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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:41 pm
Rei’s eyes flicked to the fourth member to join in on the fun. It was the wolf boy who she had partner with right before the exams started. She couldn’t remember seeing him at the written exams so she wondered why he was here to begin with if it wasn’t for next round. Well it seemed like everyone who didn’t see eye to eye with the blonde girl was appearing today. She could only wonder who’d be next. Nothing left Queen’s lips when the boy spoke to her. She simply didn’t have anything to say the the male. The only thing that could come to mine was how well he would get along with the misplaced brunette of the group.

Ayame was quick to pick her teammate in the wolf boy, a slight smile creeping upon her lips. She took notice of the user of her actual name, brushing it off to the side for the time being. “Alright.” She said as she walked over towards the lone Suna ninja of the group. “I guess this means we’re together.” She stretched out her lower body a bit, her eyes flicking from the petite female to the slim male. “Let the best team win."

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Wed Jan 18, 2017 9:27 am
Salzem didn't seem visibly bothered by Queen's lack of an answer. Instead, he only smirked to himself as Ayame reveiled her true name to him, something she had neglected to do back when they were on that little mission together. Rei, is it? A decent enough name he supposed. Far better than he title of Queen, that's for certain. His grin only grew wider as the other girl came over to his side, asking that he join her in this fight. Of course, who was he to turn her down? So long as he got his fight with "Rei", all was right with the world.

"I'm completely okay with it." Salzem said with a shrug before his body began to erupt, his skin starting to split, his teeth erupting outwards into fangs... With a speed of 150, Salzem had grown into his almost 7 foot werewolven form, towering over the rest of them easily, just as the other girl tied her headband around her head. He supposed he should start at about 50%... He didn't want to completely destroy "Rei" after all... Smashing her pride wasn't why he was here, really. Simply to collect a debt.

Suddenly, Salzem would lunge towards the opposing girl, a glowing blue aura encasing him. With a speed of 175 and a strength of 45, his arm extended outwards to catch her throat in a lariat. His other arm, however, was ready for defense should he ever need it, though he had a suspicion Queen wasn't going to make him try very hard.

AP: 811

-30 Lycanthropy Pack-Leader Form
-30 Lariate
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:56 pm
It was obvious that Kyson was on Rei's team. They were up against Ayame and the other guy. Still looks somewhat familiar and he still doesn't know his name. Everyone seemed to be fine with the circumstances. So I guess our little 2 on 2 spar was about to begin. Then suddenly the other guy turned into some kind of large beast. He would then rush at Rei at a very high speed. Judging from that position he is in, Kyson has seen that taijutsu move before. He didn't really know the name of it, but he has seen how it was used. 

While they are doing there thing, Kyson would focus on Ayame to make sure she wouldn't interfere. But at the same time Kyson would keep his attention to Rei and the wolf's fight. Just in case she would need assistance. Since this is a 2 on 2 match. Kyson would run at Ayame at a speed of 50. And once in front of her, he would deliver a side kick towards her chest with his left leg. The attack would be coming at a speed of 60 and a power of 25. Just to see how she would react, not expecting it to land. But if it does, he will be ready for his next move.
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:35 pm
Ayame was shocked by Salzem's remarkably grotesque figure before her. What was once a dark haired, slightly-attractive, red-eyed boy was now a gigantic man-beast, covered in hair and oozing saliva from between his sharp bright teeth.

Taken aback, she looked to Kyson who was already rushing her. Ayame just barely got out of the way in time, dodging slightly to the right of his punch.  Ayame then hopped back at a speed of 40 and distance of 20 meters after that giving her just enough time for her to make the hand signs for another Jutsu.

She made her hand signs at the maximum speed possible, casting Raiton: Electromagnetic Murder, and aiming it at Kyson (power 40, speed 40(+15 buff due to having over 30 more chakra than the power of the Jutsu))

Ayame then continued to back up at a speed of 25 watching the boy for any gives that he might attempt another Jutsu.

WC: 154
TWC: 1135

AP: 196 - 21 = 175

433/1000: Feral Fang
874/2000: Raiton: Jibashi! Mastery (Only claiming 154/1280) (Do not Approve Yet!)
299/2000: Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki
299/2000: Scent Memorization: Salzem the Salamander

(Some of the stuff I am working on is not on my stat page as of yet. I am awaiting approval, but don't want to waste WC here.)
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:00 am
There seemed to be no arguments on all fronts about the teams that we formed. Sal and Ayame were quick to team up due to what seemed to be a common distaste for the Blonde Beauty. Some would probably find it offensive, Queen on the other hand saw it as something rather amusing. With the teams now formed, it seamed the simple two on two spar had come to a start. Sal was quick to start things off, turning into his wolf like state. While she had witnessed this transformation once before, it seemed Ayame was completely shook by the fact. It was something out of a fairy tail. In this instance, Sal was the big bad wolf, and Queen was poor little red trying to get to grandma’s house. Except, Queen was about to have some wolf for supper.

Sal seemed to not be holding back any punches to start off the match up as he came at a rather intense speed to say the least. A blue aura surrounded him as his arm was extended outwards. It was almost clear what it was that he was attempting on doing. The purpose of this fight for Queen wasn’t to prove anything to anyone but rather, see what she would possibly be up against in the tournament. Nevertheless, she had a reputation to upkeep. 

While sal had contorted into the grotesque figure he became, Queen did a little pre-gaming plan of her own. The girl took a simple, relaxed breath as her muscles began to become more prominent. A yellow aura encasing the girl as she was ready to square off with the boy who no doubt charge her rather than her Suna counterpart. With Sal now charging the girl, arm out, Queen waited for the right time to strike, letting her opponent get closer before she jumped right over her opponent at a speed of 225. In the process, her right hand would grasp Sal’s left shoulder with a strength of 120, her eyes locked on Sal’s as she landed directly behind him. If all had gone smoothly, the girl who stilled gripped onto the wolf-male would have thrown her opponent with a reduced speed of 130 and strength of 100 about twenty meters back where a large boulder stood, the intention to have him crash into the large structure. So long as Queen’s strength was higher than Sal’s he would be unable to move once Rei would have grasped his shoulder. She was unsure if her play would be effective, but surely the boy would have other plans.

-40 ap for sacrifice
-30 ap for seaven heavens

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:21 am
Before Salzem even began his attack, a foul smell would waft up from the wolf's skin, spreading out over a 30 meter radius at a speed of 65. Hidden within the sour-sweet smell of the technique were his lycan pheromones, pheromones designed to rip a person's speed assunder... On contact, everyone was infected with the nerve-numbing chemicals, making it so they all (except kyson because his health is high enough to resist), immediately lose 5 speed if they went over 50 speed. Then, for every 10 speed they went above that, they would lose another 5 speed for as long as they stayed in the 30 meter radius and even then, the nerve-numbing pheromones would need quite a bit of time to be filtered out of the system (of course, until they decided to move above 50, they wouldn't feel anything). The best example of this was Queen (Rei) herself as she leaped of Salzem's lariate, the strain of such movements VASTLY accelerating the progress of the Pheromones. THE INSTANT her jump intended for 225 speed began to start, the chemicals within went to work, following the bio-electrical shocks along the nerve-endings and dampening their processing of information. Almost instantly, Queen's ENTIRE body would begin to tingle, then painfully as if her entire body had just went to sleep. her eye-balls, under her finger-nails, her very lungs and intestines... All of her nerves were steadily being dampened by her movements and the more she made, the bigger risk she was to herself. Such was the case that when the tingling started to manifest, her muscles refused to work. Of course, they did preform the action Queen had commanded them to, but HEAVILY distilled. Her intended 225 was reduced to an ugly 138, (225-50 divided by 10 x 5 then subtract that number from the speed) easily manageable by the werewolf.

As Queen's arm shot down (from over-head), to grab onto his left shoulder, Salzem shifted his weight to the right, using the momentum of his Lariate's speed to spin away from Queen's grasp (Speed 175 as lariate was still going), leaving 'Rei' possibly to turn that failed attempt into a flip for her to land on her feet. With that move over, Queen's base speed would now be a pitiful 98 (should her breathing-method stay in place), A speed surpassed by most genin in their early weeks of diligent training. Queen would begin to feel her body moving against her, followed by twitches and spasms, some especially pronounced as her use of speed had completely decimated her nervous system. While it hadn't gotten to the point of damaging her internal organs, it very well might if she is stubborn and refuses to be tactical. At this point, Queen was very little more than fodder for the Wolf, a chew-toy, but even if her speed was now pathetic, her strength was not. He should probably down her right here rather than anticipate a surprise attack. (Note, chakra sensing techniques would see nothing as Pheromone bomb doesn't use chakra).

This time, Salzem would close the small distance between him and queen almost instantly, slamming his shoulder into her chest and sending her tumbling backwards into the dunes behind. (Strength 50, speed 175), effectively incapacitating her by both nerves and everything else. An effective knockout.

-50 Pheromone Bomb
-10 Pack-Leader form
-30 Tokken
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:25 pm
As Ayame dodged Kyson's kick, he watched as she took a lot of steps back. As she was moving back, Kyson peeked at the fight between the other two. All Kyson saw the wolf guy standing. He couldn't even detect Rei. He assumed she was just moving too fast for Kyson to even look at her. But then Kyson noticed a weird smell. He wondered who it would have been coming from. This smell seems like it could be a poison. But it couldn't be too harmful could it? Since this was only a spar.

But shit, the way these two are acting. They might just kill each other. So Kyson decides to see if he could somehow stop this smell, because he can't concentrate with this horrible smell going on during the fight. Without any hand seals, he would activate shirukeji at a speed of 80. The barrier would move out to about 15 meters. So the only one's being affected would be the wolf and Rei, since Ayame wasn't in range. Though her lightning technique power would be halved. Making its power 20, instead of 40. 

The barrier would disrupt half of Rei's and the wolf's chakra. Unless their health was 80 or higher. Because of mastery, the only way someone could see the barrier coming was from a  special chakra vision. Other than that, the barrier was invisible. With the two getting their chakra cut in half. If they don't have enough chakra to perform a certain rank technique, then it would automatically go into cool down. Kyson still isn't sure who cause this smell, but he could guess it be the wolf. But at the end of the day, he still isn't sure. So if the barrier were to hit the two, either way the smell would begin to die down as the jutsu went into an automatic cool down.

As for Ayame using her lightning tech, which Kyson has seen before from other shinobi. He would make the bird handseal and the lightning wave she sent at Kyson would be reduced to 20 because of Kyson's chakra barrier. And after making the bird hand seal, he would send his own wind wave to destroy the lightning wave. the wind wave would travel at 40 speed and power. But the power would get an extra +20 since wind beats lightning. But Kyson's wind wave wouldn't hit her since it can going go up to 15 meters and Ayame is 20 meters away. 

Kyson ap- 1050

-30 Shīrukēji mastered

-20 Wind Release Slash 

1000 ap remaining
Ayame Nezumichi
Ayame Nezumichi
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:27 pm
Ayame could smell something strange. It wasn't exactly bad smelling, but it wasn't good either. It was like food smells emanating through your neighbors' walls; strong smelling, but usually not your cup of tea. If he knew anything about pheromones, he would be able to make it unsmellable to the human nose, as most human pheromones did... but wait... he wasn't exactly human, was he?

Ayame continued backing up (Reaching a speed of 50) attempting to avoid the smell until she was now about 35 meters away from the fight. She watched intently trying to figure out what to do, however. Ayame merely observed waiting for an opening on either Queen or Kyson, one that she could use to throw everyone off.

WC: 124
TWC: 1259

AP: 175 - 1 = 174

433/1000: Feral Fang
874/2000: Raiton: Jibashi! Mastery (Only claiming 154/1280) (Do not Approve Yet!)
423/2000: Scent Memorization: Kyson Hozuki
423/2000: Scent Memorization: Salzem the Salamander

(Sorry for short crappy post, I wasn't sure what to do and confused)

(Some of the stuff I am working on is not on my stat page as of yet. I am awaiting approval, but don't want to waste WC here.)

Last edited by AyameNezumichi on Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated Wprd Count)
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Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Mon Jan 23, 2017 1:46 am
It would seem as if we had gone back in time, back in time to when the match was just about to start, And Sal was charging at the girl once more; such was the magic of the role-play timeline. But back towards the middle of the action, The werewolf boy was headed towards the Queen once more, except this time there was a rather foul smell. The blonde had no doubt in her mind that it came from the furry creature that was lunging towards her, but question was, what did it do? 

Last she met the boy, they had gone on a mission with one another and when he had transformed into the atrocity that stood before her, This horrid smell was not present. Therefor, Queen came to the conclusion that whatever it was, it was used with a competitive purpose. The girl just had to find out what exactly it was that it did. Because of that fact, her actions would change minimally, changing her game to play a little bit more defensively until she could figure out Sal’s edge. Because of this, Queen had taken her breath as before, activating the second stage of the Seaven Heaven’s Breathing Method, but instead of using Early Sacrifice, Queen used Taijutsu Block instead. She bent her knees a little bit to embrace the impact and raised her left arm in front of her body in order to block the Lariat her opponent was using. She raised her arm at a speed of 140 which would be more than enough to successfully get it up and block the incoming attack. (Don’t have to be moving as fast to block something as per the example in the rules page.) 

This was it, the moment she felt a horrible sensation pulse throughout her arms and every other muscle she had used to move her body into the position. It had felt as if she had been using her muscles for hours on end, and they were going through extreme fatigue, something she had felt before through hours of training. Whatever it was that was causing it now, it had to be linked to that god awful smell. As if that hasn’t been enough, she suddenly felt her chakra levels had dropped by at least half (as if her chakra wasn’t low enough already). Well this is a lord of horse shit… That’s what the girl would have said if she wasn’t such a lady. She didn’t know if this was part of Sal’s tech too, but last she checked, she was the one that was supposed to be cutting down people’s chakra!! Not other people!

Not wanting to get too caught up on that stuff now and assuming no other immediate actions took place after the block, Queen would used her free hand while the block was about to happen to reach into her equipment pouch and explode one of the smoke bombs, causing the immediate area to be surrounded in a purple smoke about the same time Sal made contact with Queen's block. Once this went off, and if all went accordingly Queen would towards her eight o’clock about five meters back at her intended max speed. Due to the effects of whatever it was that was used on her though, she was only able to move at a speed of 120. She didn’t know how long these effects were going to last but all she knew is that they were going to be a problem. “Dirty fighter I see.” She said somewhat to herself, but not really caring if anyone else heard. She’d take a second leap back towards her 6’o clock at another five meters, retaining somewhat of a crouched position and ready for whatever would happen next. She wasn’t sure if whatever this was would have a permanent effect on her but she hoped it wouldn’t last for the remainder of the fight, god forbid the actual tournament.

-20 ap Tai block C (20 power removed from the 45 of lariat= 25 power. if my calculations are right (which I think they are) this means i'd be immune to the dmg. If I'm wrong, please just act as I used the B rank and let me know xD) 
-30 ap Seven Heavens
Refund for Early Sacrifice 

80 ap used thus far out of 568

Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gingerbread [Kyson, Rei, Salzem][Closed, NK]

Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:26 am
Salzem immediately deactivated his pheromones the instant his shoulder checked into her knees and arms, sending her flying a good bit of distance backwards (enveloped in smoke) but causing no real noticeable damage. Suddenly, before their fight could continue, Kyson got it in his head that he wanted to interrupt their little spar, summoning up a barrier with its walls about a meter from where Salzem was inside. Salzem growled in frustration as the inside of the bluish barrier began to screw around with his chakra, ending his Pheromone bomb right there and leaving Salzem with a strange empty feeling radiating outwards within his whole body... Whatever he did, it was blocking off most of his chakra, leaving the lycanthrope with a measly 35... But not for long... Suddenly Salzem's eyes flashed a dark red over their normal, duller shade, a misty, flaming aura seeming to radiate from his sockets. To any that could see his chakra or even sense it, they would notice a sudden shift, as if all his energy that'd came from training his body, building muscle-mass and strengthening bones, its as if all of that had been shifted into his chakra network and his chakra was placed everywhere else... While that didn't do anything immediately beyond confuse the hell out of those watching, It would have major ratification later...

Not much later it would seem, because soon afterwords, the Lycanthrope took a deep breath, his eyes fading to completely white (though still glowing red somehow), a yellow aura flashing to life around the monster wolf, boosting his strength to 90 and his speed to 165. At this point, thanks to his balance of both mind and body, Salzem felt his chakra begin to reawaken inside himself once more, his strength blocking out the effects that would normally require chakra to resist. Turning his attention back to Queen, her body bulked up somewhat from her second staged-breathing method, her muscles far more prominent than they were before. Snarling angrily, Salzem closed the short distance between them once more (Speed 165), his senses finely tuned for back-attacks from Kyson, but also trusting Ayame to keep the other ninja at a distance, at least from him. Even through the smoke, it was easy to tell where Queen had gone, the scent of his pheromones as well as her own smell was EASILY enough to go on. In a near instant, the wolf-man had closed the measly 10 meters of distance she had put between them, tearing free his prayer-beads with one arm, the cord and orbs erratically  floating about and smashing into the ground with a speed of 165 and a power of 100. Only about a yard away, the lycan's orbs began ramming themselves at Queen, one targeting her cheek, the other slamming at her stomach, the third aiming to crash into her pelvis (speed 165, power 100), each one with the intent to knock her out right then and there, the remaining ones, including his cord, remained floating around his body as Salzem approached further, ready to provide defense if he should need it.

AP-701 (refunding Tokken)
-10 Balance of Mind and Body
-30 C-Rank Seven Heavens
-10 Packleader Form
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