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The Training Before The Training Empty The Training Before The Training

Tue Dec 29, 2020 11:10 pm
As the sun sets, every child in the Academy is getting ready for bed, as they will be learning their first ninjutsu tomorrow. For Buzaku, sleep is the last thing on his mind
“Tomorrow is the big day, are you guys excited?” Buzaku says as he smiles and looks down at the Atkatsuki action figures he made. “I’m not too worried, learning my first ninjutsu should be a piece of cake! I was able to make you guys, right?” Lying in bed, an overflow of anxiousness overtakes Buzaku. “I have to be better, no, i have to be the best. I cant waste precious hours lying in bed, i have to train now.” Throwing back the blanket that covered his lower half, Buzaku jumps up in an attempt to sneak out the house. “I don’t even have enough control over my chakra to learn a ninjutsu, so i’ll start there.” Looking down at his bed, all of his action figures folded up in the covers, he pulls them out and lays them down side by side. “Sorry guys, i’m not going to be able take all of you. Let’s go Deidara.” Buzaku then picks up the figure of the former Hiidden Stone shinobi and successfully sneaks out and finds himself in the woods, staring at a tall tree.
          “Your art will soon take me to great heights, and it starts here.”  Buzaku closes his eyes, and tries to clear his mind and concentrate. “i can feel it, i can feel my chakra! That’s a start, okay lets do this.” Buzaku backs up, and begins to charge at the tall tree. Sprinting at his fastest, he reaches the tree, and as he puts his left foot on the base of the tree, he immediately falls flat on his back.
          “I didn’t even make it off the ground. What did i do wrong?” Buzaku questions himself. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his clay action figure. “Tell me what i did wrong, i cleaned my mind, i was able to feel my chakra as well, why didn’t it work?” Buzaku stares at his Deidara figure, as it stared blankly right back at him. “Of course, i need to have chakra control in my feet. I knew that, hmm!” as he looks up from his doll, now looking at the tree again. “I’m embarrassed i didn’t realize that in the first place, now, lets try this again.” As he picks himself off the ground, Buzaku  stuffs the doll back into his pocket, backs up and once again, begins to charge at the tree. Knowing his mistake now, Buzaku concentrates on his feet, determined to not make the same mistake twice.
           Buzaku steps onto the base of the tree once again, but this time, he successfully runs up the tree and reaches the tallest branch, where he sits down and looks up at the now, night sky. “Nightfall already? It seems as if i just got out here.” As he pull the doll back out his pocket, Buzaku smiles, “It’s only a matter of time now, Deidara. I’ll show the whole shinobi world, true art, your art.” “I better get back home before mother and father realize im gone.” Buzaku looks up at the night sky in awe, absorbing the beauty of the stars. “I better get home, if only i could stay out here as long as i wanted to, i could learn everything on my own.”  Junping down from branch to branch, Buzaku races home, doll in hand. “Let’s make the most of tomorrow, Deidara. As long as i improve from day to day, there will be no stopping me!”
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