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Kato Uchiha
Kato Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 30070

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:41 pm

Kato came to a stop just on the outskirts of the meeting location, just to be safe, before he blindly entered into it. He was to meet another Ninja here for this mission, Kurokawa Hanzo, supposedly a fine shinobi in his own right. Well, Kato had to assume so, he did not like to imagine that anyone he was going to be working with was incompetent. He had not heard all too much about him but he also had not really inquired after many people since he had come to Tanbo in the first place. The only people he really were familiar with were the three other ninja he went on Patrol with a few days back. Hayato, Yamato, and Mikaela. All three of them had been pretty great people and he looked forward to getting to know them better. 

He hoped the same was true for Hanzo. Dressed in his normal "work" attire he wore his black robes, his headband was tied to his left arm, and his right forearm and left leg were wrapped in the traditional Konoha style. On his back he wore his Katana and he also brought along his basic weaponry including his kunai, smoke bombs, some tags, etc. He HIGHLY doubted he was going to need any of this on the mission as he was just going to be exploring some old ruins, but it was much better to be safe than sorry. 

After scouting out the area and making sure everything was good Kato made his way down to the entrance of the ancient ruins, the agreed upon meeting spot for the two shinobi. He propped himself up on top of a rock and looked out at the ruins. There was debris everywhere, large chunks of rock were all over the entrance area, and in front of him hidden by years of growth was a large ruin. It was blocky and tall, larger at the bottom, and it slowly began to get smaller as its height increased. It was in the typical style of an ancient building. 

Kato was, admittedly, in awe by the structure and while he waited he made his way around the courtyard and just glanced at things. Picking up anything that looked remotely interesting, but, all he found was more rocks and debris. Staring up at the structure he wondered what could be inside of it. What was it used for? It was crazy to Kato how the ancient Ninja were able to build such structures and that they had withstood the test of time. 

He doubted there was anything too dangerous inside of the structure and figured they were hired just because they would be able to navigate it a bit better. That was what ninja were known for, anyway. They had been asked to document what they came across so Kato pulled out a small notebook and began to take notes and sketch what he was seeing. The sketch was more for him than anything else, and also, a way to distract himself while he waited. 

WC: 509/1500

Kurokawa Hanzo
Kurokawa Hanzo
Stat Page : The Ruthless
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 5300

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:08 pm

Feeling the ruthless still
Y O U ↓

"Yare, yare. What a pain in the ass." The thuggish brute spoke as he looked up at the large ruin before him. He hadn't remembered how he went about accepting this mission, but he didn't really care all that much either. This had nothing to do with drinking or getting girls, so his interest level in the entire sordid affair was negligible at best. At least he didn't have to do this task on his lonesome. It would have proven to be rather annoying if he had been. Especially given the fact that he was the kind of shinobi that had quite the limited range of skills. Or rather, his skills only worked for their specific purpose. Hurting people. He wondered if this mission would go smoothly.

Hanzo wore an open pale Yukata with small golden sparrows adorning it. It showed off his muscle definition and his arms were wrapped completely in bandages, since he figured that they'd be moving around a lot of heavy objects today. Hanzo was used to physical labor and his body showcased that perfectly. But he was also a thug that was acting like he was royalty, so there was a contrast to how his body looked compared to the clothing he wore. Which happened to be in this instance his cherry-wood sandals and the smaller straw hat on his head. White wasn't usually good for dirty places, but Hanzo was typically covered in blood so he didn't really care too much about a little bit of the earth staining his fancy attire.

Interlacing his behind his head, just underneath the straw hat, he made his way over towards where his contact was located, seeing a man with dark hair whom was rumored to be a Uchiha. He had heard stories of the clan but there were so many of them that he wasn't exactly sure if he had ever heard of this one in particular. He new that they had this ocular thing but that was about it. What it did or how important it was never really came to mind. Still, as he reached talking distance of the man he'd say little until getting as close as he could without entering two meters of the man. "Yo~. You must be Uchiha-kun, no?" He stated calmly as he took a look around.

"What cha drawin'?" He'd asked with a blank stare on his face. He knew a bit about art, but it was more so when it came to blacksmithing more so than sketching. Though that was still a part of it before you started working away on a project. Planning and preparation were the cornerstones of a successful building project. To that end this was at least somewhat more interesting than he had assumed it was going to be. Hanzo wasn't standoffish, but he did not really come across as a ninja. More just like a dumb brute of a man. Which, given that he was 6'3" inches tall, wasn't so much a stretched to assume. He took a moment to look Kato over before turning his gaze over towards the large ruin up ahead.

"We shouldn't go too deep, yanno? Might be hard to get back out." He meant what he said.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 10
  • Vigor 30
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  • Strength 40

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Total Post WC 540
Total WC 540
Total WC Needed 0540/1,500
Active Skills
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holding my power down's useless.
Kato Uchiha
Kato Uchiha
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 30070

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:50 pm
Kato looked up as a very large, very imposing, man entered the ruins. His first thought was that the last thing he would want to do is get into a physical altercation with the man. He must have been Hanzo. He was wearing a straw hat and Kato noted that he absolutely loved the hat. He wished he had the kind of confidence to go out into the world, especially on a mission, wearing something like that. As he approached he tried to act cool and continued drawing. There was an air of coolness and confidence to the man that Kato was trying to match so he just casually continued drawing trying to appear like his arrival was not so cool. 

But then he said his name and Kato looked up quickly. "How did you...." Kato cut himself off and then cleared his throat. "Yes, I am Kato Uchiha." It made sense, his name was on the mission logs, and he had never specified that he wanted his clan to remain anonymous. Hanzo was just the first one who had either read it all the way through or had actively sought it out. Immediately, Kato felt a bit of unease at him knowing he was an Uchiha. Kato watched his body movements and he did not seem to be any type of aggressor. Kato had to admit, though, his size was intimidating to him. 

He asked about his drawing and Kato, for a moment, forgot he was even drawing anything. However, he was glad he was moving on from his clan, and he turned his notebook outward so that Hanzo could see his drawing. It was a rough sketch of the ruins in front of them and on the outside he had marked the approximate size and distance of each location. "Just, uh, drawing the ruins. For myself, really. I am not the best artist but I enjoy having them I guess." He shrugged his shoulders and snapped the book closed and hopped up off the rock. 

"I agree," Kato said as he pocketed his notebook into his back pocket and then scratched the top of his head. "However, I think anything worth finding would be at the deepest part of the ruin, right?" What kind of people would put the good stuff right at the entrance. "Come on, lets go check it out." Kato motioned for him to follow and then he jogged up the steps to get to the entrance. As they got to the entrance, however, Kato noticed that a very large piece of debris was covering the entrance. 

"Well shit," Kato said as he used his foot to try and kick the debris but it did not move an inch. He glanced back over at Hanzo and then back to the rock. He looked like he might be able to move it, and if not, what was the point of all those muscles. "Think you could have a go at it?" Kato smirked and took a step back, quite interested to see just how strong this guy was. 

 WC: 512
TWC: 1,021/1500
Kurokawa Hanzo
Kurokawa Hanzo
Stat Page : The Ruthless
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 5300

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:40 pm

Feeling the ruthless still
Y O U ↓

Hanzo found this man to be rather normal, which was strange because he had heard the rumors that all of the members of the Uchiha clan were big emotional wrecks that suffered from an advanced trauma or something to that effect. It was hard to tell what was rumor and what was fact, but he hadn't been a bandit in a very long time so he didn't exactly know what to believe. Still, his attention never waivered from the man that claimed he was who he said he was. Hanzo watched him closely, but Hanzo wasn't exactly paranoid. Nor was he paying too much attention to whatever his comrade was doing. Not due to a lack of interest, but do to immediately trusting a fellow Tanbogakure shinobi.

"Eh? No problem." His voice was absurdly deep, as though he swallowed something that just lowered his octaves all the way down to the netherworld. It was fitting for Hanzo to have all of the traits of someone that relied on their physical form. Pulling out a small eyepatch from his pocket, he strapped the object to his face before he approached the obstacle in the way. He'd reach down, getting his hands onto the object at a proper angle before gripping it with all the might afforded to him. It wasn't that hard really, he could lift upwards of 165 Kilograms he wagered, so this really wasn't that big of a task in hindsight. But it at least allowed him to show off just how strong he happened to be in front of his brand new associate. Which was a good thing in his mind.

He'd lift up the debris enough to toss it a short distance away, "Heave ho!" and with a thud the object began to roll down the steps away from the pair. It was a good thing no one was in the way else they'd have had to deal with that headache. "I'll follow your lead, I'm just here because the archeologist cleared my tab." He wanted to make it very clear that he was doing this as a favor more so than as his duty. That was why he wasn't in a hurry to get this done and it was also why he didn't even think about the potential treasures that could be found here. Not that he liked to rob graves anyway. Which is what he considered tomb raiding to be. Granted, this could have been some dusty ole library for all he knew. He was going to leave all of the logistical information to his red-eyed friend.

He'd dust of his hands and give a big grin to Kato. "Are you new here or something? I don't recall seeing you around much. You should check out Taika's place, it's the best place in town in my opinion." He was making conversation though clearly it had nothing to do with the task at hand. He'd follow behind the Uchiha if he did decided to head inside and without any prompting he'd move things out of the way as needed. Though he didn't bring a light source, which was one of the other reasons that he really didn't want to go too deep inside of the structure. It  was up to Kato to be prepared in all the ways that were smart. Hanzo really did just kind of exist to deal with physical obstacles and that was where the extent of his interest went in these matters. This was just menial labor with a higher dollar amount attached.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 10
  • Vigor 30
  • Speed 30
  • Strength 40

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

Total Post WC 591
Total WC 1,131
Total WC Needed 1,131/1,500
Active Skills
  • ---

Post Information
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holding my power down's useless.
Kato Uchiha
Kato Uchiha
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 30070

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:58 pm
Kato took a step back and watched as Hanzo lifted the rock with absolute ease and he had a delighted look on his face as he did so. Kato gave a small clap of his hands and an impressed whistle to him, trying to be friendly, and maybe joke around with the man a little. "Quite impressive." Kato said as he stepped in front of him as he indicated he wanted Kato to lead. It made sense as Kato was much lighter and, presumably, more nimble than Hanzo. He made efforts to walk with purpose and focus on where he was going instead of blindly taking steps. He made sure to be thorough as they walked through the ruins. There were cracks all throughout the ruins which shed light into it. As of now it was simply a long hallway with nothing really of note. 

"Uh, yeah," Kato said in response to his question as he stopped and made a quick drawing of what appeared to be some older symbol on the wall as they were walking through. So far there was nothing really noteworthy that they could see. "Father and I fled Konoha after my mother was murdered." He was not sure why he was being so casual about the information. He figured the distraction of having something to do was helpful. He glanced over and offered a slight smirk as he finished up his drawing. "Don't worry, I am not an emotional wreck or anything, I mean it was terrible but we are both coping the best we can." He snapped his notebook shut again and continued onwards. 

"I have heard of Taika's but I have not really gone out much for fun these days. Probably not good for the mental health." He chuckled and then wandered into a room that was all but empty of anything noteworthy. "Hey, listen, about me being an Uchiha." Kato paused and then wondered if he was maybe going a bit too overboard. "Don't go around telling everyone who I am if you don't mind. I am sure you have heard the rumors about my clan and honestly it gets old." He continued walking out and further down into the ruins as he spoke. "Everyone always assumes I am either a psychopath or some sort of Shinobi Savant. Truth be told I am not remarkable in any way whether it be through insanity or ninja skill. One of the reasons I like it here so much is everyone treats me like a regular person." 

It was true. He liked Tanbo for the simple reason that they did not have preconceived notions about him. "No expectations of insane power or, well, insanity. Its hard to try and live up to the insane expectations that my clan has when all I want to do is be seen for who I am." Which was an atypical Ninja with no inherent talent besides the hard work he put in. "Errr, not meaning to overwhelm you with this stuff." 

WC: 502
TWC: 1,523/1500
Kurokawa Hanzo
Kurokawa Hanzo
Stat Page : The Ruthless
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 5300

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:09 pm

Feeling the ruthless still
Y O U ↓

Okay, he liked this guy. He didn't seem to come across as a snob or someone that Hanzo needed to be fake around. The realization of which made Hanzo smile. He appreciated those whom were capable of keeping their own ambitions and personality traits in check. He was pretty antagonistic himself, but only when the moment struck. He had been in the village awhile now so he didn't feel the need to be as flashy or to try as hard. At least outside of his clothing. Still, he wondered what kind of person this Kato individual would be when push came to shove. He wasn't in a rush to find out though. Kato could be a serial killer in a few short years. There was no way of knowing.

Whoa... he did not expect for this lad to tell him all that. What kind of dark side of the chakra nonsense did this Uchiha just spit out of his mouth. Granted, it was nice to be trusted enough to have such information. Which was made a bit funnier given the fact that this man literally just hit him with a big secret and then asked him to keep his heritage a secret. From where he was standing this man was already out here outing himself anyway. But he found the immediate trust to be endearing. Especially since the lad was pretty chill and he found him to be full of potential. He could see himself working with Mr. Kato again in the future should the circumstances allow it. He did like people who knew what they were doing. But how did he ease the tension?

Perhaps it was best to just be blunt.

"Hey man look... I... I don't care really. You can be whatever you want to be so long as you don't scare the ladies off." He stated in a very matter of fact tone, having paid little attention to anything in the pathway and simply following the Uchiha without much issue. "I don't gossip and the only thing I like to do for fun is to drink and chat up girls. You should try one of them. In fact, we can do the former now since this seems like a bust." He started to tap his right index finger against his chin as he thought about it. As far as he was concerned they could clear out now. Especially since this was starting to become fairly personal. Best to do that when the booze is flowing.

"Literally nothing we can do now. Let's head back." He turned on his heel and started off back towards the direction that they had originally came from. "Ah, one thing to keep in mind though. You might want to sketch everything on the way out so that we have something to turn into the archeologist. Otherwise we didn't do what we were technically hired to do. Best to get on top of that as soon as possible." He made that fact very blunt because... otherwise they could have just fucked off entirely and  never come here in the first place. Considering that the entrance was blocked off, that was enough proof that any sketch they took from here and back would be seen as legitimate. Since people could now double check their progress.

Following the Uchiha's lead, he'd follow him back to Tanbo.

  • Health 100
  • Chakra 10
  • Vigor 30
  • Speed 30
  • Strength 40

Active Jutsu
  • None
  • Total AP subtracted is 0 AP

Total Post WC 552
Total WC 1,683
Total WC Needed 1,500/1,500
Active Skills
  • +15 to Strength
  • 6,000 & 30 AP
  • 1,500 for Water Pressure Trigger
  • Completion of Searching the Ancient Ruins

Post Information
  • ---

holding my power down's useless.

Last edited by Kurokawa Hanzo on Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kato Uchiha
Kato Uchiha
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 30070

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:07 pm
Kato relaxed a bit at his response. He really wondered why he was so prone to opening his mouth about this. First the Patrol Squad and now Hanzo. Maybe he was not so great at keeping secrets. In all fairness, it was going to come out sooner rather than later, so this was just his way of controlling it. At least that is what he told himself to keep the idea of him being able to keep a secret alive in his mind. 

There was something about being around Hanzo that made Kato relaxed. He was not sure what it was. Most likely it was his laid back and uncaring attitude about things. Kato wished he could be more like that. To not live anxiously all while pretending he was not worried about anything. He probably would have felt like a failure if he had done this mission alone and come up with nothing like the two of them had. 

“I have never actually drank before.” Kato said with a shrug. Normally something he would have said a bit nervously but really he did not care all too much. “I mean, I have had a few sips of sake but I have never actually gotten drunk.” He had watched a lot of good people turn into monsters because of the drink so it was not something he was all too keen on doing. However, his father had the occasional drunken night, and all he did was stay up late and cook. Sometimes he would get his bow and ask Kato if he wanted to go night hunting, whatever that was. 

“I got it covered,” Kato said as he pulled his sketchbook out and showed him a few of the sketches he had made. “Drew and took notes of anything that was remotely important. Plus I am sure the guy is going to go crazy over these symbols. He will probably spend the next few years wondering what they mean only to discover it was some symbol indicating that the bathroom was down the hall.” Kato chuckled to himself before he snapped his book shut and by that time they had made their way back out into the open. 

Once they were back outside it was a little jarring at first when the sunlight hit them. Kato had to shield his eyes for a moment and wished he had a straw hat like Hanzo. For a moment Kato stood still kind of awkwardly. “I know we didn’t do much but you were a big help.” he motioned towards the big rock that he had moved at the beginning of the mission. “Too bad we couldn’t find anything cool. Oh well, you can’t win them all I guess.”

“I wouldn’t mind taking you up on that drink, though, if you’re up for it?” Kato smiled, wondering where the whole drinking thing would take him, but he was excited for the prospect. Besides, mission well done, why not end it with some drinks. 

( Exiting Thread ) 

WC: 500
TWC: 2,023

+20 Stats ( +10 to Chakra +10 to Vigor ) 

2,023 words towards Sharingan 2 Tomoe. ( 2,930/4,000 ) 

+6,000 Ryo
+30 AP

+100 Ryo for Genin/D Rank Salary
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

Old Stuff Is Neat  Empty Re: Old Stuff Is Neat

Thu Jan 13, 2022 11:48 pm
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