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Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:47 pm
Shin had been working tirelessly for the past months since he became a shinobi. He was out guarding for rich businessmen, hunting down kidnappers, going on guard duty, and maybe more small tasks. But today was Shin's off day. There hadn't been many new missions due to the Kage Summit going on in the village. Most of the mission was related to guarding duty due to the high risk of intrusion during the highly anticipated summit. Since those missions were already covered by higher-ranked shinobi, Shin has granted this break. It was nice to able to have a day to himself every once in and while with the money he was getting as a shinobi. 

The money he was getting was mostly going to paying off the building the Lost Winds were staying in. It was a run-down old store but it was large enough for the group of orphans to stay in. They were able to get it for pretty cheap but it was still very expensive for the children to afford, especially since they were living ration to ration. Before Sunagakure became a shinobi village again, they made their living off stealing from strangers, missing ninja, and the rare Kumogakure shinobi that entered the village. It wasn't an easy business. But now the group was getting responsibly founded by the shinobi in the group, including Shin. 

Shin decided to use his day off to visit the Grove for some relaxation with some trees and plant life. It was commonplace for people to walk around because of the plant life and it is so close to the Spire. There were plenty of citizens walking around the park with their family and couples going on lovely strolls. There were a lot more guards posted around the grounds however due to the ongoing Kage Summit as said before. Shin found a cozy tree to sit under as he watched the families walk around. It made him think of his family. They weren't able to experience the Grove like Shin was able to. Shin sighed sadly and looked to an empty blue sky. "I wish you could see it with me." He said to his parents with a smile on his face but sadness in his eyes. 

WC: 375
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:56 pm
Raleth Sarutobi walks down the main street of Sungakure, wearing a bright, flora-patterned cream kimono, over his dune-colored flax jacket, black long-sleeve shirt, and black pants and boots. A straw hat rests on his head, shading his eyes from the oppressive sun, his Sungakure headband wraps around his thick neck. He walks at leisurely pace, in no particular rush. From his face, one could tell he is well rested, and has enjoyed a relaxing morning. The fruit in his basket, an assortment of melon, mangos, peaches, and berries, are bursting with juice and flavor, a testament to the health of his back porch garden. The aroma that follows him, from the steaming kettle, makes those around him pause for a moment, the smell of citrus, honey, and roses reminds one of a lazy summer day. 

The immense chuunin continues down the main street, following the direction his feet take him. He turns a corner, and sees the lush greenery of the Grove in the distance. It had been sometime since he visited the Oaisis in the village hidden in the sand, though the memories of there were not the best. The first time he went to the grove, he ended up tearing trees from their roots and carving a huge hole in the garden crafted by the First Kazekage. His second time going to the Grove was not for relaxation, but obligation, to undo the damage he had done to the greenery of Sunagakure. Because of this, the ash-haired Sarutobi had thought it best to avoid the area entirely, as he felt that anyone who saw him in the Grove would flee, and notify the Kazekage that "Summit-Cleaver" has returned to destroy the village again. Truth be told, Raleth had hoped to never set foot in the garden again, so as not to make anyone uncomfortable. But, since he found himself free of duties and obligations, the Sarutobi decided to walk towards the Grove, to enjoy the greenery he repaired.

After walking some moments, he finds himself on the edge of the lush garden. The fresh grass crunches under his boots, the smell of dew and plant life fill the air. Many people can be seen walking through the Grove, enjoying a sudden day of peace. Content, Raleth decides to follow a random path, and see where it takes him. He gives a friendly hello to the extra guards stationed around the Grove, and does not question their increased presence. A familiar presence at the fringes of his senses make him pause, and intense strength and pressure has Raleth scan his surroundings to look for the source. Under a nondescript tree, laying under the shade and sun, was an acquaintance that Raleth had met once, the strong-arm chuunin, Shin Kenshin. Raleth had met Shin a while back, while going about his daily errands. At the time, the young chuunin had intrigued Raleth, the strength he exuded was something that the Sarutobi had never come across before. Taking the oppurtunity to finally introduce himself, the ash-haired Raleth walks up to the relaxing Shin, and makes his presence known.

"Strange to see you on such a relaxing day," thrums the basso-voice of the Sarutobi as he walks up to Shin, "I hope this day has found you well. Mind if I sit next to you?" Raleth would wait for Shin Kenshin's response, if he allowed it, the immense Sarutobi would sit down, and begin offer up his fruit and tea. "If I'm correct, the last time we met I did not introdce myself to you. My apologies. Please, share a cup of tea with me." Raleth would pour a cup of citrus-honey and rose tea of him and Shin, and hand him the steaming clay cup. "My name is Raleth Sarutobi. What brings you to the grove on this day? Getting away from work, or trying to free your mind?"

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:55 pm
A baritone voice snapped Shin's attention away from the sky and onto the old man he had met only once before. The giant jonin approached Shin as he laid in the shade. Shin a pleasantly surprised to see a comrade that he recognized; he didn't know about the man's past within the Grove. "Oh, hey," Shin responded with a glimmer in his eye. "Yeah, just trying to make the best of my day off." Raleth sat beside the chunin in the comfort of the shade. Raleth offered a cup of tea, which Shin accepted thankfully. "I don't get out of mission too often. My guess is that the Kage summit has gathered more attention." Shin glanced at the Spire, which wasn't very far from their location. "Kinda crazy how this is the first Kage summit where the New Suna will be in attending." Shin took a sip of the sweet tea. "When I was in the academy, I never paid attention to politics. But the Kage summit was always a huge discussion at the academy that everyone fantasized about how awesome it was!" Shin chuckled to himself as if he was an old man himself recalling his youth when in reality he was very much still in it. 

Shin then looked in the eyes of the old man. "What about you? What brings you here?" Shin would polity, taking another light slip of the hot tea. 

WC: 236
TWC: 611
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:04 pm
The Sarutobi laughs with the young boy as he reminisces on his days in the academy, days that seems lifetimes ago to the aged Raleth. The ash-haired shinobi looks to Spire, complex feelings war inside him as he thinks on what could be happening there. He looks back to Shin, and takes a warm sip of tea.

"The day is fine, and I've nothing to do, I wanted to see the garden that I grew." The Sarutobi gestures to Shin's right. If he looked, he would see a large stone barrier encircling part of a 20 meter wide pond, a massive Stone dragon would wrap its body around the shore and perch its head on the center of the barrier. Sparks would glitter and dance in its eyes, water would fall from its open maw. Fish with shimmering scales would leap in the air, flashing colors over the surface of the pond. Petals and flowers of sand, fire, and violet would blossom on the edges of the pond, a wind-swept walk path would be carved around, with all manners of people enjoy the scenery of the Dragon's Pond. "Some time ago, I became overzealous in a spar, and tore out a hole in the earth. With my friend, the jounin, Zaine, I made what you see there, to replace what I destroyed."

Raleth once again eyes the Spire.

"I do share you sentiment of excitement, these are...interesting times..." The Sarutobi's voice would trail off, he sees the flash of steel behind his eyes, he hears the sounds of war around him inside his ears "let hope those in power learn from their predecessor's mistake..."

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:59 am
When Shin asked Raleth what he was doing at the grove, Raleth responded that he was there admiring the work he did. Shin was confused when the old man showed him the large pond surrounded by a stone dragon. He had noticed it before while admiring the grove in general but he never thought Raleth was the one who made it. He explained that it was during a spar with a fellow jonin Zaine, another shinobi he met during that time visiting the market. "Woah, you made that pond? That's incredible!" Shin thought out loud. He wondered for a moment how they would spar off with their strength. 

Raleth mentioned something about also being excited but lightly mentioned some concern for the turn out of the Kage summit. Shin didn't know much nor understand much of the threat of war between the nations. His knowledge of Kiri's empirical power was only common knowledge, especially with their take over of Konogakure in recent history. Of course, no one knew on the outside knew the conversations in the Kage summit were going sour. They were at the mercy of their leader's decisions 

Shin stood up abruptly, almost spilling his tea. "Can you teach me how to be awesome like that!" He gestures to the pond that Raleth created. "My power is very limited at the moment. I want to be strong for my nation!" He threw some punches at some imaginary targets to show his enthusiasm. 

WC: 244
TWC: 855
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:08 pm
A hearty chuckle escapes the immense Raleth, the young Shin's enthusiasm was endearing to the aged Sarutobi, if a bit misplaced, as the inception of Stone Dragon's Pond, the reason it was created, was nothing more than a mud torn divot, with broken roots and trunks strewn about muddy water. Yet, through the eyes of one younger than him, the aged Sarutobi sees the spot where he lost control as something else, a beautiful pond with a magical view. His eyes drift to a mountain that lies in the horizon, whose peak is split in two. 

He looks back to the spire, and is unsurprised at Shin's lack of interest nor care. The boy was too young to know the real world's affairs, and he was far removed from the destruction that happened years ago. In truth, Raleth was almost envious of his ignorance, and of being born in a time when such terrible things were already changing. Yet, Raleth does not linger on this, as another thought comes into his mind, one that pervades his being.

The Mist can never repay their debt to the people of the Leaf...

A sudden outburst from the young Shin grabs Raleth's attention, the genin Kenshin exclaims and asks the Sarutobi to be a teacher. Seeing imaginary targets, the boy releases two quick punches. The sight raises Raleth's brows, the strength behind such a causal throw of his fist was...impressive. A wide smile breaks Raleth's stone face, he finishes his tea and stands. He walks toward the lake, gesturing for Kenshin to follow him.

"Well, it's always a good day to hones one's skills, I'd be happy to teach you."

Raleth walks toward Stone Dragon Pond, and flows chakra to his feet. He walks to the center of the 20 meter pond, without disturbing the surface of the water. The flora-patterned kimono draped, straw hat wearing Raleth Sarutobi turns and expects Shin Kenshin to be 3 meters behind him. The ash-haired shinobi crosses his arms.

"First, show me what you can do."

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:51 pm
The Kaguya's excitement and energy made the old man smile. Raleth finished his tea and said that today was a good day to hone his skill and traveled over to the Stone Dragon Pond. Shin couldn't agree more. Shin set down his tea in the shade of the tree and followed Raleth on the pond. The duo would walk on the pond using the Surface walking technique, positioning themselves to the center of the pond 10 meters apart. The large Raleth would cross his arms like a statue  

"First, show me what you can do."

Shin grinned and weaved three hand seals, ending with the clone seal, and creating one clone. This was a fairly new technique that he learned and it was about to come in handy. 

The original would charge head-on, he wanted to show his taijutsu skills to Raleth. Once he reached Raleth, he would go for a gut punch with his right fist. If hit, it would probably cripple Raleth on the ground, or the pond surface, as the wind gets knocked out of him. 

Of course, Shin wasn't an idiot to think that a head-on charge would be enough for this giant of a man. His clone would move to the right of Raleth as the original was making his charge. He would make sure to stay around 10 meters of Raleth. As he was moving 90 degrees from his original position, he would weave three hand signs. By the time Shin's clone was at the right of Raleth, chakra would be glowing out of the tip of his index finger. However, he would hold the shot for the time being.  He was waiting for a good opening.

WC: 283

-5 for Surface Walking Techinque
-30 for Shadow Clone
1173 Ap 
1173/2= 586 ap for each clone
-20 for Spirit Gun
Total AP: 566
Total AP: 586

Last edited by Shin Kenshin on Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:59 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Wc and AP)
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:53 am

Chakra flares from the young boy as he weaves through handseals, Shin Kenshin forms the clone handsign. Smoke bursts beside him, and forms into an exact copy of the strong-armed chuunin.

Smart kid.

Seeing this, Raleth gets into his fighting stance. He would uncross his arms and step back with his right foot, and shift his weight to his back leg. He would bend his front leg, and extend his left arm to his opponent, placing it near the middle of his torso. He would open his hand and face his palm to the sky. His right would be open, and would be placed above his left and face his opponent, his fingers would be relaxed.

The original shin kenshin dashes toward the immense Sarutobi, his clone would keep the 10 meter distance and circle to Raleth's right. Though the distance was great, the chuunin would still be on the peripheral of his senses, and he would be able to track the shadow clone's movements passively. 

Chakra would pulse from the clone, in the sides of his vision, Raleth would see the doppleganger of Shin weave handsigns. From the sight of the first two, and the sensation coalescing on the tip of the boy's finger, the Sarutobi would guess the jutsu being used as the spirit gun technique, a move he's only read about, yet never seen in person.

Wonderful choice, the aged Sarutobi thinks as he eyes the real Shin Kenshin dashing toward him, but why not send the clone in close quarters?"

The flora-kimono, straw hat wearing Raleth would breath in and out as his opponent approaches, he would steady his heart and center himself. A peaceful thought would come to mind as the boy came close, the reflection of the sun on the pond's surface makes the scales on the stone dragon shimmer like silver.

The strong-armed chuunin would bring his right hand up, cocking it back and readying a punch to Raleth's midsection. He would reach the Sarutobi, and release his telegraphed punch. In this moment, the stone-faced Raleth would react. With his left hand already in position, Raleth would flip his open palm to his right at 90 speed, and push the young boys fist away from his core and toward his opponent's left, redirecting Shin Kenshin's momentum. At the same time, Raleth, with his right hand being at level with the boy's head, would shoot his open palm to his opponent's left shoulder, grab it, and guide his opponent to Raleth's right, toward the clone. And, with his weight having been shifted to his back leg, the Sarutobi would take a wide step to Shin's left as soon as begins deflecting the strong-armed chuunin's punch, making it so that if the clone were to fire off his spirit gun he may hit Shin Kenshin.

Since Raleth would only be altering Shin Kenshin's momentum instead of stopping it, not much strength would be needed to deflect the punch. Though both shinobi are equal in strength, a simple deflection in response to a simple punch would be more than probable. And, since Raleth would wait for Shin Kenshin to commit to his punch, a moment when one could not pull back and feint, his opponent would not be able to expect the sudden but slight movement needed to redirect his punch, giving the attack a very high chance of success. And, with the seamless flow of a seasoned taijutsu master, Raleth's assault would continue.

As Raleth steps to the side, he shifts his weight to his left and kicks at his opponent's leg with his right. He slides the inside of his foot toward Shin Kenshin's ankle, and sweeps the leg from under him. As he slides his foot, the Sarutobi, with a frim grip on the boy's wrist and shoulder, would yank his opponent downwards. Because Shin Kenshin's punch would be deflected and redirected, the speed and force behind his attack would follow him. Using his opponent's strength against them, Raleth would flip Shin Kenshin by pulling at his arm to the right and guiding him in the air with his foot as he sweeps the boy's leg. 

He would let go of his flipped opponent, and release two open-palm thrusts at strong-armed Chuunin. Instead of using the thrusting palms to cause impact damage, Raleth would opt to use his strength to "throw" the mid-air Shin Kenshin toward his clone. Because the boy weighs only 180 pounds, and because Raleth's strength is 100, such a thing would be highly probable. As such, Shin Kenshin would be thrown toward his clone at a speed of 127. if the clone did not dodge, the body of Shin Kenshin would slam into him with a force of 87, enough to daze both the clone and the real Shin Kenshin.

In the next breath, after throwing Shin kenshin with his thrusting palms, Raleth would weave 3 handseals before his opponent would be launched back 5 meters. As he completes the final handseal, the water one meter in front of him would ripple with the presence of chakra. It would splash upwards, the droplets would swirl into the air and form into 5 senbon at 40 speed and with 40 power, and would fly 10 meters toward Shin Kenshin and his clone. Each of the senbon would be aimed at a pressure point in the young boy's torso. If even one hit, Shin Kenshin would lose the sensation of his shoulders, and would find it difficult to release a punch at full strength.

Before, during, and after his assault, Raleth Sarutobi would keep his senses sharp: to spot a change in the situation, and to alter his actions as he sees fit.


Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:40 pm
Shin would soon learn why facing a taijutsu master with taijutsu is a bad idea. Both Shin and the Jonin had similar strength, so it would be foolish to face head to head with brute force. However, Raleth had the advantage with speed. He would use this speed advantage to redirect Shin's momentum to his left, toward Raleth's right side. Then with his right hand, he took Shin's shoulder and lifting him towards the clone who was currently still holding the Spirit gun. 

Shin and Raleth were both 6'2, so when Raleth held Shin by his shoulder, he was still able to touch the water surface. As Raleth held his opponent for the moment, Shin would weave 5 hand seals for Hair Needle Senbon. Of course, Shin wasn't fast to weave all the signs to bet Raleth's attempt at sweeping his feet. Shin noticed this because of the shift of Ralegh's body as his hand was still on his shoulder. So to counter it, he wouldn't move, instead, he would tighten his muscles in his leg so that it wouldn't make him fall to the ground. That would buy Shin some time to release his Hair Needle Senbon. Shin's hair would unweave itself from its usual braid and sharpen into deadly points. Of course, since this was a spar he wouldn't aim directly for the jonin because a direct hit from a barrage of needles would be deadly. Instead, he would aim downwards. This would require Raleth to back up 10 meters to escape the multitude of small sharp points. 

If he doesn't choose to get out of way and get hit by the needles, the damage wouldn't be lethal but would need immediate attention. That would prompt Shin to be the winner of the spar. 

However, if Raleth does escape from the range of needles, Shin would use this time to take a small breather and turn towards. "Woo, that was a close one! When you took me off balance by redirecting my fist, I was extremely worried. Now I know which one of us is faster." Shin smiled at his new friend. Shin would put his fists back up to signal that his small break was over. Shin's clone would still hold the spirit gun to prepare for Ralegh's next onslaught. 

WC: 365
TWC: 1262

AP: 566
-40 ap for Hair Needle Senbon (Power: 85, Speed: 70)
-20 ap for Block (used when Raleth tried to sweep his leg, reducing his power from the sweep from 100 to 80. Shin's 100>80)
AP: 526
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Ryo : 19000

The Off Day (IC)(NK) Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:01 am
(Because Shin Kenshin was not thrown, Water Senbon was not activated, AP will reflect this)
Raleth pushes Shin Kenshin's punch with his left palm, he grabs the strong armed chuunin's right shoulder with his right hand and steps to the side to keep his opponent in line with his own shadow clone's Spirt Gun. As the Sartuobi plants his left foot and shifts his weight, the young shinobi begins to form handseals, at the same time that Raleth sweeps with his right leg. His foot connects, Shin Kenshin does not move, having blocked the attack with precise muscle control. 


In response to his opponent stringing his first handseals, and with the knowledge that Shin Kenshin can handle the full strength of the ashen-haired chuunin, Raleth, using the hand that grips Shin Kenshin's shoulder, unleashes a vicious chop to the strong-armed chuunin's throat, at 110 strength and 85 speed. Because his opponent would be preoccupied with stringing handseals for a jutsu, his neck would be exposed, and the attack would connect before he could finish completing the five signs needed for his Hair Needle Senbon, since Raleth's would activate the taijutsu maneuver when Shin Kenshin formed his first handseal.

Raleth would strike his opponent's throat with enough force to cause him to choke and gasp, and reflexively make him bring his hands up to his neck. But, as Raleth would deliver his Throat Chop, he would shoot his left hand, which was guiding Shin Kenshin's arm away from the Sarutobi's body, at 75 speed to his opponents wrist, to ensure that the handseals for the jutsu Shin Kenshin was attempting to use would not be completed.

The side of Raleth's hand connects with his opponent's throat, the Sarutobi grabs Shin Kenshin's wrist, and grips it with his full strength. As his opponent recovers from the throat chop, Raleth exclaims, "OUS!!!"

His muscle mass increases, ash-colored chakra bursts from his body, with enough force to cause waves to ripple on the water. An ash-colored aura flickers like fire around him, he grips the strong armed chuunin's wrist with enough strength to restrain him. He twist and bends Shin Kenshin's arm up, making it so if he move he'd hurt his shoulder. As Raleth twists his opponent's arm and wrist up, he brings his right hand back and keeps his profile to his opponent, adopting a wide stance, a stern gaze and a stone face.

"Your form is disgraceful, whelp," thrums the basso voice of the ashen-haired Sarutobi, "I didn't need to be faster then you to beat you. Your approach was abysmal, your punch was telegraphed, and you put your self in danger. Though this was a spar, I expected you to take it seriously. All combat with shinobi are lethal, never forget that."
The aged Raleth lets go of Shin Kenshin, and proceeds to lecture him. "You could have sent your shadow clone to charge at me, readied your spirit gun and, as I was dealing with your clone, you could have fired it. Such a situation would have put me on the defensive, and I would have no choice but to give ground." 
Raleth shakes his head, there would have been a time when he would have had put weight on his student and make him swim his way back shore. He sighs, and looks to the spire in the distance. 

"I have a technique that would be useful to you, something that may help in the future. If I were you, I'd watch carefully."

Raleth breathes in through his nose and brings his hands and feet together. He flows his chakra from his core to his arms, and concentrates the energy in his fists. In an instant, he opens his stance, cocks his left arm and, using the momentum and force of bringing his arm back, punches the air with his right hand with a deafening Orra!! at 148 power and 148 speed. Raleth holds his end pose, power and chakra pressure steam from his fist.

"Practice the form I just showed you three times."

The Sarutobi relaxes, and crosses his arms.



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