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Kizmaru Senju
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Let me get that (Training) Empty Re: Let me get that (Training)

Tue Aug 24, 2021 8:44 pm
Making his way to the training facility, Kizmaru Senju was a bit annoyed. He forgot about this mandatory teach a genin for a day event and since he had perfectly disguised himself as a Jounin from time to time and inserted his persona into the directory, he couldn't exactly ignore it and blow his cover. Letting out a sigh, he'd place his hands into the navy, blue pants pockets. There Kizmaru was currently disguised with the transformation technique of his yellow button down shirt, navy blue pants and black ninja tabi. He had black gloves that simulated talons at the end for reasons unknown to most. He was also wearing a Jounin flak jacket over his yellow shirt. Lastly, he had a navy blue jacket covering his upper body. This would be his normal attire whenever he wasn't shown publicly wearing his armor. Underneath his disguise however, he was indeed wearing his Petrification Gauntlets and his dark, red steam armor. He was also suppressing his chakra signature since he didn't really want anybody to recognize him at the moment. He just wanted to get this over with and be on his way. Arriving at the Military training facility, he could see people in the fields honing their skills and brushing up their techniques. There was one lone genin in front of him that seemed to be waiting on something. Giving an irritated sigh underneath his breath, Kizmaru walked towards the boy and asked him, "Hey, are you Gael Uchiha...? If so, then I guess I'm your teacher for today. The name is Kizmaru Senju, Jounin of Kirigakure."

W.C: 236

Transformation Technique - 5 AP
Chakra Suppression

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Let me get that (Training) Empty Re: Let me get that (Training)

Thu Aug 26, 2021 3:48 am
After introducing himself, there was a nod from the genin and a momentary, awkward pause between the two of them for some odd reason. He could have just responded like a normal person but instead he just waited blankly before speaking up. He finally confirmed his identity and replied in a respectful manner so he figured he was nervous or shy and let it go. Beckoning the boy to follow, Kizmaru began to walk past him towards the training facility entrance, opening up the door and stepping in. Standing inside, there was a lobby with multiple doors leading to sparring rooms and shooting ranges. He decided to choose a room in which he could fire techniques freely without hurting anybody or damaging anything. "Come your training begins right now, I heard you were a prodigy so I'm going to teach you not one, not two but eight techniques that may or may not help you. If you manage to perform them  perfectly in front of me before this session ends, I'll give you a gift. Got it? If not, well at least I'll give ya a constellation prize," Kizmaru had said with a smile underneath his facemask. Afterwards, Kizmaru decided it was time to begin the demonstration for the techniques he'd be teaching.

Today he'd be displaying some high level techniques that might really give this boy the edge in combat. Kizmaru would demonstrate and give a rundown of each technique as he performed them. The first technique he'd train him is Soul Expulsion. It was a powerful technique that amplified one's control and chakra in combat. On top of that, it would shield the user from harmful effects some techniques may have although it doesn't block damage they might inflict. Performing the hand signs of Hare, Monkey, Dragon, Tiger, he'd demonstrate himself releasing an aura around his body briefly before making it dissipate just to show the boy how it looks. After explaining in great detail the functions, hand signs and motions that he would and should feel, he'd move onto the next technique. The second technique he'd teach the boy was a technique that would amplify his next ninjutsu technique. Unfortunately, unlike the last one, this had no visuals he could demonstrate with so all he could do was perform the appropriate hand signs of Tiger, Boar, Dog, Dragon and clapped his hands. That's about it. Once again, he'd explain the functions and hand signs behind the technique before moving onto the next one.

The third technique he would be teaching the boy would be Great Fireball. This was a simple entry level technique of Chuunin but Kizmaru didn't want to see an Uchiha of all clans perform fire techniques at entry level, he wanted it to be as formidable as any other A-rank technique out there so he definitely wanted to see it almost as good as his own. Performing the hand signs of Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar and Tiger before blowing a stream of flames towards one of the targets in the room. After it had run its course, he turned to the genin he was training to explain the hand signs and the motions of the technique itself so he could get a good mental image of how it was supposed to be performed. The fourth technique he would be teaching him was another fire technique known as Great Fire Annihilation. It was a more powerful version of Great Fireball and if the boy can pull off learning the fireball technique, he may also be able to use the great fire annihilation technique. Utilizing the hand signs of Horse, Dog,  Ram,  Dragon, Tiger and Snake, Kizmaru inhaled and began to release a more powerful version of the flames he had used previously. The destructive power easily ingenerated a few targets in front of him before they were automatically replaced by a new row. 

He wasn't sure if this person was going to master fireball yet and wondered if he even should go through the trouble of explaining the formula and the motions of the technique but he figured he would anyway since he had already gone through the trouble of demonstrating it. After talking about the previous technique, his last  high ranking technique he would teach is the Rasengan. The Rasengan was a complex technique that didn't require any hand signs but it did require a good bit of control and power. Extending his right hand in front of the young Genin, he began to swirl his chakra into a visible ball of mass. He had explained to him how it works and then handed the genin a rubber ball for him to practice with. He told him if he could pop that ball, he could try a real rasengan. With that in mind, he figured the boy would have a good amount of techniques to work with before moving on to other things.

W.C: 819

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Kizmaru Senju
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Let me get that (Training) Empty Re: Let me get that (Training)

Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:51 pm
Watching over the little genin train his techniques, Kizmaru was starting to wonder if he had overwhelmed the poor kid. As time passed, it seems the kid was indeed worth his salt, might even call him a prodigy. Instead, he'd try something different. Maybe if he was good enough to learn all of these high level techniques with ease, he could most likely take on a new element as a whole. He was aware of his affinity for fire which was a common Uchiha practice if he wasn't mistaken. When he was done practicing, he had asked the 'Jounin' what was next while Kizmaru was still on the fence about it. In the end, he figured he'd lose nothing by attempting to teach him and gain a more powerful shinobi in the long run. Well, here goes nothing. "Alright, so in addition to teaching you techniques, I'm going to attempt to teach you an entirely different concept. It seems you're pretty well versed in the fire element but now how about learning an entirely different elemental nature," Kizmaru had told the boy. Regardless of his response, he'd begin the lesson in Water Nature Transformation. Weaving a single hand sign of Monkey, Kizmaru would shoot a small stream of water out of his mouth into a container that was nearby.

With this, he'd hand the container over towards the Genin. His exercise was to bend the existing water to his will in order for him to understand the nature of water itself. It would be a lot harder than mastering a technique but learning an entirely new affinity would be worth it, if they had the aptitude for it. He'd see if this particular Uchiha had such aptitude. But before they got started on that, he'd teach this genin one more technique that was relatively difficult for most chuunin to do. The Shadow Clone technique which made physical, tangible copies of the user. Kizmaru began to perform the hand signs of Tiger, Horse, Ram and then the unique Clone seal, conjuring two clones of himself. He then began to explain the seals, motions and the formula behind the technique after the demonstration. When all was said and done with that specific technique, he went back to the water in the container training and simply watched him do that. Whether he actually successfully finished the exercise or not today, he figured it wouldn't hurt to demonstrate some chuunin grade water techniques. Kizmaru personally thought even genin should be able to do this but recent studies show this technique was harder to perform after certain changes were made to the system.

The first one he'd teach was the hidden mist technique. The hidden mist technique was fairly simple, at least in his eyes. Performing the hand signs of Ox, Snake, Ram and Tiger. Afterwards, the water in the container he had begun to transform itself into a thick mist that neither of them could see through, even if their Sharingan were turned on. After a few moments, Kizmaru would dispel the mist explaining the motions and the hand signs of the technique. Next, he'd move onto the water prison demonstration. Forming the hand signs of Snake, Ram, Horse and Hare he'd reach over to one of the clones he's made and trapped part of it's body in the water prison. After demonstrating it, Kizmaru had released the technique and dispelled both of his clones. He'd then explain the motions and the hand signs. With that, his training for techniques were done. He did however have a useful skill for him to learn. The art of One-Handed Seals. Normally a shinobi would have to use both of their hands for the catalyst to mold chakra within their entire body but skilled shinobi can only utilize their techniques with only one hand as catalyst to perform techniques. 

"Hey kid, listen. I want to teach you something but it isn't exactly something I can demonstrate properly. You're just gonna have to take my word for it and do this little exercise," Kizmaru had instructed him. He told him to perform the one handed hand signs of all the techniques he's just taught him and try his best to learn how to mold chakra within his body with only one hand and to alternate between both his left and his right hands. Afterwards, Kizmaru decided he'd give him his 'gifts' anyway. Simultaneously, he'd perform the one handed seal of Tiger,  Dog, Ox, Dragon,  Boar, Rat and Tiger with his left while performing Ram, Bird, Monkey, Serpent and Rat before placing both hands onto the body of Gael. He'd give him both the Seal of Absorption and Chakra Barrier Seal so that they may add him in his future endeavors. Now that he was done with that, he'd spend a bit more time with him until there was nothing left he could teach the boy. With that, he waved him farewell and went back to his office as quickly as he could.


W.C: 834
T.W.C: 1,989

Teaching Gael the following:
Soul Expulsion (A-Rank)
Great Fireball (A-rank
Great Fire Annihilation 
Ninjutsu Amplifier (A-rank)
Water Element
Hidden Mist
Water Prison
Shadow Clone
One Handed Seals
Applied Seal of Absorption and Chakra Barrier Seal to Geal.

Ability Claims - 25% Word Discount
Using 525 words to learn Front Lotus (B-rank)
Using 1,125 words to learn Taijutsu Amplifier (B-rank)
Using 250 words to learn Fuinjutsu Amplifier (D-Rank)

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Let me get that (Training) Empty Re: Let me get that (Training)

Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:38 pm
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