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Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Baruga's Big Summer Blowout Empty Baruga's Big Summer Blowout

Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:42 pm
Mission Details:

Ah, the beach. Glorious sunshine, beautiful tides, and glistening bodies of every flavor imaginable. The smell of fresh fruit and sizzling food fills her nose, and Baruga's immediately happy that Kumogakure decided to finally get its stick out of its ass and allow some of their forces to come enjoy the sun.

(Of course, half of it was compounded by the fact that the Raikage himself was sick of his office and wanted some pleasure time, but that was nothing but a boon, really.)

Personally, Baruga couldn't wait to dive in those sparkling waters. So she didn't. The moment she could, she sprinted onto the hot sand and did a beautiful swan dive into the coast. All her responsibilities forgotten, all her inhibitions gone!

Once she finally got out of the water, though, she saw that more people were getting into the summer spirit, filling up the beach. One particular couple, which had a singular child, had set up their towels and umbrellas near where Baruga was sunbathing. He went off to play, and Baruga was content to catnap, her eyes covered by her sunglasses.

And then she was woken up. By sand on her face.

"Sorry, ma'am!"

She sat up and glared at the boy she'd seen before. The kid was a little noble boy, too; after all, he had the same accent as her, posh and prim. His messy black hair and crooked round glasses didn't seem the part, but she supposed that was just part of being a messy child.

"And what are you doing, then? Making a hole?"

"Ah — no, sorry. The other boys from my school are over there, and we decided to have a sand castle contest, and..."

He trailed off, and Baruga pulled down her sunglasses to look at the 'boys from his school'. True to form, there was a little blonde one with the worst teeth imaginable, and he had two friends with him, and they were all building a fairly sizable sand castle. Sizable for whatever elementary level they were at, anyways.

But the one next to her had a... hovel. To say the least.

Well, if Baruga was good at anything, it was ruining children's days. And, by her calculation, three ruined days was more than one.

"Alright, come here. I'll help."

The boy's eyes glistened, but he quickly caught up as she tried to give Baruga some idea of what he envisioned. It would, of course, be a moot point. Baruga was no Magnet Release user, nor did she manipulate sand, nor was she an architect. Her area of expertise was water and killing, so when the boy wanted a huge castle the size of himself, he wouldn't get it.

Perfectly manicured hands pressed wet sand into clumps, then into shapes. She used some of her own ninjutsu to help the cause — an E-Rank Drip Technique to moisten the sand, a D-Rank Mass Shift Technique to grab a nearby bucket without moving — and soon enough, the little boy had a castle to his name. A bucket-shaped castle adorned with shells and sticks and its very own moat (courtesy of herself), but a castle nonetheless.

As a finishing touch, Baruga summoned a few gold coins of Ryo and adorned the front of the castle with them. By the time the other boys came to compare — and subsequently complain, four young boys were having a fight about cheating or not, their parents were grumbling as they were pulled away from their peace and quiet, and her sandcastle was exponentially better than the piss-poor little villa the other children made.

She put back on her sunglasses and went back to sleep to the sweet sound of ruining someone's day. It was good to be Baruga.

WC: 627
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Baruga's Big Summer Blowout Empty Re: Baruga's Big Summer Blowout

Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:04 pm
Mission Details:

Of course, even paradise could stand to be imperfect at times. As much as she did love this place — she'd already gotten a full pedicure and manicure, as well as a full body massage, and even several free drinks on account of herself being incredibly attractive — Mikadzuki Beach was, if not anything else, a public beach.

Most people were thankfully civilized, as would be considered normal. However, vacations themselves caused more stress than actual work at times, and it was blatantly obvious with a few citizens that Baruga observed. Most of it was in the form of angsty teenagers and grumbling parents, but the biggest one was at night, right as Baruga was finished paying for dinner and leaving a restaurant.

The moment she walked out the doors, there was an incredibly attractive couple of people yelling at each other. Both of them were nursing bottles and spewing the worst accusations — cheating, insecurities, "you're just like my father!', all the usual jazz.

Usually, this is where Baruga would avert her eyes and let the divorce courts do their gods-given responsibilities, but then the couple — they couldn't be any older than their mid-twenties, if even that — whirled on her, and Baruga just knew she was about to be pulled into some type of harebrained argument as a third party.

"You! I need your opinion, just a moment —"

"'We' need her opinion, babe — Since, oh, it's soooo important, and you really wanna use 'we' —"

After a few minutes of walking the drunk couple in the direction of their hotel and listening to their... admittedly abridged and scatterbrained issues, Baruga squinted and sighed, assessing the situation.

The first woman — blonde, blue eyes, cherubic, conventionally attractive — was from an old-fashioned family, and rebelled against them to pursue their current spouse. Of course, the whole thing was a shotgun wedding, partially borne out of spite, partially out of desperation. Once their initial spark faded away and reality set in, it became apparent that her now-fiancé was a lone wolf, wanted distance, and didn't trust anyone. Which was the opposite of what she expected out of a marriage partner — and set off some insecurities about her partner possibly cheating on her.

The second woman — blue hair, pink eyes, tattoos and callouses on her fists — was a rough-and-tumble street kid who later became a bartender. Apparently, blondie decided to ask her bartender to help this insane plot of hers, and Ms. Bartender was so in love that she went along with it. Turns out, Ms. Bartender had a terrible inferiority complex and thought that blondie didn't deserve her, but from between the lines, Baruga figured out that it meant blondie deserved better.

All Baruga had to do was point all those things out. Once she did, all the fears and apprehensions seemed to vanish in an instant, and the couple decided there and then that yes, this was their honeymoon, and they were going to consummate it with passionate, fervent kisses... in front of the door of their hotel, rather than in their hotel room.

Clearing her throat after watching about five minutes of absolute snoggery, the couple looked to Baruga, and the kunoichi made something that sounded like "so glad to help you, I'll be going now", and then left.


WC: 558
TWC: 1185
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Baruga Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : ☁️
Summoning Contract : ☁️
Familiar : ☁️
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : SPACE-TIME.
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10000

Baruga's Big Summer Blowout Empty Re: Baruga's Big Summer Blowout

Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:27 am
Exit Claims
— 5+5 Beachside Tickets
— 1000 + 1000 Ryo
— Using 25% Discount:
— 289 WC to Water Release: Bouncy Wall at C-Rank (750/750) (in conjunction with this exit claim)
— 375 WC to Water Release: Bouncy Wall at B-Rank (1125/1125)
— 521 WC to Water Release: Bouncy Wall at A-Rank (1646/1875)
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Baruga's Big Summer Blowout Empty Re: Baruga's Big Summer Blowout

Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:46 pm
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