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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

The Time has Come Empty The Time has Come

Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:04 am
It was time. After so much time of training his body for the worst it was time for Moyasu to take his exams finally. He wasn’t sure of what to expect but he was confident that he was more than capable enough to pass. It was just going to take confidence or else he’d wind up making a mistake somewhere. He had received a letter from an undisclosed name that told him to meet up at the training field for the exam. This caused some nerves in the ashen haired lad to spark up as he was nervous that he’d have to possibly fight someone. As he stepped onto the field in his ninja attire, consisting of black shirt and pants complete with black gloves, he took a quick look around before he got out a cigarette and flicked his thumb in order to make a flame shoot out of it’s tip to light it. He also had a bag set around his waistline that was big enough to carry an item he intended to give to his proctor if they were wanting it. After lighting his cigarette he then would stand there and wait as the wind blew gently over him cooling the hot day that was bearing down upon the field.

WC 213
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:14 am
Uuuh…” he muttered under his breath as he reviewed the Genin Exam briefs for the upcoming week. There wasn’t anyone notable who caught the Jugos eyes but nevertheless he continued to browse through the assortment of up-and-coming talent. Before long he found himself stopping on one, Moyasu Nokoribi, from the Academy Report, it appeared that the Academy Student was a ways older than Satoru and yet the Jugo could immediately relate to him having attended the Academy till but a few weeks ago.

The atmosphere was boring, the curriculum was very linear and very much focused on physical aptitudes. From the tutors brief, it appeared as if this individual lacked a form of in the physical department. “Wonder what he’s hiding.” He muttered as he isolated the students full application. “Send a note, ask him to convene at the training grounds.”

With that, Satoru handed the application to the exam co-ordinator before heading off to his apartment.

The following day, the Jugo woke from his slumber quite early. He had asked for the Genin to convene at 7am and so he was up at 5. He didn’t wear the traditional Chuunin attire, instead he wore a casual black tee, black combat trousers. He didn’t wear any pouches but he had his forehead protector fastened firmly against his right bicep. He picked up a yellowing apple before making his way down to the training grounds. Upon arrival, he fished out a single Legacy Kunai, dropping it in the middle of the grounds before climbing up to the treeline for a quick snooze.

It wasn’t long before a new arrival woke the Jugo from his slumber. Naturally, the trees, the leaves and the branches concealed his location as he looked on the white haired male. The boy… nay, man: wore a black shirt, pants and gloves. The boy carried a bag around his waistline, it didn’t come across as the most efficient accessory but he would surely get to that later.

Unbeknownst to the new arrival, he was quickly standing 1 meter north of the Jugos Kunai. The white haired man looked too engrossed in his cigarette and lighter to have noticed such a trivially small item.  As the man lit his cigarette, and the smoke billowed from his mouth it came to briefly obstruct the white boys vision at which time Satoru utilised his Novachrono technique to simply appear in front of the young man as if by magic.

Satoru was a naturally frightening individual. His face, wrists and biceps were covered in tattoos that covered his assortment of burns and deep tissue injuries. He stood over his opponent at a mighty 6ft 7. He was lean, but like all Jugo had a massive stature.

As he appeared, he swung his right fist towards the boys centre of mass at 50 speed, his left began flying through hand seals while his eyes remained focused on the young mans facial expression. Regardless of whether the boy was an Academy Student, he was 25 years old and thus should have likely learned about the ways of life by now. How he decided to react to this situation would determine the outcome of this Genin Exam.
WC 532
2000 AP - 40
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:41 pm
The day was about to become a hectic one for the black clothed man. He just didn't know it yet. As he took his puff of his cigarette with his right hand, his left finding it's way into his pocket, he watched as his smoke left his mouth in wafts that flew away into a gentle breeze that blew eastward and floated up into the surrounding trees of the field. It was here that he noticed something: There was a person suddenly in front of him. As if space had blinked them into existence Moyasu was suddenly looking up at a rather tall black clothed guy who was a meter away from him... and he was going for a punch straight to his gut with a tattoo covered arm. This stranger had to step forward a bit in order to cover the meter long distance to reach the ashen haired trainee as he decided the best thing to do was to hop to the side, his toes propelling him quickly to his right at 70 speed, as he landed gracefully about a meter away from his position in the center of the 50 meter in diameter training field. He had his cigarette still held gently between his right index and middle finger as he looked at the person who had attacked him before speaking calmly.

"You wouldn't happen to be who I'm waiting for, are you? Because if so you're not giving me too much of a good first impression." The usual demeanor that he often had was gone as he got a good look at this individual. They looked slightly younger than Moyasu but he could tell by the headband this guy was wearing on his arm this was no small time individual. This was a shinobi. If this did happen to be his proctor respect was certainly deserved, even if the newcomer had introduced himself with a attempted punch to the gut, as Moyasu gave a kind smile. "How about some introductions, young man? My name is Moyasu Nokoribi. May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?" His left hand remained in his pocket as his glowing and fiery eyes never tilted their gaze away from the ninja. If this guy was able to move so fast through whatever they did when they appeared there was no reason to believe he couldn't do it again. Thus he would remain cautious and vigilant all while being calm and collected as possible.

WC 412
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:44 pm
As Satoru fist neared the target, it appeared that the young man had made a spur of the moment decision to hop out of the way of the attack. It was a smart move, but Satoru was on a charge: his skin began turning dark, the sclera turning jet black as black stripes began forming from the middle of his forehead down the bridge of his nose. With his skin turning black, small spikes formed at the top of his head, devilish in nature. His arms look akin to concrete, his speed enhanced passed that of the fleeing young man, his body now reinforced and considerably stronger. His speed at a level of 110 and his strength now at 65: the Jugo with his arm extended continued towards the young man, his fist simply changing trajectory to trace the direction of the young mans body.

This change of pace in turn prevented the young man from asking the questions that were on his mind. If Satorus fist connected with the boys centre of mass, it would sending a pulsing pain through the young mans body, one akin to having a brick smashed against ones core before launching him backwards a handful of meters. But… Satoru wasn’t a sadist and so if it looked like the poor white-haired student was unable to perform any acts to either prevent, deter or dodge the punch then his fist would stop around an inch from the Meijins centre of mass. A small gust of wind would then briefly erupt in response to the abrupt change in velocity but other than that the smoker would remain unharmed.

With the pleasantries out of the way, Satoru would go come to stand straight, the Berserk Transformation fading from his tattooed body as he’d address the young man: “So, what makes you think you qualify to be a Genin?” he spoke with a cold, direct tone. In truth, Satoru was in no position to judge this guy as he himself was an academy student but a month or two ago. As he addressed the boy, he restrained a laugh as he felt as if he was taking himself and the role of proctor a little too seriously. Nevertheless, he was sure that the young man would be a bit shaken at this point and so he patiently waited to hear what the young man had to say.
WC – 399
1960 – 32

Speed: 110
Strength: 65
NS – 1/6
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:07 am
Yet again there was a surprise coming Moyasu's way as his feet barely landed a meter away from this newcomer before he started seeing their skin beginning to change colors before his eyes. In the short amount of time that he had dodged the first punch he watched as the stranger put his foot down and redirecting it back in Moyasu's direction for another punch. His body had completely transformed into something entirely different in both color and seemingly matter as his arms looked far harder than before. And he was faster too. Much faster. Upon seeing the newcomer redirect themselves to where he was charging the full meter to get to Moyasu again bells were ringing in his head as his instincts caused his knees to immediately buckle. 'Fast!' His mind raced as what wound up happening was his body fell backwards at the knees, his legs contorting into themselves, as the punch was barely dodged right where the fist would've made contact with his abdomen yet again. However this would cause the ninja hopeful to crumple onto his back into the leaves as he scratched the back of his head and looked up shamefully at his opponent. 'Damn. I'm going to have to come up with a better way of dodging attacks. That was lame as lame can be.'

As he laid on the ground and looked up at the rather crazy individual he watched as their skin had started to change back into it's previous shade of human texture and color as he felt a bit more at ease of the situation though could feel beads of sweat were forming along his brow. 'What was that?' he thought. 'It was like he had transformed into a whole other creature. Is that some sort of clan trait?... Is he diseased too?' As he pondered these things he noticed something else had happened as he looked behind him and noticed his sack that he had been carrying had crushed itself due to his weight falling atop it and he cursed to himself as the contents had spilled out: pulled boar pork BBQ. One of his specialties. It was ruined now as he sighed and took a puff of his cigarette once more just as his attacker asked their question. He looked up at this dude and didn't know whether he should answer the question respectfully or with a bit of a snark. This guy had showed up out of nowhere and started attacking him and had caused Moyasu to crush the food he had been carrying. However now that the black clothed lad had heard the question it confirmed to him that whoever this is they were indeed the proctor that he had been waiting for.

Thus he got up to his feet, patting his pants in order to remove the dust and leaves from them, before doing a hand seal with his cigarette free hand and flicking his thumb like a lighter in order to make a flame shoot up from it's tip. He would use the flame to completely burn the remains of his cigarette as he thought about an appropriate answer for this ninja's question. "Honestly after that display I'm not entirely sure how to answer your question. It's clear to me that I have much more training to do but I won't let that deter me from quitting anytime soon." He shook his hand to allow the flame he had made to go out as the ashes of his cigarette flew away in the wind and he scratched his head in contempt. It was clear that there was a lesson to be learned here: Always be prepared for whatever may come your way. Next time he would keep that in mind the moment he was ambushed again. "So how do you wish to proceed, sir?" His tone was cheery as he was actually excited at the prospects of one day becoming as strong as this guy was. He had a smile on his face that spoke confidence even if the situation didn't exactly call for it.

WC 681

-5 AP = 1,143 AP remaining
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:55 am
The young man was bold: courageous to some extent. As Satorus fist neared, he took evasive action which impressed the young Jugo. The young man wasn’t the most physically able individual, but he had heart. Heart to go out of his way to avoid an attack, a heart that compelled him to persevere in the face of adversity, a heart that would come to defend Kumogakure and it’s villagers.

Some would question how Satoru came to this conclusion with such a brief interaction with the student. To some extent, the Jugo could draw parallels between the young mans academic path and his own. He wasn’t the most physically able, despite being built like a brick shit house; he wasn’t the most athletic, but he had a skill set of his own and fine-tuned it to a fine degree. Irrespective of that, the young man had an incredible chakra presence, one that even rivalled that of the orange haired Chuunin. Despite Satorus lack of sensory perception, he was confident that the young man had a lot of untapped potential.

“In a few months’ time he could be quite a monster.” He thought to himself as the man responded to his earlier question. As the male sat on his bag, the Jugos attention briefly drifted while he mulled over the boys response. After a couple of second the student queried as to how the Jugo wished to proceed… Satoru slowly shifted his gaze to lock eyes with the seated student before responding with – “You passed. Congratulations…” he extended his right index finger to point at the young mans bag, “Ditch the bag, you’re a Shinobi now, not some travelling sales man.” he cracked up for a moment before reaching into his right pocket, fishing out the Kumogakure forehead protector, “Moyasu Nokoribi… you are now a Genin of Kumogakure.”

“We…” he’d pat the emblem on the forehead protector, “Protect the people. Remember that.” As his sentence concluded he tossed the new, shiny, forehead protector towards the newly crowned Genin. The toss was light and in the moment the bulk of the forehead protector obstructed the Genins vision, Satoru disappeared as quickly as he had appeared on scene of the examination.
WC – 368
OOC - Congrats
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:53 am
As Moyasu was standing there and listened to the ninja’s words, having been ridiculed as a salesman even though he was trying to be a chef, he was soon tossed a headband as he caught it in his palm and looked at it before looking up and seeing the ninja had disappeared. ‘Well ok then.’ His thoughts raced as he looked once again at his headband before stuffing it in his pocket. “Protect the people, huh? I’ll keep that in mind.” He quickly got down onto his knees and cleaned up the mess he had made with the BBQ as he walked off the field feeling happy at the results of his day.

WC 113; TWC 1,419


Claiming: Genin rank, D-rank, Ninjutsu spec, 1,000 ryo, Shinobi Headband, and 28 AP
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:02 pm
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:31 am
Claiming 1299 WC - 710 + 415 = 1125 - 884/1125
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Ryo : 176650

The Time has Come Empty Re: The Time has Come

Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:51 pm
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