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Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki] Empty Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki]

Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:04 pm

His voice showed just how impressed with the building he was. He had known Suna since long before it became this...lively. During the times of Koroshi Suna was probably at its closest to the pre-cataclysmic era of it, where it was more...basic i guess one could say. Looking at it now it seemed as if the village had grown by lengths he didn't even think were possible. The climate within the village itself was leagues better than outside of it. It was no longer dry and arid, instead it was cool and breathable. He didn't have to wear clothes that essentially felt like sheets to be able to avoid sweating and that would still cause you to sweat. Over all during the years he spent in a temporary sleep, the world had changed a great deal. While war and strife would always be prevalent no matter the ear, certain villages were still doing what they could to inspire peace. As Yaju walked into the tower known as the Spire with his two wolf parents, he chuckled at one of their grunts to him as they walked in together," Its vastly different from the mountains yes, but I would still say it holds a very special place in my- You really are glad to be out of the caves huh pops?," to which the wolf would simply nod and continue walking. It would be here that he stopped at the desk, his head just barely peeking over it to look at the receptionist just behind it," Hello. I just got into the village and I was hoping to meet whoever the Kage may be. I understand if they are busy then I can come back at a later time, but if not then...well yeah," he wouldn't act demanding, no that was no longer his style. Even if he was an Ex-Kage, that had no sway in this new world...and no merits to be taken.

The red eyed male would wait for a few moments to be told if he could see the Kazekage or not, and when (if) he was given the go ahead to meet with them, he'd wait for instructions in how to get to the office and from there he would go. It was weird honestly. The only other office he had been in as far as a Kage was concerned was the office of the Amekage all those years ago...Both as his friends advisor and as a Kage himself. It felt weird being in a situation like this...but he was done with the life and wanted nothing more than to just settle down and let the world deal with its issues. As he moved up the area he would take note of everything that came across his view as interesting before getting to the door of the Kage. He honestly had no expectations of who would be behind this door, but whether it was man or woman. Child or adult he would show them the same respect he had once commanded as a Kage himself. Knocking on the door he would announce himself before coming in with the two wolves at his side," Greetings. I know you must have a myriad of pressing matters to deal with besides entertaining an old soul, but I wanted to announce myself to the current Kage of this village. My name is Yaju Hayate."
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki] Empty Re: Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki]

Sat Jan 16, 2021 12:09 am
The knock on the door wasn’t what made Mizuki stop in her tracks, her usual pacing behind her desk coming to a halt, no it was the incredibly loud double heartbeats on the other side of the door - the knock on the door simply made her narrow her eyes in confusion. The door would push open and had the woman not had several years of training to maintain her composure… well the sight alone would have startled a great deal of people. Straightening her posture she would turn and graciously wave her hand to the two deep blue plush chairs in front of the mahogany desk she was now settling herself at. The two toned eyes of the woman took in the scene with breakneck speed, gathering as much information as possible - the long the strange man was in her presence the easier it became to differentiate his heartbeat from the two greater ones on either side. 

Speaking of the man, even at this distance she could tell he was taller than her, and the two wolves that flanked his either side looked like the embodiment of Yin and Yang. The black one had red eyes and stood just at the mans’ shoulder while the white one had piercing blue eyes and stood just shy of his shoulder - male and female. The man… or boy? That stood between them and introduced himself as an ‘old soul’, looked no older than mid teens at best - but the aura and presence he carried spoke of an age beyond his appearance. As someone from the Kyuketsuki clan it wouldn’t surprise her to find out he was older than he appeared.. and his appearance was like a mixture of the two wolves - snowy white hair that splayed in different directions only upstaged by the brilliant red eyes - lean build but definitely battle worn; interesting to say the least.

“Yaju Hayate, Welcome. Have a seat please - can I get you anything to drink or eat perhaps?” She would stand and glide over to his left side and prepare a couple mugs and clear glass teapot on a tray with some light food, before bringing it over and setting it on the desk between the two - each wolf now sitting on either side of the chair Yaju chose to sit in. The tea that was in the pot was special as it was a blooming flower, meaning that once completely bloomed would tell those in the room that it was ready - finally she came back around the desk and sat in her chair. Her lips pressing together as she contemplated her next words, “Announcement received, and an entrance such as this raises some questions I’m sure you know.” Her tone was kind and interested but still carried authority in its own right. The owl sat on the perch to her left ruffled its feathers, its head swiveling between the two wolves with an uncertain tinge to his thoughts. “First being who these two beautiful wolves are that accompanied you all this way, the bond you three must have to travel through our desert is something to behold. Second being what I can do for such an old soul.” 

The flower was fully blooming now and without pause the slim pale hands of the woman would reach out and pour out two cups, plopping two sugar cubes in her own mug and settling back into her chair - her right hand holding the mug close to her face while her left sat poised on the arm of her chair. “Please help yourself if you wish… you fascinate me Yaju, I must say. Your initial appearance feels like a hoax when in your presence, there's just… something about you and I am dying to find it out.”

WC 629
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki] Empty Re: Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki]

Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:37 pm
"Hmm...Tea would would be lovely in fact. I hear Sunagakure has a rather popular tea shop that has some amazing tea. As for something to eat I think we are fi- I think these two would like some water," the nudging of his ribs told him everything he needed to know as he chuckled. When he took a seat they were at his side looking around before his father had laid down while the mother went off to look around and look around- or snoop as he so eloquently put it at times. Yaju couldn't help but look around as well as he looked to Mizuki and smiled," I haven't been here in quite some time honestly. Before it was taken over by the old leaders of Kumo. Its honestly nice to see this village growing once remind me of a very old friend actually," thinking on her question he would place one of his hands on the black wolf that chose to sit beside him," This is my foster father, Atreus. The white wolf currently looking around like a curious pup is Dina, my foster mother. These two raised me as apart of their pack when I had no family and they came with me to enjoy their remaining years in retirement with me. Its often time when an alpha must step down so that a new generation could grow and foster a new idealism...and much like Atreus here my time as passed as well," the elder black wolf simply nodded in agreement as be barked at his wife to come over. After a few exchanges between the two of them, she came over and took her place to the left of Yaju.

Her next question caused him to smile for a moment as he nodded," Well i've often meddled with the physiology of my own body in order to have an appearance that would... give the opposition the thought that i am a mere child but i have so much more than that. Honestly if i would return to what I "should" look like, i might look years even decades older than I should. I suppose that is the price one pays when it comes to meddling with things out of ones control. But you must have questions so please ask away."
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki] Empty Re: Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:20 am
Before completely settling down she would grab two bowls and fill them with water, setting them down for the two wolves - if water was all they asked of her it was the least she could do. As she settled back into her chair she smiled at his comments, it wasn’t often she caused someone to recall another… something about her presence was usually too distinct. “An old friend? I will take that as a compliment, perhaps in time I will be among those ranks as well.” The next bit of information was a different kind of shock, cocking her head to the side she would find her eyes flitting between the two that she now knew as Atreus and Dina, before settling them back on the man in question. An alpha two generations deep and still with his pack, so clearly they didn’t follow the way of the wolf so strictly but the sentiment is there. Seeing the sentience in an animal so large was something to behold - nodding along as it followed the conversation with ease - it made her smile with pure joy, a rare sight. 

“Meddling with physiology, you sound like Lord First, though I believe he mostly preferred his subjects to be well past their prime.” As if the words out of her mouth were as normal as speaking of the weather she would take a deep drink of her tea, setting down the mug and idly running her tongue over her teeth as she thought on her next words. “So you request a home to retire to, even with your deceitful appearance retirement seems like such a permanent decision.” Pursing her lips she would stare at the two wolves with interest as she continued, “It does seem like the decision is final… it would have been a real treat to honor us with your blade among our ranks but who am I to reject a request of rest.” Looking back up at the man she would give a gentle smile before reaching into the desk and pulling out the paperwork to formally accept the family as members of Sunagakure. “Sign these and I’ll get you set up.” As the man reviewed the paperwork for citizenship she would grab a set of house keys, and a Suna headband. “Just in case” she would say with a sly wink - from her experience the fight never really leaves the soul, so it's best to be ready for a possible resurgence. 

“Your new home comes free of charge, there are plenty of jobs in the market if you wish to keep your time filled or simply desire extra money. The home should be plenty large enough for you and your adoptive family, and here of course, updated ID cards. If there is anything at all I can do for you please don’t hesitate to contact me - Welcome to Suna.” With that she would push all necessary items toward the man and accept the signed paperwork to file for later. The family was free to exit the office and seek out their new home.

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

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Ryo : 435700

Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki] Empty Re: Meeting the 2nd. [Mizuki]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:11 am
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

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Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:53 am
TWC 1156 
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Roy Goka
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

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Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:38 am
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