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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:18 am

It was certainly a few weeks for the two former genin whom had left their village to travel to Suna in order to get answers. They had both had their first conversation with a kage ever. The Cloud Village's own Raikage had other matters to attend to. He was not around in public much. Speaking with Koroshi had changed their lives. Being young and all, they would have probably thought it to be for the worst but as time went by, they realized that their journey shed new light on their lives. 

In just a few weeks, they have met two very strong ninja. A Kage and a Jounin. They've seen what the Jounin was capable of, but not their Kazekage. It was safe to assume that he was even more powerful than her. This was a bit hard to fathom, yet it was most likely true. Both of the boys had went on their first S-Rank mission. At first, it seemed that it was a normal mission until things had gotten dangerous. The trio were attacked by a trio of assassins. It had gotten pretty hectic. Royalty had even killed his first person. There was indeed a lot going on.

Through all of the events that took place on their adventurous mission, the two former genin were able to save the day. They had did a remarkable job. Very much so, that the two had received a rank up to Chuunin. Now they start a new journey. It seems like their lives were restarted. They could officially do high ranking missions on their own now, which is what they planned to do in the near future.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Someone was knocking on the door. Royalty's room had been closer to the top of the steps that were literally 3 feet from the front door. He had heard the knock first. He awoke all grouchy, rubbing his eyes. Royalty then got up out of his bed reluctantly and exited his room. After turning the corner that was to the left of his room door, he walked down the steps and to the door. Turning the door knob and opening the door, a man could be seen on the other side. Royalty had put his arms in front of his eyes due to the bright light from the sun shining towards him. The man spoke.

"Hello, is this the residence of Royalty and Kyson?" The man seemed hasty.

"Um, yeah, yeah it is. Who wants to know," Royalty said while rubbing his eyes.

"Well this is urgent. Someone has infiltrated Lord Kazekage's office and stolen some important documents. He would like you two to retrieve the documents and dispose of whoever had obtained the information. He is counting on you." With that, the man then handed Royalty a paper with the criminal's suspected whereabouts. 

"Ahh, okay. Tell Lord Kazekage consider it to be done," said Royalty. It was clear that he had not yet woken up fully. The man then nodded and Royalty closed the door. The man had walked away. Royalty did not look at the paper yet because he was not ready. He walked back up the steps and into his room. As soo as you enter his room, there is a dresser on the left. He put the paper on his dresser. He then left his room and walked to the right. Further down the hall was Kyson's room. Once reaching the room, Royalty knocked on the door hard.

"Hey Kyson, get up! We have another mission. Lord Kazekage needs our assistance." Royalty then waited for Kyson to open his door. 

(WC - 604) 

(TWC - 604)
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:56 am
Kyson and Royalty have came a long way since their journey. They have finally become chunin, there real challenge is about to begin as a shinobi. As Kyson woke up, he remained in his bed and did not get up just yet. As he was laying in his bed, he was still excited about his rank up. He just laid there reminiscing, he knows his sensei and his parents would be proud of him. Kyson wish he could tell his sensei about him becoming a chunin. He knows Royalty would love to tell his father about the rank up as well. Maybe one of these days, we will be able to see him again. Kyson's plan for today was to go training again like he does everyday. Ever since he had become a chunin, he has been trying to push himself a lot. His sensei told him this day would come where he would have to get stronger on his own. Now the day is finally here, this is where Kyson's story begins.

As Kyson remained laying on the bed, he had heard someone knock on the door downstairs. But he heard Royalty leave his room to go answer the door. So Kyson decided to stay in his bed for a while. Kyson heard them talking downstairs but he could not make out what they were saying. As they continued to talk, Kyson sat up from his bad and was sitting on the side of his bed. Wiping his eyes as they were still a bit tired and he was not fully awake, but he was getting there. Kyson heard the door slam, so he assumed the conversation with whoever Royalty was talking to ended. He heard Royalty walk back up up stairs and walk back to his room. Kyson wonder who it was, but he will most likely ask him later. Then he heard him leaving his room again and began to walk towards his room. When Royalty was right in front of Kyson's door, he started to knock on the door hard. He said that they had another mission and Lord Kazekage needs our assistance. That was music to Kyson's ears. He has been obsessed with going on missions ever since they went on that S Rank mission. Now Kyson could use this mission to train instead of him heading to the training grounds. Kyson wondered what this mission was going to be about, maybe he has to protect some innocent people or save a cute princess and she will fall in love with him. But Kyson would not fall in love back because he has a waiting list. But he will not go in too much about that. Kyson ran towards the door and opened it. 

"Really? So what happened and what do we have to do?" Kyson asked as he was talking to Royalty. He was very curious as to what the details of the mission were. It must be really important since someone came to our home and personally asked for us. This will be the first mission Kyson and Royalty will do alone. So they can not mess this up. They have to prove that they can hang with higher ranking ninja's even as chunin. Kyson has done a lot of intense training and he is now ready to put his skills to the test. But Kyson knew this mission will go perfect as long as him and Royalty was together. They have grown since they met each other and they learned to build good chemistry when in combat.

(Words: 595)

(TWC: 1199/4000)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:28 am
As Kyson had opened the door, Royalty was just about to start knocking again. He was interrupted by his friend opening the door. Once he did, Royalty had frozen up for a brief moment. He then spoke to him.

"Is it me or do you look different? Hm, I don't even know. Anyway, I have these Aging Pills. I decided to take them in front of you. Let us see if you notice any difference." With that being said, Royalty had reached into his pocket a grabbed a capsule. After opening it, he ate one pill. Nothing really happened to him. He shrugged and then downed the other 4 aging pills. Royaly's physique seemed to be just a tad bit more bulkier as his hair grew. His sideburns were coming in as well but the change was not too drastic. He looked up at Kyson.

"Well, I do not really..." Royalty had stopped. It seemed his voice had gotten a lot deeper. Royalty was disturbed at the change for a brief second before he grinned.

"I was going to say I do not really feel any difference, but I guess I see the difference now. Anyway, let us get ready and I will meet you downstairs." Royalty then turned around and walked back into his room. He had his own bathroom in his room. Once he had grabbed his clothes, he went in and brushed his teeth and took a shower. In the shower, he noticed some changes all thanks to his close to ending puberty. These changes were better left unsaid. After he was done, Royalty got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. While waiting for Kyson, he got some supplies and filled his backpack with them. This mission was going to be fun.

(WC - 296)

(TWC - 1495)
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:00 am
After Kyson had opened up the door and saw Royalty standing right there. He noticed that he had a little weird look on his face. He must have noticed the aging pills that Kyson had taken. Kyson took five of them to make him look five years older. Kyson had a little change in his appearance, he looked more like a teenager or young adult. It was clear Royalty noticed the change.

"Yeah, I took those aging pills as well. They worked pretty good, I look like a teenager now. And alright, I am going to see if I see a difference." Kyson said as he watched Royalty closely as he took the pills.

Kyson watched Royalty eat one pill, he did not really notice any difference in his appearance. Then he ate the other four pills, a few seconds after he ate them. Kyson started to see a difference in his appearance. It was nothing major but you can tell his appearance change. He looked like a young adult. His hair was a bit longer and sideburns were starting to come in. As Royalty began to speak, he noticed that his voice as grown different as well. It was a bit weird seeing his appearance changing right before his eyes. But then Royalty told him to get ready and they will meet downstairs.

When Royalty went back to his room, Kyson closed the door and began to get ready.  He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. After he brushed his teeth, he took a shower. After he got out the shower, he look into the mirror and liked the changes in his appearance. he then got dressed and got his equipment ready. After he got his bag and gear, he walked downstairs to go meet with Royalty.

(Words: 895)

(TWC: 1795/4000)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:29 am
After Kyson had came downstairs, Royalty had seen that he was ready. He put the backpack on his back and grabbed his weapon pouch. He strapped the pouch around his waist then grabbed the paper with the information on it. Royalty then looked up at Kyson.

"Alright, let us be on our way." Royalty then walked towards the door and opened it. Leading the way, he walked out and walked towards the gates. Once they had arrived, a guard stopped them from advancing. 

"Woah, where do you two think you are going?" The guard seemed to be very serious about his job. Royalty then flashed the paper in front of his face. The guard looked carefully at the details.

"Well, on orders of Lord Kazekage, we are on duty," Royalty said with a smile. He would like to see what the guard had to say about this.

"Very well then. My apologies, you may pass." The guard moved out of the way and allowed the two to pass. Royalty then walked forward after taking the paper back. He then paused and lifted off of the ground. Now flying, Royalty proceeded to move forward. He kind of hated walking now.


(TWC - 1994)
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:41 am
After Kyson was ready, he went downstairs to meet up with Royalty. He had a book bag with some of his equipment such as Kunai's, shuriken, etc. And he also had a couple of equipment on him personally. As Kyson looked towards Royalty, it was clear he was ready to go. They began to leave the house and be on their way. 

As they reached the village gates, guards try to stop them and they were curious as to where they were going. But Kyson did not say a word, he let Royalty handle it since he had the papers to prove we have permission. As the guard looked at the papers carefully to verify that Kyson and Royalty had permission to leave the village. Royalty told the guard it was under the orders of the Kazekage. The guard's verification was complete and he allowed them to leave the village.

As they began to leave the village, Kyson noticed Royalty began to fly. How wonderful it must be to fly at will Kyson thought. But no matter, Kyson enjoyed walking. It is one of his favorite hobbies to just walk around places non stop. Now the Chunin were on they way to complete their first S rank mission by themselves.

(Words: 1105)

(TWC: 2204)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:07 am
A long time had passed as the two were traveling. The sun were beaming on both of the Chuunin as they had been traveling. This mission was pretty boring at the start but it would undoubtedly get better as it progresses. As they went along, Royalty would periodically check the paper that the man had given them. On the paper, was the direction in which was reports of a spotting of the the missing ninja. 

"Well, it does say he should be around her.." As Royalty had been talking,  you could see an unknown person moving along a far length into the distance. Royalty had stopped floating the few feet off of the ground he was and started to walk. He had gotten low.

"Let's get closer and see where he is headed," said Royalty to Kyson. With that, Royalty moved up and creeped to where he had just seen the ninja. Once spotted, Royalty dropped down to the ground. He wanted to stay as low as possible. It turns out there had been not 1 but 3 ninja. This was going to be harder than expected.

The missing ninja that had the scroll's name was T. He was meeting up with N and M. Once he had rendezvoused with the others, they started to speak.

"So, how did it go?" said N to T.

"Piece of cake, I was in and out really quickly," said T. He spoke again. "Hey M, check the area to see if I have been followed." M was now checking the surrounding area as he was using his sensory skills. 

"Yes, there are two ninja over there!" M pointed in the direction of the two Chuunin. N then screamed at them.

"Well, we know you are there! Show yourselves," said T. Royalty then looked at Kyson. He was nervous a bit. After a few seconds, he stood up and walked towards the 3 missing ninja.


(TWC - 2525)
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:38 pm
As the two young chunin were traveling through the desert while the sun was scorching them. Their mission was to find a group of missing ninja who took important documents from the Kazekage and it was there job to retrieve it back. Also, they could take out the ninja's when they have the chance. To show how powerful their village really is. Royalty had a paper that showed where the mission ninja might be, so Kyson was following him as he lead the way.

Royalty began to speak but suddenly began to cut himself off. It looked like he saw someone by the way he reacted and stopped floating. Kyson became alert immediately saw he looked to see who was ahead. Royalty suggested they get closer and try to keep a low profile on them. When Kyson saw Royalty drop down on the ground, he immediately dropped down as well. And there it was, three ninja who looked like they were in a group.

As they were trying to listen to their conversation, it seemed the missing ninja's knew they were out there. Kyson nor Royalty suppressed their chakra, so it was easy to spot them from afar. The two of them began to stand and walk towards the missing ninja. As they were walking towards them Kyson spoke loudly.

"By the orders of the Kazekage, we were ordered to bring yo down and take back the documents you stole!" Kyson yelled as he was walking closer. He was not sure if they really were the bandits but he assumed they were. They're the only ones they saw around the area where the ninja's might be. Plus, they just looked suspicious. 

(Words: 1386)

(TWC: 2806/4000)
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:20 pm
T's Stats

Health: 50
Stamina: 40
Chakra: 50
Strength: 85
Speed: 100

Taijutsu: Shunshin
Morning Peacock
Leaf Strong Wind
Leaf Gale
Earth Clone
Fireball Jutsu
Academy Techs

N's Stats

Health: 40
Stamina: 65
Chakra: 100
Strength: 35
Speed: 85

Body Flicker
Shadow Clone
Lightning Beast Running Technique
Fuuton: Kamikaze
Shuriken Shadow Clone
Academy Techs

M's Stats

Health: 70
Stamina: 80
Chakra: 100
Strength: 15
Speed: 60

Body Replication
Body Flicker
Yin Healing Wound Destruction
Mystical Palm
Chakra Anesthetic
Delicate Illness Extraction
Academy Techs 
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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What Happened?! (Kyson, P,  NK, IO) Empty Re: What Happened?! (Kyson, P, NK, IO)

Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:02 pm
As Kyson moved out from their hiding spots, Royalty moved along with him. Before Royalty could speak, Kyson had displayed his assertiveness. Royalty looked at his friend as he yelled at the bunch. It seems he wanted to take them immediately. But what if the group weren't the missing ninja that they were looking for? In response to Kyson, N then moved forward in front of the other two.

"So what if we did take the scrolls? What are two teenagers going to do about it? Am I supposed to be scared that Suna sent you two? Just run along before we have any trouble." With that, N turned around and walked back to T and M. He had a slight chuckle while walking back. Royalty looked at Kyson with a confused look. 

"He must not know who the hell he is talking to huh?" Royalty walked a few steps forward. "So what are you, afraid of 2 Jounin?" Royalty knew he was lying but his voice seemed very serious. The 3 ninja would not notice the difference or so he thought. N stopped walking and looked down. He responded to Royalty.

"Oh please. Do you expect us to believe that you two are Jounin? You don't look a day over 16. Leave now." N then scoffed at their attempt to intimidate him. Royalty smirked.

"Well, I guess you would just have to find out huh?" Royalty then reached into his weapon pouch and quickly threw a Kunai at N's back at a speed of 125 with a sharpness of 93. T quickly reacted and threw a kunai at a speed of 132 with a sharpness of 96. It knocked Royalty's kunai off course and was now moving towards Kyson. 


(TWC - 3096)
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