he could see a light. He came to a halt and watched it.

Yori watched it too. She saw Satoru’s plane of existence moving away from her. She turned to the man and screamed.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!”The man stopped her.“You can’t help her now. It’s too late. It’s better this way.I love you, Satoru. I never stopped.”Yori choked back tears. She had lived in her heart, never letting go of Satoru. Now he had gone, left her to die.“He loves you, but he can’t have you.”The man grabbed Yori by the throat, Satoru watched, impassive.“You have to understand. We are two different souls.”Yori could feel the presence of evil all around her, choking her.“Please. Stop him.”She tried to speak, but she could barely get the words out. She choked on her tears.“I am sorry,” the man said as he lowered Yori to the floor of the abyss.“No! I love you! I’m so sorry!” Yori choked out.The man dropped the young girl.“You can never be together again.” He held Yori by her hair. She knew that death was near.

“I love you!” Yori choked out one last time.Yori was crushed beneath the man’s foot. She could see Satoru there, smiling.“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”The man stomped on her stomach. The force was so great it snapped her neck.“Farewell.”The man disappeared.Satoru smiled and pushed the darkness back with his bare hands, swinging the sword in the darkness.Satoru knew that he had succeeded.“I did it. I did it. I’m free.Yori, you said you loved me.”atoru chuckled.“I know, I know, but I’m okay. Let me help you up.”atoru pulled Yori up by her hand.“Come on, we need to get out of here.”Yori was still in shock, so she just stumbled along behind Satoru. They walked for a few minutes, Yori breathing hard.“Are you okay?” Satoru asked.“I’m fine, I just can’t believe he did it.What do you mean?Satoru. I know that you and I are different. I understand that. But.What?Satoru. What I don’t understand is how you could do this to me. How you could let me live with this any longer.”

“I don’t have a choice. I am no better than he was.No, you’re not.I’m sorry. You’re right. I guess I just don’t understand what is so great about him, it’s been over a thousand years and I still can’t bring myself to admit that he was good.Well, the universe is full of bad people. But there are still good people. You’re one of them.I don’t believe it. Satoru, you’re such a good person. I really should have married you instead of that asshole.That’s not true. I am a good person, but I’m no saint. I killed a man. A real man. I didn’t just kill him, I raped him as well.You did what you had to do to survive.We were desperate, and that is the only excuse I can give.And I’m sorry that you did what you had to do to survive, but you saved my life, and you saved my family’s life. And, more importantly, we loved each other.I love you, too.”

“That is all that matters.I thought that you loved me.Well, I do. And I can’t bear the thought of you spending another moment in that pit of darkness, but I can’t let you do this alone. You can’t. I don’t want to see you like that again.No. I need to do this on my own.I know, but please, let me help you. I need to go. “No. It’s my turn.But I can’t. Not after everything we’ve been through.But you’re going to be okay? You’ll come back?Of course.Then let me.” Satoru took Yori’s hand and kissed it.

“You’re the best part of me,” he said.“I’m the best part of you.We should get some rest.I’m not tired.”Me neither.Well, I am exhausted, but at the same time, I feel alive. I could do this all night, but the sun is rising. The eggs are safe.Satoru!Oi! You know, you’re right. It’s past my bedtime. It’s past my bedtime as well. How about you and I have a little talk in the morning?And I’ll want to know every bloody detail of what happened, so make sure you come back with a ton of questions!Yeah, right. I’ll be back first thing.”

“Whatever.Yori!It’s been too long.I’ve missed you, more than you can imagine.I have a feeling I know what you’re going to ask me.What about what happened to him? I want you to tell me.I’m not going to tell you what I did. Not until you tell me what happened to you.What is the point? You’re going to kill him anyway.I don’t have to kill him. I just have to tell you everything I know, and you have to tell me why he did what he did.And the rest of the kids? I want to know about them too.That’s none of your business.” “They’re my family.If you want to know the rest of the story, it’ll have to wait.All right. I understand. You’re right.I hope so.Alright.Good.But I have a few questions first.”Go ahead.Why did you save my life and not my family’s? Why weren’t they in there? Why did they come looking for you in the first place?Because they had nowhere else to go. It was too late for them.”But you saved me, and I was a part of your family. They should’ve been with you. Why didn’t you go back for them?They wanted to go with me. They were worried. They wanted to be near you. They’re your family. That’s who I’m going back to.Why didn’t you come to me instead? Why didn’t you try to contact us? We would’ve helped you, you know.”

“The others wanted to come back with me. They wanted to come to Japan and find you. They had made it this far.But I wouldn’t have come with them.”You would’ve. I know you would’ve.You think my Mom’s happy in the plantation?That’s the only way she would’ve agreed to it.The plantation? But we promised never to go back.”

“She would’ve, if she’d had to.”

Suddenly, Satoru woke from his slumber, a cold sweat trailing down his back. He shuddered, getting dressed post haste, he had to take his mind of the cluster fuck of a dream and so he set out to work on a mission.

He made his way down to the local contract office and picked up the a simple organisation mission down at the local hospital. He made his way, organised and completed the tasks down at the hospital, receive a small medical kit for his contribution to the understaffed facility.

He quickly collected his belongings, submitted his contact summary prior to departing. It was another mission under his belt.


WC 2374

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Hospital Hand Empty Re: Hospital Hand

Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:24 pm
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