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Suimin Community Service Empty Suimin Community Service

Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:30 pm
Mission Name: Round Up
Rank: E
Type: Community service
Character Requirements: Genin
Mission Location: Village
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes, but not by the same person.
Reward: 500 Ryo, 1 AP

Task: The village holds many people but also animals. A lot of them are strays without a home. You as Shinobi have been tasked to assist the pound in catching some stray dogs and cats so that they can find new home.

He wakes up extra early and hops in the shower he takes a nice long bath in warm water and just sits there for a while enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from his bath and wrapped his body and a soothing embrace. He often enjoyed that he lives alone because more often than not he got to have moments like this where he got to have peace, quiet, and tranquility. It was beautiful he just wished he could do it everyday. After he’s done he starts to brush his teeth making sure to get every spot in his mouth, he uses the bathroom, and gets dressed wearing the same thing he wears everyday. He gets the milk, and orange juice from his fridge and cereal that rested on top of his fridge. He sets it all out on the table and before he prepares his breakfast. After finishing his breakfast he grabs the rest of his things for the day and proceeds to head out but not without saying goodbye. He turns to the photo he has of his brother he keeps by the door and says “Hey I won’t be gone for a long time. I’ll be alright, I shouldn’t get hurt or go too far. So there is no need to come with me. I'll be back before you know it alright. Love you.” He heads out of his house making sure to lock his door behind him. He doesn’t have much of value but he doesn’t want to risk anything he does own getting stolen. 
He begins to head out to the Raikage’s Office to get a Mission for the day. Once he arrives at the Raikage’s office he takes a look at the mission board there's quite a few here wow. “This one seems interesting enough.” He grabs the Mission file and waits in line. “Next!” A man calls as he heads in with the Mission File “Approved. Next!” He heads to the animal shelter where the animals will be going. After exchanging pleasantries and names he heads out looking for stray. He takes to the roof tops to avoid disrupting the busy streets of Kumogakure. While he's jumping from rooftop to rooftop he spots a white cat eating out of the trash. After it looks like the cat finished its meal he swoops down grabbing the cat. It lets out a loud hiss and begins clawing at his arms. He brings the cat back to the animal shelter. After that he spots a dog wandering he approaches it and looks for a color. This dog seemed either old or just very lazy. After petting the dog it seemed to begin to follow him. This gave him an idea and he tried to see if the dow would follow him to the animal shelter. Fortunately the dog did this was much easier than the cat in fact the scratch marks were starting to show. 
He got the Mission File signed by the manager of the animal shelter and headed back to turn in the mission file.

Round up
512 TWC
500 WC towards Lightning Pulse 500/500
500 Ryo + 100 Ryo Genin Bonus = 600 Ryo
5 AP
500 WC to Speed

Last edited by Sleep on Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:26 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed the wc)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Suimin Community Service Empty Re: Suimin Community Service

Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:31 pm
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