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Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:54 pm
It was a rather calm day in Hoshigakure. The air had a slight bit of moisture to it, and contained a slight bit of heat that was tempered by a light breeze. It was wonderful weather, although Kita didn't feel as though he could really enjoy it to his fullest capability. He had made up with Bobo over what had happened the night before, but it was clear that he was still hurt by what the boy had said. The monkey just needed more time, that was all. Having given the monkey his necessary space, Kita wandered through the town of Hoshigakure, enjoying the sights that the city had to offer once again. It's beauty matched, no not matched, exceeded that of his home town of Kirigakure, possessing far prettier architecture and nature than that would be found at his home. Perhaps it was just due to the fact that there wasn't a thick layer of fog blanketing everything, but actually being able to see the pristine streets of Hoshigakure conjured a feeling of inner peace.

"This must be what dad was talking about... I'm glad that I came here. I wonder what it's like in other hidden villages? If they're as pretty as it is here, maybe I could ask for more missions abroad?"

It was an entertaining thought to be sure, although one in which Kita likely wouldn't have any control over. At least not for a long time. Yet he had another thought that struck him almost as quickly as the last. Why not attempt to spread his business to Hoshigakure? It could be worth a try to appeal to the Hoshikage to allow for another location in his village. Yet he didn't exactly have an easy way to ferry himself between Hoshigakure and Kirigakure, so it wouldn't really be feasible at the moment. Still, it was something for the young lad to ponder.

He thought on these things as he made his way down the grassy Hoshigakure Gazebo, inhaling the scent of fresh flowers and the scent of a nearby babbling brook, basking in the sunlight that was just now cresting over the horizon. He had woken up a bit earlier than his companions, and had left a notice at their doors inviting them to join him here in the gazebo once they woke up. After all, it would be nice to enjoy the streets of Hoshigakure as a group. After their stress and tension filled journey here, this was Kita's attempt at mending the rift. A sort of apology for the way he had behaved to Murata and Ban. Kita sat himself down in a wooden park bench, ready to wait for his teammates to arrive. Kita gave a slight smile under his breath. Maybe if they arrived soon enough, he would treat them to breakfast.

Word Count - 471

Last edited by Kita Hajime on Fri Mar 26, 2021 11:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Allowing for more people)
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:24 pm
It was early when the wanderer recieved the information on his marks. Kita Hajime of Kiri and Fu a girl with no last name of Konoha. The man would read over the description of the identified individuals for a missing ninja hunter this was more than enough information to work with. Attaching a seal to himself in the form of a rat and hare the man was ready. As he threw his Nova cloak on and stepped out the door he had but one thought. That this could go over badly with Kiri if it wasn't handled properly both ninja belonged to the Mist. While the current orders were to remove the transplants given by Stein in what the letter described as an alley or bring them in to recieve the alternate punishment.

Making the clone seal, two copies of the Terumi would appear from the smoke. A last seen on Kita was provided within the letter he would be the easiest to find. One of the clones would head that direction with the real Akabayashi and the other clone a quarter of a mile behind looking over what the forward clone may have missed.

When the lead clone spotted Kita it would stop its advance and whistle loudly enough for those following to hear. The real Akabayashi and the clone next to him would halt and keep their eyes on their surroundings. 

People on the street would look at the whistling clone, but it did not seem to phase him. "Kita Hajime, I am Nova Akabayashi Terumi you are under arrest for the illegal possession of a transplant. My orders are to bring you before the kage The clone would say activating the seal to mask his chakra signature.

AP: 1,117
Jutsu used: Shadow Clones -30Ap
Chakra Scrambling Seal -40AP power 90
+10AP jugo
+1 nature stack jugo
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:06 am
It was rather peaceful, watching the stream pass the boy by. Still, he had to admit that it was just a tad bit boring if he was being honest. Maybe if there were a fish or two in the water it would be a bit more interesting to watch, but alas, they was no such luxury. The boy gave a deep sigh before crossing his arms and tapping his triceps with his fingers. If only he hadn't chosen to leave so much sooner than the others, maybe he wouldn't be waiting as long as he was. He half debated leaving the scene. After all, who knows what time the others would arrive? It's not like he was particularly specific as to when he would be there. Maybe they wouldn't even join him in the first place.

Yet before the boy could give up and go on his way, he heard a sharp whistling behind himself. Curious, he turned around to gaze at the noise, finding that a strange man in sunglasses was standing there. If the boy didn't know any better, he could swear that the man was looking at him...

Yet what came out of his mouth next instantly confirmed that idea. That was his name that he uttered. Though the idea of illegal transplants was new to the boy. Slowly, the boy began to stand up from the bench he was sitting on, and turned around to face the man. Confusion was clearly evident on his face, but concern and fear were slowly growing to take precedent.

"Illegal transplants? What do you mean?"

Sweat began to break out on the back of the boy's neck. He remembered getting the transplant yes, but he had no idea that they were illegal. Was he hearing him right? Maybe the man thought that he ran off without paying, or that he had killed someone to attain the bloodline? No, that can't be right. Sure it was a back alley, but it's not like it was particularly well hidden. Something illicit like that would've been better concealed, available only to S-Ranked Missing Ninja and the like, nothing that two Genin would've been able to get ahold of. No, this man must be mistaken. Kita had done nothing wrong, legally and morally. Hadn't he?

"I-I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person. I'm just waiting here for a couple of my squadmates. I haven't done anything wrong."

Word Count - 406

Total Word Count - 877
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:45 pm
Murata emerges from her room bright and early, though as usual it isn't early enough to beat her comrades. It seems that as far as most shinobi are concerned, one must be waking up before dawn or you're a slacker, and Murata simply will not adjust to that part of the life. Bleary-eyed, she steps out of her room in the team's rented suite in Hoshigakure in her pajamas, having to double-take to notice the note on her door from Kita.

She takes it from the door and unfolds it as she walks to go put some tea on, blinking at the scrawl of an invitation.

The sun is low in the sky as the rest of the team seeks Kita, Murata at the very least grateful for some peace and relaxation with the entire team. The second phase is imminent, so this is their last breather before the genin see real combat, and it's a good time to touch base. Murata is still obviously sleepy in contrast to her teammates, clutching her thermos of tea protectively as they walk through the clear streets and taking the occasional sip. As they walk, she thinks on her hopes and expectations for the exams. In truth, their performance means little to her besides how it would impact them as people. Sure, it would reflect well on her capacity to do her job if they excel, but she is already feeling stifled by the weight of responsibility.

With the emotional distance that has yawned between all of them since their departure, she has little idea of what the exams mean to them, too - and what failure and disappointment would mean. Ban obviously finds the mere opportunity to participate exciting, so Murata does not worry about her, but Gonk and Kita...

They chat amongst themselves idly as they walk the streets of Hoshigakure, leading to one of its many parks.

"Here he is," Murata murmurs over the steam of her tea, detecting Kita's signature at the edge of her awareness. Bobo being absent is no surprise - he had been back at the suite when they left, seeming slightly morose as he munched on the complimentary saguaro.

Then a shrill whistle pierces the air, and one of the other chakra signatures vanishes. Murata hurries her pace and gives her team a quick glance to follow her, focusing on the brief conversation occurring between the Hoshi-nin and Kita. The illegal possession of a transplant? What on earth does that mean? It isn't like Kita is sick, as far as she knows, and why would such a thing be...

A memory returns to her - the drone of Bobo's bored voice reading from a book with a double helix cover as Murata and Kita quietly converse a spar between their clones. The strange abilities of some people, how it manifests in the body, how it can be plucked from one body and placed in the other.

Kita, covered in blood, crouched shivering over the body of Yumeko.

"Pardon me," Murata calls to Akabayashi, voice contained. She doesn't look at Kita. "My name is Murata, and I am the leader of the Kirigakure delegation. I am responsible for him."
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:10 pm
It seemed the one Akabayashi was here for was about to speak, but then the one in charge of him approached and spoke first. He would turn to the young lady and make a slight bow acknowledging her right to interfere here. "Murata, I am a wanderer from this land and do not wish an inter village issue." He would pull out his orders from his pocket and approach her handing her the orders for both Fu and Kita. "As Konoha falls under Kiri as well I have no problem with you viewing the other. According to a fellow Nova your student recieved a transplant in Hoshi without the proper authorization. Transplants within Hoshigakure have been outlawed, without proper clearance from medical personel." He would point to Kita. "This one, recieved a transplant from a rogue ninja in a back alley. The missing ninja Stein has been apprehended."

"At this moment both Kita and Fu of Konoha are disqualified from the chuunin exams." Akabayashi would remain silent in case Murata wished to read the orders given. Which only stated the two ninja be brought into the kage of Hoshi. Once, she was done he would add. "You may come along if you would like. I have no opposition you doing so." He would look to Kita and then back to Murata hoping the genin had enough tact to let the two speak and not run off.

The original and other clone would keep their distance letting the forward clone handle things. They were just there to keep an eye out at this point and wait for a fight in case one started.

Shadow Clone: No upkeep its free
Chakra Scrambling Seal: No upkeep its free 
Nature stacks 2/6
Jugo +10 AP
Standing around +10Ap 
Original AP 359/372 +20= 372 max AP
Clone AP: 349 each 
Both clones have 2 nature stacks
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 6:45 pm
Both Ban and Murata were awake at the same time. However, while Murata seemed to struggle with the morning times, Ban thrived during this time. It was around the same time she would go out and do some morning workouts. It was perfect because there was normally no one out in Kiri at that time in the morning and none of the restaurants were open anyway. It was meditative as well as healthy. Kita had invited the rest of the Kiri team to some breakfast at Hoshi's famous Gazebo in the water garden. It was perfect weather for some relaxing morning breakfast. 

Gonk, Ban, and Murata began with some warm tea while walking to the Gazebo. The tea steamed into the cool spring air. The hot liquid would be felt going down Ban's throat as she took her sips of the tea. The exciting parts of the exams were starting very soon when Ban would be able to show off her expertise and experience for the first time as a genin. These exams weren't only important to show what they know, but also to impress their higher-ups- like Murata. 

Ban was still love-struck with Murata even though Murata didn't seem to return it. The conclusion Ban had come up with for this was that Ban was too weak while Murata was already chuunin. The power difference made Ban inferior to Mur, in the Hozuki's mindset. So not only was this going to be to prove to the world how powerful she was or the excitement of battle, but it was also her way to prove to Murata that she was strong enough. 

Once they arrived, Ban was surprised to see an unfamiliar man next to Kita. His clothing and cloak showed authority, she was curious about who this was. Ban and the crew were able to eavesdrop on the conversation. It turned out Kita was under arrest for an illegal transplant. Sounded like bullshit to Ban but that was because she didn't trust Hoshi- or basically anyone who wasn't Kiri. Ban was armed and willing to give a fight if that was what was about to go down. But Murata seemed to handle the situation so far, so she would wait to see what would happen. 

WC: 376
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:17 pm
“It’s way too early for this,” Gonk thought as he walked through the streets. “We don’t have any reason to get up this early, why couldn’t we get up at a more reasonable hour, like eleven or twelve.” Gonk took a drink of his tea as he looked around the city. It was beautiful with the morning sun hitting the architecture, but Gonk still preferred the streets of Kirigakure. Things just seemed over the top here. 
“Well in any event, I hope we can have breakfast when we meet up with Kita. I’m starving.”  Gonk thought as he yawned and stretched his arms. He was wearing his new armor minus the helmet, which was hanging from a loop on his waist strap. Momo was at home with Bobo, probably getting into all kinds of mischief. 
Gonk looked around when he heard Murata say they were there, and saw Kita at the gazebo with a strange man. 
“Who the hell is that?” Gonk wondered. As they crept up to the gazebo Gonk could hear snippets of the conversation.
“What? An illegal transplant?” Gonk wondered. He personally thought getting transplants for power was below him, but he didn’t care if other people did it or not. “Wait how is it illegal though? Are transplants against the law here?” 
Gonk looked over at Murata as she stood up and called out. 
“Hey Kita you good?” Gonk asked, a bit concerned. Gonk listened to the words of the man who claimed to be a wanderer from Hoshigakure.
“Disqualified?” Gonk exclaimed. “That’s hardly fair!” Gonk was furious that Kita was being disqualified from the exams for breaking one stupid rule, but he didn’t want to go starting a fight with the ninja, so for now, all he could do was listen and wait for Murata to work something out with the man.
Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:55 pm
The heart in the boy's chest was pounding more than ever before. He felt the violent urge to run away, but something told him that it would just make the situation worse for himself. He breathed an intense sigh of relief once Murata and his team had shown up, certain that she would be able to fix this whole mess.

"You see! That's my squad there."

The man began to explain the charges to Murata, to which Kita's blood ran cold. His hope that he she would be able to rescue him was slowly beginning to dwindle away. Kita was to be disqualified from his exams and arrested? Beneath the fear, a flicker of anger began to ignite. Gonk called out to Kita to determine if he was alright, to which the boy nodded numbly. He turned to the man, uncertain of what to do.

"You're lying, you have to be! Or this is some sort of joke, or something! I've never heard of any sort of rule like that. Plus, I haven't done anything that would jeopardize my position in the Chuunin Exams!"

At least, Kita hoped. Though he doubted that was the case by this point. Maybe he could try to play it off? After all, if he never outright denied that he had acquired the transplant, they couldn't charge him with obstruction of justice. No, that wouldn't work. All he could do was hope that the team could figure out a way through this.

Word Count - 247

Total Word Count - 1124
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Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:39 am
Murata steps closer to Akabayashi and takes the papers, listening closely to his words silently. At the same time, she reads the details of Akabayashi's orders. It all certainly seems official, though it is a little awkward that this 'Fu' has been placed under her jurisdiction as well. She has not met any of the Konohagakure participants, and she feels like they would have little interest in meeting her, either.

At the man's words, Ban and Gonk both bristle next to her. Ban stays silent, but Gonk interjects loudly, and Murata hands the papers back to Akabayashi. She shoots Kita a reassuring smile.

"Let us get going, then," she says. "The sooner we see the Hogokage, the sooner we can sort all of this out. I would not want to trouble him for too long."

Murata steps forward and turns to Ban and Gonk, smile a little more uncertain with her face turned away from Kita and Akabayashi. "You two head back to the suite. I will send word as soon as I am able."

With that, and with the hopes that her words will keep the defensive and frightened Kita from doing anything rash, Murata accompanies the NOVA operative and the captive to their next destination.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only] Empty Re: Shackles For A Sinner [Invite Only]

Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:35 pm
Even more of the Kiri squad in the exams had shown up which was fine. As the chuunin in charge read over the orders it seemed the blue one and the accused had issues of their own with the charges. Akabayashi would address both of them, but Murata seemed to take control of the situation. 

Addressing Gonk first the man's face was stern, but not intimidating. "His disqualification was my own doing along with Fu's. Clearing their names and allowing them to return to their respective villages is more important than a chuunin exam." Hopefully, he understood that at the very least the Nova was trying to get the genin home becoming chuunin could happen later.

He would then address Kita. "I am not your accuser, I have no idea if you recieved a transplant or not. When your kage orders you to catch a smuggler by name do you question if the man is actually a smuggler or do you apprehend him and let the law decide? I was ordered to bring you in and that is all I am here to do." 

He would whistle differently depending if Kita decided to follow the forward clone or decided to make a run for it. With the original and other clone still on standby in the rear. 

Nature Stacks: 4/6, because the original has just been standing still the whole post and no AP is being used
Shadow Clones: still going
Chakra Scrambling seal: Still going
Same AP as last post since I can't gain anymore.
Both clones have only 1 nature stack as that is all they can hold
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