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Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Jinroku
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 18000

Museum boy Empty Museum boy

Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:58 pm

Not many kids are as resilient as Jin, and few can survive independently, but Jin seems to be doing quite a good job of surviving. Nature was quite harsh was quite harsh to the young aranha that he did not even know his parent. The boy had been surviving and coming out strong despite all odds. The blue-eyed shinobi who is now residing in Kumogakure has been mixing well in his new environment. Though he hasn’t made any real friends yet, he seems to be enjoying his stay in this new village, and the village seems to be welcoming. There are so many things Jin loved since he arrived in the village, but the food variety and their uniqueness were what had got his attention. The only thing he noticed about the food was they were more expensive than when he was in the village of his caretaker. It’s easy to see why food was more expensive here tho. He came from a very small village. Kumogakure was one of the most renowned villages in the shinobi world, Land of Lightning being one of the five great nations, alongside the land of fire, land of earth, land of wind, and land of water. House rent and a lot of other things were expensive thing, but it’s easy to see why.

Jin had been surviving on the money he brought into the village, he took one mission one time and got paid for it, but he could not keep living on it, he would need to take another mission to get money for upkeep again.   The blue-eyed had applied for another mission, but this time, it was a C-rank mission with the potential to pay more money, so the reward from this mission should go a long way.   Just like the previous mission that he has taken in kumogakure, the mission would come in an email box.

The young shinobi would go grab the mission and walk back into the house where he was staying, opening the mission letter to see the details. “The local museum needs help with the gift shop, tickets, and giving tours of their vast collection. Help out in any area that you can. Be nice to the children attending the museum. If you are doing a guided tour, be sure to be descriptive and cover the vast history of the world. Collect your pay at the end of the day, and be sure to visit again”, he would read to himself. The aranha realized this was a slightly more difficult mission than the one he previously had.  The particular mission would need to research the museum as he would need some prior knowledge to be able to help with the tour. He would also need to research the vast collection in the local museum if he is to function effectively in this mission. The young shinobi would walk back into his home, settling down to plan the mission. He would also take time to gather materials about the local museum.
Jin had taken a similar mission before while his mother was still alive in his small village. The young Aranha remembered how he took time to   study the materials about the local museum that the tourists visited, and this studying really helped him in explaining and guiding the tourists around. The young Aranha plans to do the same again. He would start studying at the local museum. He had just a few days to prepare for the mission. He would also take time to explore the museum himself before the D-day. He needed the see what the local museum looks like at least once before the D-day to get a feel of what he was going into.

The day finally came and the young Aranha was ready for the mission. He had taken his bath and had breakfast. Don in a long black cloak, that concealed two pairs of his arm, with only a pair extending outwards, black pant trouser and black shinobi sandals. The aranha was ready, as he would step outside the house. The young shinobi had once been at the local museum, so he was familiar with the route and he did not take long before he located the local museum again. The young Aranha ensured he arrived early before tourists and visitors started coming in to get things set. The entrance of the local museum had all kinds of statue.
The inside was very aesthetic too with several ancient statue and image portrait of several ancient creatures. Jin would immediately take his position behind the stand. A few people had already started coming in but no one was touring yet. Seem they were taking their time to check out things. The local also had ticket shops, gift cards and so on. Whoever would tour the local museum must buy a ticket per head, which was according to what Jin was told. There were also security guards around incase of any inappropriate activities. “If you are touring the museum, queue on this line. You would need to buy a ticket to enter for a tour. If you are here to for something else, queue into the line, maybe to buy a portrait or so.” The blue eyed would speak in a loud tone as he pointed to his right and left to describe which line both parties are queuing into.  There were not many people around yet, so there was not much of a queue yet. Most of the people around seems to be here to buy one or two things. The aranha would begin the sales of the portrait as he attended to the queue of those who are here for a quick portrait.  The person would need to tell Jin which portrait he wanted to buy and Jin would look for it. If it was available, he would sell to them and save the money in the money box, there was also a tip box for whoever wanted to add a tip. So far, the Aranha had made some sales but no tip yet, but that is fine, as he would collect his own payment from the village that assigned him the mission.  Even if he was given tip, the tips go to the local museum and not Jin. But again, that seems ok, so far Jin is getting paid the end of the day.   Seconds by, minutes by, and Hours passed, the majority of those who wanted a quick buy were attended to. Those who were here for the tour have been given ticket numbers, so they don’t have to be standing in the queue till the time for the tour. Most them are just hanging around checking the environment while others left and mentioned they would return at the time of the guided tour. The young Aranha had given a particular time when the guided tour would begin, and those who wanted to join the guided tour at that particular time must have bought the tour ticket before then.  The young aranha may change his later to allow people to buy tour ticket at the time of the tour but that is unlikely and depends on the situation. Those people might have to been given another time for the next tour and hang out till the time. 
It was now time for the tour to take place, and all those who bought the ticket initially were ready, with Jin leading them. The young Jin would notice a few people were just coming for the guided tour, and since there were not many of them, he would let them buy the tour ticket and join the current tour. Once everything was complete, the young would begin. First, they would all enter a room, the room would lead to very wide area that housed a lot of artifacts, portraits, and other things in the local museum, but first, the young aranha must do something. The boy would collect the tour ticket from each and every person in the room, and those who had had their ticket collected would be allowed to enter into the wide area housing the staff in the local museum. The young aranha has had quite a lot to do today, including yell and walking up and down. This is a lot to do for someone who loves calmness and does not talk too much. But it is funny what people can do for money. Money rules the world and he needs to have a lot of it.  Once the aranha had checked everyone in, he would proceed to start the guided tour. Fortunately, everyone in the room had their tour ticket and was checked in. Had there been anyone without a tour ticket, they would have been sent outside to the main entrance and asked to buy a tour ticket before they could come in. Although the museum was not heavily guarded, there were some security guards around to keep the area in check. 
Once everyone had entered into the wide area, the door would be locked. There were guards in the wide area too to keep things in check. The aranha would start by showing the group of people several artifacts in the area, to raise their curiosity. He would be sure to answer their question because he knew they would have questions. “As you know this Kumogakure , and the leader of kumogakure is called Raikage. First raikage was one of the strongest shinobi during his era This was the First Raikage shinobi boot. It was said that he single-handedly killed about a thousand shinobi in combat, undefeated, only passing out due to exhaustion.” He would say to the group as he unveiled the boot inside a glass box. These were not things that the aranha knew before but thanks to all the studying and research, he was a useful resource in this guided tour. Jin and the group would proceed to move further. “This was the fifth Raikage’s sword, made out of pure steel.  The fifth package fought alongside the sixth Hokage in the fourth great ninja war. The fifth raikage was also popularly known for using storm release which he made use of in the fourth great ninja war. Storm release is now a popular advanced element used by many shinobi around the world. It was first seen used by the fifth Raikage, it is possible that it had be used by several other people before, but the platform in which the fifth Hokage used it made it popular. I mean, during the fourth great ninja war.” Jinroku would say to the group as he unveiled the sword.  The boy was sure there would be a lot of questions stirring up in the people’s minds right now, as he paused for them to ask questions. He would attend to their question one after the other, trying to answer each question in the best possible way. After the Aranha had answered all questions, they would further to unveil something else. “This was the fourth raikage twin brother’s twin sword, whose name was Bee, popularly referred to as killer bee. He also fought alongside the six Hokage in the fourth great ninja war. He was also the eight-tail beast Jinchuriki before it was extracted by him by Madara Uchiha, one of the strongest shinobi that the world has ever known.  The twin sword also helped Killer Bee fight Kisame before he acquired his sameheda sword. The twin sword was known for it extreme sharpness, cutting through all rock and steel with ease” , Jinroku would say as he unveil a new set of piece. He would do this and pause to take questions. After that, he would continue to guide and explain to the group details about each piece and equipment. Once he was done guiding this group on the tour, he would let them out and bring in another set of people who already purchased the tour ticket. This he would do until the end of the day. The aranha would deliver the money jar to his superior which was his supervisor. At the end of his mission, he would get his mission and return home.

WC:  2032


claiming 4000ryo, 20ap
20 vigor points

1651wc into water wall (99/1750 = 1750/1750) B rank previous claim here

381wc to nin amplifier 381/2500
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Museum boy Empty Re: Museum boy

Sat Aug 10, 2024 9:36 pm
Jinroku wrote:
WC:  2032


claiming 4000ryo, 20ap
20 vigor points

1651wc into water wall (99/1750 = 1750/1750) B rank previous claim here

381wc to nin amplifier 381/2500

Museum boy JPYXIpT
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