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Hotaru Koutaishi
Hotaru Koutaishi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : The Shikigami Summoner
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Shrine Sworn? Or Sworned Shrine? Empty Shrine Sworn? Or Sworned Shrine?

Wed May 18, 2022 8:34 pm
Mission Deets:

And so, the inevitable day has come.

It was rather unfortunate that this had to happen, the key word there though being had. After the whole collapse of the village, in turn leading to it’s reconstruction had led the heir of the Akiyama family, Kin, down the path that all shinobi must walk at some point within their careers. Leaving the life of a simple craftsman behind, he would start his journey in protecting Sunagakure from something like that ever occurring again; or at least so he had somewhat fizzy hopes for. The journey itself though was painstaking, being lined with many, many, missions and hard work unfortunately. Which was something that the man didn’t really see the point in doing. Why do it himself, when he could just pay for someone else to do it for him? The noble born had done that for literally all his life, and got by just fine without doing anything else really. But alas, even he knew in the simple fact that the path to heaven was longer than the road to hell, so change was a must have it would seem. The entirety of the situation as a whole was just one of those many things were he, by any means, didn’t want to be forced to do it, but still would. Complaining all the way through and through though. If he would have to get stuck doing these tedious tasks, then people would just have to be stuck with him whining about it.

On this same note, unfortunately the starting task which was given to the golden one was even worse than what was originally thought…cleaning…And not just cleaning as in tidying up, no. That would at the very least b somewhat bearable because of how mundane it was; even for someone such as himself, any small cleaning task was apart of any ordinary daily routine. But, no…Kin would be stuck cleaning and polishing the armor of those who serve as guards to one of the local shrines. And there were a couple of slight problems which had been laced into this. The first being, it was just kind of gross to him. He didn’t want to go about touching what someone else wore all day, with it being all sweaty and stinky and stuff. And then there was a plethora of questions which came to mind with these as well, such as but not limited to: What was this shrine dedicated to and why was it important? Why did it need the protection of shinobi which could be better placed in areas which needed heavier defenses? And more importantly, why couldn’t they just clean the armor themselves? The first two questions, the Akiyamo lad didn’t really care about, nor did he hope an answer for; they were just posed within his mind as theoreticals, trifling thoughts passing by like a mere sandstorm. However, the latter, was indeed a question in which he’d want an answer to. Most likely, that is. There was also the rather big sliver of him which was too lazy to even just ask that.

With all of this in mind, the olive skinned dude would instead just get set out to get the job done. The quicker that he went into, the quicker he was out if it after all. So, he would get set to doing things, and first up was just washing the armor. And in all actuality, while he still didn’t want to do it because of the whole, it not being his own things, scenario, it surprisingly was almost similar to cleaning puppets and other constructs. There was a certain need for gentle hands and a delicate touch when it came down to things. If these didn’t happen, the surface could get scratched and damaged had he just went about scrubbing them down as if they were dirty dishes or something like that. The last thing in which the long haired guy wanted to do, was accidentally just make the sets worse than how they were found. Then leading to having to start things all over again. So instead, he went about doing so in easy and less rigid ways, opting to use a regular old wash cloth instead of the rough sponges provided. Those were practically steel wool; even Kin knew that said object was only used to clean and scrub things which had a heavy build up of solid materials, and not just the usual grime accumulated throughout a long day. After the first few had been washed, the Suna shinobi managed to get a good rhythm and rhyme for the task. Pour a little bit of the soapy water on, dry with the rag, repeat. The whole process only surprisingly took about ten minutes or so, which was less than originally expected. It also left him relatively impressed, that wasn’t so bad after all.

Or so he thought.

Then it had all went crashing down around himself, when the sudden realization had hit; there was still the actual polishing of each and every single piece that was just washed. Kin would then proceed to make an extremely unpleasant face, thankful that no one else was around to see the look of absolute disgust and horror which had washed upon his face in this moment. The external contortions and twists which the visage made, looked, or at least he’d think they’d look because he didn’t actually know how they’d appear, not a pleasant sight to behold. In his own imagination, it was just as, if not more horrendous than the previous state of the things in which he was cleaning. But, alas, the money was needed at this point seeing as his parents were on board with the whole, him creating a life for himself as a ninja. Meaning: they just wanted him to stop using up all their money.

Getting back to work, Kin would start doing the actual hard task. Polishing. And boy, oh boy, was this a lot of work. The process to this round, had a lot more added steps than the last. He would first have to actually take the polish, and put it onto the brush. Then, with the same thinking as before, Kin would have to go in lightly, taking care not to damage anything in the process. Then, a first coating of it wasn’t enough to give it a shine, so he’d have to repeat it all over again; doing so until it actually did glisten with some sparkle. Eventually, after what had felt like hours of doing these things over, and over, and over again, the work was finally done. He was free to leave, and not a second too soon.

TWC: 1120


2000 Ryo
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1000 words to Sparrow, completing it
120 words to Great Fireball, 120/1000
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Shrine Sworn? Or Sworned Shrine? Empty Re: Shrine Sworn? Or Sworned Shrine?

Thu May 19, 2022 12:51 pm
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