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Village : Hoshigakure
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Evacuation (Mission) Empty Evacuation (Mission)

Mon May 10, 2021 2:24 pm

*Ring Ring*

That’s all Zeref could hear as his alarm blasted him awake. It was around 8am when the alarm went off. He had a late night and wasent able to sleep much. He knew by the time he would wake up it would be somewhere in the afternoon, but that wasent acceptable today. Zeref had a some training he wanted to accomplish today and he wasent going to let not getting enough sleep hold him back. He had immediately got up, shutting his alarm off in the process. He quickly got dress and was ready to head out the door. From the rush that Zeref was in you would of thought something was wrong, he couldn’t help but have a slightly frantic look on his face. The type of training he would be doing was going to take him all day to accomplish so he still thought being late was unacceptable. He wouldnt want to have to sit in the middle of the training grounds at night , even though it is slightly better since there is no one else to get in your way or watch you as you train. Zeref wasent a big fan of having an audience while he trained , to him it kina seemed like they were doing more judging him on his performance than actually just enjoying watching him train.

Just as the training grounds came into sight he could hear someone say his name from not far behind him and the ninja in him knew that it was either going to be a messenger nin out with a mission for him or someone he might know wanting to train with him , either way he knew it would be best to stop and see what they want because even though they had called his name he didnt stop walking and it seems like that person hadnt either. With a great annoyance Zeref turned around to see that it was indeed a messenger nin with a mission for him. "Next time do me a favor and say you couldnt find me , you just stop me from learning a new jutsu so i hope for your sake this mission is worth it", Zeref said angerly. With a slight nervous look on his face the messenger quickly handed the letter and scurried off not wanting to anger Zeref anymore than he already had. As he open the scroll he could see that this mission was actually a pretty big task and something that he had no problem putting ahead of his training to accomplish, so he turned around and made his way to the mission location. 

"Protecting this guy will prove to be alot better training than being out here in this hot ass sun , hopefully these guys put up more of a fight than my last B rank mission i went on with my squad cause those guy were just absolutely fodder. Welp i guess ill find out when i get there", Zeref said to himself. It had been a little while since he had done something with his squad and sensei so he made sure to put a mental not in and hit everyone up to get some training and stuff done. He needed to see how strong his squad mates have gotten, because he couldnt let them get above him. It didnt take him long to get to the safe house where the man was being held at and after introducing himself to the guards he was let inside the building. He made sure to let them know that there might be another shinobi joining him on the mission and to let him in as well, both of the guards agreed to do so. 

After entering the building there was only a door standing in between Zeref and the man he was tasked with guarding , he was about to enter and make small talk with the man but he thought it be best if he stood there and waited to see if he was going to have a partner on this mission or was he going to be doing this by himself, either way he was going to have himself a good time.

Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20100

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Tue May 11, 2021 10:19 am
The young Shinkou stirred for a few moments, trying his best to shake off the nightmare that he was having. It was the same as the night before, the chanting getting louder and louder as the shadowy aura began to loom directly over him, breathing down his body as it stared deeply into his soul. He heard his own voice begin to call out through the chanting, giving him the ability to move once again. He sliced upwards, cutting the sinister aura deeply causing it to slink away. The chanting turned to screams of anger as the aura then consumed the young Shinkou whole. 

He sat up in his bed, eyes shot wide open as his breath was heavy and the pace was hastened. His wiped the sweat off of his forehead, and off of his neck as he looked out the window and he saw that the sun had yet to rise. He knew that he was going to continue to work on his sword skill today, but he figured it would be pointless to go out before the sun had even had chance to light the training grounds, made his work just that much harder, and it just wasn't in him today to work in the dark. He knew by the time he was done with his morning routine the morning sun would have risen and there would plenty of light for him to work with. 

He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and he placed them firmly on the ground. Shifting his weight forward, he stood to his feet and he readied himself to start stretching out his body so he could finally get himself to the kitchen and get the next step of his morning routine out of the way so he could finally get himself out into the training grounds and get ready for his next mission.

He stretched his hands downward and he began reaching as far as he could, placing his palms solidly on the ground, hearing and feeling multiple pops come from his lower back, feeling a sudden rush of relief go through his body as he performed the stretch. He would stay there for just a few minutes, making sure he was as stretched out in his hamstrings as well as his lower back. This would help his overall performance throughout the day.

He slowly rose up from the bent over position, feeling his hamstrings and lower back stretched out. Now he was going to move on to the arms, which was obviously important as his arms performed pretty much all of his combat actions throughout the day. His arms carried his sword and his bow, performed all the maneuvers for all of his weapons, so stretching out his arms was an absolute must if he was going to be performing at his peak level today. Not only was he going to be concerned with being at peak levels for his training, but he also wanted to make sure that his body was as prepared as possible for whatever missions he may be given by the village, as their couriers always had a habit of showing up at all hours.

He straightened his left arm out and he reached it across his chest, using his right arm to loop around it to hold it into position. He felt the center of his spine pop a couple times and he could feel the outer side of his arm stretch. He held this position for a few minutes, waiting until he felt that his arm had been sufficiently stretched out. He made sure that there were no knots left in his arm, for if there were then they would just prove to get in the way while he was training, and today that was absolutely not an option. No day was that truly an option, but today seemed like it was going to be a special day.

When he was done stretching out his left arm, he released the left arm by straightening and lowering his right arm and allowing his left arm to just fall back into place. He then did the exact same motion with his right arm. He lifted his right arm and stretched it across his chest, then he held it in place using his left arm and hooking his right arm up with it. He could feel the stretch in the outer side of his arm, so he knew that he was stretching this part of his arm properly. 

After his arms, legs, neck and shoulders were all stretched out, he hopped up and down a few times. The hops would be light, just enough to get his toes just off of the ground, and then he would come back down and bounce directly back up. As he was thinking about earlier, he wanted to make sure that his body was just as prepared for the low impact as the high impact, and a small bounce was the perfect transition between the two. It was enough impact that his body would have to rebound and recover, but it was also not too much that he would pull something because his body wasn't quite prepared for that level of exercise. This was the morning routine that he could never get away from because it always seemed to produce the best results for him and that's exactly what he was going to need if he was going to become the greatest shinobi in the village, consistency was key.

When he was done stretching out his body, he heard a faint knock at the door. He wasn't sure if it was to his apartment but he decided that it would be best to walk over to his front door and check to see if it was in fact a knock for his attention. Walking through the house, he heard the knocking once more, only slightly more firm than before. He now knew that it was in fact at his door, and he was fairly certain that it was going to be a courier from the village giving him a mission assignment. 

He got to the door and slowly he opened it with a smile on his face. "Good morning, sir. I assume that is for me?" He stretched out his hand and the courier did the same, extending the letter out to hand it to the young Shinkou. With a thank you coming from both individuals the courier departed and the boy closed his door, turned around and he opened the letter so he could get his assignment details. He understood them as they were fairly simple, an individual who is disliked among the village needed an escort out of the village, while also having protection on the way. He was supposed to meet with the individual at the disclosed location immediately, so he knew that he was going to have to cut his morning routine short and he was going to have to get dressed and prepared for the mission to come. 

He turned back to face his armor beside the front door. He figured it wouldn't kill him to fast for the morning so he was going to be skipping breakfast and was going to hurry on out the door so he could meet the man the needed his protection. He placed his armor on, starting with the leg pieces and working his way all the way to the helmet. With his armor on, he switched his attention to his weapons, his tools of the trade as it were. He grabbed his katana and its sheath and he lashed it onto the right side of his body, making sure it was ready to be grabbed at any time. Then he grabbed his quiver and bow, throwing his bow over his shoulder and his quiver he lashed to the left side of his waist.

With his gear all placed on his body, he opened his front door and he rushed out the door, down the steps and he hurried over to the disclosed location on the mission assignment that he was given by the courier. He rushed through the village, passing directly by the training grounds and he thought to himself, "Don't you worry. I am coming right for you when I'm done with this mission." When he got to the location, he quickly opened the door and shut it behind him, making sure that no one saw who was inside the room, just in case this was a very high value target.

When he entered, he saw two individuals inside the room. Zeref from the mission in the archives, and the other person he assumed was the very target that they were assigned with protecting and evacuating. "Hello to you both." He said with a slight bow to the both of them. "I assume that they wouldn't want more than two people if we are to keep this as a stealthy mission, so I suggest that we all get moving now as the sun has yet to rise fully, meaning the village has not quite awoken fully. I believe the front gate will unfortunately be the best way out, but for us to get through there without being seen by the villagers, we are going to need to go by the rooftops. I can easily carry this man and still make the trip, so you go ahead and take point while I bring up the rear with our assignment. What say you?" The young Shinkou was quick to take on the leader position, as that was just his way, he was hopeful that his comrade would have no quarrels with his plan, but he would wait patiently for the response from Zeref and the target.

WC: 1629
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Tue May 11, 2021 12:13 pm
After waiting a few moments his bordem of standing in the hallway got the better of him and he had entered the room , inside it was just the man they was suppose to protect. At first glance the man didnt seem to be worried about his safety much but then again when you have a good amount of shinobi around you , not many things could scare you at that point. "So your the guy we have to protect today , well just do as we say and i promise we will have you out of here without anyone laying a finger on you", Zeref said in a reassuring tone. He honestly didnt care if the man died or lived but he knew that if the man grew scared it could cause problems down the road, because they would need him to follow all of their instructions to the letter so that the mission can go as smooth as it should. The man didnt give much of a response just shook his head in acceptance of what he was just told.

Not to long after the other shinobi had arrived and to his surprise it was the same shinobi from the archives mission that he had went on not to long ago. "Pleasure to see you as well Kurayami , hope ass has been well", Zeref said in response to his team mates greeting. Zeref was about to ask Kura what his idea was on how to carry out the mission but before Zeref could ask Kura started giving him his idea of what they should do and it sounded like a very good idea to do, so Zeref agreed. "Sounds good to me, I rather not waste my energy carrying around a grown man anyway so be my guest", Zeref said with a slight chuckle. He waited till Kura and the man was ready and they made there way to the roof, he would look back at Kura and the man to make sure they was ready before he started making his way to the gates. 

"If any thing happens just let me take care of it and u carry him to the exit , i doubt we have to face anyone that would be to strong for me to handle by myslef", He said before taking off in the direction of the exit. He had no doubt in his mind that this mission was going to be a piece of cake and over before noon.

Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20100

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Wed May 12, 2021 10:57 pm
His comrade agreed to the plan that the young Shinkou had laid out, which was very much to his delight. This was when he would acknowledge the target, he wouldn't concern himself with the reasoning as to why he was being hunted, he would simply ask the man for his hand to aid him in the ability to pick him up and have him ride on his back. Once the man cooperated and climbed onto his back, he would motion for Zeref to open the door and they would immediately sprint out the door and up the walls beside the door.

He would take each step carefully, ensiuring that he wouldn't hurt the man as he ran up the wall. He launched himself over the ledge and to rooftops they began to sprint. He would leap from building to building, and luckily he was unable to see any type of incoming attacks. He did see, however, a rather large group of people who seemed to be looking for someone. He simply shrugged it off and continued to leap from building to building until the gate came into sight.

When he reached the final building, he was finally spotted trying to help the man escape. This is when he would call out to Zeref to handle the mob of people as he continued to get the man through the gate and hopefully far enough away from the village that the mob wouldn't follow him. He would trust that Zeref would be able to handle himself, and the young Shinkou's speed was far superior to those that were chasing them. Should there be any problems come his way, then he would be able to handle it just fine by outrunning it.

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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Fri May 14, 2021 3:43 pm
The Mission seem to be going smooth at first , the guy seemed as comfy as he could be sitting on anothers mans back but atleast he was alive and not getting the snot beat out of him for having a certain way of thinking. Zeref never understood why people would go out their way to harm someone just cause they have a different view point, he coud understand if that point of view was somehow effecting the way you live or people around you but if it didnt then why have so much hate for someone. Trivial way of thinking like that always baffled him. Just as the gates were starting to come into sight he could hear Kura mention the growing crowd that had spotted the two of them escorting the man to the gates. "Aww man just when i thought this was going to be a smooth mission , here goes these weaklings.. I guess ill knock a few out to scare off the rest , just make sure that you get him out of here cause once im done im going to tell them the mission was completed", Zeref said back to Kura before breaking off and returning to face the mob of people.

As he approached the group he could tell they were obviously angry. "Whoa whoa there people , ima need all of you to...", Before finishing his sentence Zeref quickly rushed the biggest guy near him and with one gut punch drops the man, forcing the man to poop out all the food he had recently ate. In shock and not wanting to end up like the guy before them , they all thought it would be best to just turn around and run. "Good idea", Zeref said outloud as he made his way to go collect his money and to let them know that the missin was completed.  He had hoped that the mission was going to finish smoothly for Kura but after talking with him it seemed like he would be able to hold his own if something was to happen , not to mention that all these people were just regulars people after all, they had no real chance of catching of stopping them if they were to actually get serious. 

Claims:12+ Chakra, 3+strength , 1500/1500 Cutting, 3k ryo
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
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Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Fri May 14, 2021 5:18 pm
Kurayami Shinkou
Kurayami Shinkou
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Ryo : 20100

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Sat May 15, 2021 11:14 am
As he left the village, he noticed that the angry mob had been disbanded, and the only way he could figure was Zeref must have handled the situation that was beginning to form by the village gates. He leaped off of the final rooftop and he sprinted through the gates, and headed out to the borders of their land. Upon arriving far away from the village gates, he found himself a carriage post that the man would be able to board the carriage and head far away from the village of Hoshigakure. After bidding the man farewell, the carriage headed off down a trading route to another land that the man could be safer.

He turned to face the opposite direction that he had been traveling with the man, now wanting to head back to the village, being pleased with the job well done that was the teamwork between Zeref and himself. He headed back into the village, and he saw a few of the members of the angry mob that was trying to get the man that he had been tasked with evacuating. The members of the mob gathered around him and began yelling, screaming at him for letting the man get away.

He thought for a few moments and he wasn't sure just how he was going to handle this situation without harming any of the individuals that were surrounding him. He heard a calling from within his mind, from within his soul. He simply got into a fighting stance, placing his hand on the hilt of his sword before whipping the katana out of the sheathe, slicing open one of the men's shirt. He told them that if they wanted to progress with whatever it was they had in mind, then they may, but he was not going to allow them to take another step near him without at least one of them dying.

A man simply laughed and took one more step, and Kurayami thrusted his katana directly beside his throat at blindly fast speeds, drawing a slight amount of blood. The man gulped loudly and they all seemed to disband after that. He then slowly sheathed his sword and walked towards the training ground, as there was still plenty of time left in the day for him to work on his abilities. He thought he would see Zeref at least one more time, at least for a debriefing, but he guessed that that was not going to happen.

WC: 413
TWC: 2331

+23 AP from WC
+30 AP from mission
+6100 Ryo
+1500 towards Split Second
+831 towards Parry (831/1500)
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Evacuation (Mission) Empty Re: Evacuation (Mission)

Sat May 15, 2021 1:33 pm
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