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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Thu May 19, 2022 3:57 pm
Mission Details:

There was a sudden *squawk* as Nanaki burst through the open window that led to Meika's bedroom. His feathers were slightly ruffled and a letter was clasped tightly between his beak. After easily receiving the Kamigawa's full attention which was hard not to with such a loud entrance, the hawk-eagle dropped the letter onto her bed to read.

It didn't take ling for Meika's phantom eyes to read through the letter's written contents, which was kept short and brief. She was being called to deal with some protesting that was beginning to get out of hand.

Since Meika's arrival to Kumogakure, the Raikage's position had left one man and went in to the hands of another. And she had heard that not long before that, the Kage's title was within the possession of a very complicated specimen. One who's intentions seemed unusually twisted, even for the ones who was within his *protection*.

Even though the majority of the village have seemed to adjust nicely to these changes, there were still a few firm believers that the dark times was their true salvation. And an occasional uproar of protesting still seemed to occur.

Meika quickly gathered some of her belongings and threw on her black ronin robes. Her dagger blade was tucked within the folds of her robes that was located to the left of her torso. She prepared with haste and quickly left her house, heading into the direction of Kumoagkures busiest marketplace. That was where the protest was taking place. Some stubborn folk was doing their best to forcefully recruit some into their little gatherings. To the point that they was threatening and destroying some of the market seller's property.

Nanaki flew on after her and followed up ahead. She wondered if there will be any extra hands that will be helping with this rebellious uproar.

{WC: 308}
Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 17500

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Thu May 19, 2022 7:17 pm
Ren had arrived at the mission counter requesting a mission for which he was capable of and one with high pay. Got to make rent.... He was covered for this month and likely one more..if he didn't eat. He was dissatisfied when he was offered only D and E rank missions by the kindly blond lady manning the desk. He understood he had just left the academy, and thus had no mission record, but he needed the cash. Not to mention the Office responsible for missions was filled with people all chatting and filling the air with their filthy breath. He was sure he wasn't allowed to beat the room into submission, not without causing trouble any way. Fine..I'll just take a few D-ranks... Once Ren was resigned to his fait as a lowly genin an opportunity arose in the form of a clerk entering the building in a panic. HELP!! THERE'S A PROTEST GOING ON! All available loyal Shinobi fan out and quell the rebels! This is Classified as an emergency B-Rank mission! The woman yelled to the room pleading with them for help. Her cries where meet with a battle cry from the 4 or so Shinobi present. Noisy... Ren covered his ears as the rowdy shinobi bustled out of the room. Ren followed but at his own pace he was sure there would be enough for him to do even if he hadn't rushed. 

The streets were filled with shouts, but from a distance. Ren could tell that the fighting was going on in the market place. Ren leapt from the ground to a roof top. The Kaguya would head towards the sound of fighting by roof top. It looked like their was a small group of shinobi doing battle with one another. There were people with signs yelling, and their were some people destroying shop fronts and stalls. He couldn't help but get the feeling he might get to fight a little bit. A smile spread on over Ren's face.  Here I come! Ren descended from the roof top landing on top of one of the people attacking a grilled meat stand stepping on their spine. ahh the crack... The edges of his mouth pulled at his face until he could smile no brighter. He looked like a man possessed as his fist swung at another nearby protestor catching them in the gut and sending them reeling. REN KAGUYA IS HERE TO END THIS PROTEST. GIVE UP OR TASTE MY FIST! He yelled as his knee hit yet another civilian in the gut. Ahhh I hope they keep fighting a bit more... The loud yelling and chanting that would usually bother him was of no bother to him now that he had so many targets to kill suppress. Would their be anyone joining him on this tirade? Or perhaps he would run into some trouble? Who knows for now he just swings at everyone who looked to be a protestor or swung at him first.   

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Thu May 19, 2022 9:21 pm
"Haven't you ever heard of the concept of a democracy?!" A loud, raspy, slurred booming voice sharply distinguished itself from the chaotic chatter of the virulent, growing mob. This voice came out from out of one of the small shops somewhere between the berserking Kaguya and the Kamigawa who was just now arriving at the scene. "You pisshead! We don't live in a democracy!" A loud reply from a second, deeper and older voice was shortly heard, equally as distinct. "At least we don't live in a plague!" An equally valid retorsion was heard from the first voice now revealing of an odd foreign accent. This was followed by a hard shove - and the two would emerge from the shade of a small tented shop into the main street. The first voice clearly belonged to the man who was shoved - a young shinobi with long unkempt blonde hair to his shoulders and bronzed skin. He had a sharp jawline and high cheekbones - his lips were colored an odd dark blue. Two holes on his star patterned knit cap made way for his hair to stick out taking the shape of horns. He wore similarly patterned pants and a light short sleeved hoodie over a long sleeved white shirt. His odd leather shoes had spurs protruding from the back. Most notably of all, his forehead was adorned with a copper horseshoe stitched into his knit cap. His eyes were a light blue and his usually clean shaven face featured an uncharacteristic heavy stubble - the color matching the hair on his head. With him, he had carried an open metal flask, which fell to the ground when the older man in front of him had shoved him. Dark booze from the flask spilled into the street, running in a stream all the way to the closest drain. The young man paused and looked in disbelief at the stream running all the way to the drain.

After a brief moment of contemplation, the blonde tucked his right elbow behind himself to wind up before swinging his balled fist hard, striking the older man on his cheek landing a loud blow. Even by the measures of a D ranked Genin, this particular shinobi's strength was measly. His punch had barely even left a blemish on the protestor's cheek. Saturn Sentobi was a crafty shinobi, usually one to conceive a concise plan before taking even the most simple of actions. On this particular day, however, this young man had started drinking earlier in the day than normal. Earlier, he was in the office to sign up for some low ranked missions to pay the rent when he heard about the potential outbreak of a riot and the opportunity to take home a relatively large stipend. "We can talk this out.." He spoke again as he grabbed the older man's collar - rethinking his course of actions upon realizing his predicament. Without so much as flinching, the protestor grabbed Saturn by his hoodie and punched him across the face, bruising him before tackling him to the ground and the two broke out into a brawl.

 "Bastard, I'll kill you!" Saturn threatened from under the assailant, gritting his teeth while flailing to avoid his punches while he struggled to throw his own, tussling with the man ripping his own clothes and his. "Not if I kill you first!" The protestor retorted and the two continued to brawl - Saturn's relative quickness allowing him to dodge the heaviest punches that came his way - avoiding any spillage of blood so far.

WC: 590
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Sun May 22, 2022 7:03 pm
Meika witnessed the chaos as she arrived on the scene. The protesters continued to cause havoc and even went as far as commencing fights along the market streets. Some of the civilians tried to rush back into the safety of some of the stores to get away from all of the chaos. Others tried to protect the shops from the disaster that was quickly accelerating.

Fights amongst both the protectors and shinobi of Kumogakure continued along the streets, and it was beginning to become brutal. One of the men within the crowd was beserking and Meika could tell that he was out for blood. Everything was getting way out of hand. It was really time to get some arrests and try to break up some of the fighting.

Nanaki continued to circle up above the Kamigawa, his eyes scanning through the crowds. Within seconds the bird caught sight of a dire situation, before quickly swooping down to decend from the sky.

Meika noticed her familiar descending from the sky and diving into the direction of one of the shop stands. She quickly followed after him to see what it was that grasped his attention so suddenly. Trusting the instinct of her hawk-eagle.

Nanaki disappeared behind one of food stands that once displayed many different fruits and vegetables. Now those where scattered along the ground, ruined. Tomatoes and eggplants painted the street with red and purple. Meika quickly wove through the chaos. Dodging the aggressive protests and headed towards the food stand, wondering to herself about what it was that Nanaki was after. She made it to the food stand and leaned her body against the wooden post. Peering over the stand to see if the hawk-eagle was still somewhere behind it.

Behind the stand was her fierce black bird, who had settled at the ground. His head cocked to the side as the hawk-eagle peered at the little child that was within a few feet from him. The child was a young girl, Meika assumed that she was not much older than six summers. Nanaki croaked once before taking back to flight. Leaving the child for Meika to deal with.

Nanaki wasn't very fond of how grabby children can get.

Meika spoke to try calming the girl, coaxing her to hold onto her hand and let her lead her to a safer place. "Let's get away from this madness. I'll protect you."

The little girl was hesitant at first, but the shouting and yells was growing louder as more shinobi joined in ome the crowd control, frightening the girl enough to cause her to jump info the arms of the Kamigawa woman. "Alright. . no biggie. I got you." She needed to quickly get the girl to a safer location and then stop some of this fighting.

{WC: 469 | TWC: 777}

Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 17500

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Sun May 22, 2022 11:46 pm
Ren had stomped out the lowly protestors around him, and it seemed that he had taken out a lowly genin in his tirade. Oh well the area around him was quite on account of most everyone around him being unconscious. He was stepping over bodies ready to move on to the next stage of combat when he noticed a blonde man struggling on the ground with a much larger man on top of them. Was Ren a hero charging in to save the weak ? no. He simply saw someone that he could hit while getting away with it the only one in visual range in fact. 

With a thunderous crash Ren ended up next to the man faster than most and with a full body kick delivered to the temple of the assailant he was out for the count. hahahaha! Ren laughed when he heard the crunching noise of the man's neck. Get up blondie~ What are you even doing here if you can't fight? Go stand with the girls over there~ He pointed to a girl in black robes holding another smaller girl. Ren noted that he was probably not suppose to hit the blonde guy on account of him being attacked by a citizen, and not a shinobi, and from the guys headband he was a shinobi as well. The group of Shinobi over closer to were the two girls where standing it seemed like the older woman had coaxed the younger into her arms, and was looking for a chance to escape with them to safety. What Ren truly realized was that there were more shinobi to fight the genin he had surprised with s simply punch wasn't enough for the savage Kaguya. More! I'll take down more of them! He'd lost it giving into the chaos. He charge over to the group of shinobi encroaching on the girls making a few hand signs as he made it into fist range. The random genin never saw his electrified, and florescent green body body coming. Another single punch, but this time there was a hole straight through his victim. 

Ren wasn't sure whether it was a protestor or a shinobi come to quell the chaos, but it didn't matter. The shinobi around them started to fear for their safety. You could see their eyes shift from duty to that of self preservation. A few fled and others launched low ranking jutsu that didn't seem to phase the Kaguya. His eyes widened and shifted his view towards those that dared to attack them and he lunged towards them. Some escaped, and some were getting beaten down it didn't seem like most attacks where effective against ren as he rampaged though the shinobi. His methods were questionable, but the protestors and the peace keeping force started to disperse from the market district. 



Howling Thunder soul -40 AP
Bone armor -40 AP
Eight gates(gate of opening) -40 AP
Crashing Thunder Charge -30 AP

-150 AP
150 AP remaining
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Mon May 23, 2022 12:39 pm
Get up blondie~ What are you even doing here if you can't fight? Go stand with the girls over there~

 Saturn would at first be startled by the loud thwack and subsequent crunch sounding from his assailant's neck, before he fell to the ground next to him. Sitting up with his hands on the ground behind him, he looked up at the berseking Kaguya and raised his brow. He looked like a formidable shinobi, and his headband identified him as an ally. His bloodthirsty look and vibes however, would make Saturn sober up and choose to be especially cautious both in his words and his actions. He then fixed his gaze on the girls that were pointed out to him. She looks stronger than him.. Saturn thought to himself, quietly gasping. He had been working on his mastery of sensory techniques, and although he wasn't  fluent enough to be able to make any concrete conclusions about the power levels of shinobi, his affinity allowed him to consider the possibility of the thought that occurred to him. No, I'm not sure.. He thought to himself again as he cautiously got up on one knee, watching the stronger shinobi in front of him from behind as the Kaguya fixed his gaze on the protestors approaching the two girls he pointed out. Reaching out to his side, he placed two fingers on his unconscious assailant's neck. Still alive.. Did he hold back? ...That bastard! The liquor was kicking back in as he picked up his spilling metal flask from the ground and checked inside to find that it was all but empty. 
He sighed and planted his knee on his unconscious assailant's back, cuffing his wrists behind his back with the pair he received when he signed up for the mission. He looked around him to see the piles of unconscious bodies left in the berserker's wake. The one beneath him was alive, but he was not sure if some of the others were as lucky. In the blink of an eye, the Kaguya fluoresced and appeared behind the group of three shinobi approaching the girls he pointed out. Saturn watched in disbelief as he punched a hole straight through the shinobi in the middle. Lightning? Welp.. That one's dead.. The blonde haired shinobi assumed. He let out another disgruntled sigh as unwitting shinobi launched fruitless techniques at the berserker, luring him to take more victims. At this rate.. If this one here doesn't reveal any useful information.. there won't be any rebels left to interrogate.. I have to make him snap out of it..
 Tiger, Horse, Ram, Clone seal Saturn recited in his head as he made the seals, spawning a replica of himself next to him, on the ground with one knee on the detained assailant's back. In the blink of an eye, one Saturn grabbed the rebel and dove into an alley, hiding behind one of the buildings before he spotted a medium sized trashcan, about as big as himself.  Tiger, Ram, Snake, Monkey, Bird, Dog The Saturn still remaining on the street recited in his own head, chakra from his palm summoning a fierce, thunderous two and a half feet tall hound made of lightning. Its eyes were red and it was equipped with two rows of teeth both six inches long and six inches wide - buzzing with the sound thunder. "Raiton: Raiju Tsuiga!" He yelled, trying to get the Kaguya's attention. The hound bolted in the direction of the Kaguya, running in a zigzag pattern, leaving behind a trail of lightning, the display causing many rebels, civilians and dutiful shinobi to stop and stare. Saturn hoped that his gamble would at least land him a conversation with the dark haired shinobi for long enough to talk some sense into him.
Raiju Tsuiga:

Jutsu used:
Shadow Clone (-30 AP)
Remaining AP: 385-40-45-5=295 

WC: 612
TWC: 611+590=1202

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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Sat May 28, 2022 10:24 pm
Meika has no idea what she was witnessing. Her phantom eyes took a second to watch as a blonde shinobi hovered over a body. The expression on his face shown only disappointment after Meika noticed him checking the vitals of the motionless body. But after seeing the pair of handcuffs being placed amongst the body, she felt like it was same to assume that the man was still alive.

This was increasingly getting out of hand.

The berserking one made his way over to where both Meika and the young girl that was within her arms stood at. A few protestors surrounded the two females, which must have been what captured the blood thirsty man's attention.

She didn't know what to really make of these events. Everything was happening so quickly and even the arrests was getting out of hand. They needed the protesters to be ALIVE for interrogation. There must be a real reason as to why these events have sparked up more frequently. What was it that caused such an increase of the uproar?

Well, Meika didn't have the time to think about that right at the moment. She had the little frightened girl within her arms, and plenty young on around them. One of the protestors with I'll intent was making his way closer to the two women, and the berserker was about to square off with another.

"Alright!!" Meika yelled over all the chaos. She could feel her body growing hot with fury and frustration. She lowered the girl to the ground, one arm still wrapped around her for reassurance as Meika performed handseals with her free hand. At the same time, her familiar Nanaki would charge at the protestor that was foolish enough to approach the girls position.  His claws slashed as the man's face to catch him by surprise, stunning him for a second or two as Nanaki quickly ascended back into the air.

The three protesting shinobi that was surrounding Meika already had their attention on her. The one with the clawed up face was furious, yet hesitant about being attacked again by her bird. The other was about to spring up on the little girl. And the third turned his head to the shouting of Meika's voice, while the hands of the berserker had him caught. Meika could see that the berserking man was about to strike him with a powerful attack.

But her handseals would deliver a genjutsu amongst the three protesters, their change of attention throwing them into a realm of complete darkness. Making them weak in comparison to the ones who was still able to see. The protestors shouted in confusion and fear, hesitating on what to do next.

"I beg you to hold your strike Sir!" Meika's voice was directed to the berserker. Hoping that she would be able to somehow cause him to halt killing the protester. "We need them alive to get to the bottom of this. This mission was directed as a crowd control and arrest, not an execution." Her words held strong, even though she had a dount that the man would even listen to her. If that was the case, Meika would be prepared to cover the little girl's eyes from witnessing the protestor being punched right through.

There was not much else to do. With the protestors blinded and confused, and the street fighting dying down, the three on the mission would have an easier time to perform the rest of the arrests. -Mission Completion and Thread Exit-

{WC: 581 | TWC: 1,358}
Battle Notes:

{Mission Claims} 6,000 ryo + 30 AP
{WC Claims} 10 Speed | 3 Vigor for Nanaki
Stage 2 Uchugan 25% discount from max stats  (1,448/2,250) 90 from here
Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 17500

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Tue May 31, 2022 2:31 pm
Ren was happy to get an outlet for his violence, but his rampage was cut short. A lightning beast came after him bearing its fangs, but his armor of bone deflected the damage. the lighting from the attack ran through his boy, but there was no effect. Weak... Ren was not impressed by the beast. Though it was certainly something with a fearful appearance it had virtually no effect on Ren. 

Nevertheless, the attack did give the protesters time to realize that they were in trouble. Most fled except for one Ren caught by the collar. He was going to finish them off, but both of the other two shinobi had mentioned they needed some people alive. I can't fight either of these two without trouble... A vision of him being kicked from his comfortable apartment he'd recently moved into frightened him more than his loss of an opportunity to fight. 

Ren slung the girl whose collar he'd caught to the floor. You. Don't move. Ren looked around and noticed the protest had essentially died down. The little girl, this woman, and the unconscious man. They should be enough, right? He picked the woman up and slug her over her shoulder. At least, I'll get my money.He sighed. He started to set off towards the mission center, but instead he stopped and then turned towards the blonde that was near the unconscious man. Ren walked to him glaring directly at him and then stop right in front of him. He then bent down and picked up the larger unconscious man. You, make a report. I don't know how. He then set of towards the mission counter carrying both of the protestors on his shoulders.

Claiming mission rewards
and Jotun grip rank C-rank
193 words toward B-rank jotun grip
+22AP from max stats
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Tue May 31, 2022 5:28 pm
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission] Empty Re: Rebels Stuck in the Past [Mission]

Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:32 pm
 The cackling lightning beast made its way to the Kaguya and made contact. Saturn held his breath - he had expected the shinobi to dodge his technique but instead he had tanked it without sustaining any visible damage. Not a single scratch... He's strong.. Saturn gulped. Had he made his point, or was he in a world of trouble? He waited to see what would happen next.
The blonde haired figure tensed up as the Kaguya approached him, but he bravely stood his ground albeit while holding his breath, bracing for a possible assault. Getting mauled by this particular shinobi was not going to be anything like the brawl that had broken out between him and the old geezer in cuffs. He did not resist as the shinobi picked up the restrained protestor that lay helpless on the ground. Thankfully for Saturn, the berserker seemed to have finally come back to his senses. "If you don't know how, I could teach you." He made a sly remark, almost muttering under his breath. From this close, the two shinobi literally saw eye to eye as they seemed to be exactly the same height. Furthermore, he related to an aspect of the man in front of him in the fact that they were both here for the bounty, to be able to afford their means of housing. Although he would not know for sure, as a fellow Kumon of a similar age, they had at least some shared obstacles. Although they were nearly identical in height, it was glaringly obvious that the Kaguya had a much more menacing presence. Regardless, the thunderous display set forth by Saturn had somehow performed its intended function. Looking around at the three protestors that had been detained, all three seemed to be in a state of fear and confusion. The kunoichi that Saturn had noticed among the crowd earlier had performed a sequence of hand seals just prior. Did she do something to them..? He thought to himself as Ren walked away from the alley. He finally exhaled and then turned into a dumpster as Saturn released his precautionary use of Substitution Technique. The second copy, the solid clone that he had used to perform his lightning technique subsequently disappeared into a puff of smoke. From behind the dumpster, the real Saturn emerged and let out a heavy sigh of relief watching the Kaguya disappear from his sight. 
 He glanced at Meika right before she made her exit and gave her a subtle nod to affirm that he would take up the duty of finishing up the report. He was visibly shaken by the situation that had just unfolded in front of him, and was unable to string his words together. "I'll do the finish up the report." He stammered unconvincingly and walked in the opposite direction to cool off.
 'Three shinobi were responsible for the arrest of three protestors at the market place today,' He wrote in his report, 'I played the role of luring out the sole male specimen from a local shop. The protest seemed to be politically driven. An escalation of emotions caused a violent riot where more rebels revealed themselves from the crowd over time. No civilians were harmed during the chaos. Many rebels fled as the loyal Kumon ninjas flooded the area to control the situation.. Two female protestors were further detained.' He went on to write more details into his report, purposefully omitting certain details about the berserker's actions. He wanted none of that smoke.

WC: 585
TWC: 1787

2x Mission Rewards (Beloved Presence); 12000 Ryo, +60 AP
376 words towards upgrading Temporary Paralysis from C rank to B rank; C rank achieved and 1124/1500 trained here
1411 words towards Psycho Mind Transmission
+17 speed

Last edited by Saturn on Sun Jul 03, 2022 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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