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Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:10 pm
Ayame headed out to the training grounds again, feeling rather refreshed after not being able to sleep for three days and subsequently passing out on the floor of her hotel room, finding more comfort in it that the cushy fluffy bed they had provided her with.

She trudged through the sand, somehow still in awe of the beauty a desert could behold. Sure it was nothing compared to the Leaf, but it was different and a change of pace, something she needed at this stage in her training. It had been nearly a year since she became a genin. She would then be an adult and faced with all sorts of responsibilities and things that quite honestly made her feel panicky.  Instead of dealing with these things she just repressed them, as that's what she did with the difficult things.  

Ayame shook off her feelings from previously in the day. Her mind drifted to her friends in Konoha. She hadn't heard from kin or mason at all in nearly half a year and hoped they were okay. As for Orokana, her most previous discussion with him did not end well at all. Whose to say they were even friends anymore? She hadn't seen Kasuga in a while either, but that was understandable considering he was a strong ninja and the Hokage's eldest son. What she wouldn't give for a hug from one of her friends right now.

An overwhelming sense of loneliness shadowed over her heart, as she wished for things to go back to how they were. Ayame blinked a few times, rolling her eyes to stop them from watering. At least she had made a new friend, right? Yensung? But how long would that really last before he disappears too.

Ayame set Nita on the ground. Nita was getting rather old for a rat too. Pretty soon Nita would be leaving her too.

Ayame shook off her depressing thoughts and breathed slowly to calm herself.

"Wow, what a great way to start your morning, Aya. Not even 6:00 am and you already wanna go back to bed" she sarcastically growled to herself. "This is definitely what you of all people need; to watch the sun rise and sulk about things you cannot change."

She sat on the sand whilst Nita crawled onto her lap as she began making the hand signs for a clan Jutsu Saito had attempted to teach her before she left for the exams. It was called Feral Fang, and it was a rather simple Jutsu to learn. She just needed some more practice.

WC: 433

AP: 200 - 1 = 199

433/1000 Feral Fang

Last edited by AyameNezumichi on Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:49 am
As Kyson woke up on another early day. It was tiem for his early work out. He stop learning jutsu for a while and just focused on his conditioning and stamina. He feels that it's the only thing he could do for now without stressing out his body befor the exams. So for the time being, his workouts will be faily simple. As he woke up and did his daily morning routine, he would be ready to head out to the training grounds. He sparred with Royalty for the first time in a while. Kyson took a really big hit during that fight, underestimating his friend since he hasn't trained in a while. And Kyson suffered for it. But of course his wound wasn't too bad, but it was still a good hit to the back. 

Kyson decides to take it easy to the training grounds as he takes a light jog. The temperature was hot like always but a bit cooler than since it was the morning. Also part of the reason why Kyson like to get up early and workout. The weather in the morning is usually perfect, not too hot and not too cold. As he approaches the training grounds, he noticed someone was already there. It seemed to be a girl. Kyson found out a few days ago that Konoha shinobi arrived in Suna. Could she be on of them? Or is she just another Suna shinobi he hasn't seen before. 

With him being somewhat the quiet type, he begins to start his warm up in the training gronuds. Begins to stretch out his body slowly. His back healed up a lot since his spar, so he is finally starting to feel back to normal again.
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:37 pm
Ayame heard someone approach the training grounds. She enjoyed the peace and quiet of the morning, though she much preferred the night. However, the desert was much too cold at night for her to want to train.

When she noticed him, she turned to him, Konoha headband around her waist in a relaxed manner, and watched him for a moment. Once he started stretching, she approached slowly, looking more-so for a conversation than anything. While she was here she wanted to make friends with some of the local ninja, and he was the first she had really seen, besides the guards.

"Hi there!" she said with a cheerful tone although her voice didn't match t well. Her smile was genuine and kind, though. It was obvious she wasn't a threat.

"May I join you? Not many people are up at this hour. Although I enjoy the quiet and beauty, it can be quite lonely." Ayame started and then tilted her head slightly to hear his response better.

Nita stretched and crawled over to join the pair of shinobi in the sunrise. She sniffed at Ky and then climbed up onto Ayame's shoulder.

WC: 199
TWC: 632

AP: 199 - 1 = 198

433/1000 Feral Fang
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:11 am
As Kyson was beginning his normal stretch routine. He noticed the girl walking over towards him. From the look of her headband, she was from konoha. She must be here for exams, this was the first konoha ninja Kyson has saw in Suna, that was actually part of the exams. She asked if she could join Kyson in his little exercise. This wasn't the first time Kyson has worked out with someone, so he had no problem with it.

"Sure." Kyson would say in response to her request. With a simple smirk on his face 

"Yeah, I like to get up at this time. The temperature is real cool at this time of day." Kyson would say to the girl. He would now begin to stretch his right arm. But placing it across his chest and changing to his left arm after a few seconds.

"So what's your name? I see your from Konoha, I assume your here for exams?" Kyson would ask out of curiosity.

(Sorry for the late post, been a bit busy)
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:44 am
"My name is Ayame Nezumichi" Ayame explained, "and this is my Ninja partner, Nita" she gestured to the dumbo siamese rat.

"Oddly enough you're the only Suna ninja I've really seen out here training," she said softly. "Yeah I'm from the leaf village, and I am a genin entered in the exams. Are you participating?" she asked tentatively whilst rolling her shoulders.

"I'm usually a night trainer to be honest. I just haven't been sleeping well; I'm not a fan of beds. They are too soft and squishy. See back at Konoha, I live in an apple tree, mostly by choice. Never tried sleeping in a bed before... well other than a hospital bed." The girl trailed on. "When I was little I would sleep on the floor because I didn't like cots or hammocks. I guess sleeping on those kinds of things just stuck with me since." She then smiled happily at the boy.

"So would you like to spar? or did you have something else in mind?" she asked innocently. "I'm sure I could get a friend out here if you wanted to try group training. He's usually up at this time anyhow."

WC: 204
TWC: 836

AP: 198 - 1 = 197

433/1000 Feral Fang
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:31 am
As Ayame introduced herself and her little friend. Kyson began to noticed that she is the second person that keeps a type of pet with her. The first guy he met that kept a pet with him was another fellow hozuki. He kept a fox with him. Kyson never thought about getting a some type of pet or companion with him. But he oculdn't seem himself doing it.

"Nice to meet you both. There were only three suna ninja that passed the written test. So as far as I know, there are only three of us entering. And yeah I'm a chunnin entering the exams." Kyson would say to Ayame. Hearing that Ayame didn't like to sleep on beds. Kyson always enjoyed sleeping on a bed. Especially since when he was at an orphanage in Kumo, he sat on the floor most of the time since there wasn't a lot of money put into the place. On top of that, Kyson never got along with the other kids, so he always found uncomfortable places to sleep since he didn't want to be near anyone. But when he moved out the orphanage, he was happy to have a bed.

"Wow, so your back doesn't hurt when you wake up?" Kyson would ask. The girl would then ask to spar with Kyson. Kyson wasn't really planning on sparring, but it still doesn't sound like a bad idea.  She also said that she could bring a friend with her. Another leaf shinobi? Kyson would assume. He visited Konoha not too long ago, but didn't really speak to any of the ninja there. Maybe this could be a good time to meet some.
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:12 pm
It had only been a day since Queen had arrived in Sunagakure and she could already say she hated it. Between the dry hot air and the sand that seemed to find its way into places it shouldn’t, she could comfortably say she couldn’t wait to be somewhere with a more favourable climate. With that said, she was still counting down the days until the next phase of the exams begun. Between now and then, she hoped to get some training done since her time had been occupied with Yamano Industries rather than her physical training. Hell, she hadn’t even had much time to explore her Hyuuga abilities, something she had just recently come to discover. A lot roamed through her mind during this time and she had wished there was someone she could talk to… Rei released a deep breath as she thought of Jace. A very angry group of gorillas had separated their paths on the trip to Suna and she hadn’t seen him since. Queen threw on her black sports bra and a set of black legging before heading off into the village. There wasn’t much time to be somber.

Being too stubborn to ask for direction, it took Queen about an hour to find her way towards the training grounds.The barren land was filled with a few shinobi training, some she assumed would be her fellow competitors for the Jonin exams; she could even see a few Konoha headbands. That’s when she spotted the brunette girl who she had partnered with once upon a time. An ominous smirk coloured the blonde’s lips as she tied her hair up into a high ponytail. “How about a two on two?” Rei announced, coming from the girl’s rear. Her eyes flickered to the dark haired boy, quickly wondering if he was also partaking in the exams. While she was eager to train on her own to further her skills, scouting her possible future opponents wouldn’t hurt either.

Her assumption was proven as the boy confirmed that he was one of three Suna ninja who passed the written test. It would seem the majority of her competition would be others from Konoha

“Made it here alive I see.” Queen stated towards the fragile girl with and unrealistic view of the world. The girl stretched her upper body as she continuously looked the male up and down, wondering what he was good at and waited for a response from the individuals. She already has an idea of what Ayame was capable of, but she was itching to learn more about the dark haired individual.

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:16 pm
"I don't suppose you'd have room for one more...?" Salzem asked, walking up to the group of people ahead. Only one of those did he recognize, the girl that cared not for the slaying of children... Oh yes... she went by "Queen..." He had overheard the entire conversation with his superior lycan hearing and he simply couldn't resist... Training such as this for the Jounin exams coming up... that was what he needed... a little genuine exercise... Even though they had their little petty squabbles in the past, Salzem had easily forgiven the girl for her act of cold cruelty upon the child... After all... If he hadn't... He wouldn't have bothered even coming near her. The other two... they were unfamiliar to him... Wait... that fellow besides the other girl... they may have met before... He seemed somewhat familiar... Salzem squinted his eyes at the other male, convinced he had seen him before...

In any case, the lycan shrugged his shoulders, adjusting the headband that hung loosely from his neck, approaching the group with a sort of casual walk that made him seem like he held not a care in the world.

"'Sup Queen." Salzem said, waving over to the only other person he knew. "Hope you got stronger in the passing months. You owe me a fight." Of course, he was referring to the one she was just ASKING FOR at the end of that mission. Needless to say, No one was going to be fighting Queen but him and only him... Sure, he had forgiven her for the dispicable act she had committed, but that didn't mean he was going to let it all pass. Salzem tended to have a problem with the "forget" part of forgive and forget... Still, if they REALLY didn't want him to be there (besides Queen of course because NO wasn't an answer he was going to accept from her), He'd likely oblige by their wishes. If they WOULD welcome his presence... well... Queen was in for the beating of her life. Salzem smiled to himself, craving that battle.
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:51 am
Seeing one more shinobi appearing, it seemed to be another girl. This must be the other partner she was talking about. Judging from her muscular tone, he assumed taijutsu was one of her specialties. Observing her for a moment until someone else decided to join. They were talking about a 2 on 2 match. Kyson wasn't really looking for some intense physical training, but it looks like there is no way out of this one. It felt a bit awkward seeing how everyone else somewhat knew each other. Kyson just watched them converse as he waited until they were done. The other girl name was Rei but Kyson felt a bit strange about the other guy. He looks a tad familiar, but not too much. But he assumed it was nothing.

If this was a 2 on 2, it definitely looked like those two weren't going to be on the same team. They'd probably still fight each other if they were on the same team, turning it into a 2 on 1 on 1. Kyson just put both hands behind his head as he did a little sigh. 

"Doesn't really matter to me, I'm assuming you two won't be on the same team." Kyson would say in a moderate tone. He wasn't expecting to see three konoha shinobi today. And he definitely wasn't expecting to spar. This would probably be a bad idea. But Kyson can't pass down a challenge.
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:50 am
Ayame could see the group forming before her. She only knew queen and she pretty much hated her.

She looked to the red-eyed boy. "You wanna fight Rei? Alright, I'll team with you then" she said with barely any hesitation in her voice. She looked over to Kyson quickly, scanning him to make sure he didn't object. "You okay with that?" she asked, more than willing to team with him if he preferred.

She didn't care if queen would object or not but cared more-so of whether the guys would.

Nita took note of what the guys smelled like, slowly memorizing their scents, having already memorized Rei's.

Ayame untied the headband from her waist and tied it around her head in preparation. This fight would be difficult for her, but it looked like she was with a capable adversary.

WC: 145
TWC: 981

AP: 197 - 1 = 196

433/1000: Feral Fang
145/2000: Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki
145/2000: Scent Memorization: Salzem the Salamander

(Sorry this post is so short. I am incredibly tired and will edit tomorrow if noone else posts before i get on. Also I did ask Kyson to post before me because I was having a severe writers block. So don't worry about the post order being "messed up." It's fine and we should follow this order henceforth starting with queen I suppose. Thanks for understanding! <3 )
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