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Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
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Ryo : 104

A Pact with a Demon.  Empty A Pact with a Demon.

Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:26 pm
Golden irises of two tones, light and dark, hugged all over by black scalars scanned over the gates of the village. The demon took immediate notice of the destruction that was done to the gates just near the guard tower. Said damage was fresh, wasn’t major in scale, but decent to inform him that it was no mere child’s doing. Last he been here he was confronted by a monster that was beyond his comprehension. Such a creature overwhelmed him and his brother, Raian, with such despair that would leave a normal man in fear. On the contrary, Aokidanza found himself in ecstasy as the purpose essence rises from the man known as Kenshin Uzumaki. A name followed by renowned stories that all who cross his path are sure to recognize him by. 

Grim smile formed on the face of the demon as he stepped to approach the gates. “That is close enough, friend.” A voice directed to him and him alone. Those demonic eyes of his would drift to locate the source. They found an older man, first glance this man was nothing more than that, an old man. But with closer inspection one could determine that this was not ordinary old man. Aokidanza could detect the chakra within him that indicated his standing above those without chakra control. Ten meters apart from one another. Aokidanza could even sense that he was also sensing him. The older man, Han, would raise a single brow as he gauged the Senju from where he stood. He could sense the difference in their chakra, however, Aokidanza could clearly see the difference in their physical comparison. “State your business, lad.” He demanded. 

From the depths of his white cloak he would retrieve an ID pass that he acquired upon first coming here. Outstretching his right arm he presented his right to be there. “As you can see, I am no threat to you or this village. I’m merely returning from a mission that I took a few months back.” He withdrew his arm and place the pass back within his person. Han gave him a nod. “I see. Must have been quite the job to last that long.” He smiled and chuckled. Aokidanza returned the smile with a much lighter one. “Indeed, but its gifts were well worth the trouble.” He motioned towards him and they made their way to the guard tower. Aokidanza stopped and looked over to the damage. Han noticed this. “Dah, kids. Some are more problematic than others.” He said, entering the threshold of the tower as he turned to face the Senju. 

Aokidanza didn’t bother to press the matter of the damage further. He knew when something was being brushed under the rug. “By chance, is there a way to contact the Kazekage?” He inquired. Han gave him a puzzled expression. “What would you be wanting to do that for, lad?” He listened and watched closely for the reason. “I wish to speak with them about something that could either greatly affect this village.” His words gave the man pause. Han stroked his mustache as she pondered before going to his desk and pressing the hidden button that connected to the tracker on the Kazekage themselves. “Lady Kazekage will be here in a moment.” Lady? Now that he thought about it, Aokidanza didn’t know if the leader of this village was a male or female. Not that it made much of a difference. He would nod and continue to hold casually conversation with the gate guard until the Kazekage arrived. 

[WC: 592]

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:00 pm
The light began flashing on her desk once more, furrowing her eyebrows she would set down her pen and stare at the light that beckoned her to the gate - the day had been quiet so why was she being summoned to the gate suddenly? Sighing she would stand up and immediately merge with the ground using Mayfly to head to the gate - the one day she isn’t roaming the skirts of the village is the day she is needed… figures.

In mere moments she would be emerging from the ground, striding towards the gate tower. The sounds of heartbeats pounded in her ears as she drew nearer until the figures were in her line of sight - standing far below the men at her full height of 5 foot 3 she placed her hands behind her back and took on a more regal posture with her chin up a bit, a single eyebrow raised as she surveyed the room. Taking an extra moment to look the strange man up and down she would set her face into a steely gaze before turning her two toned eyes on Han, “Is this the reason I was summoned?”
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Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:57 pm
The meaningless exchange of words between the Demon and Han was cut short. The emergence of a woman would catch the eye of the Senju via his peripheral. She first addressed the gate guard, who which nods and explains his call to her in detail. “The lad here wished to speak with you.” Was all that he said before stepping further into his booth. At which Aokidanza would step forward to meet with her, lady Kazekage. Upon standing before her, she was much shorter than he was, yet her presence was oddly familiar to him. No, the two have never once met in passing, but she shared a air of cold, bloodthirsty and grim about her. Her two toned eyes would meet with his demonic toned ones. She managed to send a shiver down his spine, which turned into respect almost immediately. From someone like him, Aokidanza, that was an accomplishment that should not be overlooked. 

I beg for your forgiveness, Lady Kazekage, for the inconvenience of my calling may have brought you.” He said, his expression matching his words, though his eyes remained on her as if glued...mesmerized. This creature before him, was captivating. Alluring, her porcelain skin caught him by surprised and his sensory of her felt heavy. He smiled. “My my...just what are you?” He asked with such a grim tone, one that made Han look up from his paper with a raised brow. He wasn’t concerned much for his kage’s safety, but more so from the tone and the eerie feeling he felt from it being spoken. 

The Demon gave the woman a look over, everything about her was oozing danger. Something that he found to be intoxicating. But more so, her eyes — mixture of lilac and crimson. “I don’t believe I’ve met anyone, or thing like yourself.” He chuckled. “My name is Senju Aokidanza, forgive my forwardness. I tend to run free of the mouth when I’m standing before someone so dangerous. It is rather refreshing, I must admit.” He glanced over towards Han for a moment. His gaze returned to Mizuki. “My I discuss something with you? Over lunch? It’s the least that I can do for stealing you away from what seemed to be rather important.” He smiled as he waited a response. 

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Ryo : 330650

A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:44 am
The moment Hans redirected her attention to the newcomer her arms came up to fold across her chest - this wasn’t just another induction into Suna this was something more akin to the grubby men who fought her for jobs back before she had a village to stand with; back alley dealing dripped from his visage. The words that came from him were an added layer to the idea she was already forming in her head about him. Instead of tightening her jaw as she usually would she tapped into an older part of her - an almost forgotten personality she had pushed aside in the strive to be a more model village shinobi. Loosening her arms they fell from their tense position across her chest and neatly folded behind her back - a show of innocence - as she tilted her head in acknowledgment of his comments. “I’m more ancient and unknowable than any book could ever hope to tell you about.” Her tone was sweet and inviting, even her face had molded into the perfect visage of sincerity - though her eyes were ever telling if someone knew how to pay attention. Even with her “new” persona on full display she had lost none of her previously held intrusive nature. 

He continued to speak but she had begun to circle around him with a feigned child-like curiosity about her, “Dangerous? Oh it couldn’t be me…-” as she finished her circling of him she stood uncomfortably close to him, maybe 3 feet between them as she stared up into his face. In the time it took her to circle him her persona had melted back into what it was before the switch. Her expression was hard once more and while her tone had stayed bright, nothing about her body language spoke to it. Hands behind her back felt more like a restraint and less like a sign of innocence. In an instant her tone dropped, right in front of his eyes, “So your idea of repaying my stolen time is to steal more of it, for a longer period of time. You have an odd sense of repayment Aokidanza, for your sake this discussion better be well worth it.” Holding her ground for a few more seconds she finally broke eye contact and swept over to Hans, who knowing her, had already begun the process of paperwork needed to grant visitation rights and ID. The moment she was in his area he was ready with it all to hand to her with a slight shake of his head and a lowly whisper, “You’re like a magnet you know.” Her only response was a mischievous smile before she turned to deliver the documents to the man.

“Tomorrow. One 30 at the ‘Dusted Rose’, let the hostess know you are accompanying the Kage and you should have no problems. If it’s as important as you say… I wouldn’t be late.” With those words she finally gave him a genuine half smile before turning swiftly and melding with the ground on her next step - disappearing from view.


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A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:37 pm
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
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Ryo : 104

A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:10 pm
Entertained by the feature that the Kazekage took upon before him. She took a complete metamorphosis, almost complete if it was not for her eyes. The two-toned golden eyes of the Demon would interlace with the shifting eyes of the woman’s. They held an air of meddlesome within them, something that Aokidanza knew all too well. His mind would smile as he understood what this was. He saw it for some time as a Missing shinobi. “She’s trying to profile me. At the same time, she’s being obstructive. Quite thrilling.” He would think to himself. 

As she was done, she would stand, what some might find to be awkwardly close, but Aokidanza found it to be jubilating. The thought of her attacking him at any given moment was quite the adrenaline rush for him. “Come now, I wouldn’t say that. Think of it as…an opportunity for two monsters to get to know one another.” He grinned devilishly. 

The woman would walk over to the tower and return with an identification pass. Her offer came with a potent weight of words. Words that left the Demon quite nervous, or so he portrayed it as nerves. “My, my… you’re a nasty one, aren’t you — how delightful. I cannot wait to see you again.” 

With that he would follow the enigmatic presence of the Kazekage into the village. He would glance over to Han. 

[Total WC: 1,205]

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A Pact with a Demon.  Empty Re: A Pact with a Demon.

Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:01 pm
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