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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Museum Tours!  Empty Museum Tours!

Fri Jul 01, 2022 11:28 am

"Yes, right this way, please, hurry along!" Hikari would say in an cheery voice.

A group of visitors would continue to follow the Akari around as they walked through Saint Markovia's museum of religious history. It was late last night when Lord Iwawa received news that his head tour guide had fallen ill and wouldn't be able to give an important private tour of the museum, and all of the other employees couldn't make it for a variatey of meetings. As a last ditch attempt, Lord Iwawa reached out to the former deputy kage to see if she could possibly give the tour. The Kunochi obviously knew all about the religion practiced Haven, having been a member of the religion for some years now, and felt confident enough in her abilities in giving the speech, so the former Nova said that it would be her pleasure. The Akari's long blonde hair was tied up into a half crown around he back of her head, leaving what was leftover to be pulled back into a pony tail. She wore a silvery white dress that fell down to her knees, intertwined with black cloth to make her appearance seem more noble. From her ears hung a golden Hoshigakure star symbol, complimented with a midnight black set of higheel shoes. The Kunochi had dolled herself up for today, wearing a generous amount of Mascara eyeliner, cleaner, lipstick, and blush. In addition to those facial cosmetics, her byakugan eye would be hidden under a colored contact lenses that would make the eye appear like a normal. The eye would seem to have an oceanic blue Iris. Her other eye would be an unnatural yellow color, the natural color of an inactive Goldeneye. Her ovall appearance  made her appear less like a tour guide and more like a princess.

"Oh!!! What is that?" One of the nobles would ask pointing at a rather large sword that was on display.

"I was just about to get to that actually." The Kunochi would explain. "That is the sword of Saint Malvin. Over two hundred years ago, he single handedly stood up against the entirety of Imagaki's bandit forces. Scholars debate how many men were on his side, but the general consensus is that it is somewhere between two and three hundred. He was able to accomplish this by catching their men as they passed through a tight ravine that would only allow four or five men to pass at a time. By himself he was able to hold the passage for 3 days while his soldiers bunkered down and fortified the capital of Haven. Eventually though, exhaustion got the better of him as he blacked out on the battlefield." Hikari would clap her hands to get her people's attention. "But anyways! That isn't what we are all here for, is it? If you wanted war stories, Have wasn't the right country to come to visit. No, you are all here to learn more about the religious history of our country. Now here, come this way and we have many more displays about our fine culture!"


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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 6500

Museum Tours!  Empty Re: Museum Tours!

Fri Jul 01, 2022 10:29 pm
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