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Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mitsu Hyuuga
Travin Iburi
Cosplay Queen Saya
Kikuko Hayashi
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Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Aug 13, 2021 11:34 pm
Travin watched as his disk pulled Mitsu above the blast heading his way. However, Keita who had been watching made a comment about how Travin was mostly bullying the 3 of them. A comment that he mostly agreed with was correct. This was how he had been trained his entire life. He had learned everything he knew about combat by getting the shit beat out of him 3 times a day since he was 4 years old, and while it may seem barbaric he couldn’t really argue with the results. However, in a way to not piss off the guy that currently had the Mizukage’s ear Travin would drop the Mitsu behind the blast, and move at his max speed of 150 to the side of the blast letting hit fly off to do whatever it would do where ever it would happen. He would then drop the genjutsu believing that the fight was over. 

With everyone’s vision becoming clear once more. “Very well we shall end it here. If I was too hard on you three I do apologize, I was only training you the way I was trained since I was younger than this one” he would say pointing at Hiroyuki. “To be honest I felt like I was going easy on you” he would add before motioning for them all to join Hiroyuki on one of the benches. 

Once they were all gathered back around Travin would stand in front of the three of them. “Let’s start with you Hiroyuki. To be honest I didn’t think you would be able to really help out in this spar. However, you surprised me, without knowing any jutsu that I can tell other than the very basics. You were smart enough to know to draw my attention away from the others and try to corner me making it easy for them to get me. Something I didn’t expect you to do, and really showed me why you are a genin. Being able to use your head in the thick of battle against an opponent that, to be honest, you had no right to be fighting. I was proud of our Academy knowing that they are producing strong and brave fighters like you” Travin would give no sign that he was not being honest with the kid, as he was telling him the truth. He had thought that the kid would run at the first sign of danger but was surprised when he not only stood his ground but helped out even if it was just a little. 

“Now on to you Mitsu” he would turn his gaze. “I think we both know that had this been a real battle you would be dead or severely hurt, and why I don’t know what kind of training you have been through so far. It is easy to tell that you like your weapons, and as such, it is important that you know your weaknesses and comes up with ways around them. I feel in this team comp the 3 of you create your role is critical to the success of the other. You were the vanguard it was your job to keep me busy while the others took me down. In my opinion, I feel as though you were not aggressive enough. You didn’t push me to react to your attacks and you kept your distance allowing me to keep my eyes on all three of you. Next time push the fight to your tempo and make them fight on your terms, not there. That being said I do have to commemorate you on your use of the thrown weapon. On less experienced opponents they may have worked.” He was harder on Mitsu mostly because he was older and Travin knew he was from the Hyuga clan and should have known this by now. 

Last but not least we get to you Kikuko the one I’m the most disappointed with.” He would tell her turning to look at her now. 

Your only offensive attack used in the entire fight was a counter-attack to my genjutsu. That didn’t stop the genjutsu from taking effect causing you to mostly shoot blind since you wouldn’t be able to tell if the attack hit. On top of that, you made a critical error in your attack timing. If it wasn’t for Keita over there I would have let you hit Mitsu with that blast and let it be your lesson in why we don’t blindly shoot attacks with allies nearby when we can’t control the attack and know that our ally has no way to defend against the attack. In my opinion that is the worse kind of choice, you can make on the battlefield.” He would turn and take a few steps back away from the three-putting a few feet between them and him. 

When the three of you grow in power and gain the rank of chunin. You will go out on missions with groups of other shinobi, and you will be expected to fight shinobi far stronger than any one person on your team. Your team will be designed to take out that particular target and something as reckless as hitting your own teammate with a jutsu can and probably will kill you and your entire team.” He would pause for a moment and let that sink in.

I’m telling you this because I do believe that the three of you have the potential to be some of the strongest shinobi this village as seen. You all three got good instincts and are not afraid to fight someone far stronger all characteristics that will serve you well on your mission, and I for one will do whatever I can to help you grow in power. To show this I will be teaching all three of you Genjutsu Release. Clearly, it is a gap in your education that I simply can not allow to keep going.” 

Travin would once more look at all three of them making sure that they agreed before starting. “Genjutsu works by manipulating your opponent’s chakra into confusing the mind into believing that something is real. The easiest way to figure out that you are in a genjutsu is when something doesn’t make sense. For example, a waterfall in the desert when you know a maintain was not there before.” 

Travin would make the only hand sign for the jutsu. “Tiger handseal is the only one needed for this jutsu. You simply flush your chakra through your entire body and push the opposing chakra out of your body. Let me know when you are ready to give it a shot and I’ll place the three of you inside another genjutsu and let you try and break out of it.” he would wait for the three to give him the go-ahead before making a few hand signs. 

Using the demonic illusion: False Surrounding jutsu. Travin would create a waterfall that fell from nothing in front of them all. He would then watch and see who was able to perform the jutsu first try and who would need help. While Genjutsu Release was one of the simplest jutsu not everyone had the talent for using genjutsu, and the further away you being able to use genjutsu the harder it was to figure out how to break out of it.

(WC-1227 TWC-4086)
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:29 pm
With Travin chewing out the three of them Mitsu took his words to heart. Only putting a little blame on his own family for not bothering to help but more on himself for not putting in as much as he could have. He still had to work to be great, work to get stronger and gain more power. he wouldn't just get it by existing. The comment on keeping up the aggression he took further thought too, of keeping on the enemy and making them follow your lead. He'd been much used to being on the defensive in anything with his father or siblings so adjusting to forcing enemies back would be a struggle. "Understood, sir. Rest assured next time we cross I won't be making the same mistakes." He takes his criticism as best he can. Trying to not let it sting.

When the jounin spoke to Hiroyuki he could not help but be a bit envious, barely a genin and getting praise but.. he should temper himself. Hiroyuki had done well in the fight he couldn't deny that. Hearing about Kuikuko though surprised Mitsu. Granted, he couldn't see what she'd done, but hearing about it worried about what might've happened had Travin not called off the spar.

On the showing of genjutsu release Mitsu crossed his arms. However instead of going for a hand seal his thoughts instead turn to his byakugan, veins protrude from his temples as he set it off again, in much the same manner as the fog mitsu could not see through the waterfall unlike everything else in the room. If his eyes were tricked then whatever they couldn't see through was a fake. A weakness of the eyes was really an alarm.

The description of genjutsu released also made him note something. Rather than using a hand seal he'd flood his body with chakra in much the same way he'd activate his byakugan, and dispel the genjutsu. More to see if he could do it, noting the similarities. Genjutsu was really powerful, and if they didnt have eyes that could spot it in time odds are they wouldn't know when to even use genjutsu release.. He'd have to learn more about it. Could be useful for fake outs. "A question though sensei, what were the snakes? I don't think I havn't seen many jutsu like that before and you didn't seem to need to do any summoning like Kikuko?"

Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:32 am
And just as quick as it had occurred, it was over. How had she done so poorly? When had the battle slipped out of her control and into that of Travin’s? Was it ever in hers to begin with? She had been content to sit back, to wait, to react. It had nearly cost her own teammate dearly. It set her blood to ice, for terrible chills of shame to dance upon her spine.

Stiffly walking to the bench indicated by Travin, she would stare ahead rigidly as he went into detail about their exact failings over the course of the mock exercise. His statements were painful, to the point, direct. But neither were they wrong or grandiose. Each failure he went into explicit detail upon, showing exactly what they had done wrong and how it had impacted the course of the exercise. But she would be lying if she said that she hadn’t been affected by the criticism placed upon her.


It wasn’t something she had to deal with, most days. It wasn’t that she was a spoiled child upon which nobody had any expectations of flourishing. Far from it, in fact. Rather. It was that through her own hard efforts and earnest attempts she tended to naturally meet said measurements. To have her entire method of attack rebuked, which she had spent so long attempting to perfect, was painful. And yet, none of it was wrong. It hurt quite deeply, to say the least.

And he thought that she was a Genin. A low ranked ninja, new to the ranks. She didn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise, at this rate. If she truly was the most disappointing of the three, then she seriously had to reevaluate her entire outlook towards her studies in the immediate future. “Yes, sir. I understand, sir.” She found her lips moving without her even intending to. Formal, clipped without being disrespectful. “I’ll make sure to remember today’s findings in the future.”

Just let it go for now. Even if it stung. Even if it felt like tears should be welling up at the corners of her eyes. Why? She didn’t understand. Just ignore it. Just ignore it. It doesn’t matter.

Signalling her agreement, Kikuko would listen aptly to Travin’s lecture upon the genjutsu release technique. While it was never a required technique to pass the academy, and in fact only taught to her as an in passing technique,  its purposes were essential within the ninja world. While genjutsu specialists seemed to be a rare breed, all it had taken was a singular encounter with Travin to blow any illusions of their frailty out the window for her.

As the illusion was cast upon her once more, she would frown as the water construct appeared before her. She...didn’t liked being cast upon again, so soon after the exercise. It was purely for educational purposes, she understood, but something about it sat ill at ease with her. Still, perhaps something like this would be a way for her to regather her wits in the moment before rejoining the conversation eventually. Focus upon the waterfall. It felt so real, looked so convincing. As though she could reach out and touch it. If she did, would she feel the coolness? The refreshing moisture upon her?

But it wasn’t real. Only a trick of perception upon her. Forming the hand seals necessary, she would circulate chakra through her system in a slow but steady turn over process. Disrupting the flow of her system to knock out any disrupting techniques, watching as the illusion would slowly fade from her vision. Making no remark or inclination that she had freed herself from the illusion beyond focusing her attention on Mitsu and Hiroyuki, she would silently listen as he questioned the senior ninja on the summoning arts.

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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:50 pm
Hiroyuki was more than a little bit crestfallen when the fight was essentially over, and the others had joined him on the bench off to the side. He really needed to train a lot harder in the coming days, as he wanted to make sure that he was ready for things like this. He listened as Mr. Rentei started telling them what they had done wrong, and what they had done right, but he felt a little off when Rentei started praising him. Hiroyuki believed that he had done the least out of all of them there, as all he was in terms of the fight was a simple distraction, and although distractions were important for putting an opponent off their game was definitely valuable, there was nothing that Hiroyuki could find that he had done particularly correct. He would have to ask his mother later about what he should have done by recapping the battle, or better yet, asking for the recording of the fight from the building staff so he could simply replay it for his mother when they had some free time. 

It was not that he did not believe the man when he said he had done a good job, but there was simply nothing of value he added to the fight in his opinion, and it was because he was overzealous in his want to join the spar that he learned that he was grossly underprepared for something like that. He had heard from the other jounin that was hosting this training salon that Mr. Rentei was bullying them more than they were sparring, but Hiroyuki thought for a moment that the real enemies they would face fairly soon were not going to go easy on them, so it was good training. Even if it just showed Hiroyuki’s weaknesses to him. It was pretty valuable. Hiroyuki shook his head and got out of his funk as Mr. Rentei was finishing his small speech about him, before forcing a bit of a smile and saying “Thank you Mr. Rentei.” even though again, he felt like there was something missing with the evaluation. He then went on to listen to him describe the shortcomings of the other two, and this made Hiroyuki think.

If he was in the situation the teacher was in, what would he say to himself. He would probably say that he was just some sort of anon fodder and that he should have simply attacked him for a bit because he was not doing anything else while the others were actually fighting. They may have been doing something bad, but it seemed like it was better than doing nothing at all like himself. He said that it was Mitsu’s job to keep him busy while the other ones took him down, but due to the jutsu he used, there was almost no chance that would happen. He also said that he was not aggressive enough, but this was against Hiroyuki’s entire strategy, so he did not have a comment about that at all, and would simply not think about that. He was not one to be the aggressor in a fight, so he did not have any experience in that department. The next person he talked to about their strategy was Kikuko, who Hiroyuki thought did a good job, at least helping him with the summons. 

He had stated that the only thing she did the entire fight was counter his genjutsu, but Hiroyuki had done even less and still got praise. He did not really understand how MR. Rentei evaluated people, and he assumed that maybe the man was evaluating them a lot more harshly because he was fresh out of the academy. Hiroyuki then heard that she shot some sort of projectile while she was blinded, and that it almost hit Mitsu, and Hiroyuki understood. It was a lot harder to fight as a team than it was to fight solo, contrary to other peoples’ beliefs, as it was really easy to accidentally hit your allies with your own attacks, and this was something that was easy to do even if you were not blind. Attacking like that while blind seemed a bit bad in terms of tactics. Hiroyuki nodded when Mr. Rentei explained that when they were higher rank, accidentally hitting each other would put your entire team at risk of dying. It seemed that Kikuko was taking it really hard, and so Hiroyuki would simply try to hold her hand and give her a comforting smile. 

If she was really sad, Hiroyuki would not even mind letting her scratch his ears, but that was something that would only be available to friends, and only if she was truly sad. The jounin then went on to explain the basics of genjutsu, which Hiroyuki already understood, but the rest was something that Hiroyuki was eager to learn, which was how to break out of a genjutsu. He said that it only needed a single hand seal, and it was tiger, which was relatively easy, but it would still take a bit to figure out how to flush out an opponent’s chakra. Luckily Hiroyuki had fairly decent chakra control, so he nodded when Mr. Rentei suggested that he used a genjutsu to test if they could break out of it. Soon, a waterfall suddenly fell in front of them, and they all knew it was  a genjutsu automatically because of what the user had said prior, but even if they did not know beforehand, it was pretty easy to tell, although you could make an actual waterfall if you were a water user to confuse people as to what was an illusion and what was not. 

Hiroyuki concentrated for a bit, running his chakra through his body with the tiger hand seals being held, and soon he tried to use it to flush the foreign chakra out of his system, but it did not do it. He tried again, this time it was slightly different when he ran it through, but again, it did not work. Hiroyuki sighed for a bit, feeling that he was not able to do it, before taking a deep breath and trying again, over and over. It took him around ten tries, but on the eleventh try, when he was running really low on chakra, he finally forced the foreign chakra out of his body, and the waterfall disappeared. Hiroyuki sighed in relief and wore a big grin. “Yay! I did it!” He probably took a lot longer than the other two as he looked around, seeing that the other two had dispelled it rather easily, but this did not dampen his enthusiasm. He was really happy that he did it, and would take this experience with him. He was not really sure how far into the conversation he was, but he was so focused on breaking out of the genjutsu, that he did not really hear what Mitsu had asked the jounin, but he was still intent on learning something from this.
WC: 1176
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:19 pm
Travin watched as the three performed the jutsu, both Mitsu and Kikuko got it pretty quick, but Hiroyuki took a bit longer to get out of it. Travin simply waited for the little guy to get it knowing that genjutsu was harder for some than others, and was the reason there was not a bunch of genjutsu users running around. He did believe that even if they never learned a single genjutsu they still needed to know how to break out of one. “Very good, now you guys simply need to practice genjutsu release and get it to work quickly. A lot of people I know practice this jutsu to the point that they no longer need to use handseals to use it.” Travin tone would be mild and kind at this point. Knowing that he had belittled two of them enough for one day and that pushing people too hard sometimes made them just give up, while other times it made them push themselves even harder he himself was one of the latter. 

“I will be around the village if you all need any training whatsoever, as long as I’m not on a mission I will be more than happy to train any of you. You are all welcome to come to the Rentei estate and train with my clan as well if you really have a dedication to genjutsu there are no finer genjutsu trainers in the village.” He would tell the three before addressing Mitsu’s question. 

The snakes I used are my summons, they are used in space-time jutsu’s another difficult specialization to get into it, but if you are interested in them I can always allow you to sign the summoning contract and work with you on using them. I have been working with Nasu another genin I have been training for a while now on how to use them.” He would wait to see what Mitsu would say before continuing on. 

If Mitsu agreed to train with him and sign the snakes of Ryuchi cave contract Travin would make a few handseals. Before a puff of smoke would appear and an old white snake with a scroll attached to his back would appear. “Another one, that is two this year” the snake would say to Travin in an old and raspy voice. 

Travin would nod at the snake “Yes this is Mitsu, and he has shown great interest in the summon. He has promised to train with me and grow stronger in exchange for the contract.” Travin would give Mitsu a look letting him know to just go with it. 

Very well” the old snake would say before a clasp released and the scroll unfolded. Travin would walk with Mitsu to the bottom of the scroll. “You have to sign it in blood” he would tell the boy.

WC-473 TWC-4559
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:45 pm
The prospect of genjutsu training interested him. Even if he did not specialize it looked to be something that could have a wide range of uses, from distractions to faking attacks or just blinding the enemy like Travin did to them. His family might consider it underhanded but to hell with them. The fight taught him that it was just another tactic like any other. To leverage the advantages you do have.

Mitsu perks up on hearing about the snake contract. He didn't understand much about space time jutsu but the prospect of using poison and summons in conjuction with his buki jutsu did seem appealing. Could never hurt to try it. He wasn't sure if the Hyuuga ever tended towards a specific animal but the snake was an interesting prospect. Something to shore up his own faults and weaknesses aswell. "I mean you were able to use them pretty interestingly. I'm sure there is some way I could work with them to compliment my own way of fighting. Id be happy to sign on with them."

He says it with a smile but jumps in surprise when Travin brings out the scroll bearer. Resisting the temptation welling up within him to pet the old snake. "Hello sir" He defers instead to paying the snake the respect it (probably) deserves. Afterall it was a summon, these things were alot older and probably more powerful than some of the ninja here were.

Once the snake unfurls the scroll Mitsu looks in surprise at it, seeing how big it was and how long it must go on for, with so many names already written into it he can see Travin and Nasu's own signatures peeking out. It was then that the gravity of it set in just a bit, but still. He needed to get power however he might be able to. If this was another advantage he was happy to take it. Mitsu bites the tip of his finger. Before signing himself, Mitsu Hyuuga, into the scroll along with the rest of the names that might lie within.

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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:13 pm
Daiko nods his head, looking onto what the two were talking about. He had gathered from what Keita said how to do some basic clone techniques. It made a lot more sense at this point, and having it all laid out in front of him gave him a better idea than he had had beforehand. He was messing around, doing what he was instructed to do and such and he ended up making it so that a basic clone was formed. There was just one, and it quickly dispelled. Trying a bit harder, Daiko infuses the next clone with  lightning chakra, and creates another. This one was.. Weird. It was kind-of blue. Not entirely blue, but it was pretty obvious that it was made out of some sort of lightning chakra, and wasn't just Daiko. While Daiko looked pretty normal, the color of this one was a bit off. It looked like he wouldn't be able to use this for some kind of cheeky attack, then. The clone disappeared, and Daiko was confident that he had mastered the technique. Damn, that was pretty fast. Looking over at Saya, Daiko blinks. She made a clone out of... Wood. He really wanted to learn how to do that, but he didn't think he was able to.

Daiko wasn't sure what it was at this very moment, but something was holding him back from being able to use wood. It seemed simple enough, sure, but... There was something missing. He was a master of Doton. The earth moved at his whim. But why... couldn't... he... MAKE TREES???. It would seem easy, right? All it would take is manipulating the earth in a way where sprouts or something forms up. But he couldn't do it. He had secretly been trying to do the cool thing with the dogs that Saya had done in one of their fights in the past but... he couldn't manage to do it. He would probably be able to figure it out sooner or later, though it would probably end up being later. Daiko wasn't entirely sure what else he was here to learn, and figured that it was about time that he began some sort of other training. He knew that he had to do a mission where he would have to actually take down a bandit or something soon, but he had been putting it off. Maybe he was just lazy. 


Learned Shadow Clone
Learned Lightning Clone
(will put in claims later)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:21 pm
as the fight came to it's logical conclusion, Saya's mind stopped spinning for a moment. She'd been in the middle of memorization of one of the sealing formulas on the board, Her eyes continuing to dart back and forth between her teacher, the board, her friend, and the fight, When her head suddenly turned to the other group. Her hands flashed through a set of seals that would be obvious to many as the summoning jutsu. Completing the actions she'd press her palm against the ground, and in a cloud of smoke her greatest ally would appear..... IT'S A SMALL OTTER! ragnar stood about three feet tall--or would have were he standing. Once again he'd been summoned in the middle of a meal, and as the chair he'd been sitting in disappeared with his summoning, he fell to the ground.

"Wh. Every time. Sayatria I....Ah. Yes." He could feel the tension. While he wasn't sure why, He had to assume based on their place it was one of two things that brought him here. "Rain?" Saya nodded. He waddled away from the group, heading towards where Travin was teaching a valuable lesson. Cracking his knuckles, he'd begin.

"I didn't ask for a free ride.
I only asked you to show me a real good time
I never asked for the rainfall
At least I showed up, you showed me nothing at all"

He formed the seals as he sang, and rain clouds somehow formed overtop the group. As the water began to drizzle down, A white light seemed to flick on. The shinobi who had just finished battle, whether actually damaged or not, would feel the revitalizing rain pouring healing into their bodies.

"Sorry! Couldn't tell if anyone was actually hurt, wanted to help--HECK I don't really get sensory OR Space time. Daiko... You think you got any skill to help with this? Maybe I can just get some tech built that helps out. It would seriously help out my ability to do errands if my puppets didn't walk into walls or fall over stuff just because I send them well out of my eyesight so they can go take care of things for me. Would also save me money. " She considered the idea for a moment. The potential for her puppets to see for themselves mixed with the formulas on the board and the basic techniques for how to create seals in and of themselves. In her mindscape, Each bit of information rotated quickly through a vortex of understanding. The points when they overlapped gave options, but nothing seemed quite right.

"So I think I understand the whole fuinjutsu thing, But what can I do with it now? Can i like.... Seal up powerful jutsu to release later or like. Absorb a technique being sent at me? Theres gotta be alot of stuff that can be done with it right? I'm so used to Ninjutsu being able to do basically everything, or like. Puppets being made to do basically everything.. I'm excited for new options!"

(TWc 3385)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 161300

Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:33 pm
Slowly build yourself back together. Bit by bit, inch by inch. Piling grains of sand upon one another until they eventually reassemble the being known as the ‘self’. Or perhaps it is the ego? At times like these, the barrier between ones presentation and their truer self become thinner that one could imagine.

Chakra had always been the great focus of Kikuko’s life. The ebb and flow of the natural energy within her body, the energy of ninshu, had consumed her since she was a young teen and decided to devote herself to its study. Even now, while shame and self deprecation still burned within her cheeks, it was easy for her to sink into a familiar routine and entrust herself to that which followed.

Follow the heartbeat of her energy, emanating from the heart. Circling through the body in a constant rhythm, the rhythm that not only kept her alive but able to perform the feats otherwise only capable in fairy tales. A man without his chakra would certainly be alive, but in many senses one could consider that man to be living a half life. At the same time, that reliance could be exploited. Such was the power of genjutsu. One day, perhaps, she would devote further attention unto it.

Spending more time on disrupting the flow of her chakra, she would continue to disrupt it periodically until she felt that she had practiced doing so enough to justify turning her attention to things outside of her current laser focus. It wouldn’t do to be seen slacking so quickly after such a powerful scolding. Feeling the rain upon her, she would shiver slightly before eventually tracing it back to its source with her eyes- smiling slightly upon realizing the antics of her friend once again. She would have to talk with her in a bit abut her recent performance, it seemed.

Still, listening to the Jounin, she would glean an interesting tidbit of information. A piece of information that, although somewhat awkward to ask given that she was still shaking off her previous feelings, she still felt she had to chase. Waiting for Mitsu to finish signing with the snake contract holder, she would then approach the senior shinobi. “Travin?” She would pause for a moment, unsure, before soldiering onwards. This was unlike her. She had this. “You said that you practiced the space time ninja arts. But why didn’t you use them in the spar, beyond the summoning technique?”

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Shinobi Salon [Open] - Page 5 Empty Re: Shinobi Salon [Open]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:32 pm
Daiko, content with what he had learned from the master shinobi among them, nodded his head. He learned a lot not only about the different ways that chakra could be moulded, but also learned about the many different ways that people could use different powers. He wondered silently if there was more than meets the eye about some people of this village. Maybe one day, he would find out first hand. 

Daiko scratched his back, and silently left. He waved goodbye to anyone, and any questions that he had not already awensered would've likely been left that way. He made sure that nobody had followed him out, and he silently went to a bar on his own. Perhaps there were better days ahead of him. 


Will claim WC later
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