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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:52 pm
After Kyson finished using his shirukeji, he could feel the foul smell in the air begin to disappear. That was really his main goal, he didn't want to have anyone effected by his technique, but that smell had to go. Kyson would then take a deep breathe, as the fresh suna smell was slowly coming back. Now, back to this little spar. 

Seeing how the other two were mainly using taijutsu, he can tell they were really good with that style of battle. Judging from their muscular tones, they look pretty athletic and physically strong. 

As he noticed Ayame created some space form the two of them. Kyson created the ram hand seal as he was going to body flick. If Ayame tried to move before Kyson body flicked, he would cancel it and think of something else on the go.

As Kyson would body flick on front of Ayame at a speed of 200. And being right in front of her. Kyson would throw a kick with his left leg at a speed of 100 and a power of 20. The kick would be aiming towards her right rib cage. Waiting to see how she would react. Kyson wasn't much of a taijutsu user, but he figured it be good to use since it was a spar. There is no point practicing things you already mastered, so why not work on his weaknesses.

-10 body flicker

990 ap remaining
(Sorry for the wait)
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:44 pm
Ayame was focused on Kyson. He made the ram sign and looked to her and next thing she knew, he was next to her and swiftly kicking her in the ribs, due to the body flicker being faster than she could react. Luckily she would only walk away from that attack with a bruise. Had he attacked any harder and she might have needed to heal herself or even go to the hospital.

The kick didn't physically move her, though it hurt and truthfully she didn't know what to do, but she didn't want to risk standing there like an idiot and allowing another attack to be made on her. Therefore, just as the kick would land, she would have her chakra scalpel ready (scaled power and health of 66), and just after the kick, she would swipe at him (following him if he should move) (speed of 110), her right hand coming at his left shoulder, and with a very tiny split second delay, her left hand would be heading for his waist.

Ayame prepared for a backlash, just in case he decided to attack back, being at such a close range. She ran back about 10 meters at a speed of 55 and then began circling Kyson while keeping her distance, still at a speed of 55.

Ayame, while remaining focused on the Suna ninja, also was paying attention to Salzem and Queen fighting each other. Briefly, she wondered if she could assist in that, but then she shook it off, feeling that the huge dog-boy could handle it himself.

WC: 267
TWC: 1526

AP: 174 - 40 - 1 = 133

433/1000: Feral Fang
874/2000: Raiton: Jibashi! Mastery (Only claiming 154/1280) (Do not Approve Yet!)
690/2000: Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki
267/4000: Chakra Scalpel Mastery
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:55 pm
As Queen had skidded back from the blow of the attack and she released the smoke bomb to consumer her, the girl also activated her Byakugan to give her a clear view of the area around her even through the smoke. With her vision now improved, the girl could better comprehend what was going around in the battle as she clearly saw the dome like structure that surrounded them with Kyson at the center. “I see.” Just as she realized the barrier, her eyes quickly flicked to Salzem whose chakra network was going through some sort of change. It was rather strange, yet an interesting development that was taking place. She wasn’t sure of the effect, but she’d hopefully be able to put two and two together.

The werewolf boy let out a snort of sorts that would cause Queen to come to the conclusion that the beast was growing frustrated. While this brought the blonde satisfaction, it was becoming clear that she could no longer hold back with someone of similar skill was going all out.Queen shifted from second gear to third gear (One piece reference much?), activating the last breath of the seven heavens breathing method. She would need to make up for the loss of movement the boy had placed on her. The Werewolf would be running at her at a speed of 83 (you came to a stop based off what I read in your post so you can’t be going at full speed), as like he had known which direction she’d gone on. Of course, the Chunin could only assume it had to do with the foul smell from earlier, maybe even combined with a heightened sense of smell. While she could tell her location, he could not predict her movements as she could with him; something she would try to use to her advantage.

Queen pulled out two shuriken and a kunai from her ninja pouch, items that she prepped while Sal was contorting his chakra system or whatever it was he did. And launched them at the boy through the thick smoke. One of the Shuriken was thrown towards a low angle, in trajectory to strike his left foot once he was about six meters away. With that Projectile thrown, if noticed and dodged,, Queen would launch the second shuriken once the boy changed his direction of movement to evade the first projectile to hit his lower right thigh; in the events that the first shuriken struck, the goal would still be to hit his lower right thigh. Finally, the Kunai would be launched at the same time as the second shuriken, aimed for right under the boy’s right pec. These projectiles were launched at a speed of 140 and would be thrown before Sal would have lifted his hand and broken his prayer beads.

If she had succeeded in striking the boy and halting his movements temporarily, the girl would have positioned herself to begin one of her Clan’s signature trademark moves. The stance took place momentarily and would have been done by the time the last kunai would have made it to it’s mark and with that, would attempt to strike sal with the first two strikes of the sixty four palms at a speed of 170 still using the blindness of the smoke to her advantage. While the werewolf would possibly be able to sense her coming, he still wouldn’t be able to see what exactly it was she was doing. If the first two strikes would hit, she would continue on to perform the technique.

In the case that her projectile attack had failed, and Sal would have advanced in breaking his prayer beads and launch them at the girl. Queen would proceed to take a leap back, trying to keep the distance between Sal and her while she took care of the nuances of the balls. With the balls crashing into the balls and starting their levitation, Rei immediately realized they were going to become an issue. With that in mind, the bead bracelet around her right wrist began to glow suddenly before her entire arm was engulfed in the armour that her company had created just for her. While she was still missing the other half of the set, it would have to do for now.

With the first orb heading toward her from her left, it was coming straight for her head; specifically her cheek. With Queen backing up at a speed of 150, it didn’t take much for her to tilt her head back, avoiding the strike of the orb as she watched it barely miss and continue it’s trajectory further right. The next orb that came was coming for her mid-section. With her armour covered arm, Queen threw a quick jab as the orb was coming at her. The quick action of a jab allowed her to strike the object just in time and the extra force o the Arkhat Fist, the girl punched it with a strength of 135. Upon the punch making contact with the orb, the collision caused a large crack to go down the center of the bead, with smaller crack rippling from the large one as it actually caused the bead to fly back towards sal. With her arm already in front of her, she would position it in front of the last incoming orb in order to block the incoming attack with the armour’s health of 150. With the last offensive bead taken cared of, Queen remained observant as to any further incoming attacks since she was well aware there were a lot more orbs. “Bring em at me…” She said quietly to herself, waiting for the right moment to strike her enemy. Meanwhile, she used her free hand to throw down another smoke bomb in order to keep the sight sense to her advantage.

-40 for seven heavens A
-22 for Gankeki
-1 byakugan
143 ap used (I think)

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:56 pm
Salzem growled in anger as he immediately too his hand of his prayer-bead to deal with the incoming threat shooting through the smoke, small, edged, deadly... ninja-tools in the form of first being a shuriken aimed at his wolven thigh. with just enough speed, Salzem managed to raise his leg up high enough so that the metal star whizzed past underneath his limb, the steel hovering over the sand for just a moment or so longer before imbedding itself firmly within a few meters behind. He wasn't so lucky with the knife, however, as with the smoke completely obscuring the dark-metal's edge and with the speed it was shooting towards him, the metal dug into the lycan's shoulder, able to shift his weight just enough so that it missed it's intended target (speed 145). Salzem immediately grabbed the handle of the knife in his massive palm and pulled it from the wound, growling in pain as blood sprayed outward, but almost instantly, the wound seemed to heal, but at no small expense to the wolf... he felt a portion of his energy drain away as he replaced his flesh, staring down at the sanguine-coated steel weapon that had been embedded in his flesh not a moment ago...

And not a moment later, he felt two strikes, not necessarily powerful, but extremely damaging in their own right, the mere touch of her fingers jabbing his flesh beginning to wear down his strength rather fast... and then there was more... rapid-fire... coming one after another, circular motion in preserving energy with each strike while draining his, the lycan almost completely unable to stop himself from sustaining these blows. Almost being the operative word... While Queen was in mid strike, Salzem's massive girth bore down on the girl, his jaws opening wide and he sunk his teeth into her flesh just shy of her clavicle, between her neck and shoulder (speed 145, strength 35, sharpness 70), perhaps breaking a bone or straining that tendon immensely, tearing gashes into her skin and muscle with ease but not sinking much farther beyond that. Between her constant barrage and his growing weakness, Salzem couldn't muster up enough strength of his own to push Queen down with the force of his bite... All he could do was gargle with her blood and pain as his jaw weakened and his grip on her fell limp. At the end of it all, Queen would take a massive step forward, striking his body all over with a near-instant combination of blows that rendered whatever meager energy Salzem hand left completely gone, throwing him CLEAR out of the smoke-cloud they were fighting in, already reverted back to his humanoid shape by the time he cleared the impenetrable gas.

Salzem would land a good 8 meters away from where Queen had launched him if her attack followed through, landing flat on his back with not even enough strength to lift his wrist.

"Urgh.... Byakugan...? What...?" Salzem hissed, completely unaware Queen possessed the capability to preform gentle-fist... What was going on...? Ugh... he felt completely disgusted with himself... taken out by such a move and defeated in this matter was for genin and academy students! But then... thats what he got for kicking the hornet's nest as cockily as he pleased...

"F-fine... you win." He conceded, looking at Queen as best he could at the angle he had. "N-now... help...? Please...?"

(completely immobile due to 64 palms Xb)
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:14 pm
After Kyson threw a kick towards Ayame. The kick was successful, though it wasn't enough to knock her out or anything. But after the kick hit her, he noticed she used chakra scapel. Kyson has seen that attack before and knows exactly what its capable of. As Kyson watched her arm hand beginning to glow. Kyson would activate wind glaive to give him a upper hand in speed a little. Making his speed and chakra 130. Kyson would grab her forearm at a speed of 130 and a power of  35 with his left hand. Preventing her from attacking Kyson with that hand blade and not allowing her to move it since his strength was above hers. But he would have to put some effort into it since he wasn't that physically strong. He would then make the clone hand seal with his single right hand and summon a shadow clone above him. 

Immediately after the shadow clone was formed, Kyson would use his right hand to grab Ayame's other forearm, so Kyson would have both of her arms and making her unable to move them and not allowing her to use hand seals. Kyson wasn't planning on trying, but he was having a little fun with his fight. As he has both of Ayame's arms, the clone would make two hand seals at the speed of 100. And would begin to perform, swamp of the underworld. The ground would begin to liquefy under Kyson and Ayame at a speed 105 and a power of 60. Right before the ground would begin to liquefy into a swamp. The clone would climb on top of Kyson's shoulders, as he stood on both of his shoulders. The clone would then pull out a kunai from his weapon pouch. The swamp would only be 3 meters around Kyson and Ayame.

The clone wouldn't make the swamp too deep. He would only make it deep enough to where it would be at the Kyson's and Ayame's chest. As the two of them were stuck inside the swamp up to their neck and leaving them unable to move. The clone would be standing on Kyson's shoulders, not touching the swamp and pointing a kunai at Ayame.

"Checkmate." The clone would say with a friendly expression on his face. Though, all of this would happen if his plan were to go as planned. Kyson would then peek towards Rei and the other guy's fight. It seemed the other guy looked like he was unable to move. So Kyson assumed this spar session was over. This was a pretty fun spar between other village shinobi. Kyson enjoyed this little training session. 

Kyson ap: 495
              - 30 for shadow clone 
              - 30 for wind glaive 
              430 ap remaining
Clone: 460
         - 45 swamp of the underworld
          415 ap remaining
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:04 pm
Ayame knew it was over and accepted the defeat. It looked like Sal and Queen were finishing up their fight as well. Ayame didn't really care for mud, but it was the closest thing to water here, which made it slightly more appealing to her than it would be at home.

Ayame looked up at the clone and laughed happily, "Yeah I guess it is game over then." she said flipping the switch to a more carefree attitude, trying not to think that if this was real, she'd be dead.  Though being stuck in the mud and so close to a boy made her blush a little, especially because she couldn't turn to face him with the mud squeezing her so tight.


Provided Kyson would release her and help her up from the burning hot sand, she would make the hand signs for her Suiton: Snake's Mouth Jutsu, expelling it from her mouth and turning it around to come at her and wash the mud off before it dried (Leaving power as is but not gonna have it sweep people away). She passed through the snake with ease. If Kyson was still muddy, she would send the snake over to him, allowing it to wash him off as well. Hopefully, he wouldn't try to evade it thinking she was attacking again, considering she just used it to wash herself and her clothes, though she still would need a shower afterward, it helped a lot with the sticky and muddy feeling. After the snake would hit Kyson (or not) it would travel on to the end of her range and then collapse into a puddle, sinking into the sand rather quickly.

"Well that was fun!" Ayame said holding her hand out for a handshake.

Once the group had finished, Ayame would say "Why don't we all go out and grab a bite to eat? My treat!" she said in the spirits of a great battle. She wasn't forcing anyone to come along, but it would be nice if they would.

(seriously though, we should do a CD thread and get to know each other. Even if it's timelined after the first part of the battle exams ^^)(We could go eat at Chef's place if its after and invite him XD)(Or would that be too much of a clusterfuck?)

TWC: 1923

1000/1000: Feral Fang
971/2000: Raiton: Jibashi! Mastery (Only claiming 251/1280) (Do not Approve Yet!)
1923/2000: Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki

(Rearranged some Words)
(Gonna finish up the Lightning Mastery after y'all leave)(Sal and Queen are just about done too, hence why I took the checkmate without checking if I could avoid it ^^)
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:10 pm
Her kunai had been a hit and so she had seen an opening to launch her strikes. She had remembered practicing this move countlessly with her uncle when she first learned her Hyuuga heritage. Her attempts to strike the tenketsu points flawlessly with precision and speed. two palms, four palms, 16 palms, 32 palms. With each palm strike was the closure of another point, and Rei continuously draining the boy’s chakra. As the girl was about to launch there thirty-third and thirty-fourth strike, She saw the boy come at her at an intense speed, bringing down how shark canine tooth down to munch on her like a mid day snack.

“Augh!” Queen let out a shriek of quick pain as the boy’s teeth sunk into her skin in between her shoulder and neck The bite wasn’t deep, but it was just enough to do some noticeable damage in a sensitive place. Even though bit, Queen continued her barrage of strikes, Another thirty two shots were fired at the boy, closing off most of his system. With each strike, the boy’s bite force became weaker and weaker until he had completely let go. With the final two strikes, Queen put an extra amount of force into it, launching the boy clear across the smoke cloud towards the direction where the other two had been fighting. As the boy hissed towards his surprisal that the blonde beauty had the byakugan, the girl appeared through the smoke herself, holding her bite wonder with her hand to put pressure on it. “I was planning on saving it for the exams.” She said her competitor. “But you put up quite the fight…” She said, giving Sal a weakened smile. She may not see eye to eye with the boy in certain things, but he was on hell of a fighter, and that she could respect… Even if he was some mutant dog. ( >:0).

With the victory claimed, Queen deactivated her seven heaven’s and approached her fallen competitor. Her gaze flicked to the other who whose match seemed to be coming to an end as well as Kyson summoned a shadow clone and gripped onto the girl as the ground below them turned into what seemed to be like a mud. With that, Ayame was trapped and Kyson and called the win. Looks like her team had claim a victory over the Anti-Queen brigade. “As great as that sounds Ayame, we could use some help over here.” She pointed towards the crippled Sal. “You know Medical Ninjutsu don’t you?” She inquired before taking a seat near the injured male, waiting for her to approach and heal the boy.

“That move that you used on the barrier… what was that?” Queen asked to boy, as she thought about the fight. At one point in time, Kyson as she assumed has activated some sort of Chakra deafening barrier, and Sal had seemed to break through it lie it was nothing, as if deactivating the effects upon himself. While she knew Sal currently had a better chakra pool than herself, she didn’t believe it to be an ability that he could easily overcome, not through chakra means. As for the barrier that Kyson used, she was rather intrigued by it’s use too. She could only assume that his technique was some sort of Ninjutsu or Fuuinjutsu and while she didn’t specialize in those fields, she could possibly form something along like that technique using her gentle fist arts. It was definitely something that she would try and work on before the exams finally approached.

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:41 pm
"Oh... Sorry then..." Salzem rolled his eyes and laughed as Rei commented how she intended to show off her byakugan for the tournament. He was actually surprised... Queen complimented him, stating that he had put up a good fight... For the first time between them, Salzem and Rei had actually found some common ground. Even if they're philosophies were worlds different, at least they could appreciate the fighting-prowess of one another. He could certainly settle for that. "You're pretty good yourself... Sorry about the bite. I was hoping it'd stop you." As Queen approached, she commented that before they could get any food or do anything together as comrades, first they had to deal with the one that was literally unable to walk on his own...

"Yeah... uh.... Little help, Ayame...?" Salzem asked, feeling very awkward and very vulnerable as he lay spewed out across the sand. Rei sat down next to him, another first, her wanting to actually be next to him, and asked what exactly she did when Kyson's barrier came down over them. It didn't take long for the lycan to figure out what she meant, his eyes glowing and his chakra completely bypassing the nullifying effect it had upon him. His first instinct was to be sarcastic and ultimately keep it to himself. his second was to play it coy, make it a joke, but the third actually asked that he tell her and keep the respect between them alive.... He listened to that one.

"Well.... I'll show you once I can move..." He looked down at his immobile form, tsking in disapproval. "But... it's not a jutsu or anything like that... its like... a balance between mind and body, energy and chakra... Essentially, through meditation, I've found that these things aren't completely different, but not completely interchangeable mind you... It lets me bypass defenses or attacks that would require a greater amount of chakra or a greater amount of strength than i have... For example..." Salzem glanced over at Kyson. "His barrier... One has to have a lot of chakra to ignore it's effects... Well... I didn't possess it at the time, but I did the strength, the physical might... and so, I was able to channel this energy into my network, syphoning out my chakra into my body instead, allowing me to resist the effects..." He smiled at the taijutsu specialist, a somewhat strange curve to his smile as if he were asking a seperate question.

"I think.... I will teach you if you want... I think you'd use it well." Thats about as high a compliment as the lycan was able to give. Passing off one of his own self-made techniques to another wasn't something someone should do very lightly, if at all and here he was offering it up. In his mind, Queen should feel honored... this technique might not deal any damage or defend her from blows, but its utility was undeniable.
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:58 pm
As the little spar was over, Kyson would raise both him and Ayame to normal ground level. Since they were both stuck in the little swamp. As the they were now out of the jutsu, the clone would then dispel.

"Yeah, it was a pretty fun spar." Kyson would say in response. As Kyson begins to stretch out a little after his spar. He feels a bit more refreshed. Probably showed a little more than he should have since exams were coming up. But he was having a little too much fun, so he couldn't resist. As Kyson glanced over at the other guy and Rei. It seemed, he was still a bit hurt from a attack.

"Don't worry I got it.." Kyson would say as he begins to walk over towards him. As he begins to kneel down and hover his left hand over his wounds. He would begin to use medical ninjutsu on him to heal any little cuts or bruises. After about a minute, he should be fine for the most part. Kyson wasn't really a medical shinobi, but he at least made sure he knew the basics. Rei asked Kyson about his barrier. He really didn't want to expose it to anyone. But that smell was really getting on Kyson's nerves.

"Oh that, it was just a chakra barrier that disrupts chakra." Kyson said as he explained it as simple as possible. Hearing about byakugan, Kyson assumes she's a hyyuga. Since this would be the second hyyuga clan member he has met. The first was apart of his genin team that Kyson was leading temporarily. As Kyson heard the other guy explain how he broke out of Kyson's chakra barrier. He was intrigued to hear how he broke out of it. Who would have thought, brute strength could break out of his chakra barrier.

"Yeah I didn't want to use it to its full potential. I wanted it to be easy to break out of. I didn't want to ruin your 1 on 1. So I dumbed it down to the point where I can take away that smell and not ruin your fight and hoped no one noticed." Kyson would say as he just about healed most of Sal's wounds.

845 ap
- 20 medical nin

825 ap remain
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:10 am
Ayame had started over to Salzem after being released when Kyson announced that he would take care of it. It kinda made her feel purposeless so she announced. "I'll help too," And instead of working on the boy's cuts, she worked on healing his chakra points, or pressure points, so he could move regularly again.

"Wow, you guys are very observant, I didn't smell anything" Ayame noted sitting on the other side of salzem and facing both him and Rei.

When Kyson went on to explain his barrier she felt a little inferior, but she reminded herself that she was a genin facing off against chuunin, of course, she'd be inferior.

Her soft hands checked out each of Salzem's pressure points that had been hit, confused by the complexity of these hits, being able to slowly override them one-by-one (for purposes of this thread only), but it took a while and a lot of touching his arms and legs. Kyson could deal with anyplace else they could be. Nita approached the group curiously having avoided the fight altogether thus far, saving her energy, in her old age, for the jounin exams (even though she won't be participating, this is more-so for ic reasons), crawling onto the genin's lap and curling up.

"Hey, after this would you guys like to go out for some ramen?" She asked curiously with a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she finished up her part of healing Salzem with Medical Ninjutsu.

WC: 257
TWC: 2180

1000/1000: Feral Fang
1180/2000: Raiton: Jibashi! Mastery (Only claiming 460/1280) (Do not Approve Yet!)
Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki

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