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Kiyomi Yuki
Kiyomi Yuki
Stat Page : Kiyomi's Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Ice
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time Special [open to 1] Empty Cookie Time Special [open to 1]

Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:19 pm

Kiyomi was up bright and early with the fresh and wintery air blowing through her window. As a Yuki the weather didn't bother her one bit, in fact, she enjoyed and welcomed it. It wasn't a feeling she could describe but the winter weather felt like something familiar like an old friend or a nice memory from the past. It made her feel safe and good, and well it was just wonderful. Walking out of her room to the kitchen she spotted another large sack and letter on her counter. At this point, she felt this Hollykage meant no harm and was simply just the holiday spirit taking form. At least that's what she told herself from not going crazy over someone continuously getting into her home and dropping off snacks to give to children. She figured it wasn't someone inherently bad so what harm was done. Picking up the letter she saw that this time the paper was green but still the words were gold.

" Hohoho thank you Kiyomi for delivering those cookies with that young man. I bet seeing all those happy kids has gotten you into the Christmas spirit. Let's do it again, I'm sure even the adults could use a pick me up. " Kiyomi smiled and getting herself cleaned and dressed she headed out into the cold brisk air of Kiri to deliver the goods.


Last edited by Kiyomi Yuki on Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Cookie Time Special [open to 1] Empty Re: Cookie Time Special [open to 1]

Sun Dec 06, 2020 6:27 pm
Kita woke up in his bed, stretching and yawning. It had been a peaceful night last night, with Kita not having had any more strange dreams. Kita hoped that this would be the last time that this happened, but something told him that this wouldn't be the case. Kita sat up straight and moved through his apartment into the kitchen, intent on making himself some breakfast. As he pawed through the fridge, hoping to find something to eat, a letter slipped under the door. Kita felt his eyebrow raise. "I could have sworn that I didn't have any missions today." Curious, he closed the fridge, and walked over to the door, where he snatched the letter off the floor and began to read.

It seemed like an official mission, but something about it seemed strange. The mission detail said that Kita would assist someone by the name of Kiyomi Yuki in delivering cookies to the people of Kirigakure. What was strangest about the letter was that while it looked and seemed like a mission request, it was written in gold ink on a green paper. Kita wasn't aware that the village commissioned missions like this, but the pay was good, and Kita didn't really have anything planned for the day. Kita went to his room, and threw on his winter clothes. Kita looked down at the letter one last time, observing that it listed where his partner would be heading. Kita nodded and left his apartment to find the location of his fellow shinobi.

Word Count - 254
Kiyomi Yuki
Kiyomi Yuki
Stat Page : Kiyomi's Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Ice
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time Special [open to 1] Empty Re: Cookie Time Special [open to 1]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:45 pm
Once out of the warmth of her home Kiyomi made it out into the streets of her complex where she was greeted with the laughter of children having a snowball fight. Moving towards them she waved over to the group and knelt down asking them if they would like some snacks. The kids all happily agreed that they would in fact like some snacks. Kiyomi asked the children to line up and they all did so. Most if not all of those in the yuki complex knew her and her family before she was married to the Kage so the respect and admiration they all had for her showed in their actions. With each child she asked them a simple question, " What sort of cookies do you like? You can have more than one favorite. " Her voice was soothing yet clear and the children listed off one by one what their favorite was, some even listed off cookies their siblings who weren't here liked. Kiyomi enjoyed the happiness that each child displayed when speaking about something they enjoyed and she gave each child the cookies they requested, yes even for the ones with siblings that weren't present. Once that was done she made her way out into Kiri's general population. Meeting up with another ninja she introduced herself and made small talk with him as the two handed out cookies to those who wanted them. Everyone was happy which made Kiyomi happy. During these times she could remember her brother and she wondered how life would be if he were still with her now. Though as quickly as the thought came it left and she went back to handing out snacks. At some point during this charity event, one child got trampled by some bigger kids, or at least he was before Kiyomi stepped in. Unlike the Yuki children she lived around, these little street urchins didn't have any manners. Kiyomi would stop handing out cookies for a moment to help the small child and soon she instructed the kids to line up as she did with the ones in the Yuki complex. Her voice was clear but stern like a disappointed mother getting her children to act right. The kids responded well and soon there was a nice orderly line and everyone even some adults got in it. It seemed like her sack had a never-ending supply of cookies until the very last person in line showed up and then it was all magically gone with everyone who walked up to her satisfied. Kiyomi turned to see how her partner was doing before she thanked him for his help and departed from the area with the job complete. As she walked away she could feel her pockets filling up with something. When she checked it was the payment described in the letter.


wc - 474/ 704
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time Special [open to 1] Empty Re: Cookie Time Special [open to 1]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:09 pm
Kita made his way through the streets of Kirigakure, searching for the person that he was supposed to meet. The envelope didn't list where his partner Kiyomi was supposed to be, so he was mostly stumbling around blind until he could eventually find her. Kita was wondering what his mission partner might be like when a distant and buried memory stirred in his mind. The name seemed distantly familiar to Kita, but he couldn't recall where it was from. Maybe it would come to him when he met up with the kunoichi herself.

It wasn't long before Kita inevitably found her, walking around in one of Kirigakure's smaller shopping districts. Her description matched the one on the mission report, and she was carrying a large sack that seemed to be filled with cookies. Kita hoped that it was her, or else he would look a bit silly approaching this random woman. Kita brought out his envelope, and put on a warm smile as he walked up to her. "Hello! My name is Kita Hajime, and I think that I've been assigned to help you deliver those cookies!" Kita drew the letter from his pocket, and showed it to her. "I can help deliver some of the cookies a bit faster if we need." Kita placed his hands together, and summoned two shadow clones on either side of himself (Shadow Clone).

The clones took some of the cookies and went to different districts to deliver the cookies as far as possible, while the original Kita stayed behind with Kiyomi, chatting with her as he did. He could swear that he remembered her from somewhere, but couldn't piece it together. Kita watched as she handed out cookies to the populace, and handled a situation with some rowdy children with a sort of motherly care. Overall, Kita decided that he liked her. It wasn't long before the bag ran out of treats, and the two ninja went on their ways. Kita bid goodbye to his mission partner, and began to return home. As he did however, his pocket began to feel heavy. With a certain curiosity, Kita reached into his pocket, and pulled out his mission reward. Kita felt his eyes widen in surprise. "How did they sneak my mission reward into my pocket?"

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Word Count - 381

Total Word Count - 635

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Last edited by Kita Hajime on Mon Dec 07, 2020 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making it clearer that this is an exit post)
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time Special [open to 1] Empty Re: Cookie Time Special [open to 1]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:49 pm
Approved Kita
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