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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sun Jan 17, 2021 9:57 pm
Shin tried desperately to get some range against raleth, realizing the error of his approach. However, it was too late for Shin to react. Raleth throat chops the young man's throat, making him lose his air intake for a moment. Shin immediately stops weaving his hand signs and reactively reaches for his throat and crumbles over.  Shin couldn't weave any more hand signs if he wanted to as Raleth rips his hand away from his body to prevent the boy from weaving any more hand signs. The Jonin then holds his left arm in a chicken wing position, causing immense discomfort in Shin. The Kaguya was defeated. 

In defeat, Shin releases his clone before it could even get a spirit gun released. Raleth pressed into him out he should've sent his clone in instead of him and that his taijutsu form was sloppy. Shin didn't respond as he was still attempting to catch his breath from Raleth's previous throat chop. 

In hindsight, Shin should've kept his distance from Raleth and allowed his jutsu speed to take over rather than his own inferior speed. Their strength was on par too, Shin could've used this for his advantage to keep Raleth on his toes. Instead, he tried to throw a punch at the master of taijutsu. 

Raleth released him and explained that he was going to be teaching the boy a technique that he claimed would be helpful to him. Shin listened and watched respectfully as Raleth threw an extremely firm and powerful punch. After demonstrating it, he commanded Shin to attempt the punch three times. Shin nodded, without saying another word. His face showed determination and power. 

Whenever Shin would get into a training session with extremely powerful opponents, Shin would tend to get into a zone that allowed him to achieve complete focus. The pain from his shoulder and his neck would help him too as the adrenaline helped get Shin more pumped, keeping his energy up. 

Shin would go into his first attempt with the punch, bringing his elbow back and clenching his fist. "Ora!" Shin would repeat his instructor's cry as he threw his punch. It had power, sure, but it lacked any sense of control. Not to mention it was not as flashy as compared to Raleth's. Shin continued, throwing another punch, trying to improve his attention to his body motions.
Again, it was powerful yet not controlled. Shin relaxed his shoulders a bit before getting the last punch in before tensing his muscles and throwing the last punch. It improved compared to the last two but it was still nothing like his instructors. Shin panted a bit. "That was...something..." Shin smiled to himself. He knew he was improving. 

WC: 452
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Mon Jan 18, 2021 3:28 pm
Chakra and pressure flare from the crossed-arm Sarutobi, the stern-gaze of Raleth burns into Shin Kenshin as he prepares his kata. Resolve and determination shine in his eyes, Raleth can see the boy shift his shoulder. The young boy punches, mimicking Raleth's exhalation. A singular thought crosses the stone-faced sensei's mind as he observes his potential student.


The sight of Shin Kenshin's incorrect form makes fury bubble inside, it wells up to his throat, and nearly reaches his mind. A younger Raleth would've flown into a fit of rage, and would have "shown" his student the purpose of form and technique by throwing a multitude of intense punches, and would attempt to "beat" the lesson into his pupil. Raleth stays silent as Shin Kenshin finishes his third punch. The boy turns to the ashen-haired sensei, and comments on his kata.

"It was wrong." says the Sarutobi. "You had no stance, your punch had no intention or purpose. Your execution improved, but your form as lack." Raleth grits his teeth as he comments on the boy's form, his aura of pressure and chakra fwoosh with rage. "As you are, you waste the strength you have." 

The ashen-haired sensei sighs and stands next to his student

"We as Taijutsu users are more versatile than most shinobi think, we do not simply throw a punch or kick." Raleth brings his hands and feet together, honoring the kami who blessed him with his skill. "With taijutsu, one agrees to become their own weapon. Unlike blades, one's body does not break." Raleth widens his stance and keeps his knees active, allowing himself to move at a moments notice. As he does, he brings his left hand in front of him, and cocks his right arm back. Such form would allow him to guard himself from an opponent's counterattack if he were to commit to a punch "When we want to release out strength, we can at a moment's notice. We are not constrained by handseals and chakra, our only limit is our own ingenuity. We can analyze, plan, and attack in the same instant." Raleth inhales, and sees the shadow opponent coming at. Since his stance is set, his guard has no weakness. As such, he can take his time to analyze his situation. He sees his opponent bring his arm back for a punch, Raleth exhales and pulls his left hand back, using the shift in momentum to release a furious jab at his opponent's unguarded core. The blow would have the strength to wind his opponent, and cripple them for a moment: allowing for a follow-up assault. "Our attacks are imperceptible until we choose to strike. All we need is to get in close, and we have won." Raleth holds his form, his knees bent, his legs wide, his left arm to his side and his right fist extended. He stares forward and speaks. "Now, your kata. Again."

As Shin Kenshin ran through his punches, Raleth would go through the form again. Bringing his hands together, stepping into a stance, and punching forward with his student: to help the young boy's form.

Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:00 pm
Although Shin already knew where he lacks, it stung when Raleth didn't show much restraint or patience for the young learner. When Shin looked at his sensei, it looked like he was about to epurpt. It was the same look people would give him when he and his orphans stole food from their vendor to feed the younger ones. The look of wanted to sack the nearest annoyance into obviation. It shocked Shin to see it on his sensei's face. His usual smile changed from slightly proud to defeated. He felt like a failure. Despite this, he still listened to the wiser shinobi as he lectured. 

Raleth explains in his rant that taijutsu users held a very unique role that allowed them an edge in combat. They were versatile and flexible, allowing for quick changes and swift judgments.

 "With taijutsu, one agrees to become their own weapon. Unlike blades, one's body does not break."

Shin envisioned his arm like a blade, his forearm making for the long blade, and his fingers as the tip of the blade. It was kinda like he already knew with his Kaguya technique, Dance of the Clematis: Flower. It was literally making his body into a weapon. That's it! I just got to imagine my body like a veritable weapon of sorts.  Shin's discrimination returned to him now that he had a new plan of attack. 

Raleth finished his lecture and stands off to the side to allow Shin to try again. "Right, Sensei!" Shin shouted with renewed determination. He took his stance and closed his eyes for a moment to focus on himself and not the surroundings. After a large intake and exhale of fresh air Shin took off with his first punch. Not good enough, again! Shin continued his next punch right afterward. He continued this pattern, shouting "Ora!" after every thrust. His form grew more and more focused, allowing his strength to be more focused. He then switched up the pattern to include both fists and moving forward as he faced his shadow opponent. Finally, after about an hour of throwing punches, his form was complete. He had gotten his Light Style: Half-hearted punch down. By the end, he was covered in sweat from the heat mixed with the large labor for a long period of time. However, surprising he didn't feel quite tired. He stopped for a moment after feeling he had mastered the form, he looked to his sensei. He didn't smile in fear of being crushed again. "What do you think?" 

WC: 422
TWC: 2136
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:59 pm
The fire behind Shin Kenshin's eyes dulls, Raleth sees how his old ire and rage affects the boy. As he's lectured, the strong-armed shinbi looks like an orphan whose about to be yelled at for stealing food. The sight moves the stone-faced sensei, and urges him to reconsider his tutelage of Shin Kenshin. 

He steps to the side of his student and performs the kata of the light style punch. As he does, he lectures his student on the philosophy of taijutsu. The Sarutobi's words resonates with Shin Kenshin, determination once again blazes behind the boy's eyes. He exclaims as the stone-faced sensei steps aside and prepares himself for his kata as the ashen-haired Raleth sits cross-legged on the surface of the pond. He takes out a jade-engraved, carved wooden pipe, he grabs a folded piece of paper from his robe. He opens the paper and sprinkles grinded flower in his pipe, the aroma of petal and herb fills the area. He places it in the corner of his mouth and sparks fire on the tip of his thumb. As Shin Kenshin practices his punches, the Sarutobi sensei smokes his pipe: observing in silence.

The boy's first few punches are like before, unfocused and unmotivated. Raleth need not say anything, as he sees his student recognize his own mistake. He doubles his effort and goes through the light-style punch again. Like a whet-stone used to hone one's edge, Shin Kenshin uses the words of his sensei to sharpen his form, focus, and direction with each successive Ora!

After a half-hour, Raleth feels his student's kata is acceptable. Smoke wisps from his nose, he takes out his pipe to speak, but stops when Shin Kenshin changes his stance to perform his kata on the opposite side. The resolve of his student makes him smile, the ashen-haired Sarutobi packs his bowl and smokes his pipe: observing his student in silence.

After another half-hour, Shine Kenshin turns to his sensei, beaming.

"Quite well, it looks like the Light Style Punch is ingrained in your muscle memory. A manuever like to that can bridge the gap between your strength and speed, and will offer a nasty surprise to your opponents. Now, can you put what you've been taught in practice?" 

Raleth takes a drag of his pipe and stands. He faces his student, and brings his hands up, in front of his torso. He relaxes his fingers, and looks as if he's about to catch something.

"Show me a simple three punch combo. Hit right, then left, then right. And don't forget your guard."

Raleth would indicate with his hands as he spoke and would wait for his student to commence their training. If Shin Kenshin performs a punch without bringing his opposite arm up in gaurd, the stone-faced sensei would catch his fist and use his free hand to softly "strike" his student's un-gaurded neck, a repeat of their spar. This would continue until Shin Kenshin kept his gaurd up instinctually as he punched, as such an action would allow his student to block Raleth's strikes, despite their speed difference. This would be possible because Shin Kenshin's arm would already be in position to intercept his sensei's counter-attack. Once successfully performed, Raleth would switch his strikes, and aim for any ungaurded area: to hone his student's gaurd.
Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:19 pm
Now that Shin had gotten Light-Hearted punch down, it was time for him to show it in a combat setting against Raleth. Raleth reminded him that in order to complete the attack, he was going to need his guard up as well. Luckily for Shin, his defensive skills were amazing, he just needed to apply them with offensive attacks better. 

Shin crotched slightly, placing his fists in front of him with his left fist over his right fist and bent his elbows at a 45-degree angle. With his tight defense, he would throw his first light-hearted punch. Raleth wouldn't be able to go for his neck due to his defense being close to his weak and open spots. Though Shin's speed wasn't as high as Raleth's still, his strength allows for powerful punches and high defenses. Shin was a tank. The Kaguya's next punch was a bit looser, almost releveling a weak spot, but Shin noticed it and fixed it. His last punch was his best yet. his fist caught some wind and when he threw his punch at Raleth, the breeze could be felt on it. 

Shin released himself after his three punches were finished. "That was pretty good if I say so." He chuckled, rubbing the bridge below his nose with his index finger. Sure, he acted cocky but that was just his playful attitude. His neck was still in pain from his last reminder of his hubris getting too high. "So what's next? Are you going to teach me how to destroy an entire area like you did?" Shin's eyes lit up, thinking about how badass that would look. 

WC: 272
TWC: 2404
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:34 pm
Raleth observed his stduents form, and looked for any weakness in his guard. Shin threw his first punch at Raleth's left, the Sarutobi sees the boy bring his arm up to catch any potential counter-attacks.

He learns quick.

Shin Kenshin shifts his stance and flows into his next punch, an opening reveals itself and Raleth attempts to strike it: but the strong-armed shinobi uses his shoulder to tank the strike and connect with his punch. His third and final punch is immaculate, the uses his own momentum as he shifts his form,  his power is conserved while his speed is maximized as he lands a decisive blow.

Pride sparkles in the boys eyes, he comments on his performance and rubs the top of his nose. The sight makes the old sensei smile, he sees a noticeable improvement in the boys form. As shin inquires on his next lesson, Raleth turns to look at the lake they stand on.

"The technique in question," thrums the Sarutobi's basso voice, "is one I could teach you, if you had an affinity for earth based ninjutsu. But. It would be useless." The aged sensei turns to the strong-armed shinobi. "Because my technique missed." Raleth steps back from Shin and faces him. "The destruction my power wrought is inconsequential, because only the ground felt the strength of my attack." The ashen-haired Sarutobi stretches his neck and rolls his shoulders, "If I had an arrow that could pierce through anything and a bow whose power was unmatched, I'd still miss: because I do not know how to aim, draw, and fire a bow. The arrow will pierce anything but my target, empty space would be the only thing that feels the bows power. And," the Sarutobi's tone would turn grim, "i would be killed by a common archer."

Raleth brings his hands up and tucks his head down, gaurding his face and center. He stands on his toes and keeps his knees springy. "You've taken the form I've taught you and made it your own, yet, by itself, it will do nothing for you. Your next lesson is simple: apply what you've learned."

He bounces on his toes and shifts his weight between each leg: eyeing Shin Kenshin. He shifts to the left and releases a right hook to Shin's chin.  At the last second, raleth pulls back his hook in guard, ducks low and springs to the right, going under a potential punch and shoots a left under-hook at Shin Kenshin's core. 

Before his fist connects, Raleth pulls back his hook, ducks low, shifts, and moves to Shin Kenshin's left, and releases a low punch to the boys ribs, at a speed greater than the strong armed shinobi but at a strength lower than his. Raleth would follow through with this punch, if it connects, shin kenshin would feel a massive blow at a weak point in his body, which would rattle his frame and nearly bring him to his knees.

As his attack began, the Aged Sensei would convey his intention: deal with a close-quarters assault without jutsu, using the concept of "battle form" and "guarding".

Shin Kenshin
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Sun Jan 31, 2021 7:23 pm
Raleth looked at the lake they stood on, the one he created with his own power. He response to Shin by saying that the techinque was earth-based ninjutsu. Shin frowned, but still didn't lose that spark in his eyes. Shin knew Wind release and Water release...he didn't know Earth release yet. 

However, strangely, Raleth shot down the techinque because he said he missed. "Are you kidding? It looks like you still hit!" Shin teased, looking around the lake, seeing its large circumference. Despite missing, Raleth still created one hell of an impact, nothing to be ashamed about. Shin was more worried if it did hit, what would happen to the person it hit. This was all Shin's perspective however, perhaps his opinion would change if he was actually there. 

But he would explain himself with a metaphor about a powerful arrow and bow. He explained that even if he had the most powerful archery equipment but didn't know how to aim or draw, it would be useless. Shin finally understood. "Oooh, so you're saying that the techinque would be useless to each because I would know how to aim or draw." Shin pondered this for a moment. "But isn't that what practice is for? I had the world's most powerful bow and arrow, it would train my aim constantly to incorporate the power both!" Shin has been in similar situations with other techniques he's learned. Like his ninjutsu techniques, most of them would be useless for Shin if he didn't learn to make it his own techinque. 

It seemed that the Sarutobi was going to ingrain the techinque further into him by basically beating it into him. Raleth would raise his first and duck his head into a prepared fighting stance. "Again?" Shin questioned as he got down, mimicking the same stance as Raleth, bringing his arms to cover his core. 

Raleth would go for a left hook to his core. Shin interpreted this and prepared to block with his forearm. But surprisingly, Raleth changed his attack, going to duck and dodge for Shin's left. This movement allowed Shin to prepare a counteraction. Raleth then went to strick Shin's ribs- a commonplace for fighters to strike in order to get the upper hand. Figuring this was a way for Shin to use the new techinque he learned, Shin would shift his body to get a strike in with his fist. Shin would take his right fist and match it with the fist Raleth used. Due to his enhanced speed during the technique, Shin's speed would be quicker than Raleths's ordinary punch. Shin would strike Raleth's hand in a strange act of offense and defense. "Ora!" Due to the punch being stronger and faster than Raleth's normal speed and strength, it would stop Raleth's punch against him if the two were to connect. It would also make Raleth's hand feel sore. 

But as a counter, Shin starts to form Dance of the Clematis: Flower around his left hand that was free. Bone's wrapped around the hand and turned into a 2-meter long spear, which Shin would attempt to drive into Raleth's torso. If struck, it would press into Raleth in a very painful way. He would then pick up Raleth, lifting him off his feet for a moment before driving his body into the water surface for 2 meters. 

-20 ap for  Light Style: Half-Hearted Punch (power 83, speed 83)
-50 ap for  Dance of the Clematis: Flower (power 100, speed 73)
-20 ap for Surface techinque (adding on from previous posts)
Remaining AP: 1062

WC: 577
TWC: 2981
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:08 pm
Raleth's fist would connect with Shin's, the blow would shake the Sarutobi's core. Pain aches in his knuckles, he sees Shin Kenshin brandish his other arm. Bone would spurt from the strong-armed shinobi's forearm and twist into a menacing, spiraling drill, the pressure and energy it takes to perform such a maneuver cloaks his body: and gives him a daunting appearance.

What sort of technique is this!!??

As he sees the bone drill forms at a speed of 73, Raleth Sarutobi reacts at a speed of 90 and jumps back 3 meters before Shin Kenshin can thrust at his core with his bone drill. Raleth raises his hand, signaling his will to stop their spar. Though, if he see's Shin Kenshin continue his thrust, Raleth will keep the 3 meter distance from the bone drill, backing away at a similar speed to the strong-armed shinobi's attack.

If and when Shin Kenshin deactivates his technique, the aged sensei's eyes would shine. His students accomplishment, the display of of prowess, fills him with a pride that wishes to burst from his heart.

"To see such progress, from your first spar, to now..." thrums the aged sensei, Sarutobi, "You're Light Style punch was marvelous, you used your own strength to increase your speed to defend yourself..." Being overwhelmed with joy, the immense Raleth cannot help but move himself into a muscular pose.

The mirage minnows, who swim in the waters of the Stone Dragon Pond,  feel the energy emanating from the ashen-haired shinobi. They dance their light on the surface of the pond as Raleth's voice crescendos with his movements. The sprite flies, hovering above the dragon's mouth, take notice and sparkle towards the immense Sarutobi. "You're counterattack, a technique I've never seen before, forced me to retreat. You left no other option.  In one seamless motion, you turned the tide of the battle. This display of shinobi prowess can only be described as..." Raleth strikes his pose, his feet apart, his weight to his right, his arms up, both facing left, and a mighty extension of his fingers while flexing his right arm. "MAGNIFICENT!!!!" At his utterance, a school of flashing fish jump behind Raleth Sarutobi as motes of fire-fire-light swirl and twirl, which  splash and spray iridescent colors around him.

Raleth relaxes and beams at Shin Kenshin.

"You've proven yourself to be a tactile shinobi and an impressive fighter. I do not know where your limits are, but I wish to see you reach them. And surpass them."

Raleth looks to the spire, where kages and leaders debate, converse, squabble and argue. A strange breeze comes from the direction of the kage's tower, shuffling violet, red, and orange flowers on the banks of the pond.

"The winds of change blow, to where I don't know: and I shudder to where they lead." He looks back to Shin Kenshin. "I believe the Chuunin Exams are on their way. You should think about competing if they come, I can prepare you for it, if you want."


Last edited by Raleth on Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:45 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Off Day (IC)(NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Off Day (IC)(NK)

Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:35 pm
The silence from the strong-armed shinobi spoke volumes. Indeed, it seemed Shin Kenshin was capable of attaining the rank of power he desired without the need for guidance. Perhaps the aged Sarutobi was too eager in trying to gain an apprentice? He had been lax as of lately. Clearly, it's showing. The ashen-haired jounin bows his head toward the boy. 

"Thank you for the spar, that technique you displayed was wonderous." Raleth takes a drag from his wood-and-jade pipe, smoke wisps from his nose as he speaks. "When you increase your power, come find me."

Raleth takes his leave, hoping that is offer for a future spar is taken. Walking on stone dragon lake, the ashen-ashen-haored Sarutobi heads toward the shore, to his small humble home. 

A chill wind brushes past his shoulders, a breeze coming from the Spire has Raleth turn to look at it. An odd feeling comes over him as he stares at the tower, he turns away, trying to shake off the thoughts that come to mind. Unbeknownst to him, the Summit has devolved into arguments, insults, and dedeclarations of war. As the Sarutobi walks into his home, he takes in the aroma of his home. Though it calms him, he can't help but feel that something is wrong. His heart thumps hard in his chest, his breathing is steady but his senses are sharp. He goes to his back porch, to meditate on his day. As he sits in the center, surrounded by a garden cultivated by his own hands, he feels the shadow of the Spire in his conscious. 



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Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:54 pm
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