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Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Click for Newds!
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1150

Pirate's of Hoshi Empty Pirate's of Hoshi

Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:21 pm

Every bar has its drunks, but what happens when the drunks become too much for the bouncer to handle? Does the wisened bar keep take his turn at wrestling the unruly into submission or does he just hire a better bouncer? Well old man Gribs tried the wrestiling thing, it didn't work. Now he has less teeth than he did a week ago and swollen eye. His wife and children got worried as each day the man came home more depressed as his bar was trashed night after night.

Word eventually got around to the Grib's family and they pulled enough money together to hire a thug to solve their problem. There wasn't much of a selection process they gave the guild some money and just chose whomever happened to be available. As far as the guild was concerned they got their money and if the guy they sent died or got beat up on the assignment well more money for them. With that in mind they chose the smallest guy in the room.

They said oh yeah just go in and deliver a beating to some drunks its simple. What they didn't say was this group has a knack for short tempers and violence. An awkward glance could set these guys off. Them even having casual conversations about the forecast ended in a brawl. As long as they weren't too rowdy it required no intervention. But of course these guys were exceedingly rowdy and required constant intervention.

As Ryuzaki entered the bar some of the men stopped their sailors song and looked to the door. Not many cared that a child had entered a bar for pirates, but those who did made their comments. About how their dad's would have their ass for stepping foot in such a place at a young age. Ryuzaki couldn't ignore them however and turned his face toward them so they could see his prison tattoo. This at least earned him some respect among the pirate's even if it wasn't much.

As the bar filled with more people the rowdy group slunk into their routine. First by starting problems where none exist then starting a fight. This required some finesse from the puppeteer. He had sat around long enough to hear each pirate's voice and their heirarchy within the group. Immitating one of the men and throwing his voice he would call off one of the pirates before he assaulted a patron for insinuating the food was only kind of good. The dumb pirate was too drunk to notice his boss was nowhere close enough for it to have been him to call the man off. That guy was just trying to show some ladies his anchor tattoos.

He couldn't use the voice trick forever eventually it would fail. Until then however the Nara would keep the ruse up for as long as it worked. Eventually, however some of the pirates became annoyed at their first mate for not letting them enjoy the thrill of a fight. As they all planned to give him a beating they realized he was gone, but his voice continued giving warnings.

The first mate had left with the women he was talking to at least an hour ago, but no one had realized until that moment. As one of the men asked where the voice was coming from Ryuzaki shut up. They began grabbing strangers by the collar and staring them down with their crooked smiles filler with silver and gold capped teeth. The Nara was the last one they suspected, so instead they grabbed the gentleman sitting next to him.

This was just Trapman in a cloak. The strings concealed via chakra supression, the puppet had pretended to drink and Ryuzaki did all the conversing. As they grabbed the puppet and looked in its face the man threw it down, but not before its bladed hand pierced the man's stomach. He let out a cough of blood before falling in a heap to the ground. This made the other pirates pay attention as Ryuzaki stood his fingers moving chaotically to mipulate the puppets movement.

Passing some of the pirates it would slash at another. The pirates passed by the puppet figured it would be best to attack the puppeteer, but they weren't careful of the strings. As they ran they tripped as Nara pulled the strings taught. The closest one had a kunai plunged into his skull as he tripped falling inches in front of the boy.

While he could have went into a whole leave now or die monologue it was pointless. If these men didn't wish to die they could just leave. If they had to be told how to survive then themselves or their offspring wouldn't last and that was the way of Darwin. You either adapt or die.

These gentlemen didn't seem to adapt until only some remained and fell under a shadow possession. Their movements were to mimic Ryuzaki, but he allowed them to speak for the moment. Surrendering and forever leaving the bar was in their own best interest, but what proof was there of them leaving forever. What stopped them from returning and seeking vengeance againet old man Gribs? Well for now Ryuzaki did and he did not trust their word.

Each was killed before the first mate returned from his escapade. He drew his blade, but knew whoever had killed his men was too capable for him. The first mate left not knowing what happened to his crew, but within a week he could have a whole new one. Hopefully, a crew that avoided trouble unlike the previous. He would set sail along with his captain and those who had remained on the boat. It was their current best course now that it seemed the village had taken action against them.

Ryuzaki would head back to the guild to recieve his share of the payment. He'd drove off the troublemakers as promised . His work was done for the time being.

WC: 1001
Claims: 2000 ryo, 100 rank ryo, 10AP. 10 stats, 355 WC toward completing One Handed Seals putting it at 2000/2000. 646 wc toward Ninjutsu Amplifier D and C rank.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Pirate's of Hoshi Empty Re: Pirate's of Hoshi

Mon Nov 29, 2021 3:19 pm
Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Click for Newds!
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1150

Pirate's of Hoshi Empty Re: Pirate's of Hoshi

Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:23 pm
Taking the 646 wc out of nin amp as I already had the D, C,and B rank from a previous thread. Sorry.

Putting it toward Shadow Clone 646/1500
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Pirate's of Hoshi Empty Re: Pirate's of Hoshi

Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:10 am
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