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Toxic Gingerbread

Mizuki Ohta
Ryuzaki Nara
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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Toxic Gingerbread

Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:01 am

It all began with a letter, a letter from the Itazura to stop a man named Yoi and his mis-guided followers? Was this some weird cultish organization, it must be important if they attached a summoning scroll to the request. It was odd, but the promise of a grand reward at least gave the Nara pause to concider the proposition. The letter had arrived early and the assigned meeting would be the following day, presenting enough time to ponder if the reward and contents of the note were believable. Perhaps, with rest the answer would come to him. However, there was very little restful sleep during the night. Ryuzaki tossed and turned thinking of the note.

Getting dressed the Nara would take the summoning scroll and open it. The scroll dragged the boy inside and he was teleported to a quite unfamiliar landscape outside of a beautiful building. Approaching the guards he showed his invitation and he was allowed inside to wait for instructions. The wait was quite long but after many hours more people began to show up. There were quite a many it seemed. Some escorted by guards others sneaking into the hall. To listen in on what their first task was to counter this Yoi person.

The first task was a raid on Yoi's bakeries. They were all formed into teams and each sent to remove the cookies and the materials to bake them. We just have to break their stove. Okay. Ryuzaki would join his team the short youth with his pupper slumped over his shoulder its legs dragging along the ground. "I'm Ryuzaki, n-n-nice to meet you all." Hopefully, introductions didn't take long the Nara was nervous around people to the point of stuttering words. When they were ready he would set out for the cookie factory.

Upon arriving the Nara would become invisible using the hiding in camoflouge technique. He was mostly invisible his outline still visible to any doujutsu. He would attempt to sneak into the back of the factory. There were guards posted around the building and some spoke of Itazura trying to foil their plans to give cookies to the hungry and their voices were sincere. Meaning they didn't know about the poison. Immitating one of the guard's voices from the front Ryuzaki would distract the guards in the back. "Hey, we found Itazura come to the front we need help!" With how big the building was it would be a minute until they got to the front. Ventriloquism was a useful ability to pick up.

Ryuzaki would then enter the kitchen and use his puppets mines. Then when he and their group were outside would detonate them. Causing many explosions within the kitchen. He would return to the meeting location to convene with the other teams who were also assigned the task of destroying these factories and await further orders. Ryuzaki questioned in his mind if there was any poison, he hadn't noticed any. He wasn't getting paid however to second guess his employer however.

WC: 508
Claims: 4,000 ryo, 20AP, 1 Omnistone. 250 rank ryo, 5 stats,
508 WC toward Napalm Release 508/2000
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:08 pm
As if things weren’t a continuous cycle of problem after problem, there was another issue that found its way on her desk - a letter sealed by an unknown symbol. Sitting at her desk she brought one leg up on the chair and settled into a relaxed position to break the seal and read it’s contents. A call to action for a reward to stop an evil figure named Yoi from tricking countless followers into a grave mistake - she couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of another group of people being coerced to do things for a figurehead; the Jashin cult she eradicated months ago coming to mind. The letter noted a summoning scroll of which was sat in front of her on the desk with the same seal holding it closed. Her index finger toyed with the seal as she contemplated getting involved, the last time she had gotten involved in foreign affairs it didn’t end well but there was a draw to it that was too good to put out of her mind. 

Standing suddenly she moved over to the side kitchen area that held some liquor and a mirror - pouring a heavy glass of gin she brought the glass to her lips as her mismatched eyes settled on her reflection. Since her return home she had of course cleaned herself up; pale skin shining in the dim light of her office, jet black hair neatly pulled up in an up do with bangs and tendrils falling around her face - her clothes were most different as she had done away with pageantry and instead wore a white halter top with two bronze eyelets on her collar bones, her pants were a deep navy blue with one leg cut shorter at mid thigh to give access to a weapons pouch tied there while the other brushed the floor, all was situated snuggly with a thick sample of rope wrapped around her waist and holding a deep red cloth with strange symbols on it painted in white. Her eyes though were the most changed - the white of the byakugan paired with the violet crimson eye of her clan. 

Looking away in disgust she would down the burning liquid and set the glass down as her eyes closed to block out the world for a moment - all the regrets of the last weeks weighing on her heart. She needed an escape and where else to go than the Moon Country…. Maybe it would clear her mind. Sliding open the summoning seal she was sucked inside - the moment of oblivion feeling like a breath of fresh air before she felt the ground under her feet once more and gazed around at the surroundings; a large ornate building sat in front of her, with guards stationed at the gate. Showing them her invitation she was allowed entry without so much as a word, striding inside she noticed people grouped around and she was pointed toward a small group of which one boy was noted to have a puppy lying lazily over his shoulders - the sight brought a small smile to her face before it fell as the thought of Souji came rushing in.

The boy was named Ryuzaki and it pained her how much he reminded her of Souji when they first met, nodding a little she would introduce herself back, “Mizuki Kyuketsuki, nice to meet you.” Her tone wasn’t unwelcoming per say but she definitely kept some emotional distance. Their first task was described to them and the group set out to the factory they were assigned. The moment they arrived the young boy disappeared from sight - though his heartbeat remained for a few moments before heading off in an unknown direction, mumbling to herself “Good plan…”, before heaving a sigh and turning to anyone else who had joined them, “Seems all we really need to do is destroy their ovens, maybe burn all the materials while we are at it but honestly,”, her gaze would turn back to the gleaming factory. “Total destruction isn’t off the table. I’ll find the supply room, I’m not sure where the boy went but-” Before she was even able to finish conversing with the group he had returned to tell them what he had done - placing bombs in the kitchen in the moments he was gone. It all happened so fast that the scowl on her face was still evident as she accepted his words. “Well it seems like all our work was done for us, feel free to detonate then unless anyone else would like to cause any other hindrances?” She was by no means the leader of this rag tag group but she had been in enough thrown together groups to be confident enough to address everyone at large. Perhaps this reward will be easier to get with someone so eager.

WC 808
Using 25% max stat discount 
808 towards Chakra Mask 808/1125

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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:22 pm

Take a sip, take a sip, take a sip

Suika had spent her morning and afternoon training; she wanted to be in peak performance to ensure that she was ready for whatever mission she would be sent out on; as she finally returned home, she could make note of a strange smell coming from the small house… Her eyes scanned the building, focusing on it; but she couldn’t sense any chakra… There was no one currently there, but the scent was strong… She inhaled, focusing her chakra in her hand as she formed a medium sized ice spear as she opened the door, prepared for anything that might happen to attempt to attack her; however as she scanned the room she made no note of anything being out of place, nor did she find herself greeted by a creature or human for that matter. She did make note that on her couch laid a small piece of paper and a sealed scroll; the scroll having a strange symbol on it…

Suika glanced around the room once again, making sure that nothing had been moved before she would move closer to the note and scroll; she would first pick up the note, reading it carefully as she then grabbed the scroll, she was unsure; this was certainly not how Sunagakure did their missions… And the mystery of how the scroll entered her home in the first place, as well as the questionable scent of it. She inspected the scroll carefully before placing it back down on the couch. Suika paced back and forth for a moment, questioning if it would even be appropriate for her to leave the village without warning; or an okay from the Kazekage…

She paused once more, reading the letter addressed to her one more time, before letting out a small sigh, she was aware of the winter events held long ago, but she hadn’t ever taken part of them before… With never having had a chance of it; she decided in that moment; although her childhood was cut short, other kids of the world shouldn’t have to deal with the same pains that she had. She would grab the scroll and break the seal; being sucked into it as the darkness over took her eyesight for several moment before she would be put in front of a strange type of gate; the fresh air hitting her like a brick as she landed.

Suika made note of the guards by the gate; she would promptly show them her invitation – her eyes locked on the ornate building, as they looked it over, and allow her in; her eyes never left the building once; she seemed to be the last to arrive in her group as she was directed towards them, she made note of other small groups of people huddled around; whispering to each other about missions they were given and how they were excited for their payment. Suika found herself meeting her very own Kazekage once more, however as she pulled towards the ground, she made note that Mizuki did not introduce herself as the Kage of Sunagakure; and Suika was not about to out her; as she was sure that Mizuki had other plans for this summoning; “I am Suika.” The young kunoichi would announce, her eyes flickering towards Mizuki, without the other person noticing; Suika would bow her head slightly towards her Kage.

Destroying the entire building would make it easier… However I believe that if we go with that direction we could alter these followers… We could end up in a large figh—” Her train of thought would be cut off when the boy returned; informing the group he had placed bombs in the kitchen – Suika didn’t agree with this method, but she figured if the word was already done, then why bother stopping them… “I suppose we get to watch a show.” Suika simply waved her hand, as if to blow off the situation at hand; there was other missions, more important; that would need more acts of covertness. This was not a fight that she wanted to partake in.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 150
  • Speed 45
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 679
Total WC 679
Total WC Needed 679/2250
  • Mission One 500/500
  • Mission Two 179/750
  • Mission Three 0000/1000

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
Stop the Poison!:
Stop The Presents!:
Take the Star!:

And a trip, and a trip, and a trip

Last edited by Suika Yuki on Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:22 pm; edited 3 times in total

Ryuzaki Nara likes this post

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:23 pm
She would wait for the boy to detonate the explosives, the guards who had been summoned up front were arguing with each other now - and she watched them idly from their hidden spot a ways back. Unable to hear them, it was still amusing enough to watch the lesser rank guards be scolded for abandoning their posts so carelessly. Suika was with them and while she was remiss to be acknowledged as the woman's kage in any way, she was very grateful she had enough sense to hold her tongue. Though, much like herself, the woman was also in the same mind that the boy jumped the gun - getting the job done yes - but lacking any team work. Reminded her a lot of Souji the more time she spent with him - as the thought crossed her mind again her mismatched eyes would flick back to the men ahead of her who were finally filing back to their assigned post when the explosion finally went off. 

Glass shattered in every window on the base floor as fire spewed out from the now gaping holes, not even the chill in the air could hold back the wave of heat that spread out from the initial blast. Crossing her arms she couldn’t help but smile a little at the guards’ reactions - panic first and foremost, anger, yelling of contradictory orders as they scattered every which way to try to block off entrances…. Unknowingly putting on a show for the perpetrators at their backs. “Satisfying. Well we have a factory to decimate, let’s go shall we.” It wasn’t a question nor was it a command, her words settled more in the line of an obvious statement. “Nice explosives, remind me to get some of them later.” Pushing off her front left toe she turned and began their trek to the next destination. 

It wasn’t long before they reached it, smog emitting lazily from the 5 spire like spouts marking it as the factory in question - and as expected from their intel not a single soul was in sight. It was eerily silent save for the gentle whirring of machinery in the building. “No explosions this time, we need to be quiet. Fire would be the best bet but that can get loud quickly. Any ideas?” It was odd, for anyone who knew Mizuki before, would know her to be the plan creator but she was taking a backseat and allowing the others to come up with a solution - all for the benefit of study. 

[Starting second mission in the arc]
WC 420 
TWC 1228

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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:51 am

Take a sip, take a sip, take a sip

Suika watched and waited; keeping an eye on the other groups, as the explosives would be detonated, the sound hit Suika’s ears first, her eyes would flicker towards the guards as they began to scatter about, before she could even realize anything, Mizuki would speak; her tone made Suika smirk; by the sound of it; she was equally unimpressed by the abrasive actions of the boy that was with them; however, the next statement of wanting to acquire some of these explosives; made her icy blue eyes return to her Kage; she hadn’t met Mizuki after becoming a Jounin of her village – and it was interesting to find her here in Moon Country, verses back at Sunagakure… She wondered who was left in the village, perhaps if she and Mizuki both got letters, that it was quite possible that almost everyone in Sunagakure got letters as well. She wouldn’t question it, as her train of thought was cut off early but the Kazekage leaving, as she trekked off to their next destination.

Suika would quickly follow heel; brining herself to a steady brisk walk beside the other woman; after a short while the would reach an empty workshop, only the sounds of machines could be heard; Suika kept her eyes pilled; she could see the many windows across the workshop; as she scanned the building she could make no note of any beings in the shop. “I agree as well, we need to think tactically about this. Sneaking in would be our best bet, if we’re careful and if they have the proper materials in the building, we could spark flame to it, with the right chemicals we could bring the building down in a matter of minutes; no one could stop it. It would destroy everything inside… Everything but really the machines. But they couldn’t possibly have it up in time for this ‘festival’ that was mentioned in my letter, if you received similar word.

Suika couldn’t be certain that Mizuki also got a letter like hers, as she was a Kage of one of the biggest villages to the known world. “Or we could take the presents already packed, and those unpacked… But I think that would take far to long to make that possible.” Her eyes scanned the building once more, hoping for the same result as before; no movement of any kind. It didn’t seem as if anyone was in the building… But that didn’t mean that there could be those close by to the workshop… Setting fire to it would be risky, and just might not play out to the way they wanted.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 150
  • Speed 45
  • Strength 5

Total Post WC 438
Total WC 1117
Total WC Needed 1117/2250
  • Mission One 500/500
  • Mission Two 617/750
  • Mission Three 0000/1000

Active Skills
  • Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

  • None

Post Information
Stop the Poison!:
Stop The Presents!:
Take the Star!:

And a trip, and a trip, and a trip

Last edited by Suika Yuki on Tue Dec 14, 2021 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ryuzaki Nara likes this post

Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:47 pm
Niko knew something was up when that damned letter came in all sparkly and red. He didn't get mail to begin with his apartment specifically had a no main clause. Who would even send him a letter the month of December was already busy enough as is with all the different celebrations everyone had going on for the new year. Nobody had time to write this butler a holiday letter. But the affection lacking Niko thought it prudent to open the damned letter anyways. Just after preparing for his shift, getting his butler suit on, and fixing his neon green hair. Niko was set in that stubborn mindset of his thinking that he could read it on his way to the prison. Oh, how wrong he was. Upon opening the letter Niko would read its contents.

Upon reading the contents the confused Niko would exclaim, "Wi, Wie bitte" before being teleported to moon country right outside the peppermint gates. 

Standing in the moonlight Niko would look up the sunny morning sky turning into a pitch-black star-filled sky. Looking down he would notice a beautifully ornate building with two guards sitting just outside of it. He was still left to ponder the instructions placed in the letter they expected him to do missions for them. Furthermore, they wanted him to work with other shinobi. They must have had some skill to teleport him to this random location. Similar to his instructor Daiko's skill in space-time. Maybe this was all a ploy from his sensei though he doubted that. He would turn his attention to the guards holding pikes they would slowly march towards him. Preparing a kunai behind his back with one hand and his invitation still in the other. He would see the leftmost guard in his samurai-like armor start to speak.

"Your invitation.

The guard would size him up noticing his uniform he would snort and then continue speaking saying "Butler" Mockingly. Niko would sigh yet another person making fun of him for this god-forsaken uniform. It's not his fault that he looks that damn good in the uniform his wonderful boss had so graciously pulled out for him. He swore that the warden had some weird butler kink. Niko would raise his right hand offering the letter. The guard would take off his mitten and yank it from Niko's hand he would then read its contents before handing it back to him. He would then smirk. For some reason, it seems as if the guard had not done this to anyone so far. What was so wrong with being a butler anyways. One of these days he would make this outfit something to admire he would swear upon it. Motioning to move past the guard Niko would then hear one of them speak.

"Watch your back butler

Niko would then Walk past the two chuckling guards and into the building where he would be met with the sight of a stuttering kid. He would introduce himself as Ryuzaki. This would be interesting maybe this would be how he would meet people outside of Kirigakure. He would then notice another person a woman this time introducing herself as Mizuki Kyuketsuki. While at first, he thought this woman may have been the famed Kazekage. This struck Niko with a quick amount of fear. He held the Kazekage's genin within a prison cell. The figure of 319 'Souji' rushed quickly to his mind. But realizing the difference in the last name between the Kazekage and this woman, Niko's fears were dashed. Niko would be another figure this one was introduced as Suika. This was quite the meeting Niko would notice the other groups going through their similar orientation Taking the time to take this information in Niko would then introduce himself. This was the perfect moment to broadcast his greatness. Maybe he hadn't learned anything from his run-in with the Mizukage.

"Niko Kazan assistant warden at your service

Niko would then give a quick formal bow. Niko would then follow Ryuzaki to the cookie factory. He had never before thought that he would ever need to do a mission for someone outside of his own village but Niko knew that this could be a good way for him to garner allies outside of the village. This could be quite useful so he would have to make himself as likable as possible. Arriving at the cookie factory Niko would notice that Ryuzaki would turn invisible. Sighing at the lack of a plan what so ever Niko would then speak.

"You know maybe we could have planned this out a little bit more with the group. Though I can see where you are going with this."

None the less Niko would take this opportunity to do the same technique, upon learning the technique Niko knew it would have a great amount of effectiveness in infiltration like so. Upon turning invisible Niko would then follow him Ryuzaki. Hearing the voice appear from nowhere Niko would ponder the fact that the opposing party may have a dojutsu. But instead, he would see the guards rush past him and Ryuzaki. Hmm, maybe some kind of diversion set up by a different group. 

Niko would ponder that fact while following Ryu into the factory watching him lay the mines down Niko would ponder their use. Only after trailing him outside of the building and hearing his declaration of the explosives he planted would Niko then understand what they were. While returning to the central area he would then notice the explosions. They sure did rock some good power in them that's for dang sure. Upon returning to the meeting is he would reconvene with his group for the next mission he was to receive. Though he would notice the reactions of the others to the declaration that Ryu had made. It seemed like Mizuki would be the de facto leader of this rag-tag group. While Suika would be like most people a lone person in the back watching people go around as they wish merely wishing to add their input to the conversation.

Following to the factory they apparently needed to 'decimate' Niko would add his two cents to the conversation. This idea of actually having a plan was a stark contrast from what he had to deal with earlier. Such an improvement in a little time maybe this Mizuki was a good leader after all.

"I agree with Mizuki fire would be a good bet if we handle it right.

Though following her example he would let the others decide what they truly wanted to do. This would show himself off as less offputting. 

(TWC 1102 posted 12/13/2021 for advent purposes)
Sorry for the wait guys
Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:46 pm
Mizuki, Suika, and Niko were to be the names of his accomplices. Suika seemed the nicest of the group, though Ryuzaki was not one for auras he could feel something likeable about hers. Mizuki seemed welcoming but withdrawn as if she were reserved for one reason or another. The warden caused a bit of a star in the missing ninja, but it went away quicky. Niko introduced themselves as the assistant warden of an unknown location. Depending on the location the warden typically resided he would be more or less comfortable.

As he left Niko followed clearly in disagreeance with the lack of a plan. But what was a plan that actually succeeded? Unpredictability was harder to defend against than predictably and now two of them had wondered off planless.

When Ryuzaki returned he was greeted by the scowl of Mizuki. Her look and tone sent the message that she was unhappy with something. The Nara would detonate the mines as instructed by their de facto leader. The explosion causing a panic for the group to move out to their next location, but not before he recieved a complement from the leader of their group. "I'll get you the blueprints before we leave." Ryuzaki would say smiling up at her, his youth still very evident.

The factory was a short distance, but it was easily marked by the five plumes coming from it. They were left with the plan a task given by Mizuki who simply stated no explosions, but fire could work. Suika stated infiltrating and setting fire to the inside would be best and that there was the possibility of stealing the presents instead of ruining them. Niko agreed fire was the best bet. "So the mission says inside the presents are bombs. Bombs means explosives. If we set fire to the building won't we also be causing explosions at the same time?" The train of thought was simple and logical. Exploding the building happened via mines or setting fire to the place, however fire did do something the Nara had an interest in. "Truthfully, I am for fire. I don't know if Yoi had poison in those cookies. But if we set the building on fire I'll know if bombs are in there by the second and tertiary explosions. See if this Itazura is lying to us or not."

It didn't really matter if Itazura was lying about this Yoi group. As the client as long as they paid it didn't matter. It just satiated the boy's own curiosity of what was going on. If only I were better at napalm release setting fire to the place would be simple. Ryuzaki had just begun studying how to combine fire, water, and earth natures into the petrol like napalm. A substance that coated surfaces and burned for quite some time. "I don't have any fire techniques, but we'll want to set the blaze away from where they store the presents. If they really are bombs we'll want to be away from them when they go off. So, we should start with recon."
WC: 519
TWC: 1027/2250
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:30 pm
This group was rather interesting to say the least - and it was of note that the last to join them was a man dressed in formal attire very unlike most shinobi she had come to meet over the many years she walked the earth. She kept her eyes off of him save the initial glance out of respect as he introduced himself - the spike in his heartbeat from hearing her name was of sincere interest to her, especially when it came before his introduction as a warden.  She made no move of reaction to this bit of information gathered and simply stored it in the back of her mind to bring up later. In the short time she had been in their company she had become the sort of leader, perhaps it came with the age she was or the way she carried herself, or simply it was because she took the lead and no one seemed to rival it - either way it seemed she was at the helm. 

Addressing the first suggestion by Suika, her eyes staring critically at the factory as she spoke, “Taking the presents would require far too many trips I agree, destruction is cleaner and easier in a short amount of time.” Without skipping a beat she moved onto the suggestion from the youngest, Ryuzaki - as the man named Niko was simply ‘for’ the use of fire. “Bombs do indeed mean explosives… but I’m a bit curious about the validity of this summons, aren’t you?” As she asked the rhetorical question her right hand that was slipped in her pocket had wove through 3 hand seals - Elemental Detection - so when her gaze finally shifted to the group at large, a sly look of mischief playing tentatively in her expression, she spoke with more knowledge than they could guess at. “Even with that doubt in place we don’t want to become bored by playing the same move twice right? Fire isn’t everything, I know of a few Earth techniques that would do wonders in disrupting their factories output for years to come, I’m sure someone as explosive as yourself could come up with something could you not?” 

As everyone in the group was within her technique range she was privy to their basic elemental natures - Ryuzaki: Earth, Water, Fire; Niko: Wind, Earth; and Suika: Wind, Earth, Water. Lots of repeating natures in this group - she couldn’t help but wonder if that was coincidence or if this person knew more of them than even she knew. Turning her gaze away from them all once again to watch the factory billowing away in the peace of the night she spoke with a hard certainty, “Split up. North, East, South, and West - you pick where you go and destroy anything you can in sight by any means you can. Meet back here in 5 minutes time, any longer than that and I will assume you are compromised.” Biting her lip for a moment a glint of the Mizuki that was at the summit appeared before she turned her face to Niko - full attention on him. “Say, care for a bet my well dressed companion? If I make it back here before you, you answer one question of mine, and if you make it back before me I answer one question of yours. No lies. Deal?” 

She would wait to hear his response before moving into action - taking whatever position the others did not.

wc 574

Jutsu Used:
AP to start - 2000
Elemental Detection V7 - 35 AP
[V7] One-Handed Seals [+5 added to tech above]
end AP - 1965
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Ryo : 0

Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Fri Dec 17, 2021 4:17 pm

Take a sip, take a sip, take a sip

Suika would keep her eyes on the misdirected new comer as he would state that he was an assistant warden; she had loosely heard the term before during her travels of the world; but never came in contact with a village that a prison before. Her eyes flickered to read the room, but decided to keep her thoughts to herself; the bow he would then preform was… Odd to say the least; but she would once more ignore the strange actions of Niko as she would know come to call him; her eyes glanced towards her own Kage, keep track of Mizuki’s emotions, the agreement of fire between most of them would be noted; however Suika did not wield fire as an element; however she wasn’t about to snub out that she was an Ice Wielder. However in this moment; ice might just be what they needed… If she was careful; she could coat the entire building in a thick layer of ice, drowning out any sounds; or large explosions if the ice was thick enough to take a brunt force hit against it… Her mind played distracted; unaware of the rest of the conversation as it took place.

Suika was quickly brought back to reality as Mizuki would address the group quickly; and firmly. A grin would be placed across the woman’s face as Mizuki stated that each one of them should take a direction, get five minutes and return. “I shall take the east side.” Suika’s voice was cold, and unrelating; she would lift her hands up for a moment preforming the hand sign of the ‘ram’; within seconds her body would become a blur as she darted towards the East; as she left she heard Mizuki speak out towards the ‘assistant warden’; she figured the woman had something up her sleeve; and for the time being she would not question the motives of her Kage.

However Suika’s mind returned to the first time she had meant Mizuki; before she became the Kazekage; back when the Lord First was still in control… She remembered that times were far more simpler back then than it was now. She always felt a different connection; as if something drew her to the woman verses the village itself; when the news surrounded Suika that Kenshin had stepped down; and Mizuki became the second Kazekage; Suika had decided then to join the village properly. As she determined she wanted to prove her loyalty to her friend.

Any on lookers would simply see quite a spectacle as Suika within moments and a blink of an eye burr out and appear quite further away, beside the East entrance of the workshop; she made sure to be quiet; not wanting to chance disturbing anyone who could be inside; as she crept up silently towards the door; she would place her hand on the handle; focusing her chakra into the door handle carefully; as the metal would slowly begin to freeze; waiting for several moments as she froze the metal so thoroughly; that when she tapped gently on it; it would quietly shatter on to the ground; as she would gently push the door open slowly and quietly she would peer her head through; Suika knew that she didn’t need to enter the building completely to ensure it’s destruction; and as no one else was around her and went in their own direction; she was alone in the store room full of tools, and extra machinery.

Similar to how she treated the door handle; would be would she would treat the rest of the situation; covertly and with direct precision. Suika would sharply inhale as placed her hands on the ground of the store room; she would focus herself once more; centering her body as one with the elements of the room as well as the cold from the outside; as she would exhale; a large white cloud would escape her lips; the room growing dangerously cold; as a Yuki however this would effect her in anyway; her body was meant for this temperature; it thrived in it. Which was a funny thing, considering she chose to make the desert her home.

Within three minutes the entire store room and it’s contents would be frozen solid; almost as if the metal itself had become ice; at that point she would stand, smirking at her handy work; she would glaze quickly at the clock that became frozen last; she still had two minutes to spare, and she knew exactly how she planned to destroy everything in one shot; her eyes darted across the room; as she once again raised her hands; forming the signs of ox, dog, rat then ram; finally capping her hands together as the air began to swirl around her body; picking up speed and force before she would release her hands from their current position being held together; the wind she allowed to pick up and swirl around her would shoot outwards; shattering everything and anything covered in ice; from machines to even the wooden shelving. The sound however; this time altered someone who had been keeping track of the workshop; as they came within 5 meters of the store room; Suika was able to sense their own chakra; and quickly she would move behind the door.

As she laid in wait; she would activate her chakra suppression; wanting to ensure she wouldn’t be found until the person in question entered the room and she would be located behind them. Within moments the body of man would slip pass Suika; horrified at the sight he would see in the store room; as he would turn to shout; Suika would reveal herself; having already preformed most of the hand signs of a fuinjutsu she had been taught as a preteen; she finished them off with bird and snake; as she reached up and grabbed the mans throat; his body going limp as the seal would begin to take effect.

She couldn’t tell which village he was from, as he had no indicators as to who he was; but she made enough note that if this man woke; he would know her face and that simply wouldn’t do; she sighed as she pulled a kunai from her back pocket; and slipped it into the side of his neck where his jugular vein was located, he was paralyzed and wouldn’t be able to stop it from bleeding out. As she let the body slowly drop as gently and quietly as possible, she gave him her apologies for having to end his life; as he took his final breath, she would shut his eyes and slip out the back door; with merely thirty seconds left on the clock; Suika would once more raise her hands reforming the ‘ram’ sign and flicker back to the meeting spot that had been determined, should anyone already be there; she would simply nod at them as she would clean her kunai with a simple cloth before placing it back in her back pocket.

  • Health 300
  • Chakra 100
  • Vigor 150
  • Speed 45
  • Strength 5

Activated Jutsu
Total Post WC 1171
Total WC 2288
Total WC Needed 2250/2250
  • Mission One 500/500
  • Mission Two 750/750
  • Mission Three 1000/1000

Active Skills
Beloved Presence This skill gives me double the mission rewards, and double ryo.
Chakra Sensory This skill can sense forms of chakra not currently suppressed or capable of being sensed within a 5-meter radius of their position passively. As well as memorize chakra signatures for 2,000 words.

  • None

Post Information
Stop the Poison!:
Stop The Presents!:
Take the Star!:

And a trip, and a trip, and a trip
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page :
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Toxic Gingerbread Empty Re: Toxic Gingerbread

Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:58 pm
Niko would listen to the group express their thoughts. Taking mental notes on how they thought differently from each other. Mizu was quiet and calculative, and from the look of her, she caught wind of his misplaced fear. Suika seemed to be more of a follower similar to himself, and Ryuzaki was a lone wolf preferring to get things done his way and his way alone. Though listening to his plan with the group was starting to change his mind. Though listening to the woman give orders it sounded natural. Maybe she had some experience in the field. It felt quite similar to when he had spoken with his very own kage.

"I do have to agree with Ryuzaki here. This could be some kinda scheme we are getting played into. It seems kinda weird especially the fact that they were able to just teleport us here. Through common letters. The thought that someone could manipulate this many people at once with cherry-picked words is quite strong."

Listening to Ryuzaki add onto the plan regarding fire and how it could go wrong Niko had to admit that seemed sound. Though he still had no idea why he was here and what he was supposed to be doing outside of what he had picked up from his peers here. Though upon hearing Mizuki's request Niko was put into thought. She wished to ask a question of him. Hmm, that was quite odd though if it gave him an opportunity to learn more about this ragtag operation then sure.

"I'm game. Though I'm sure your confidence means you are quite the speed demon yourself. No lies. Also ill be heading North."

Niko would hope that he would be able to beat her but based on the question that she may ask Niko would still be able to learn more about Mizuki this was an opportunity for him to learn and gain. Niko would then perform the hand seals to turn invisible on his left hand and the seals for his booster last puppeteer on his right. Then he would speed off at his max speed. Coming upon a gate to the compound he would wait a little bit for it to open for an incoming patrol. Then he would slip by. Allowing him access to the main compound. From there it would be smooth sailing. It seemed as if the people here had no shinobi qualities whatsoever. The thought was strange but not unlikely. From there he would notice that his portion of the compound had no belts nor explosives. Maybe the others would have some luck.

From there he would follow the same path out to the rendevous point. From there he would look around to see if he could find Mizuki
(WC 462 posted 12/18 for advent purposes)
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