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A skirmish in a faraway land - Page 4 Empty Re: A skirmish in a faraway land

Tue May 04, 2021 10:52 pm
Taichi Uchiha
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A skirmish in a faraway land - Page 4 Empty Re: A skirmish in a faraway land

Wed May 05, 2021 2:23 pm
"Such a young life, he still has so much to learn about the horrors that is living as a shinobi. The fact that he wants to go across the world, this god forsaken world we live on only shows that he hasn't seen the atrocities this world can bring to bear. Part of me wants to warn him of the tragic world that awaits his journeys, but the other part of me wants to let him meet the troubles head on and fight through the pain that will come to him should he part with his village and travel the world abroad. Luckily he still had a little ways to go until he was strong enough to prove to his kage that he was powerful enough to take on the world on his own. Maybe by the time he gets to that point, he will realize that the world holds nothing but despair and tragedy outside of his village walls." Taichi thought to himself as he listened to the boy's plight of wanting to leave his village, feeling as if he was too big to stay within the confines of the village he resided in. 

He leaned forward in the chair beneath him and he ran his fingers through the hair that had fallen over his right shoulder. He thought as the boy spoke, thinking about how he felt when his home got destroyed, feeling so much sorrow, and wishing he could just go back into the walls of the village, feeling safe and sound once again, not having to fight for each day of his survival. He understood the boy wanted adventure, for Taichi had seen plenty of that. But there were few things more than wanting that feeling of belonging somewhere, and the feeling that he could go to sleep at night and not be ambushed by bandits as soon as he closed his eyes. 

"I understand where you are coming from, wanting to go out and see the world. Just as long as you remember that your village is the most precious thing that you can have, a place to belong and to call home. The world outside is tragic, but it can be beautiful. I have seen lots of places that I couldn't believe were possible if I hadn't seen them with my own eyes. The island of Fang is by far the most pristine place I've ever been. The mountains and beaches had to be some of the most picturesque places I've ever been. The large mountain that reside in the center, maybe a little north of the center of the island really do look like a bear's claw reaching up to the heavens. Had I known about the gods then, I surely would have decided to use that as my prayer grounds." The platinum haired Uchiha would pause for a moment. He would remember the place that he had learned of the gods, that gorgeous place where he heard the most beautiful voice, the land of Snow.

"Then there is the land of Snow, as the name would have you believe, it is in fact covered in snow. The place is cold and unforgiving, but if you can find your way through the bitter cold and the harsh winds, you truly can find something beautiful there. I had even thought of making my very own village within those mountains. A dream I have given up since then, but it was truly worthy of that much thought and consideration. That is where I learned of the gods, and the Valkyries that still roam the Earth. But that is a story for another time, I suppose." Taichi would stand up in his chair at the same time as his former opponent within the grounds. Just before his friend would go and gather his equipment that he had used during their spar, Taichi would shake the boy's hand. 

"Good luck to you, for if you truly want to roam the world, then you are going to need it. Take all the precautions you can, and make sure you never lose sight of what is truly important. Your village shall always come first, for it is the only place that you can truly call your home. But don't ever have a blind devotion to the leaders, use your own mind when it comes to deciding if things are right. Greed and a lust for power can often muddy the minds of even the most powerful of leaders, so always make sure that you check in with yourself, to make sure that what you are told to do in the world is truly good and right. With that, I bid you farewell my friend. It was a great pleasure fighting you, and meeting you. Take care." 

Taichi would turn and he would dismiss his wood constructs that riddled the training grounds that they had used for their arena. He knew that the village higher ups, or even the lower citizens wouldn't appreciate having a giant wooden mess cluttering their training grounds, and he was truly trying to make an impression as a good person, so he would be allowed to stay a little longer. After he dismissed his wooden constructs, he walked out of the training grounds. He was deciding whether or not he was going to go to the tavern to celebrate a good day of training, but he decided that it would be better to simply go back to the inn and wash up from the days' training, maybe even get some early sleep.

He walked through the village, still thinking about that shinobi in the grounds. He was good, far better than most of his peers he assumed. He was hopeful that the child would find his way of life, the way of which he wanted to live, but only time would truly tell the story of that young shinobi.

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Last edited by Taichi Uchiha on Thu May 06, 2021 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A skirmish in a faraway land - Page 4 Empty Re: A skirmish in a faraway land

Thu May 06, 2021 4:20 am
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